Gaza Belongs to Jews


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
According to Moshe Feiglin, a Deputy Speaker in Israel's Knesset, 1.7 million indigenous Palestinians are squatting on Jewish land in Gaza. Those who resist Israeli ethnic cleansing will be exterminated, and those who don't will be allowed to take up residence in the Sinai.
"Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever.

"Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land.

"Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.

"The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

"According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave.

"Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status.

"After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship."

Such a deal.

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva
so? this person has expressed an opinion on the Provenance of gaza-----which actually has
just as much validity as muslims claiming that Hebron is "muslim land"-----in fact more. You
need not take him seriously. Way back in 1967----Gamal Abdel Nasser INSISTED that Israel
hand HAIFA over to Egypt-------that was before the war broke out----he called it a
COMPROMISE would you find that proposal more reasonable than some jerk demanding GAZA?

I note that the term "jewish land" bothers you-------does the term "muslim land" bother you?
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.
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According to Moshe Feiglin, a Deputy Speaker in Israel's Knesset, 1.7 million indigenous Palestinians are squatting on Jewish land in Gaza. Those who resist Israeli ethnic cleansing will be exterminated, and those who don't will be allowed to take up residence in the Sinai.
"Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever.

"Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land.

"Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.

"The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

"According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave.

"Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status.

"After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship."

Such a deal.

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

No extermination. They can move or they can stay, but they are not being wiped out.
Can the inflammatory lies. Palestinians are the ones that want to exterminate jews, as they have stated many time. Jews would not be allowed in palestine, they will not be offered palestinians citizenship or emigration packages.
You posted the facts yet you twist it to hateful disinformation to incite anger against the Israelis.
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

Of course----for you "jew" means "greedy" "psychopath" "war criminal" -----
But "muslim" which demands the eradication of jews and destruction of Israel
is "HOLY" -------you are not unique Moshe simply repeated virtually the same
threat against Gaza that is the OFFICIAL CHARTER OF THE HAMAS government of
Gaza ----against Israel ----and you love it. In fact Moshe was a bit more moderate
and sweet natured. You have proved his point
so? this person has expressed an opinion on the Provenance of gaza-----which actually has
just as much validity as muslims claiming that Hebron is "muslim land"-----in fact more. You
need not take him seriously. Way back in 1967----Gamal Abdel Nasser INSISTED that Israel
hand HAIFA over to Egypt-------that was before the war broke out----he called it a
COMPROMISE would you find that proposal more reasonable than some jerk demanding GAZA?

I note that the term "jewish land" bothers you-------does the term "muslim land" bother you?
We're not in '67 any more, rosie.
Nasser never imagined the firepower the IDF possesses today.
Feiglin may be getting ahead of himself by a couple of years (November 2016?) but if he is correct about most polls indicating most Arabs in Gaza would leave if offered the chance, the prospect of Gaza becoming Jaffa seems credible, does it not?
The zionist Juden were very astute students of their former Reich mentors and are now trying to perfect their methods for ethnic and racial cleansing. ... :cool:
And when the right "revolutionary moment" presents itself, Gaza will go the way of Jaffa in 1948:

"Conquer – After the IDF completes the 'softening' of the targets with its fire-power, the IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations.

Elimination- The GSS and IDF will thoroughly eliminate all armed enemies from Gaza. The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave.

"Israel will generously aid those who wish to leave.

Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva
According to Moshe Feiglin, a Deputy Speaker in Israel's Knesset, 1.7 million indigenous Palestinians are squatting on Jewish land in Gaza. Those who resist Israeli ethnic cleansing will be exterminated, and those who don't will be allowed to take up residence in the Sinai.
"Sovereignty – Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever.

"Liberation of parts of our land forever is the only thing that justifies endangering our soldiers in battle to capture land.

"Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.

"The coastal train line will be extended, as soon as possible, to reach the entire length of Gaza.

"According to polls, most of the Arabs in Gaza wish to leave.

"Those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package. Those who choose to remain will receive permanent resident status.

"After a number of years of living in Israel and becoming accustomed to it, contingent on appropriate legislation in the Knesset and the authorization of the Minister of Interior, those who personally accept upon themselves Israel’s rule, substance and way of life of the Jewish State in its Land, will be offered Israeli citizenship."

Such a deal.

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

No extermination. They can move or they can stay, but they are not being wiped out.
Can the inflammatory lies. Palestinians are the ones that want to exterminate jews, as they have stated many time. Jews would not be allowed in palestine, they will not be offered palestinians citizenship or emigration packages.
You posted the facts yet you twist it to hateful disinformation to incite anger against the Israelis.
"Gaza is part of our (Jewish) Land and we will remain there forever."
Do you agree

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

He refers to " Greedy Jew" or Psychopathetic War Criminal? :lol:

Let's talk about who fits those terms

Arab Threats Against Israel

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas

Consider the source :D
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

Of course----for you "jew" means "greedy" "psychopath" "war criminal" -----
But "muslim" which demands the eradication of jews and destruction of Israel
is "HOLY" -------you are not unique Moshe simply repeated virtually the same
threat against Gaza that is the OFFICIAL CHARTER OF THE HAMAS government of
Gaza ----against Israel ----and you love it. In fact Moshe was a bit more moderate
and sweet natured. You have proved his point
When Hamas was forced by events in Egypt to capitulate and enter into an unity government with Fatah it forced them to accept provisions previously agreed to, like Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state but not as an occupying state bent on controlling all the land of Palestine for Jews alone. Jews started this bloodletting 66 years ago, and only Jews can unilaterally put an end to it.
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

He refers to " Greedy Jew" or Psychopathetic War Criminal? :lol:

Let's talk about who fits those terms

Arab Threats Against Israel

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas

Consider the source :D
Do you consider Gaza part of Israel?
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

He refers to " Greedy Jew" or Psychopathetic War Criminal? :lol:

Let's talk about who fits those terms

Arab Threats Against Israel

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas

Consider the source :D
Do you consider Gaza part of Israel?

No, I do not. Do you consider " Israel Proper" :lol: part of " palestine?" Of course you do !
Prior to "sovereignty" in Gaza, Madman Moshe envisions assorted other war crimes:

"Ultimatum – One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately.

"Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave.

"This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts.

"Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.

"Attack – Attack the entire ‘target bank’ throughout Gaza with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.

"All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’.

"It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.

"Siege – Parallel to the above, a total siege on Gaza. Nothing will enter the area. Israel, however, will allow exit from Gaza. (Civilians may go to Sinai, fighters may surrender to IDF forces).

"Defense – Any place from which Israel or Israel’s forces were attacked will be immediately attacked with full force and no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’."

My Outline for a Solution in Gaza - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Moshe re-writes international law in order to get in on the ground floor of some of the most valuable real estate in all of Palestine.

Greedy Jew or psychopathic war criminal?

Both, actually.

Of course----for you "jew" means "greedy" "psychopath" "war criminal" -----
But "muslim" which demands the eradication of jews and destruction of Israel
is "HOLY" -------you are not unique Moshe simply repeated virtually the same
threat against Gaza that is the OFFICIAL CHARTER OF THE HAMAS government of
Gaza ----against Israel ----and you love it. In fact Moshe was a bit more moderate
and sweet natured. You have proved his point
When Hamas was forced by events in Egypt to capitulate and enter into an unity government with Fatah it forced them to accept provisions previously agreed to, like Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state but not as an occupying state bent on controlling all the land of Palestine for Jews alone. Jews started this bloodletting 66 years ago, and only Jews can unilaterally put an end to it.

Translation; Israel initiated the 67 War, Another lie :cuckoo:
Of course----for you "jew" means "greedy" "psychopath" "war criminal" -----
But "muslim" which demands the eradication of jews and destruction of Israel
is "HOLY" -------you are not unique Moshe simply repeated virtually the same
threat against Gaza that is the OFFICIAL CHARTER OF THE HAMAS government of
Gaza ----against Israel ----and you love it. In fact Moshe was a bit more moderate
and sweet natured. You have proved his point
When Hamas was forced by events in Egypt to capitulate and enter into an unity government with Fatah it forced them to accept provisions previously agreed to, like Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state but not as an occupying state bent on controlling all the land of Palestine for Jews alone. Jews started this bloodletting 66 years ago, and only Jews can unilaterally put an end to it.

Translation; Israel initiated the 67 War, Another lie :cuckoo:

Jew hating anti Zionists like George always distort history to fit their agenda.
They will ignore the parts of history that do not favour their lies.
Nazi George is a perfect example of this.

Also, Nazi George loves to talk about the lie that Israel is trying to wipe out the Palestinians, but he ignores us when we post factual and indisputable articles, videos of Hamas and others expressing their desire to take over all of. Israel through jihad .
Nazi George, can you answer this question: what is the subsequent goal of the country that is doing the ethnic cleansing?

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