Gay Pride Parade Commentary

Why can't we simply ban all displays of public sexuality and be done with it? Seems like an easy enough solution.

Why? Nothing wrong with looking at a little live titty. People are too obsessed with sex.

Folks, sex is not dirty. Crazy sex with anything that moves will certainly spread disease, but sex in itself is NOT dirty. Only dirty minds make it dirty.

Note: Sex is strictly for adults.
As someone who has participated in a gay pride parade I can tell you first hand that I dont understand the graphic sexual undertones to it. Since when does walking around half naked, displaying how worthy you are to f*** make you proud?

Its actually quite appalling, and I think the gay community better lose that aspect of itself, if it wants to be considered mainstream and not a bunch of sex crazed fruits.

That is my commentary on the pride parade.

Overall Its more about displaying your sexual prowess then stating your pride, and lets not forget capitalism. Since they allow a lot of vendors to sell food, merchandise and other items.

Im martin Barken and thats my commentary on the gay pride parade

... This I agree with.
What's the point in being proud of something over which you have no control?

I mean really....I can see being proud of doing an exceptional job at work or building a successful business, but running around parading out in the streets what you do (we hope) in the privacy of your own home is something to be proud of?

And on top of that, I thought a person's sex life is nobody's business but their own....Yet, on this particular occasion, we have people waving their private sex lives around in everyone's faces?

I don't get it....And don't ask me to.

are you proud to be an american?
Why can't we simply ban all displays of public sexuality and be done with it? Seems like an easy enough solution.

How about we just remove the First Amendment from the constitution?

So you're sure that Madison and company would be OK with sexual displays in public?
Tell us exactly what you mean by "sexual displays."

If you were writing the law: what would the phrasing of that law look like?
Why can't we simply ban all displays of public sexuality and be done with it? Seems like an easy enough solution.

How about we just remove the First Amendment from the constitution?

As Defined by Deviants, or as it was Intended and Penned?...

Perversion in Public is NOT what the First Eludes to, nor was it what the Founders Intended it to be...

Redress of Grievance... Fairly Clear... And your "Free Speech Rights are NOT Absolute, even in the Bastardized Interpetation of the Modern Day.

Keep your Deviancy in the Bedroom, Bathouse, Brothel, Stripjoint, or where ever...

But Keep it OUT of the Public Eye and Stop Trying to Force it on Children.

Carry on.


How about we just remove the First Amendment from the constitution?

So you're sure that Madison and company would be OK with sexual displays in public?
Tell us exactly what you mean by "sexual displays."

If you were writing the law: what would the phrasing of that law look like?

A person who knowingly or intentionally engages in a display of sexuality commits Indecent Expression, a Felony.
(a) As used in this section, a "display of sexuality" refers to any action between one or more persons that:
(1) Is conducted with the intent to arouse one or more parties
(2) Involves the exhibition of the uncovered genitals
(3) Depicts the bodily positions of sexual conduct
(4) Verbally or non-verbally expresses a certain sexual preference, desire, or fantasy.
Why can't we simply ban all displays of public sexuality and be done with it? Seems like an easy enough solution.

Problem: The definition of sexual activity varies with each person.

I hate sex, it just bores the hell out of me, but nudity isn't sexual to me at all. When I see a couple groping each other in a coffee shop it sickens me, but when I see a naked person walking around I don't even blink.
The problem with Republicans is that in their world of black and white, good and bad, public displays of affection are either a glance of aknowledgement or full out missionary with legs flying. Nothing in between.

Strange birds those Republicans. No one is asking for the right to do what they do in airport men's rooms.
So you're sure that Madison and company would be OK with sexual displays in public?
Tell us exactly what you mean by "sexual displays."

If you were writing the law: what would the phrasing of that law look like?

A person who knowingly or intentionally engages in a display of sexuality commits Indecent Expression, a Felony.
(a) As used in this section, a "display of sexuality" refers to any action between one or more persons that:
(1) Is conducted with the intent to arouse one or more parties
(2) Involves the exhibition of the uncovered genitals
(3) Depicts the bodily positions of sexual conduct
(4) Verbally or non-verbally expresses a certain sexual preference, desire, or fantasy.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Before we go further, one more question:

Do # 1, 2, 3 & 4 include an "and" or and "or" at the end of each sentence.
Why can't we simply ban all displays of public sexuality and be done with it? Seems like an easy enough solution.

How about we just remove the First Amendment from the constitution?

So you're sure that Madison and company would be OK with sexual displays in public?

There are no historical documents pertaining to sexual expression penned by any of the Founding Fathers so trying to speculate on what they thought about it is nothing more than putting words in their mouths and thoughts in the heads of those we cannot read. All we have from them is the First Amendment.
What's the point in being proud of something over which you have no control?

I mean really....I can see being proud of doing an exceptional job at work or building a successful business, but running around parading out in the streets what you do (we hope) in the privacy of your own home is something to be proud of?

And on top of that, I thought a person's sex life is nobody's business but their own....Yet, on this particular occasion, we have people waving their private sex lives around in everyone's faces?

I don't get it....And don't ask me to.


-Columbus Day Parade
-St. Patricks Day Parade
Both of whom actually -or allegedly, take your pick- DID something of relative historical value.

So, their ancestors can't take credit for it and it's stupid to take pride from it.
Tell me that little ferry fucker ain't got a screw lose... and that's what the liberals want to teach our children is OK? Bull shit...

Right because being gay means you're into looking like this.

You seriously can't believe that all gays act like that right?

1,000 bucks says the guy in the pick is straight who's just in the spirit of the parade. :cool:

I don't even see a parade in the picture, if there was a parade would there be citizens in the crosswalks?

So with that in mind I'll take that bet that he was in the spirit of the parade.

Anyway he could be straight and lost a bet for all we know.

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