Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

SherriMunnerlyn, Connery, et al,

Definitions and descriptions are successive approximations of the impact; but, are no substitute for real observations.

Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. ....

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

One only has to look at the cultures and civilizations that embrace Islam and/or Sharia Law to rate them according to the freedoms they have, the advancement the culture makes, and the contributions they make in order to determine if that is what they want.

One of the problems with Islamic/Muslim Lands and Sharia law is that the shift tends to radicalize the population; and there is no turning back. The top 10 most prosperous Islamic/Muslim countries in the world (by GDP) are:
  • Qatar GDP = $173,320
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Kuwait GDP = $160,916
  • UAE GDP = $338,690
  • Bahrain GDP = $25,825
  • Oman GDP = $72,680
  • Iran GDP = $521,835
  • Saudi Arabia GDP = $597,086
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
Then subtract those that are artificially held high because they are energy export nations.
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
  • Libya GDP = $31,373
  • Lebanon GDP = $39,039
  • Azerbaijan GDP = $63,404
  • Tunisia GDP = $46,332
  • Albania GDP = $13,000
  • Algeria GDP = $198,735
  • Egypt GDP = $231,222
  • Turkmenistan GDP = $25,742
  • Jordan GDP = $28,840
  • Maldives GDP = $2,050
  • Syria GDP = $64,273

Now look at the top nations that are not using energy resources as a crutch to the economy.
  • US GDP = $14,991,300
  • China GDP = $7,203,784
  • Japan GDP = $5,870,357
  • Germany GDP = $3,604,061
  • France GDP = $2,775,518
  • Brazil GDP = $2,476,651
  • UK GDP = $2,429,184
  • Italy GDP = $2,195,937
  • India GDP = $1,897,608
  • Russia GDP = $1,857,770
  • Canada GDP = $1,736,869
  • Australia GDP = $1,515,468

You will notice that these are (generally) younger cultures and nations (excluding China, Brazil and Russia), and none the G8/G20 nations are Islamic/Muslim.

Put another way: Examine the chart on page GDP Per Captia Ranking: Middle East and North Africa. Look at where Israel ranks in comparison to all the other Islamic/Muslim states (this is a variation of the IQ Test Question: Which of these does not belong with the rest? Hint: It is not Muslim or Islamic!). The only countries that out-rank them are Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain; and they are all Kingdoms.

Decide where you want to be and what kind of culture you want to have.

Most Respectfully,

A very interesting way to view this situation.
SherriMunnerlyn, Connery, et al,

Definitions and descriptions are successive approximations of the impact; but, are no substitute for real observations.

Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. ....

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

One only has to look at the cultures and civilizations that embrace Islam and/or Sharia Law to rate them according to the freedoms they have, the advancement the culture makes, and the contributions they make in order to determine if that is what they want.

One of the problems with Islamic/Muslim Lands and Sharia law is that the shift tends to radicalize the population; and there is no turning back. The top 10 most prosperous Islamic/Muslim countries in the world (by GDP) are:
  • Qatar GDP = $173,320
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Kuwait GDP = $160,916
  • UAE GDP = $338,690
  • Bahrain GDP = $25,825
  • Oman GDP = $72,680
  • Iran GDP = $521,835
  • Saudi Arabia GDP = $597,086
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
Then subtract those that are artificially held high because they are energy export nations.
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
  • Libya GDP = $31,373
  • Lebanon GDP = $39,039
  • Azerbaijan GDP = $63,404
  • Tunisia GDP = $46,332
  • Albania GDP = $13,000
  • Algeria GDP = $198,735
  • Egypt GDP = $231,222
  • Turkmenistan GDP = $25,742
  • Jordan GDP = $28,840
  • Maldives GDP = $2,050
  • Syria GDP = $64,273

Now look at the top nations that are not using energy resources as a crutch to the economy.
  • US GDP = $14,991,300
  • China GDP = $7,203,784
  • Japan GDP = $5,870,357
  • Germany GDP = $3,604,061
  • France GDP = $2,775,518
  • Brazil GDP = $2,476,651
  • UK GDP = $2,429,184
  • Italy GDP = $2,195,937
  • India GDP = $1,897,608
  • Russia GDP = $1,857,770
  • Canada GDP = $1,736,869
  • Australia GDP = $1,515,468

You will notice that these are (generally) younger cultures and nations (excluding China, Brazil and Russia), and none the G8/G20 nations are Islamic/Muslim.

Put another way: Examine the chart on page GDP Per Captia Ranking: Middle East and North Africa. Look at where Israel ranks in comparison to all the other Islamic/Muslim states (this is a variation of the IQ Test Question: Which of these does not belong with the rest? Hint: It is not Muslim or Islamic!). The only countries that out-rank them are Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain; and they are all Kingdoms.

Decide where you want to be and what kind of culture you want to have.

Most Respectfully,

You can spend every day the rest of your life judging other nations and rating them as inferior by standards you choose, but I see such an undertaking as rather pointless. The way I look at it, all governments have their problems and it should be up to individual peoples to choose their own governments. If people in the ME want Shariah law, they should have the right to have Shariah law. Sherri
Since this is supposed to be a thread about Gaza students, I thought I would bring up something I noticed happening with Gaza students. They are shunning the West and its influences. I was reading about a student who went on a trip to Malaysia and she turned down a free trip to the US. She rejects our culture, she rejects our opportunities, she rejects our affluence. Sherri
"Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of aGgression."

"Better Shariah....................."

"THAN" ................."killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression."

- it just hit me like a ton of bricks. she's a fake. she's no "Christian." "BETTER SHARIA" - yeah right. she's pretending she's "Christian." ...and what she just doesn't make sense - even TO ME ?!?

Shariah/killing people with nuclear weapons…sounds like iran….eh, they're ALL the same........................sharia swillin' swine..........

SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I agree in part.

You can spend every day the rest of your life judging other nations and rating them as inferior by standards you choose, but I see such an undertaking as rather pointless. The way I look at it, all governments have their problems and it should be up to individual peoples to choose their own governments. If people in the ME want Shariah law, they should have the right to have Shariah law. Sherri

Yes, there are many ways to assess the pro's and con's of any nation and its culture. But the more a culture is prosperous, the more options one has to choose from. The less restrictive a culture, the more one can exercise their opportunities to live in the way they want to live. The same is not true for the restrictive cultures of the Islamic/Muslim world.
Decide where you want to be and what kind of culture you want to have.

You can build a Mosque, a Temple, a Cathedral, a Shrine, or Conclave for any religion you choose in the US; without fear or repercussions. In most cases, the governments give special dispensation to place of religious worship. And it is (very much) frowned upon in the US to challenge or discriminate against a religious belief, its culture or the people that follow that belief. We take a very dim view on intolerance (although there are cases of it from time to time). But in the Islamic/Muslim world, the same cannot be said.

We may not agree with the politics or religious belief of every given culture. But in the US, there is a responsibility of citizenship to support and defend The Constitutional Right of everyone to worship as they please, believe as the please, and to pursue their dreams as they please (so long as it doesn't pose a threat to public safety or interfere with the rights of others). Many of us has sworn an oath to that effect.

Since this is supposed to be a thread about Gaza students, I thought I would bring up something I noticed happening with Gaza students. They are shunning the West and its influences. I was reading about a student who went on a trip to Malaysia and she turned down a free trip to the US. She rejects our culture, she rejects our opportunities, she rejects our affluence. Sherri

Again, it is their right to decide. The American way of life, our beliefs on tolerance, our search for a more perfect Union, improvements to the establishment of justice, our task to insure domestic tranquility, our ability to provide for the common defense, our efforts to improve the general Welfare, and pledge to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and future generation --- our nation is NOT for everyone. Not every culture or people have the strength to build and maintain a Union such as ours. It is a lot of work, and beyond the capacity of many.

Again, they have to decide. The US is not perfect --- no it is not perfect by a long shot. But everyday, we try to work and make it better. We don't always succeed, but we never give-up. When we fall down, there is no one the US can go and cry to ... we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get on with the effort. It is not a culture that some people want to be a part of in the world.

So I commend the Gazian Student for making an informed choice and choosing the path in life they want. Reject America! --- if it is not to their taste, their ethic, and their satisfaction (or if you just plain do like the look of it). Oddly enough --- that is exactly what Americans do if they don't like it, oddly enough (the Gazian Students' choice) is doing it the American way (anyway).

Most Respectfully,
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Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I agree in part.

You can spend every day the rest of your life judging other nations and rating them as inferior by standards you choose, but I see such an undertaking as rather pointless. The way I look at it, all governments have their problems and it should be up to individual peoples to choose their own governments. If people in the ME want Shariah law, they should have the right to have Shariah law. Sherri

Yes, there are many ways to assess the pro's and con's of any nation and its culture. But the more a culture is prosperous, the more options one has to choose from. The less restrictive a culture, the more one can exercise their opportunities to live in the way they want to live. The same is not true for the restrictive cultures of the Islamic/Muslim world.
Decide where you want to be and what kind of culture you want to have.

You can build a Mosque, a Temple, a Cathedral, a Shrine, or Conclave for any religion you choose in the US; without fear or repercussions. In most cases, the governments give special dispensation to place of religious worship. And it is (very much) frowned upon in the US to challenge or discriminate against a religious belief, its culture or the people that follow that belief. We take a very dim view on intolerance (although there are cases of it from time to time). But in the Islamic/Muslim world, the same cannot be said.

We may not agree with the politics or religious belief of every given culture. But in the US, there is a responsibility of citizenship to support and defend The Constitutional Right of everyone to worship as they please, believe as the please, and to pursue their dreams as they please (so long as it doesn't pose a threat to public safety or interfere with the rights of others). Many of us has sworn an oath to that effect.

Since this is supposed to be a thread about Gaza students, I thought I would bring up something I noticed happening with Gaza students. They are shunning the West and its influences. I was reading about a student who went on a trip to Malaysia and she turned down a free trip to the US. She rejects our culture, she rejects our opportunities, she rejects our affluence. Sherri

Again, it is their right to decide. The American way of life, our beliefs on tolerance, our search for a more perfect Union, improvements to the establishment of justice, our task to insure domestic tranquility, our ability to provide for the common defense, our efforts to improve the general Welfare, and pledge to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and future generation --- our nation is NOT for everyone. Not every culture or people have the strength to build and maintain a Union such as ours. It is a lot of work, and beyond the capacity of many.

Again, they have to decide. The US is not perfect --- no it is not perfect by a long shot. But everyday, we try to work and make it better. We don't always succeed, but we never give-up. When we fall down, there is no one the US can go and cry to ... we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get on with the effort. It is not a culture that some people want to be a part of in the world.

So I commend the Gazian Student for making an informed choice and choosing the path in life they want. Reject America! --- if it is not to their taste, their ethic, and their satisfaction (or if you just plain do like the look of it). Oddly enough --- that is exactly what Americans do if they don't like it, oddly enough (the Gazian Students' choice) is doing it the American way (anyway).

Most Respectfully,

howard zinn may have a different spin on that.

i suppose we could apply your thoughts to individuals and extol the virtues of an uncaught bernie madoff as opposed to the vices of a bunch of foolish old people.

what americans do that they (gazans) don't like is we supply their enemiy with sophisticated weaponry that kills their children.

in my america there is a sense of justice and fair play that appears to be absent in your flowery words. when thomas jefferson and the signatories decared "all men are created equal" they were speaking to the british...but that isn't reflected in a bottom line.
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

Not at all.

Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.

In general, I would say that if they are honest and people of integrity who refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, participating in, financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities then no one will bother them.

If they cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, perpetrators of terrorist acts --- no one will bother them.

While there are many that think - to be Palestinian is synonymous with being a Supporter of Terrorism, we are also obligated to provide them the same customs and courtesies we would render to anyone else that comes to visit the US. That doesn't mean that we will not be apprehensive or suspicious of them. The Palestinian has a reputation, a history of dangerous criminal behavior pattern as evidenced by past terrorist activity. The Palestinian is very proud of this dubious reputation and that puts them in a suspect category.

But Hey! Mickey Mouse will love you anyway --- at Disneyland. And if they go to Maui (Hawaii) (since the are already on the Pacific side), there is a place called "Jaws" ("Peahi" to the local residents) where you can catch some of the biggest waves in the world (routinely 40' and some as high as 60'-70') to surf. If you want to meet some of the most unusual people in the world, go to Peahi; you won't see an ugly American in the bunch.

Most Respectfully,
reabhloideach, et al,

Yes, while I write "spin" --- I like to do it with a bowl of Orange Sherbet.

howard zinn may have a different spin on that.

I suppose I would be inclined to listen to poor Howard (RIP) if he spoke to me today.

i suppose we could apply your thoughts to individuals and extol the virtues of an uncaught bernie madoff as opposed to the vices of a bunch of foolish old people.

Like I said, American isn't perfect. It is a work-in-progress; a bit farther along then any of the Islamic/Muslim states or cultures.

what americans do that they (gazans) don't like is we supply their enemiy with sophisticated weaponry that kills their children.

I guess that what American find distasteful it that Palestinians try to pretend that they never provoked any of the military response. They shoot 500 rockets into Israel, then cry: What did we do to deserve Operation Cast Lead?

No, no! American children play the game: "Who started it." (Each kid pointing to the other.) I did that myself in the 6th Grade.

From the Movie Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Mr. Dryden: said:
If we've been telling lies, you've been telling half-lies. A man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it.

in my america there is a sense of justice and fair play that appears to be absent in your flowery words. when thomas jefferson and the signatories decared "all men are created equal" they were speaking to the british...but that isn't reflected in a bottom line.

There is a difference between theoretical application and reality. We know that good old Thomas Jefferson owned over 600 slaves while in residence at Monticello. Today, there are no legal slaves or indentured servants in America. The reality is that "all men (humans)" are not created equal on a number of different levels. America is not divorced from reality. America has to deal with people of all levels on all levels. And there are Americans that are on unequal footing; economically, educationally, physically, and intellectually. There is social strata to contend with as well.

And fair play is not universal. In war, if you are a soldier, the object is to survive your mission. And if that requires overwhelming force, then that is what you apply. You don't wait for even odds. Survival on the battlefield is not a game; but a struggle of maximum effort. You kill them before they kill you. Suppression of fire is to overwhelm the opponent; they shoot one rocket, we send back ten. It is not a an exercise in attrition. You don't let them whittle you down to the point where you become an ineffective fighting force. They kill one of yours, you kill ten of them. It doesn't matter whether you are affecting supremacy in the air, on the ground, or at sea, the key is to establish absolute supremacy.

America is a highly competitive and complex environment. Like I said in a previous post, it is not for everyone.

Most Respectfully,
Since this is supposed to be a thread about Gaza students, I thought I would bring up something I noticed happening with Gaza students. They are shunning the West and its influences. I was reading about a student who went on a trip to Malaysia and she turned down a free trip to the US. She rejects our culture, she rejects our opportunities, she rejects our affluence. Sherri
But, Frau Sherri, everyone has the right to reject any culture they want. Do you really think that Americans would want to actually move to the Muslim world and take up their culture, especially if the Americans were women? Why don't you move and see how you like it after being a free woman in America? Meanwhile, let us remember those Americans who were killed by the Palestinians while they were on their way to deliver scholarships to American schools. By the way, if Frau Sherri's friends want to reject Western culture, they really should not immigrate but should stay in their own home countries. I am sure that the people of those Western countries in the Western Hemisphere as well as in Europe would be very happy to see that happen. Why in the world would Frau Sherri's friends want to immigrate here in such great numbers if they hate our culture?
Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.
Of course, Frau Sherri, supposedly an American citizens, would never mention that Americans stand a goodf chance of being thrown into a Muslim prisons and who knows when they will see the light of day. By the way, Frau Sherri, has that American pastor been released in Iran yet? Additionally, can you imagine how Frau Sherri would fare if some radical Islamic group caught up with her while she was visiting a country where they are operating? Does Frau Sherri think just because she happens to be a Dhimwit that she would be safe?
Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.
Well, Sherri, feel free to cite one example of a Palestinian detained by the US 'just for being Palestinian', and you might gain a shred of credibility in this context...
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An Elf, a Hobbit, and two Dwarves, all dressed in burqas? Tolkien's shade is restless tonight! :razz:
Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.
Well, Sherri, feel free to cite one example of a Palestinian detained by the US 'just for being Palestinian', and you might gain a shred of credibility in this context...

Peace between Israel and Palestine


Memorial for Riad Hamad. RIAD HAMAD ~~ VICTIM OF MOSSAD ? F B I MURDER TO BE REMEMBERED | Desertpeace
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I read the article.

Sadly, I do not expect it is even safe for those young students in Gaza to visit the US. They might find themselves in some place like Guantanamo Bay, just for being Palestinian.
Well, Sherri, feel free to cite one example of a Palestinian detained by the US 'just for being Palestinian', and you might gain a shred of credibility in this context...

Peace between Israel and Palestine


Memorial for Riad Hamad. RIAD HAMAD ~~ VICTIM OF MOSSAD ? F B I MURDER TO BE REMEMBERED | Desertpeace

So what ties the FBI and/or Mossad to this unexplained murder?

What is the allegation?

Most Respectfully,
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"FBI targets US Palestine activistsLast updated: 3 October 2010Searches, subpoenas, but no charges for anti-war activists 'providing support to terrorists' in Colombia and Palestine.Tracy Molm sometimes has a hard time paying rent, so it came as a surprise when American security forces banged on her door at 7am one morning, and searched her apartment under suspicions she provided material support to a terrorist organisation."

FBI targets US Palestine activists - Al Jazeera English
The US funds the Occupation, the US funds the human rights abuses, the US funds the hurting and killing of civilians and children in Palestine. Why would Gaza students want to come to the US? Of course, each individual has their own circumstances. Some may have relatives here or want to study here and their needs are dictated by their own personal circumstances.
Sherri... in the past several posts, you've given us absolutely nothing... zip... zilch... nada... of substance, to link US law-enforcement and intelligence services to the death of your one eample, other than to say 'many believe'...

Many believe that the earth is flat, too, but reality is a wee-bit different than the belief...

As to your attempts to portray US law-enforcement investigations or home-searches of a handful of Palestinians as typical... no sale there, either...

By your own admission, the handful of people so targeted were suspected of links to Hamas or Hezbollah, in at least one instance, linked to a chlidren's relief organization that is believed to be funneling charity money to fighters...

Hardly indicative of a campaign of harassment or oppression here in the US...

And then, having failed to establish your bona fides with respect to US harassment of Palestinians here in this country...

You then utilize a weak-as-can-be segue to ramble-on about the US funding the Palestinian Occupation and so why would a Gazan to come to the US and on and on and on...

Weren't you the one who just said - a few posts ago - that any Palestinian coming to the US was likely to end-up in Gitmo?

And weren't you challenged to produce something reasonable to substantiate your wild-and-wooly claim?

That didn't go very well for you, did it?

Next, you'll be telling us that there is an entire wing in Gitmo dedicated to Palestinians and that we're in cahoots with the Israelis, spiriting-away Palestinian terrorists to isolate them on that tropical island as a favor to our Israeli friends...

There's your next unfounded, baseless, bull<bleep> rumor... run with it...
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Interesting, yet a bit one-sided in the story here.

The US funds the Occupation, the US funds the human rights abuses, the US funds the hurting and killing of civilians and children in Palestine. Why would Gaza students want to come to the US? Of course, each individual has their own circumstances. Some may have relatives here or want to study here and their needs are dictated by their own personal circumstances.

As I've noted a couple of times prior to this, since about the time of the Oslo Accord, the US has funded the Palestinian Authority over $4B in various ways; or about $600M annually. There are not very many countries in the world that get as much per capita foreign aid in comparison to the people of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The US doesn't target "Palestinians;" or legitimate charities. The US targets perpetrators involved in organizing, instigating, facilitating, participating in, financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities. If you, or any other Palestinian, don't fit that description, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are using a charity to funnel money to a "terrorist activity," then expect to be treated accordingly.

Most Respectfully,
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