Gaza Belongs to Jews

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine. Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal? Both, actually.
Been missing our honorable georgephllip's drivel, actually.
However back to the subject, the title indicates low reading comprehension or an attempt to demonize Israel.
MK Feiglin said Israel SHOULD occupy Gaza and begin an active step for the conflict despite the failing leadership of the Palestinians.
Not that 'Gaza belong to the jews'..and you claim to be intellectual noneintilectici.


However back to the subject, the title indicates low reading comprehension or an attempt to demonize Israel.
MK Feiglin said Israel SHOULD occupy Gaza and begin an active step for the conflict despite the failing leadership of the Palestinians.
Not that 'Gaza belong to the jews'..and you claim to be intellectual noneintilectici.

I note with some dismay,that your avie,the Israeli flag is shown drenched with Palestinian BLOOD,well you got that Waster
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Georgie----some jew stated HE believes that jews should
take gaza------and YOU GET HYSTERICAL-------I have not
noticed any such reaction from you when your fellow islamo Nazis make far more SWEEPING CLAIMS-------how do you
feel when influential muslim leaders make claims to
SPAIN!!!?? Way back in 1967 --one muslim diplomat
after the other stood up and stated VEHEMENTLY----
"WE WILL NOT TOLERATE A ZIONIST ENTITY"-----that means-----anywhere.......why .....because the MIDDLE EAST
IS MUSLIM LAND ----along with more than half the rest of the globe----total globe pending---
Do you know what CONSISTENT means?
I know Zionists have consistently colonized Palestine for over a hundred years; when the curse of political Zionism was spawned in the sewers of Europe, there were ten times as many Arabs as Jews living in Palestine. When your racist, corrupt Jewish state lurched fourth in 1948, there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living there. Today equal numbers of each nation live between the River and the sea. Consistent land and resource theft by Jews is the reason why most Arabs condemn the Zionist entity.

Well you got that right George...steve...I trust you and the family are well...steve
Not if Jaffa:

"It was 46 years ago, on May 13, 1948—the day before Israel's creation—that the all-Arab seaside city of Jaffa surrendered to Jewish forces. It was the largest Arab city in Palestine and, under the U.N. Partition Plan, was to have been part of a Palestinian state.

"But Menachem Begin's terrorist Irgun group began bombarding civilian sectors of the city on April 25, terrifying the inhabitants into panicky flight.

"At the time, the city's normal population of around 75,000 was already down to 55,000.

"On the day of surrender less than three weeks later, only about 4,500 remained.

"The rest of Jaffa's citizens had fled their homes in terror, becoming part of the 726,000 Palestinian refugees created by the war.

Zionism means colonization.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - Arab Jaffa Seized Before Israel's Creation in 1948

so? there was a war going on -------some people flee-----
the arabs who remained in Jaffa (and those who still remain ) were not and ARE not being murdered just for living there------THE ENTIRE population of the HOLY JEWISH CITIES------Hebron and East Jerusalem ----faced ---the
ESCAPE OR DIE crap that is so dear to your heart-----many died, and some escaped. Both Hebron and East Jerusalem had been HOLY JEWISH CITIES for more than 3000 years. Jaffa----being a sea port------was incessantly
OCCUPIED over the last 1800 years BY INVADERS----In fact there are FORTRESSES still standing there-----it was
the site of lots of warfare ----------YOU MADE NO POINT---
neither Hebron nor Jerusalem are military sites-------just jewish holy sites. The Islamic massacres there were
acts of GENOCIDE------the fight in Jaffa was a fight in a
site that has been a TARGET of invaders into Palestine since
before the birth of the rapist pig
Jaffa had 70,000 residents on the eve of Israel's War of Independence, and within weeks 65,000 of them vanished. Some into al-Nakba and some into mass graves as the British left town. Thousands of Jews left Tel Aviv at the same time determined to pillage as much as Jaffa as possible. The same fate is planned for Gaza today, and all your manufactured bile about Mecca and assorted canines doesn't change what your people have brought to Palestine.

gee----only 10,000 arabs remained? so where did those who live there now come from ? There was a war going on ----as to accounts of the details of that war------none that you present are factual
How would you know?

I have relatives who were there. ------eyewitnesses ----in fact
my husband was close by --------not in Jaffa----but in another city -------he witnessed the peaceful movements of arabs from
their mudfloor huts -------they took a hike down the road---with their donkeys and their cooking pots and no one bothered them------not a shot was fired nor was there a jew with a gun anywhere near them-----they actually FLED before the violence began-------prewarned
You bet.

"Shavit says the man told him that 'after the Irgun [prestate underground militia] attacked Jaffa, several respectable-looking older Arabs arrived at the station and said Irgun soldiers had brought Arab prisoners with them to dig large pits.

"At night they threw several dozen Arab bodies into them and covered them over hurriedly.

"I asked him what he did with this information.

"He said that amid the chaos there was no one to talk to.

"He did report it to the supervising officer, but he didn't bother to listen to him.

"A bit later, all the British policemen left Jaffa and the matter was forgotten."

"Prof. Adel Manna is about to publish a book on the Israeli Arabs between 1948 and 1956.

"He says that on the evening after the British had left 'the Jews started to raid [the neighborhood] Manshiyeh with revenge attacks and looting. On Saturday morning thousands came from Tel Aviv, and those who tried to protect their property were shot .... In such a situation I assume bodies were left over from the fighting and new ones piled up .... This is all speculation but it could explain the mass graves.'"

Experts battle over whether Jaffa's mass graves stem from World War I or 1948 - National Israel News | Haaretz

Historically JAFFA was the site of JUST ABOUT EVERY BATTLE that took place in the area------including those of the
crusades. It is a port city and FILLED with military fortresses and MORE THAN 1000 years of dead bodies.
Try again Georgie and learn a bit of history-----to be honest I do not know if the area was involved in world war I---but it might have been

Huh,she/It(Rosie) is still as Mad as a cut Snake......why do you HATE YOURSELF Rosisrael
Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.
Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?
Both, actually.

So Moses, The Commandments in hand looks skyward and asks: "Let me get this straight ... you're giving the oil to the Arabs and you what us to cut off our what?"
Obviously your problem is with Jooos, bigotboy.
However back to the subject, the title indicates low reading comprehension or an attempt to demonize Israel.
MK Feiglin said Israel SHOULD occupy Gaza and begin an active step for the conflict despite the failing leadership of the Palestinians.
Not that 'Gaza belong to the jews'..and you claim to be intellectual noneintilectici.

I note with some dismay,that your avie,the Israeli flag is shown drenched with Palestinian BLOOD,well you got that Waster
ISRAELI BLOOD split over decades for the Jews to have the right to self determination, not Palestinian blood, we're not using cheap materials here like Ketchup and food coloring.

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