Gaza Is a Concentration Camp with ongoing crimes against humanity...

This must end for there to ever be even a chance at peace! It is up to each of us to spread this information far and wide.

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

From a great activist/artist....

well, I've been to Gaza... apparently you haven't been.

it's certainly not a "concentration camp".

anti-semites need to stop appropriating tragedies that were foisted upon jews and pretending they're being foisted upon Palestinian terrorists.

and feel free to demand that Jordan take in it's transjordanian bedouins since they are who populate Gaza and the West Bank.

You are such an idiot. The Palestinians have no relationship with the Bedouins. The Palestinians are the native people of Palestine.

Gaza is a concentration camp. A large one.

ā€œThe misery in that unhappy strip of land is difficult to describe and more difficult to endure,ā€ he said. ā€œA young woman stood and told us: ā€˜Israel put us in a concentration camp.

Those who call themselves our leaders are taking away the air we breath.ā€™ā€ Brahimi added: ā€œSince 1967, Palestinians have endured grave acts of oppression, violence and collective punishment. Here, another dismal landmark, the tenth anniversary of the imposition of the blockade, which amounts to the collective punishment of 1.7 million people of Gaza, will be marked this year.ā€

Former UN envoy parallels between Gaza strip and a concentration camp

you're a terrorist supporting piece gf trash.

try talking about things you know, moron.

I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about Gaza, you terrorist supporting piece of crap.

"Amira Hass: ā€œLet me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Campā€

When I think of all my friends in Gaza ā€¦ not only my friendsā€¦that havenā€™t been out of the Gaza Strip for the past 20 years ā€¦ they are deprived of so many basic things, because Israel deprives them of peace, (the) basic right of freedom of movement.

Iā€™m not talking about food. Iā€™m not talking about even the water situation in Gaza, which is appalling and disastrous. Iā€™m talking about the very basic need of people to travel, to move, to see other places, to have both the ability to plan or the ability to be spontaneous. The Palestinians are deprived of all this.

In practice, Gaza has become a huge, let me be blunt, concentration camp for right now 1, 800,000 people. This is not a novelty. This is not something new. This did not start, unlike what many people think, with the rise of Hamas, Hamas being elected in 2006, or Hamas taking over the security agencies and apparatus in Gaza in 2007 after the short civil war. We can almost trace it to the moment when it started, and this is the 15th of January 1991 ā€” long before Oslo, long before Madrid, and of course long before the suicide attacks inside Israeli cities and against Israeli civilians.

Amira Hass: 'Let me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Camp'

Terrorism doesn't pay.

Generational freedom fighting usually pays when the demographics are in your favor as they are for the Palestinians. I see a Rhodesian or Algerian solution.
well, I've been to Gaza... apparently you haven't been.

it's certainly not a "concentration camp".

anti-semites need to stop appropriating tragedies that were foisted upon jews and pretending they're being foisted upon Palestinian terrorists.

and feel free to demand that Jordan take in it's transjordanian bedouins since they are who populate Gaza and the West Bank.

You are such an idiot. The Palestinians have no relationship with the Bedouins. The Palestinians are the native people of Palestine.

Gaza is a concentration camp. A large one.

ā€œThe misery in that unhappy strip of land is difficult to describe and more difficult to endure,ā€ he said. ā€œA young woman stood and told us: ā€˜Israel put us in a concentration camp.

Those who call themselves our leaders are taking away the air we breath.ā€™ā€ Brahimi added: ā€œSince 1967, Palestinians have endured grave acts of oppression, violence and collective punishment. Here, another dismal landmark, the tenth anniversary of the imposition of the blockade, which amounts to the collective punishment of 1.7 million people of Gaza, will be marked this year.ā€

Former UN envoy parallels between Gaza strip and a concentration camp

you're a terrorist supporting piece gf trash.

try talking about things you know, moron.

I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about Gaza, you terrorist supporting piece of crap.

"Amira Hass: ā€œLet me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Campā€

When I think of all my friends in Gaza ā€¦ not only my friendsā€¦that havenā€™t been out of the Gaza Strip for the past 20 years ā€¦ they are deprived of so many basic things, because Israel deprives them of peace, (the) basic right of freedom of movement.

Iā€™m not talking about food. Iā€™m not talking about even the water situation in Gaza, which is appalling and disastrous. Iā€™m talking about the very basic need of people to travel, to move, to see other places, to have both the ability to plan or the ability to be spontaneous. The Palestinians are deprived of all this.

In practice, Gaza has become a huge, let me be blunt, concentration camp for right now 1, 800,000 people. This is not a novelty. This is not something new. This did not start, unlike what many people think, with the rise of Hamas, Hamas being elected in 2006, or Hamas taking over the security agencies and apparatus in Gaza in 2007 after the short civil war. We can almost trace it to the moment when it started, and this is the 15th of January 1991 ā€” long before Oslo, long before Madrid, and of course long before the suicide attacks inside Israeli cities and against Israeli civilians.

Amira Hass: 'Let me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Camp'

Terrorism doesn't pay.

Generational freedom fighting usually pays when the demographics are in your favor as they are for the Palestinians. I see a Rhodesian or Algerian solution.

Generational fighting is a hallmark of Islamist ideology. So is tribalism as we see with the ongoing blood feud that separates the Hamas terrorists and the competing fatah terrorists.

We already see an Islamic style solution to that feud with gun battles and islamo-turf wars to settle their differences.
well, I've been to Gaza... apparently you haven't been.

it's certainly not a "concentration camp".

anti-semites need to stop appropriating tragedies that were foisted upon jews and pretending they're being foisted upon Palestinian terrorists.

and feel free to demand that Jordan take in it's transjordanian bedouins since they are who populate Gaza and the West Bank.

You are such an idiot. The Palestinians have no relationship with the Bedouins. The Palestinians are the native people of Palestine.

Gaza is a concentration camp. A large one.

ā€œThe misery in that unhappy strip of land is difficult to describe and more difficult to endure,ā€ he said. ā€œA young woman stood and told us: ā€˜Israel put us in a concentration camp.

Those who call themselves our leaders are taking away the air we breath.ā€™ā€ Brahimi added: ā€œSince 1967, Palestinians have endured grave acts of oppression, violence and collective punishment. Here, another dismal landmark, the tenth anniversary of the imposition of the blockade, which amounts to the collective punishment of 1.7 million people of Gaza, will be marked this year.ā€

Former UN envoy parallels between Gaza strip and a concentration camp

you're a terrorist supporting piece gf trash.

try talking about things you know, moron.

I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about Gaza, you terrorist supporting piece of crap.

"Amira Hass: ā€œLet me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Campā€

When I think of all my friends in Gaza ā€¦ not only my friendsā€¦that havenā€™t been out of the Gaza Strip for the past 20 years ā€¦ they are deprived of so many basic things, because Israel deprives them of peace, (the) basic right of freedom of movement.

Iā€™m not talking about food. Iā€™m not talking about even the water situation in Gaza, which is appalling and disastrous. Iā€™m talking about the very basic need of people to travel, to move, to see other places, to have both the ability to plan or the ability to be spontaneous. The Palestinians are deprived of all this.

In practice, Gaza has become a huge, let me be blunt, concentration camp for right now 1, 800,000 people. This is not a novelty. This is not something new. This did not start, unlike what many people think, with the rise of Hamas, Hamas being elected in 2006, or Hamas taking over the security agencies and apparatus in Gaza in 2007 after the short civil war. We can almost trace it to the moment when it started, and this is the 15th of January 1991 ā€” long before Oslo, long before Madrid, and of course long before the suicide attacks inside Israeli cities and against Israeli civilians.

Amira Hass: 'Let me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Camp'

Terrorism doesn't pay.

Generational freedom fighting usually pays when the demographics are in your favor as they are for the Palestinians. I see a Rhodesian or Algerian solution.

Muslims already vastly outnumber the Jews.
But all you guys export is oil, misery and terrorism.
If the oil ever runs out you'll starve.
You are such an idiot. The Palestinians have no relationship with the Bedouins. The Palestinians are the native people of Palestine.

Gaza is a concentration camp. A large one.

ā€œThe misery in that unhappy strip of land is difficult to describe and more difficult to endure,ā€ he said. ā€œA young woman stood and told us: ā€˜Israel put us in a concentration camp.

Those who call themselves our leaders are taking away the air we breath.ā€™ā€ Brahimi added: ā€œSince 1967, Palestinians have endured grave acts of oppression, violence and collective punishment. Here, another dismal landmark, the tenth anniversary of the imposition of the blockade, which amounts to the collective punishment of 1.7 million people of Gaza, will be marked this year.ā€

Former UN envoy parallels between Gaza strip and a concentration camp

you're a terrorist supporting piece gf trash.

try talking about things you know, moron.

I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about Gaza, you terrorist supporting piece of crap.

"Amira Hass: ā€œLet me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Campā€

When I think of all my friends in Gaza ā€¦ not only my friendsā€¦that havenā€™t been out of the Gaza Strip for the past 20 years ā€¦ they are deprived of so many basic things, because Israel deprives them of peace, (the) basic right of freedom of movement.

Iā€™m not talking about food. Iā€™m not talking about even the water situation in Gaza, which is appalling and disastrous. Iā€™m talking about the very basic need of people to travel, to move, to see other places, to have both the ability to plan or the ability to be spontaneous. The Palestinians are deprived of all this.

In practice, Gaza has become a huge, let me be blunt, concentration camp for right now 1, 800,000 people. This is not a novelty. This is not something new. This did not start, unlike what many people think, with the rise of Hamas, Hamas being elected in 2006, or Hamas taking over the security agencies and apparatus in Gaza in 2007 after the short civil war. We can almost trace it to the moment when it started, and this is the 15th of January 1991 ā€” long before Oslo, long before Madrid, and of course long before the suicide attacks inside Israeli cities and against Israeli civilians.

Amira Hass: 'Let me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Camp'

Terrorism doesn't pay.

Generational freedom fighting usually pays when the demographics are in your favor as they are for the Palestinians. I see a Rhodesian or Algerian solution.

Muslims already vastly outnumber the Jews.
But all you guys export is oil, misery and terrorism.
If the oil ever runs out you'll starve.

You are confusing Palestinians with Muslims. Palestinians are Christians too, they represent a third of the Palestinian population worldwide. And they too intend to return to their homes within 2 or 3 generations
It is Israel's war. Israel is the only one who can stop it.

You keep saying that. But you have yet to demonstrate how Israel can do it without destroying herself.

Why can't Gaza just quit it with the rockets and the knife attacks and the suicide bombs, huh?
Why can't Israel just quit with the colonialism and occupation?

There is no colonization or occupation of Gaza. Israel has entirely removed herself from Gaza.

Are you demanding an open border and no blockade? Why would Israel accept such such a thing prior to an announcement of peace and, you know, actual peace, as in a cessation of hostilities?
It is Israel's war. Israel is the only one who can stop it.

You keep saying that. But you have yet to demonstrate how Israel can do it without destroying herself.

Why can't Gaza just quit it with the rockets and the knife attacks and the suicide bombs, huh?
Why can't Israel just quit with the colonialism and occupation?

There is no colonization or occupation of Gaza. Israel has entirely removed herself from Gaza.

Are you demanding an open border and no blockade? Why would Israel accept such such a thing prior to an announcement of peace and, you know, actual peace, as in a cessation of hostilities?
Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice. ~ MLK
Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice. ~ MLK

There can be no justice without Jewish self-determination.

(There can also be no justice without Arab Palestinian self-determination -- if they decide that is what they want. I'm not at all convinced it is.)
Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice. ~ MLK

You may want to argue there can be no justice without Arab Palestinian return. I would counter-argue that there can be no justice without Jewish return. There is no difference between the two except the length of the diaspora***. An argument for one is an argument for the other. Unless you are a hypocrite or an anti-semite.

So we are left with a moral conundrum. The return of either, potentially, makes the other's claim impossible to realize. So what is to be done? Spend another hundred or thousand years in limbo while each tries to undo, or erase the other's claim? Its silly. Let's focus on giving both people's a functional sovereign space to call their own and develop.

***at best, and I think the Jewish people have a better claim. But please, let's not sidetrack to this. I'm acknowledging for the sake of this particular discussion that the claims are EQUAL.
Let's focus on giving both people's a functional sovereign space to call their own and develop.
What do you plan to give to those who had farms, orange groves, factories, commercial real estate, etc. for their own development?
Let's focus on giving both people's a functional sovereign space to call their own and develop.
What do you plan to give to those who had farms, orange groves, factories, commercial real estate, etc. for their own development?

Hey, how about farms, orange groves, factories, commercial real estate? How about homes and jobs and resources? How about education? Maybe some exchange opportunities? Just a thought. Not like the world isn't going to donate some $$$$ to an actual solution. Hey, and how about we actually give the people involved an actual say in the matter?

This is not HARD, Tinmore. Not even the slightest bit hard.
This must end for there to ever be even a chance at peace! It is up to each of us to spread this information far and wide.

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

From a great activist/artist....

Hey dope, there aren't any Jews in Hamas' Gaza nor any Israeli government there.

Clearly your knowledge does not exceed Israeli propaganda.
Let's focus on giving both people's a functional sovereign space to call their own and develop.
What do you plan to give to those who had farms, orange groves, factories, commercial real estate, etc. for their own development?

Hey, how about farms, orange groves, factories, commercial real estate? How about homes and jobs and resources? How about education? Maybe some exchange opportunities? Just a thought. Not like the world isn't going to donate some $$$$ to an actual solution. Hey, and how about we actually give the people involved an actual say in the matter?

This is not HARD, Tinmore. Not even the slightest bit hard.
Like what? What kind of compensation can you give to make up for lost (stolen) profitable enterprise?
Like what? What kind of compensation can you give to make up for lost (stolen) profitable enterprise?

Are you arguing that the problem can not be solved and therefore there can be no justice?

If not, stay out of the Vortex. Its a solvable problem. How would you like to solve it?
Like what? What kind of compensation can you give to make up for lost (stolen) profitable enterprise?

Are you arguing that the problem can not be solved and therefore there can be no justice?

If not, stay out of the Vortex. Its a solvable problem. How would you like to solve it?
It can only be solved by justice.

Unfortunately, that term has never crossed the lips of anyone in the fake peace process.
It can only be solved by justice.

Unfortunately, that term has never crossed the lips of anyone in the fake peace process.

So, staying out of the Vortex, what would constitute "justice"? Be specific.
Returning stolen property would be a good start.

Neither Israel nor Jews own any property in Gaza. Done. Next?
OK, but 2/3 of the people in Gaza had property stolen from them.
OK, but 2/3 of the people in Gaza had property stolen from them.

And AT LEAST that percentage of the Jewish people had property stolen from them. Either as a direct cause of the Arab/Jew conflict or in prior conflicts. What is your point?

Why don't we give them property in, oh, I don't know, how about GAZA?! Nice beaches there, I understand.

Get out of the Vortex and think this through. How do we fix all these wrongs?

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