Trump Loves Putin. We Need A Secretary Of State Who Doesn’t.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
There are several possible explanations for Donald Trump’s frequently professed deep admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin: His esteem for authoritarian dictators as men who get things done; his desire to embarrass President Obama by claiming Putin is a better leader; his pandering to alt-right voters who admire Putin as they pine for global white nationalist domination; the possible desire to protect or expand business interests tied to Russia; the ties of Trump advisors like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn to Russian interests; the strong evidence that Putin used cyber-hacking and fake news disinformation to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton; and, as newly reported, the unconfirmed possibility that Putin holds compromising personal and financial information about Trump.

Whatever the true reasons, Trump’s love of Putin, who engages in blatant human rights abuses at home and dangerous aggression outside his borders, threatens American interests and values. The United States should continue to seek cooperation with Russia where doing so makes us stronger, just as we did during the Cold War, but we cannot sacrifice our security to the kind of improper considerations that seem to motivate Trump.

Given Trump’s troubling embrace of Putin, the U.S. Senate must demand a Secretary of State who will approach Russia in a clear-eyed, principled way, who will push back on Trump’s bizarre Putin love. This morning’s opening of his confirmation hearing underscored that Trump’s nominee, Rex Tillerson, is not that person.

Tillerson has spent more time with Putin than almost any other American, and he has developed close ties with the Russian president. Those ties are based on commerce — on his multinational company and Russia making each other wealthier — rather than on protecting U.S. interests.

In 2011, Tillerson reached a major deal with Russia — not a breakthrough for peace or justice but instead an agreement between ExxonMobil and Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, to explore and drill for oil in the Siberian arctic, a deal worth tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars. In pursuing the deal, Tillerson has developedstrong personal ties to Rosneft head Igor Sechin, an ex-KGB agent close to Putin.

In 2012, Russia awarded Tillerson one of its highest honors, the Order of Friendship decoration.

More: Trump Loves Putin. We Need A Secretary Of State Who Doesn’t.

Wow, really scary stuff. Tillerson is obviously also a Putin lover.
Nothing is wrong with being in a good relationship with Russia (nobody except for the fools like OP is talking about love). Rex will be a perfect SOS. Why haven't you liberals been screaming about your Kenyan president who has been a puppet for wealthy Jews (like Soros) and Saudis for long 8 years.

And besides, you liberals almost elected another Soros/Saudis/Qatar puppet: Hillary. Think about that before littering Internet with your dumb anti-Russian threads.

Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Roger Stone: Clinton Aide Huma Abedin 'Most Likely a Saudi Spy'

Huma Abedin worked at Muslim journal that opposed women’s rights | New York Post

Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?

And on the top of everything take a look at this cherry on the cake:

Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)


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The Trump Administration is setting up a network of cronies that will make them richer than they already are - at the expense of American democracy. If anyone falsely thinks that President Obama exploded the national debt - just wait until Trump is finished. That is why his feet must be held to the fire.
To kick Putin and refer to him in a negative way in public is stupid. To kick Russians out of our nation is stupid. The proof that it is stupid is the one that did it...Obama the laughable loser. Right now it would be smart to team up with Russia to fight Isis and to pressure China into behaving like a modern day state. need a new gripe, this one just got unraveled by Buzfeed and the disgraced CNN.... need a new gripe, this one just got unraveled by Buzfeed and the disgraced CNN....

Shittingbull also needs to quite posting all these anti Trump threads. Every one of them is a load of horseshit.

Shittingbull is a load of horseshit as well.

The Clinton & Obama Administrations set up a network of cronies that will make them richer than they already are - at the expense of American democracy. If anyone truthfully thinks that President Obama exploded the national debt - just wait until you see what Hillary Clinton will do once she is inaugurated.. That is why her feet must be held to the fire.

Fixed it For You

Remember Kids, CNN told you: HILLARY IN A LANDSLIDE!
To kick Putin and refer to him in a negative way in public is stupid. To kick Russians out of our nation is stupid. The proof that it is stupid is the one that did it...Obama the laughable loser. Right now it would be smart to team up with Russia to fight Isis and to pressure China into behaving like a modern day state.

Exactly why do people forget that Russia went through a Democratic Revolution, and that they are now more like us than China is? That does not mean there aren't problems there, but they did move to the Right while we have moved to The Left, and Russians now have a lot of freedoms, and Democracy. Not American Democracy, but Democracy non the less.

They would make a natural ally. Their stance on terrorism is the correct one. They aren't a perfect partner, and I don't like some of their allies, but anyone who isn't a dumb ass liberal mucking up the entire world with their failed ideological foreign policy, should realize you are better off working with Russia on the things you can agree on than working against them, and they us. Even Russian realizes this.
There are several possible explanations for Donald Trump’s frequently professed deep admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin: His esteem for authoritarian dictators as men who get things done; his desire to embarrass President Obama by claiming Putin is a better leader; his pandering to alt-right voters who admire Putin as they pine for global white nationalist domination; the possible desire to protect or expand business interests tied to Russia; the ties of Trump advisors like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn to Russian interests; the strong evidence that Putin used cyber-hacking and fake news disinformation to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton; and, as newly reported, the unconfirmed possibility that Putin holds compromising personal and financial information about Trump.

Whatever the true reasons, Trump’s love of Putin, who engages in blatant human rights abuses at home and dangerous aggression outside his borders, threatens American interests and values. The United States should continue to seek cooperation with Russia where doing so makes us stronger, just as we did during the Cold War, but we cannot sacrifice our security to the kind of improper considerations that seem to motivate Trump.

Given Trump’s troubling embrace of Putin, the U.S. Senate must demand a Secretary of State who will approach Russia in a clear-eyed, principled way, who will push back on Trump’s bizarre Putin love. This morning’s opening of his confirmation hearing underscored that Trump’s nominee, Rex Tillerson, is not that person.

Tillerson has spent more time with Putin than almost any other American, and he has developed close ties with the Russian president. Those ties are based on commerce — on his multinational company and Russia making each other wealthier — rather than on protecting U.S. interests.

In 2011, Tillerson reached a major deal with Russia — not a breakthrough for peace or justice but instead an agreement between ExxonMobil and Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, to explore and drill for oil in the Siberian arctic, a deal worth tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars. In pursuing the deal, Tillerson has developedstrong personal ties to Rosneft head Igor Sechin, an ex-KGB agent close to Putin.

In 2012, Russia awarded Tillerson one of its highest honors, the Order of Friendship decoration.

More: Trump Loves Putin. We Need A Secretary Of State Who Doesn’t.

Wow, really scary stuff. Tillerson is obviously also a Putin lover.

time to set your desire for war with Russia aside for a while, cant we just give peace a chance?

"but we cannot sacrifice our security to the kind of improper considerations that seem to motivate Trump."

You've got to be kidding, electing Hillary would have been a major sacrifice to our security, they would hack her three ways to Sunday
You have to look far and wide to find a Republican with a cozy relationship with Putin...yet Trump just so happen to have managed find one to head the Department of State - what a coincidence :rolleyes:
You have to look far and wide to find a Republican with a cozy relationship with Putin...yet Trump just so happen to have found one to head the Department of State - what a coincidence
Cozy? where did you get that from? Not cozy but not adversarial either.
There are several possible explanations for Donald Trump’s frequently professed deep admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin: His esteem for authoritarian dictators as men who get things done; his desire to embarrass President Obama by claiming Putin is a better leader; his pandering to alt-right voters who admire Putin as they pine for global white nationalist domination; the possible desire to protect or expand business interests tied to Russia; the ties of Trump advisors like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn to Russian interests; the strong evidence that Putin used cyber-hacking and fake news disinformation to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton; and, as newly reported, the unconfirmed possibility that Putin holds compromising personal and financial information about Trump.

Whatever the true reasons, Trump’s love of Putin, who engages in blatant human rights abuses at home and dangerous aggression outside his borders, threatens American interests and values. The United States should continue to seek cooperation with Russia where doing so makes us stronger, just as we did during the Cold War, but we cannot sacrifice our security to the kind of improper considerations that seem to motivate Trump.

Given Trump’s troubling embrace of Putin, the U.S. Senate must demand a Secretary of State who will approach Russia in a clear-eyed, principled way, who will push back on Trump’s bizarre Putin love. This morning’s opening of his confirmation hearing underscored that Trump’s nominee, Rex Tillerson, is not that person.

Tillerson has spent more time with Putin than almost any other American, and he has developed close ties with the Russian president. Those ties are based on commerce — on his multinational company and Russia making each other wealthier — rather than on protecting U.S. interests.

In 2011, Tillerson reached a major deal with Russia — not a breakthrough for peace or justice but instead an agreement between ExxonMobil and Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, to explore and drill for oil in the Siberian arctic, a deal worth tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars. In pursuing the deal, Tillerson has developedstrong personal ties to Rosneft head Igor Sechin, an ex-KGB agent close to Putin.

In 2012, Russia awarded Tillerson one of its highest honors, the Order of Friendship decoration.

More: Trump Loves Putin. We Need A Secretary Of State Who Doesn’t.

Wow, really scary stuff. Tillerson is obviously also a Putin lover.

Fake news.
To kick Putin and refer to him in a negative way in public is stupid. To kick Russians out of our nation is stupid. The proof that it is stupid is the one that did it...Obama the laughable loser. Right now it would be smart to team up with Russia to fight Isis and to pressure China into behaving like a modern day state.

it like calling Putin and the Russian "deplorables" Dems keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and overand over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
Sure, Chief Thunderturd! Wot we needs is a Secretary of State jetting around the world handing out cheap plastic "RESET" buttons! Hey, just because you tried it once and it didn't work doesn't mean it might not again.......
The Trump Administration is setting up a network of cronies that will make them richer than they already are - at the expense of American democracy. If anyone falsely thinks that President Obama exploded the national debt - just wait until Trump is finished. That is why his feet must be held to the fire.

Yeah because SecState pays more than the CEO of a major oil company

Who pays you to post this?
Trump will never be inaugurated because:

1. The Russians have dirt on Trump and now they control his decisions.

2. Trump secretly worked with the KGB to get elected.

The only people denying this are the conservative nut-jobs that voted for him and they have ZERO power.

Goodbye Trump

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