Gays in the military

I'm sure there have been gays fighting wars throughout the ages. Jeeze. Wonder how many of the 300 Spartans were gay?? Sure can't acuse those guys of not knowing how to fight.

Remains to be seen how those already serving will take the news. I really think it won't make much difference to them as long as they can depend on their comrades.

Glad Barry has done a reversal on this one. Of course its all politically motivated. He's gotta do something for the left of his party. Good decision none the less.
I'm sure there have been gays fighting wars throughout the ages. Jeeze. Wonder how many of the 300 Spartans were gay?? Sure can't acuse those guys of not knowing how to fight.

Remains to be seen how those already serving will take the news. I really think it won't make much difference to them as long as they can depend on their comrades.

Glad Barry has done a reversal on this one. Of course its all politically motivated. He's gotta do something for the left of his party. Good decision none the less.

If, on the one hand you agree that this is a good decision generally, why do you on the other hand accuse Obama of only doing it to appease the most liberal in his party?
Anyone want to guess the percentage of female soldiers who are lesbians?
Good ? Yank.
But that has already been answered by Gates and Mullen yesterday.
Both of them stated it is the right thing to do.
Now watch no one be able to dispute that. Many right wing neo cons will try and fail with no facts.
Good ? Yank.
But that has already been answered by Gates and Mullen yesterday.
Both of them stated it is the right thing to do.
Now watch no one be able to dispute that. Many right wing neo cons will try and fail with no facts.

They have already started. They continue to push the unmeasurable "morale creep" issue. They use this as they know there is no way to verify it, plus it puts fear into the hearts and minds of the American public, that our military will somehow be weakened by this. Standard right wing fear mongering tactics.
Out of the more than 10,000 kicked out, it would be interesting to see how many would be willing to go back.

The DOD estimates that there are at least 60,000 gays serving now. Of the 10,000 kicked out, I suspect many were actually chickens who just couldn't take it anymore and so said they were gay just to get out. After all, there is no test.

Someone on this board wrote that a woman, kicked out for being "gay" actually showed up with her boyfriend to pick up the rest of her stuff.

When I was in the service, I remember a guy asking around if anyone wanted to pretend to be gay so they could get out. About a week later, him and another guy were discharged. Of course I didn't say anything. Who wants a "chicken" serving next to them?

Sad though, those on the right more afraid of gays than of terrorists. What pussies are those on the right. Oh, not pussies, no, "sissies".

YouTube - A platoon of lesbians to join al-Qaeda? Blame the Democrats.

That was me. I was the Admin/Personnel/Legal officer for a squadron and that actually happened a few times. Everyone knew she wasn't gay...but she wanted out...the command thought she was not worth the trouble, so everyone played along. It was the fast track way out back then.
You know, in the years I spent in the US Navy, I always operated with the premise that if you were capable, conducted yourself in an honorable way, and were able to do your job, then all of this other talk about what color you are, what religion you were, or for that mattter who you liked or didn't like as long as it did not interfere with the job, then they meant nothing and were just noise. If it's late at night and your on approach to a pitching rolling carrier deck, the LAST THING you care about is what the person is, and the only thing you care about is that THEY ARE CAPABLE as you place your trust in them COMPLETELY and without that confidence that they are capable to do the job then you have nothing. Thats what matters here.
You know, in the years I spent in the US Navy, I always operated with the premise that if you were capable, conducted yourself in an honorable way, and were able to do your job, then all of this other talk about what color you are, what religion you were, or for that mattter who you liked or didn't like as long as it did not interfere with the job, then they meant nothing and were just noise. If it's late at night and your on approach to a pitching rolling carrier deck, the LAST THING you care about is what the person is, and the only thing you care about is that THEY ARE CAPABLE as you place your trust in them COMPLETELY and without that confidence that they are capable to do the job then you have nothing. Thats what matters here.

Exactly...and there were gay sailors I've go into hell following and straight sailors I didn't even want in the same ocean with me.
You know, in the years I spent in the US Navy, I always operated with the premise that if you were capable, conducted yourself in an honorable way, and were able to do your job, then all of this other talk about what color you are, what religion you were, or for that mattter who you liked or didn't like as long as it did not interfere with the job, then they meant nothing and were just noise. If it's late at night and your on approach to a pitching rolling carrier deck, the LAST THING you care about is what the person is, and the only thing you care about is that THEY ARE CAPABLE as you place your trust in them COMPLETELY and without that confidence that they are capable to do the job then you have nothing. Thats what matters here.


It is the same way with most Americans in the workforce. Many Americans work with open homosexuals. If they are doing their job...who cares? As long as they are not making passes or discussing their sex life, it does not matter. If they say "Me and my boyfriend went to dinner and a movie this weekend" Who cares?
Those activities do not belong in the workplace anyway
Why the gays want to publicize their sex orientation is what concerns me. The army is the army, and last time I heard that an army is used for fighting, not for sex. I've never heard a straight person tell someone, "hey I'm straight, cool, k?".
You know, in the years I spent in the US Navy, I always operated with the premise that if you were capable, conducted yourself in an honorable way, and were able to do your job, then all of this other talk about what color you are, what religion you were, or for that mattter who you liked or didn't like as long as it did not interfere with the job, then they meant nothing and were just noise. If it's late at night and your on approach to a pitching rolling carrier deck, the LAST THING you care about is what the person is, and the only thing you care about is that THEY ARE CAPABLE as you place your trust in them COMPLETELY and without that confidence that they are capable to do the job then you have nothing. Thats what matters here.


It is the same way with most Americans in the workforce. Many Americans work with open homosexuals. If they are doing their job...who cares? As long as they are not making passes or discussing their sex life, it does not matter. If they say "Me and my boyfriend went to dinner and a movie this weekend" Who cares?
Those activities do not belong in the workplace anyway

Look it just seems to me that a lot of people spend a lot of time on an issue that really should not be an issue. Let me give you an example, the US military has mechanisms in place for any sailor or soldier that is sexually harassed and it would be no different if someone who is openly homosexual would do the same. As I said if a person is able to do the job and conducts themselves in an honorable manner then as far as I am concerned what they believe in and who they choose to be with is not my concern. The DoD and congress is expending more effort than it needs to on this matter when there are more pressing issues to be dealt with and *laughs* you know me rightwinger I can name several of them!!
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Why the gays want to publicize their sex orientation is what concerns me. The army is the army, and last time I heard that an army is used for fighting, not for sex. I've never heard a straight person tell someone, "hey I'm straight, cool, k?".

I have....whenever they talk about their dates or "conquests" or their wives/husbands.
Interesting, this is all a political ploy. gays serving open in the military....Open? that is a very loose as in wearing pink BDU's? as in kissing while in Uniform...?...ooops none of those can in the dormitories...sorry not allowed either.....umm sex while deployed.....oops sorry not allowed either ..

All of these are in violation of the UCMJ...So in saying "open" I guess talking about sex while in uniform...not allowed....So basically saying gays and lesbians can serve openly in the military...amounts to what exactly?

ooooh I see because all military people go around and look to see who is gay and who is not gay and turn them in to be discharged for the don't ask don't tell policy. Sorry does not happen either.

Ahh but what about those 10 thousand whom were kicked out because they were gay....actually I heard it was 1,100, but ok we will go along with the 10k. I can attest to 8 of that number were not kicked out but wanted out and that was a free ride out. I think if there was a poll of that 10 thousand number, it would be a very small number of people who got kicked out by force, and the ones that were kicked out by force, I bet most of those were because a scorned "lover " turned em in for revenge....If I was a betting man I think I would be correct.

What the hell does this mean? Just a way to get people rilled up over nothing, to divide us and/or divert attention away fropm something else I think and/or to make a campaign promise complied with. It means nothing and is a moot point.

What you should be asking.......Will gays and lesbian lovers of the military folks be classified as dependants for the one serving......? thus receiving benefits and even a pay raise if they are married in a state that allows such. HEH HEH

It doen't matter if they allow gays in the military or not. They serve anyway and the military is actually a very conservative atmosphere and even allowing them to "serve openly" will not change it at all, because all this gay stuff is not allowed in the military. Try walking like a exaggerated gay person in boot camp, you will get recycled or booted because there are standards and those cannot change ...but they always get tougher then more lax....

So relax....I do not see them changing the dependant status for gays and lesbians.....because that would mean they would be allowed on base housing around families...and Military folks won't allow that especially when children are around.

The only thing this does is let them go to gay and lesbian bars and what not, and with that being said; I do not forsee a gay and lesbian bar opening up on any base anytime soon.

Its all political baloney....
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I'm sure there have been gays fighting wars throughout the ages. Jeeze. Wonder how many of the 300 Spartans were gay?? Sure can't acuse those guys of not knowing how to fight.

Remains to be seen how those already serving will take the news. I really think it won't make much difference to them as long as they can depend on their comrades.

Glad Barry has done a reversal on this one. Of course its all politically motivated. He's gotta do something for the left of his party. Good decision none the less.

If, on the one hand you agree that this is a good decision generally, why do you on the other hand accuse Obama of only doing it to appease the most liberal in his party?


Because I think thats just what he's doing. He's taking heat from them on healthcare, Gitmo is stil open and he did send more troops to Afg. I think he sees this as something he can use. Doesn't lessen the fact thats its the right thing to do but he is a politician and they use anything and everything they can get. Makes sense to me.
Anyone want to guess the percentage of female soldiers who are lesbians?

I don't know the exact number but the proportion in the military is higher as a percentage compared to our society. Bull dykes want to appear manly and therefore are attracted to military type institutions.
They are already serving in the military. On the Hill today JCS Admiral Mullen called for complete open policy allowing gays to serve in the military. Seconded by Sec. of Defense Gates.
"I do not give a dam what their sexuality is. You do not need to be straight to fight and die for your country. All I care about is if they can shoot straight."
Barry Goldwater. The last of what we knew as a real conservative before Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al took over the Republican Party.

Here's a many straight soldiers will NOT re-enlist if gays are allowed to serve openly? Anyone know if a survey has been done?

Well if they do not re-enlist because of gays being allowed to say they are gay, then they are not in there for the right reason anyway.
It will not happen.... move on. It is just Barry posturing and trying to placate the loons on the far left.

Gonna be one big "gee, I tried" moment.
They are already serving in the military. On the Hill today JCS Admiral Mullen called for complete open policy allowing gays to serve in the military. Seconded by Sec. of Defense Gates.
"I do not give a dam what their sexuality is. You do not need to be straight to fight and die for your country. All I care about is if they can shoot straight."
Barry Goldwater. The last of what we knew as a real conservative before Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al took over the Republican Party.

Is it as simple as all that? What about housing? showering? and other day to day life. What about the straight guys and gals? Barracks life?
They are already serving in the military. On the Hill today JCS Admiral Mullen called for complete open policy allowing gays to serve in the military. Seconded by Sec. of Defense Gates.
"I do not give a dam what their sexuality is. You do not need to be straight to fight and die for your country. All I care about is if they can shoot straight."
Barry Goldwater. The last of what we knew as a real conservative before Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al took over the Republican Party.

Is it as simple as all that? What about housing? showering? and other day to day life. What about the straight guys and gals? Barracks life?

And how will knowing someone you have been showering with for years is gay change anything?

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