Gay state legislator threatens to reveal colleague's infidelities.

Coercing a vote is a felony. She is trying to coerce a vote. She should be charged and tried.

Who is she trying to coerce?

I look forward to the persons who feel like they are being threatened coming forward and identifying themselves.
So what special right are you referring to, Rabbi?
The right to marry someone of the same sex. You already had the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like normal people. But you pushed for a special right known as "gay marriage." Note there is no "straight marriage" there is only marriage.
So what special right are you referring to, Rabbi?
The right to marry someone of the same sex. You already had the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like normal people. But you pushed for a special right known as "gay marriage." Note there is no "straight marriage" there is only marriage.

It's not special if you can do it too. It's simply equal (in most states now too)
So what special right are you referring to, Rabbi?
The right to marry someone of the same sex. You already had the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like normal people. But you pushed for a special right known as "gay marriage." Note there is no "straight marriage" there is only marriage.

It's not special if you can do it too. It's simply equal (in most states now too)
So both are equal. So whats the big deal?
So what special right are you referring to, Rabbi?
The right to marry someone of the same sex. You already had the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like normal people. But you pushed for a special right known as "gay marriage." Note there is no "straight marriage" there is only marriage.

It's not special if you can do it too. It's simply equal (in most states now too)
So both are equal. So whats the big deal?

Nothing in 36 out of 50...and the rest will be taken care of in June when the SCOTUS strikes down the rest of DOMA.
Ok,let's put aside the gay thing for a minute. So this is how we are going to b governed now? Someone puts a hint of,something out(which may or may not be true) and now we are going to vote for or against legislation on the basis of Peyton place drama? So the legislator turns the spotlight on a trumped up issue and that is going to determine how laws are made. This theme is all over the ops these days. Woman cheats on husband so she can't be against abortion type birth control. Man cheats on wife so he can't believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. It is irrational and nonsensical. If you are not a perfect human being(and none of us are) then you can't advocate for any boundaries on human behavior or any mores for society. If there is not,a collective that believes,in some,form of,cultural structure then we devolve into,anarchy. See the men are pigs op in the health section for,proof,of just,such a descent into our darker selves. Our politics is populated by a plague of classless mental pygmies unable to persuade but more than happy to blackmail.

Have a drink on me.

Hypocrisy will always undermine your position. You can't enact anti-gay legislation and then solicit gay sex for yourself in an airport bathroom. You can't run on family values and then step out on your wife at brothels wearing a diaper. These aren't innocent mistakes we're talking about.
Ok,let's put aside the gay thing for a minute. So this is how we are going to b governed now? Someone puts a hint of,something out(which may or may not be true) and now we are going to vote for or against legislation on the basis of Peyton place drama? So the legislator turns the spotlight on a trumped up issue and that is going to determine how laws are made. This theme is all over the ops these days. Woman cheats on husband so she can't be against abortion type birth control. Man cheats on wife so he can't believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. It is irrational and nonsensical. If you are not a perfect human being(and none of us are) then you can't advocate for any boundaries on human behavior or any mores for society. If there is not,a collective that believes,in some,form of,cultural structure then we devolve into,anarchy. See the men are pigs op in the health section for,proof,of just,such a descent into our darker selves. Our politics is populated by a plague of classless mental pygmies unable to persuade but more than happy to blackmail.

Have a drink on me.
It is quite simple. The lesbian legislator is pointing out the serious logical flaw in the anti-gay marriage argument that gay marriage undermines "family values".

No, it doesn't. But the casual acceptance of adultery sure does.

That's her point. You want to talk "family values"? All right, let's talk family values Mr. Hookers-and-Blow. Bring it on.

Gays aren't destroying marriage. Adulterers are.
Coercing a vote is a felony. She is trying to coerce a vote. She should be charged and tried.

Matthew 7:3-5.

She's not coercing. She is leveling the playing field. Her attackers are attacking her on a personal level.

You want to call her a woman of low morals? That's getting pretty personal. So okay. Turnabout is fair play.

Goose, meet gander. Pot, meet kettle.
Vote how I tell you to vote or I will expose you is not leveling the playing field. It is coercing a vote by way of threat.
This thread is such a case study in how myths are propagated and slander becomes fact. It will take all night to rebut all this stuff to get back to my original point in this thread.

Tom DeLay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tom Delay did not have to step down because of any sexual escapades. He played extreme hardball, was an unabashed partisan, and stepped on a lot of toes. It is interesting to note that the HINT of illegality caused him to have to step,down. After thousands of dollars and many years the Texas Supreme Court voted 8-1 to acquit Delay for lack of evidence, but as in everything Obama today substance and innocence does not matter cause removing delay from office was all the destruction democrats needed.

Winter born I like a lot of your posts and I like this one but you are wrong about Jefferson and Kennedy. Both of these men would have been wholly against homosexuality and both would,have been horrified that govt is inserting itself into this debate or that marriage between straights and gays is on par with each other. They would have made the evangelicals look like cupcakes. Remember that even Obama was against gay marriage in the first election and even then I suspect most gays voted for him. So let's not insinuate that leaders from the past are on board with this.

More to come.
Vote how I tell you to vote or I will expose you is not leveling the playing field. It is coercing a vote by way of threat.

Perhaps if those holy-rollers hadn't been fucking around they wouldn't be in this position. To try and demean homosexuals because of their effect on family values, while you are ignoring your vows and fucking around, means you get what is coming to you.
81 per cent of Alabamans approved the referendum not recognizing gay marriage. These legislators represent these people and are doing what the people want. And before we get the posts about well if segregation was on the ballot let me remind you that California also voted to uphold marriage between a man and a woman as the status quo. Ms. Gay legislator was elected in a total democratic precinct with 6400 votes. So what we have here is the tail wagging the dog, a description that is apt on the national level too. Now as to the posts.

Do we know anything about this woman and as one poster says does she have any skeletons in her closet. Let's face it, her partner doesn't have the guts to walk the walk in Alabama. I guess this is one case where love didn't win out over being gay.

Ya gotta love how,partisans lump all conservatives into one group that is having a perpetual orgy. Blanket attacks are important weapons for liberal warriors. This is how the myths are perpetuated and the stereotypes reinforced. The hint here is that the whole republican bench is a bunch of cads. No proof, just accusations.

"Here is what I heard" so hearsay and rumor pass now in democratic circles for support for the cause. Let's think this out. So Ms. Gay uncovers some dirt on one or two legislators. That is not going to stop the anti gay marriage juggernaut in Alabama and it will certainly put the fear of god in democratic legislators that have a lot to hide. Don't let this horse out of the barn. Guilt by association, even when you don't know someone else's associations, is another limp arrow in the liberals quiver.

I have no use for the Utah senator and his homosexual games at the airport. I still don't understand how people this dumb rise to the levels they do. I want to debate issues not the personalities of underlings.

Casual acceptance of adultery. Please. Does that go along with the casual acceptance of lying, births out of wedlock, corruption, irs used to punish conservatives, lack of manners, illegal aliens..........? Are we on the same page yet?

This is a classic example of why we don't get qualified and smart people running for office to solve Americas real problems. If I am trying to solve the immigration problem but all you want to do is investigate my private life, I don't need this, so the country suffers through more idiots exactly like we have now. That is my point in this thread, not pro or anti gay, not naïveté, but that we don't have an environment where grownups talk about what is best not for themselves but for America.

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