Gay state legislator threatens to reveal colleague's infidelities.

Good thing that Clinton "evolved" or his shit would be in the wind. Might be anyway since he frequently visited the sex island.
Ok,let's put aside the gay thing for a minute. So this is how we are going to b governed now? Someone puts a hint of,something out(which may or may not be true) and now we are going to vote for or against legislation on the basis of Peyton place drama?

Your mistake is thinking that this is a new phenomenon when that is the way things have been for thousands of years.
So,ehow that just doesnt make it right.
Remind me why we should let fags run for office.
Gutter slithering. Remember in years past when homosexuality was illegal, thus queers in high places were so vulnerable to this very brand of extortion? Not surprised they're as low as shitbags past. Not surprised at all.

Low? To not allow the hypocrisy to continue? To call those assholes on their bullshit? I see it as a grand thing.
Tom Delay was alleged to have coerced his girl friend to have an abortion, and he was one of the pillars of the social con right. The far right is always harping on Bill Clinton's amazing sexual behavior. A Speaker of the House, who had been savaging Clinton on the Lewinsky affair, had to resign when his adultery was exposed. Good times, all.

Both sides play hardball, folks, and punishing your enemy is part of it.
If there is some wrongdoing expose it. You can't say vote how I tell you to vote or I'll expose you.

You can certainly say "If you are pushing "Family Values" as the be all, end all, I can certainly tell your constituents what a hypocrite you are.
I got all that. So we don't get a Declaration of Independence because Jefferson was mixing it up with a slave. Or we don't have Camelot because Kennedy couldn't keep it in his pants. Indiscretions never used to be in the calculus for judging leaders. On top of that we are supposed to have evolved to higher beings than 2000 years ago. And finally when president Clinton has his little peccadillos it is supposed tobe none of our business but if someone else in the other party dilly dallys let's drop the hammer on him. Much ado about nothing while Rome burns

There is a very big difference. Neither Jefferson nor Kennedy were preaching about family values and trying to call others immoral for their relationships.
Ok,let's put aside the gay thing for a minute. So this is how we are going to b governed now? Someone puts a hint of,something out(which may or may not be true) and now we are going to vote for or against legislation on the basis of Peyton place drama?

Your mistake is thinking that this is a new phenomenon when that is the way things have been for thousands of years.
So,ehow that just doesnt make it right.
Remind me why we should let fags run for office.

In this particular case, because she holds her vows and relationship in high regard. She does not preach about family values and then bang her intern.
Yes the so called conservative "family values" is hilarious. Only a moron couldn't see through it. They will toss those so called value right out the door if it meant making a buck. They don't value the family. Never have. Families are people and people need things to survive. That's a real pain to those who have to pay taxes for this to happen.
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?
Tom Delay was alleged to have coerced his girl friend to have an abortion, and he was one of the pillars of the social con right. The far right is always harping on Bill Clinton's amazing sexual behavior. A Speaker of the House, who had been savaging Clinton on the Lewinsky affair, had to resign when his adultery was exposed. Good times, all.

Both sides play hardball, folks, and punishing your enemy is part of it.
If there is some wrongdoing expose it. You can't say vote how I tell you to vote or I'll expose you.

Where is the corruption? Cite the law.
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?

House Speaker Hubbard in a statement had called Friday's ruling "outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can overturn the will of millions of Alabamians who stand in firm support of the Sanctity of Marriage Act. "The Legislature will encourage a vigorous appeals process, and we will continue defending the Christian conservative values that make Alabama a special place to live."
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?
They preached family values like they were baptists on sunday.
That's an opinion, I haven't heard them so I don't know what "they" said. I guess they are all the same and committed the same infidelities. What happened to staying out of people's bedrooms? And how does she know anyway? Rumors?
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?

House Speaker Hubbard in a statement had called Friday's ruling "outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can overturn the will of millions of Alabamians who stand in firm support of the Sanctity of Marriage Act. "The Legislature will encourage a vigorous appeals process, and we will continue defending the Christian conservative values that make Alabama a special place to live."
....and? Oh, you saw Christian and your brain exploded. Post the evidence that he is hypocritical. I know it's hard for you but the accusation is against individuals.
So,ehow that just doesnt make it right.

Your mistake is thinking you can put words into my mouth and that I'll fall for it. I never said it was right. I pointed out that assuming it's a new phenomenon is flawed.
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?

House Speaker Hubbard in a statement had called Friday's ruling "outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can overturn the will of millions of Alabamians who stand in firm support of the Sanctity of Marriage Act. "The Legislature will encourage a vigorous appeals process, and we will continue defending the Christian conservative values that make Alabama a special place to live."
....and? Oh, you saw Christian and your brain exploded.

Nope...but he is citing his "values" in trying to deny gays and lesbians equality in his state. I wonder what she's got on him. :lol:
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?

House Speaker Hubbard in a statement had called Friday's ruling "outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can overturn the will of millions of Alabamians who stand in firm support of the Sanctity of Marriage Act. "The Legislature will encourage a vigorous appeals process, and we will continue defending the Christian conservative values that make Alabama a special place to live."
....and? Oh, you saw Christian and your brain exploded.
Nope...but he is citing his "values" in trying to deny gays and lesbians equality in his state. I wonder what she's got on him. :lol:
Gays have equality, gay relationships aren't equal though, that's were your confusion comes in. You believe relationships are people but relationships are the interaction between two or more people. Also, for the liberal, the accusation is good enough, facts are irrelevant.
Tom Delay was alleged to have coerced his girl friend to have an abortion, and he was one of the pillars of the social con right. The far right is always harping on Bill Clinton's amazing sexual behavior. A Speaker of the House, who had been savaging Clinton on the Lewinsky affair, had to resign when his adultery was exposed. Good times, all.

Both sides play hardball, folks, and punishing your enemy is part of it.
If there is some wrongdoing expose it. You can't say vote how I tell you to vote or I'll expose you.

But she CAN say, if you continue to try and degrade or demean gays for their lack of "family values" I will expose the same in you.
Did her enemies actually preach family values or is this just a tyrannical response to not passing laws that lie about genders that pretend men with men is equal to men with women?
They preached family values like they were baptists on sunday.
That's an opinion, I haven't heard them so I don't know what "they" said. I guess they are all the same and committed the same infidelities. What happened to staying out of people's bedrooms? And how does she know anyway? Rumors?
Tu quoque doesn't cut it coming from you.

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