Gaza Is a Concentration Camp with ongoing crimes against humanity...

Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?

So why bring up the "rocket canard"? They exist. They are not peaceful.

Don't you think the Gazan government, as part of peace, should do something to control acts of violence towards Israel? Not limited to rockets -- stabbing attacks, calls for uprisings, bombings, etc.
I have no idea how the indigenous people can not defend themselves by any means they can come with in the concentration camp that you have confined them to.

I have no idea how to make sense of that sentence. But I think you are saying that Gazans should continue to attack Israel. Which means you reject my solution (which would help the Gazan people) of peace.
No illiterate, not even close. Try again...

View attachment 139410

Alright, then, would you and your dizzying intellect please spell out your solution for peace with Gaza?
Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?

So why bring up the "rocket canard"? They exist. They are not peaceful.

Don't you think the Gazan government, as part of peace, should do something to control acts of violence towards Israel? Not limited to rockets -- stabbing attacks, calls for uprisings, bombings, etc.
If you left for your actual ancestral homeland, then there would be no problem. You continue to miss the point. It is your treatment of the Palestinian people on their land that you stole that is at the base of this whole deal.
Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?
Nobody knows who fires them. And they almost always land in empty lots or vacant land.

Nobody knows who fires them.

Palestinian terrorists fire them.
So do mossad agents and the idf.
Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?
Nobody knows who fires them. And they almost always land in empty lots or vacant land.

Nobody knows who fires them.

Palestinian terrorists fire them.
So do mossad agents and the idf.

Lots of IDF walkin' around Gaza?
Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?
Nobody knows who fires them. And they almost always land in empty lots or vacant land.

Nobody knows who fires them.

Palestinian terrorists fire them.
So do mossad agents and the idf.

This is the obvious result of the boy's forehead making repeated impact with the floor.

I've noticed a real willingness (and need), for the madrassah attendees to buy in to conspiracy theories.
Oh jeese, the ol' rocket canard again.

Are you denying that any rockets have been launched? Or are you trying to suggest that rockets are a peaceful means of negotiation?

So why bring up the "rocket canard"? They exist. They are not peaceful.

Don't you think the Gazan government, as part of peace, should do something to control acts of violence towards Israel? Not limited to rockets -- stabbing attacks, calls for uprisings, bombings, etc.
It is Israel's war. Israel is the only one who can stop it.
It is Israel's war. Israel is the only one who can stop it.

You keep saying that. But you have yet to demonstrate how Israel can do it without destroying herself.

Why can't Gaza just quit it with the rockets and the knife attacks and the suicide bombs, huh?
Why can't Israel just quit with the colonialism and occupation?

You mean like in Gaza which is neither occupied by a single Jew nor "occupied"? Why is it is such a difficult thing to just stop attacking Israel and live in peace for the mutual benefit of both Gazans (!) and Israel?
Do you want an open border BEFORE Gaza stops its violence? Why would that sound reasonable to the Israelis?

And hey, once there is an open border, of course, the Jews will be permitted to live and establish homes and villages and cities anywhere, right?
Do you want an open border BEFORE Gaza stops its violence? Why would that sound reasonable to the Israelis?

And hey, once there is an open border, of course, the Jews will be permitted to live and establish homes and villages and cities anywhere, right?
Sure, if they did not bring Israel with them.
Why can't Israel just quit with the colonialism and occupation?

You mean like in Gaza which is neither occupied by a single Jew nor "occupied"? Why is it is such a difficult thing to just stop attacking Israel and live in peace for the mutual benefit of both Gazans (!) and Israel?
You are forgetting that 2/3 of the people in Gaza are refugees. Their land is still occupied.
Why can't Israel just quit with the colonialism and occupation?

You mean like in Gaza which is neither occupied by a single Jew nor "occupied"? Why is it is such a difficult thing to just stop attacking Israel and live in peace for the mutual benefit of both Gazans (!) and Israel?
You are forgetting that 2/3 of the people in Gaza are refugees. Their land is still occupied.

What you mean is that 2/3 of the people welfare stealing lay-abouts.
This must end for there to ever be even a chance at peace!...
True. You are no longer welcome in either Gaza or the West Bank. Leave. Then you will have peace.

...It is up to each of us to spread this information far and wide...
True. It is up to each of us to encourage the ragtag miscellany loosely labeled as 'Palestinians' to use common sense after 69 years and leave.


You need to pack up and move to Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Jewish Palestine... a.k.a. Israel... is no place for you.

You are not welcome there; you are squatting, you have no power to change that state of affairs; and the world is tired of your incessant whining.

Your neighbors no longer fight for you, they are now divided and fragmented and weak, and will be for generations to come.

There is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill to rescue you, there is hardly any land left to you and your pitiful holdings shrink every day.

You are far too weak to change anything, and any military action you attempt backfires on you, and you pay for it a hundred-fold, as you should.

BDS is a joke and Israel wipes its arse with anti-Jewish UN Resolutions.

Once again, Israel has friends in high places in several Western countries, and the world-at-large is never, ever going to use force to help you.

You are a "failed state" that never was, and never will be.

There is no future for you where you are now.


It is time for you to shake-off your 69-year-old delusion of "return" - that is never going to happen - never.

It is time for you to shake-off the leadership that keeps you in thrall to their delusional aspirations and self-serving political agenda.

It is time for you to face reality and figure another way to live and prosper and give your families a future, someplace else.

It is time to get off your arses and take control of your own lives and futures once again.

It is time for you to go.


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This must end for there to ever be even a chance at peace!...
True. You are no longer welcome in either Gaza or the West Bank. Leave. Then you will have peace.

...It is up to each of us to spread this information far and wide...
True. It is up to each of us to encourage the ragtag miscellany loosely labeled as 'Palestinians' to use common sense after 69 years and leave.


You need to pack up and move to Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Jewish Palestine... a.k.a. Israel... is no place for you.

You are not welcome there; you are squatting, you have no power to change that state of affairs; and the world is tired of your incessant whining.

Your neighbors no longer fight for you, they are now divided and fragmented and weak, and will be for generations to come.

There is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill to rescue you, there is hardly any land left to you and your pitiful holdings shrink every day.

You are far too weak to change anything, and any military action you attempt backfires on you, and you pay for it a hundred-fold, as you should.

BDS is a joke and Israel wipes its arse with anti-Jewish UN Resolutions.

Once again, Israel has friends in high places in several Western countries, and the world-at-large is never, ever going to use force to help you.

You are a "failed state" that never was, and never will be.

There is no future for you where you are now.


It is time for you to shake-off your 69-year-old delusion of "return" - that is never going to happen - never.

It is time for you to shake-off the leadership that keeps you in thrall to their delusional aspirations and self-serving political agenda.

It is time for you to face reality and figure another way to live and prosper and give your families a future, someplace else.

It is time to get off your arses and take control of your own lives and futures once again.

It is time for you to go.


Yes! There it is again. You brazen support for ethnically cleansing the indigenous people of that land is both honest and amazing.

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