Gay soldier releases thousands of documents to Wikileak

If we are going to dream here why doesn't the media always report the whole truth and let the readers decide what matters ?
Dare to dream Dilloman, dare to dream....

I was actually thinking today how hampered we are by having to rely on other people to tell us what is really going on in the world. Scary

I was just counting on you to monitor reality for me. :cool:

sorry val----all I can do is point out things that may not be true. It's getting to where that's about everything so my job is becoming obsolete. :lol:
I was actually thinking today how hampered we are by having to rely on other people to tell us what is really going on in the world. Scary

I was just counting on you to monitor reality for me. :cool:

sorry val----all I can do is point out things that may not be true. It's getting to where that's about everything so my job is becoming obsolete. :lol:

:lol: You'd think such services would be in much higher demand but take heart, I hear they give 99 weeks for unemployment nowadays!

Seriously, if this guy was gay and even IF that was the main reason for his treason, doesn't make all gays treasonous. (obviously)
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I was just counting on you to monitor reality for me. :cool:

sorry val----all I can do is point out things that may not be true. It's getting to where that's about everything so my job is becoming obsolete. :lol:

:lol: You'd think such services would be in much higher demand but take heart, I hear they give 99 weeks for unemployment nowadays!

Seriously, if this guy was gay and even IF that was the main reason for his treason, doesn't make all gays treasonous. (obviously)

No more than being conservative or liberal makes anyone fucked up but a large part of our country seems to be into that little game right now. It's starting to bore the hell out of me.
sorry val----all I can do is point out things that may not be true. It's getting to where that's about everything so my job is becoming obsolete. :lol:

:lol: You'd think such services would be in much higher demand but take heart, I hear they give 99 weeks for unemployment nowadays!

Seriously, if this guy was gay and even IF that was the main reason for his treason, doesn't make all gays treasonous. (obviously)

No more than being conservative or liberal makes anyone fucked up but a large part of our country seems to be into that little game right now. It's starting to bore the hell out of me.

Yep, it would only be funny if it wasn't true.
:lol: You'd think such services would be in much higher demand but take heart, I hear they give 99 weeks for unemployment nowadays!

Seriously, if this guy was gay and even IF that was the main reason for his treason, doesn't make all gays treasonous. (obviously)

No more than being conservative or liberal makes anyone fucked up but a large part of our country seems to be into that little game right now. It's starting to bore the hell out of me.

Yep, it would only be funny if it wasn't true.

There's gotta be another game in town.
if he committed treason, his being gay had nothing to do with it....and he should be punished appropriately.

why is his being gay relevant?

as for columbine, they were a couple of nazi-loving freaks. so the point?

Why did the Columbine kids go around asking their classmates if they were Christian...before killing them in cold blood?

Because A. They were ether accused of being Gay....or B. Because they were Gay and were constantly being teased about it.

The fact that he's Gay shouldn't matter....but for some reason the MSM seems to care enough not to even mention it. It's like talking about a politician who's fooling around with Congressional Pages...and not mentioning what party they're in.....something that they tend to do when it involves a Democrat.
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It matters. It provides a reason for why he would release the documents. But you politically correct keep ignoring the obvious.

What? You are unbelievable.

If a soldier murders 30 of his fellow soldiers at Ft Hood because of his religion that is a motive.

I believe this kid did this partly because of his sexual orientation. Not that being Gay is a reason to commit espionage but Gays tend to run in circles that are more open to liberal ideals. The same ideals that thinks it's ok to release thousand of classified documents to the public. So I believe he was a security risk and being gay was just one of the reasons.

There are reasons they asked us these type of questions when I was applying for my Top Secret clearance. Right now the prick in the White House could never get a clearance simply because of the friends he chose to hang with and groups he has been a member of.

Rosie O'Donnell has this crazy idea that G.W. Bush wants to snatch Gays and put them in labor camps putting a pink triangle on them like the Nazis did with Jews. Where she got this idea one only knows. My guess is this kid has been hanging around with people with this type of mindset.

I know this is all thinking outside the box......but I remember when I said that Cap and Trade was a possibility long before it even had a name and everyone said I was nuts.
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I believe this kid did this partly because of his sexual orientation. Not that being Gay is a reason to commit espionage but Gays tend to run in circles that are more open to liberal ideals. The same ideals that thinks it's ok to release thousand of classified documents to the public. So I believe he was a security risk and being gay was just one of the reasons.
I am still wondering how a mere Private gained access to so many confidential documents and reports.

I've never been in the service, but from what I understand, enlisted receive intel on a need-to-know basis. He should have not had the access and clearance to obtain all of the information that was leaked. This leads me to three possibilities:

1. He was not acting alone.

2. The military still does not have sufficient encryption (remember when the Taliban were using our unencrypted GPS satellites?)

3. He is a fall-guy, and the real investigation continues.


As to why he did it, this is largely irrelevant. One incident does not make a trend.

A traitor is a traitor.


Unfortunate that he was not a Log-Cabin Republican?
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Why did the Columbine kids go around asking their classmates if they were Christian...before killing them in cold blood?

Because A. They were ether accused of being Gay....or B. Because they were Gay and were constantly being teased about it.
I thought that was because they were fans of Doom and Half-Life?


I know this is not much of an issue to some but I just found out that Private Bradford Manning, the 22 year old that released all of those documents on the war to Wikileak was Gay. I can't find any stories that state this fact but Fox News this morning let it slip.

Background of Pfc. Manning and criminal charges
According to The New York Times, Manning spent his early childhood in Oklahoma with his father and, while he was staying with his mother in southwest Wales as a teenager, "classmates made fun of him for being gay."[18] Former neighbors in Oklahoma described the young Manning as "opinionated beyond his years about politics, religion, and even about keeping religion out of politics."[18] Manning "refused to recite the parts of the Pledge of Allegiance that referred to God or do homework assignments that involved the Scriptures."[18] In the Army, Manning's "social life was defined by the need to conceal his sexuality under 'don't ask, don't tell[.]' "[18] Sometime in 2008, when Manning visited Cambridge, Massachusetts "to visit a man he had fallen in love with," he became

part of a social circle that included politically motivated computer hackers and his boyfriend, a self-described drag queen. So when his military career seemed headed nowhere good, Private Manning, 22, turned increasingly to those friends for moral support.[18] Arrest of Bradley Manning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shades of Columbine folks.

I wonder why the media felt they needed to hide this?

Did they intentionally hide this or did the media feel it wasn't important?

What this kid did will only set a bad example to other disgruntled soldiers. Soldiers that feel disgruntled for one reason or another.....and being a closet gay in the military is one reason to be disgruntled because of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the military.

Is the military full of PFC Mannings waiting to voice not only their displeasure for the war but the military's anti-Gay policies?

Here is an example of one in particular: The Heroism of PFC Bradley Manning |

what? :lol::lol::lol:

so a fool's sexual life is interesting to you? do you know how many traitors and whack jobs are heterosexual, yet the media hides this fact too. I suspect a hetero-agenda!!!!!:eek:
I believe this kid did this partly because of his sexual orientation. Not that being Gay is a reason to commit espionage but Gays tend to run in circles that are more open to liberal ideals. The same ideals that thinks it's ok to release thousand of classified documents to the public. So I believe he was a security risk and being gay was just one of the reasons.
I am still wondering how a mere Private gained access to so many confidential documents and reports.

I've never been in the service, but from what I understand, enlisted receive intel on a need-to-know basis. He should have not had the access and clearance to obtain all of the information that was leaked. This leads me to three possibilities:

1. He was not acting alone.

2. The military still does not have sufficient encryption (remember when the Taliban were using our unencrypted GPS satellites?)

3. He is a fall-guy, and the real investigation continues.


As to why he did it, this is largely irrelevant. One incident does not make a trend.

A traitor is a traitor.


Unfortunate that he was not a Log-Cabin Republican?

read Tom Clancy much? :lol:

the stuff stolen is not really all that valuable. and who do you think transmits and sends all this stuff around military sites? yep, the lowly enlisted men and women.

it is all old material that is dated and from what I remember hearing it is full of snap shots and unprocessed reports.

except for pr and shit, this is such a non story
I believe this kid did this partly because of his sexual orientation. Not that being Gay is a reason to commit espionage but Gays tend to run in circles that are more open to liberal ideals. The same ideals that thinks it's ok to release thousand of classified documents to the public. So I believe he was a security risk and being gay was just one of the reasons.
I am still wondering how a mere Private gained access to so many confidential documents and reports.

I've never been in the service, but from what I understand, enlisted receive intel on a need-to-know basis. He should have not had the access and clearance to obtain all of the information that was leaked. This leads me to three possibilities:

1. He was not acting alone.

2. The military still does not have sufficient encryption (remember when the Taliban were using our unencrypted GPS satellites?)

3. He is a fall-guy, and the real investigation continues.


As to why he did it, this is largely irrelevant. One incident does not make a trend.

A traitor is a traitor.


Unfortunate that he was not a Log-Cabin Republican?

A fact the press wouldn't resist making known in every story 24/7.

But since he's Gay...and I'd be willing to bet my paycheck is probably also a registered mention.

So why the silence????

Because that little morsle of information doesn't fit into their image of how the world works. Gays aren't bad people.....they can't possibly be. Just like blacks can't possibly be racist. The focus is on Wikileak...not the traitor. You see it really doesn't work for the media. They can't show us that anyone can be a rotten traitor. Even a member of one of their protected special interest groups.

Don't get me wrong....I have nothing against Gays. I just don't cotton to what I see as uneven coverage. Nobody deserves special consideration.

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