Gay Marriage Proposal

Okay, so you don't have any actual proof. Got it.

I saw it with my own eyes. enough for me.

Get outside more and you may see it for yourself too

TV holding you hostage.

I do get out plenty, I tend not to judge a group by one case. If I did, I guess I would say they didn't make their children gay. The two friends I have that were raised by a same sex couple turned out straight. So by using your logic I could say gay couples don't make their children gay.

And a tv holding me hostage?

There's this little thing we learned in Jr. High School called body language? Have you ever heard of it? It's when you can tell a lot about a person by the way they carry themselves.

And I doubt if your "friends" turned out straight. probably got gay tendencies for sure if they are....and how would you even know that?...unless you were hit on by one of them...please say you were so I can call BS right quick.
I saw it with my own eyes. enough for me.

Get outside more and you may see it for yourself too

TV holding you hostage.

I do get out plenty, I tend not to judge a group by one case. If I did, I guess I would say they didn't make their children gay. The two friends I have that were raised by a same sex couple turned out straight. So by using your logic I could say gay couples don't make their children gay.

And a tv holding me hostage?

There's this little thing we learned in Jr. High School called body language? Have you ever heard of it? It's when you can tell a lot about a person by the way they carry themselves.

And I doubt if your "friends" turned out straight. probably got gay tendencies for sure if they are....and how would you even know that?...unless you were hit on by one of them...please say you were so I can call BS right quick.

Are you saying you can tell a lot about me or the people who live down the street?
Your post is a little hard to follow.
I like your idea where tax and other incentives are reserved for the family rather than the marriage. I have no problem allowing gays to marry because I do not see a plausible reason to deny them such BUT I also do not really understand what the government is doing in the marriage business in the first place.

Ideally, I don't really think that there should be any real tax benefits to being married. While society has a real interest in children, it is not the governments place to 'incentivize' such.
The government really only got involved with marriage in order to avoid inheritence disputes. Sexual orientation has absolutely no bearing on this, or on raising good, productive children.

NOW, the issues for legitimate government interest are tax, insurance, and S.S. benefits. And since I've never seen any evidence to indicate that same-sex marriages are any less desirable from a sociatal standpoint, I see no reason for government to withhold these benefits.

If you believe it is a sin, then don't do it. THIS Christian believes that Jesus made the ultimate argument for the seperation of Church and State when he said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's - render unto God what is God's."

FA_Q2 makes a good point about the roll of government in incentivizing "good" families, but even if you accept that as a legitimate roll of government, there is no evidence to support withholding those incentives for same-sex couples. imho
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Marriage began in about 3500 BCE. The people who initiated marriages were the Sumarians. They lived in a land called Sumer (soo-mer). They invented the written language, libraries, schools, the wheel, dams and canals. Their written language was called Cuneiform (coo nay if orm) and is believed to have been invented by women to keep track of the sale of goods and properties. At the time it was a matricentric society, that is to say that women owned all durable goods and they were passed from mother to eldest daughter. The reason for that practice was that one could rarely be sure of who the father was but it was positive who the mother was.
After the written language was in use men used it to record what they bought and then who they bought and then which woman they kept. Women lost all the power they had and the society changed into a matriarchal society. This was 2500 years before Judaism.
For millenia same gender marriages were commonplace - the Roman Catholic church even had a special ceremony specifically for this occasion. Some cultures allowed the brother of a dead husband to bring the widow into his current marriage so he could "care" for her. Sometimes it was more than that.
People have always decided who they would marry, or their parents decided for them, but governments never got involved in this until "the moral revolution". Governments became the guardians of those indigents they ruled - and they kept them ignorant and subserviant.
That is not the government that we are SUPPOSED to have today! We tout ourselves as "free" and turn around and ask the government to take care of us. You can't have it both ways - pick one!
Marriage began in about 3500 BCE. The people who initiated marriages were the Sumarians. They lived in a land called Sumer (soo-mer). They invented the written language, libraries, schools, the wheel, dams and canals. Their written language was called Cuneiform (coo nay if orm) and is believed to have been invented by women to keep track of the sale of goods and properties. At the time it was a matricentric society, that is to say that women owned all durable goods and they were passed from mother to eldest daughter. The reason for that practice was that one could rarely be sure of who the father was but it was positive who the mother was.
After the written language was in use men used it to record what they bought and then who they bought and then which woman they kept. Women lost all the power they had and the society changed into a matriarchal society. This was 2500 years before Judaism.
For millenia same gender marriages were commonplace - the Roman Catholic church even had a special ceremony specifically for this occasion. Some cultures allowed the brother of a dead husband to bring the widow into his current marriage so he could "care" for her. Sometimes it was more than that.
People have always decided who they would marry, or their parents decided for them, but governments never got involved in this until "the moral revolution". Governments became the guardians of those indigents they ruled - and they kept them ignorant and subserviant.
That is not the government that we are SUPPOSED to have today! We tout ourselves as "free" and turn around and ask the government to take care of us. You can't have it both ways - pick one!

Could you distill that into a comprehensible summary and then indicate the alternatives from which we are to pick?
Civil marriage is a statutory contract whose only legitimate purpose is the protection and welfare of children. (The government has no legitimate interest in relations between consenting adults.) As such, civil marriage should not be:
a. a civil rights issue;
b. a religious issue; or
c. a tradition issue.

The biggest social problem in our country is the breakdown of the nuclear family, as evidenced by increasing divorce and illegitimacy rates. Any changes to marriage and/or family laws should be considered in this context. I am not opposed to gay marriage per se. However, I am concerned that it will further undermine the concept of civil marriage in this country unless it is accompanied by other changes to our laws which promote marriage.

Therefore, I propose that we expand the definition of civil marriage to include gay couples, but limit the tax benefits to married couples (or widows/widowers) with children under 18. Despite the politically correct defense of Murphy Brown, children growing up in single parent/fractured homes are statistically much more likely to have personal problems and become a drag on society.

Despite good intentions, or current policy of supporting/rewarding this situation only makes the problem worse. Our policy should be that, if you want children, get married first and stay married (at least until they turn 18). Furthermore, No Fault divorce should not be available to people with children under 18, and those who do divorce should not get further tax preferences for future children.

This may sound judgmental, but what other solutions exist?

Therefore, I propose that we expand the definition of civil marriage to include gay couples, but limit the tax benefits to married couples (or widows/widowers) with children under 18.

Your proposal would be in violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, states may not single out a particular class of persons for a limited tax benefit compared to opposite-sex couples.

Despite the politically correct defense of Murphy Brown, children growing up in single parent/fractured homes are statistically much more likely to have personal problems and become a drag on society.

There is no evidence in support of the above.

This may sound judgmental, but what other solutions exist?

Obey the Constitution and simply allow same-sex couples access to marriage law, unchanged and unaltered, the same law opposite-sex couples may access.

It’s really not that difficult to understand – it’s not an issue at all.
AWWWW, phooey!

I thought someone was proposing, and we'd get to have a wedding on here.......... : ((
If marriage hadn't already been damaged by a skyrocketing divorce rate, we might not be discussing gay marriage today at all. First the destruction of marriage had to happen.

Agreed. and Gay parents raise Gay kids. it's a fact.
Gay people come from heterosexual sex, and most gay people are raised by heterosexual parents. The reasons why should not be difficult to understand if you know the basic characteristics of the human reproductive system.
1. Even historically, marriage was a legal device to establish paternity. Modernly, why should the government care whether two people without children are married?

2. "No fault" divorce allows the parents to decide to end the marriage without any consideration for the interests of the children. Traditional divorce requires some justification beyond "we just don't love each other any more." In the absence of actual abuse, the children of unhappy marriages are statistically better off than those of divorces.

3. So not being married improves this condition?

4. So should the children be removed from that environment?

1. People were having babies long before the instrument of marriage. and since the inception of the idea of marriage, it was based on a sacred bond between a male and female in the eyes of God. So basically, Gays shouldn't want to even have the tag of "marriage" since most of the ones I talk to don't even believe in God.

So I say just stick to "Civil Unions" it works and doesn't gray the lines between what is marriage and what is a
romp-sack relationship.

2. Ok...and? your point?

3. Having kids worsens this condition.

4. They should never be allowed to live in such an environment. period.

the sick idea of "Gay Parents" only began to get a foothold in the marriage debate after the Father figure had been totally demonized and belittled as a deadbeat dad who lusts after infidelity. Otherwise, Gays trying to become parents would have no traction whatsoever.

It's all the empty nest feminist gay women that are lonely who trailblazed this bullshit concept. nothing more.

1. Why does it matter what gay people call their relationships? You don't have to accept their definition. Catholics and protestants have different views of concepts such as saints or communion, that does not mean one group gets to ban the other from using the same language.

As for the idea of gay parents, why not? If you can have a single mother, or if you can be raised by a sibling, why not be raised by two loving people of the same sex? Why not let people decide for themselves rather than big government? Would you rather the children be aborted or left without parents?

I would rather have two loving mothers or two loving fathers than none at all. What a child needs is a loving family. Homosexuals are perfectly capable of providing that.
Agreed. and Gay parents raise Gay kids. it's a fact.

You have proof of this?

Yes. the neighbors 2 houses down. 2 gay dudes with an adopted son. and he's a real flamer at only 9 years old. Life will be hard for him.

well, that's good enough for me, damn it!!! get a rope!!!

and i know a straight couple with an adopted gay son also!!!

it is the institute of marriage that is turning these kids gay.

i think we should ban marriage altogether and copulate with wild abandon like the good lord intended.
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1. Even historically, marriage was a legal device to establish paternity. Modernly, why should the government care whether two people without children are married?

2. "No fault" divorce allows the parents to decide to end the marriage without any consideration for the interests of the children. Traditional divorce requires some justification beyond "we just don't love each other any more." In the absence of actual abuse, the children of unhappy marriages are statistically better off than those of divorces.

3. So not being married improves this condition?

4. So should the children be removed from that environment?

1. People were having babies long before the instrument of marriage. and since the inception of the idea of marriage, it was based on a sacred bond between a male and female in the eyes of God. So basically, Gays shouldn't want to even have the tag of "marriage" since most of the ones I talk to don't even believe in God.

So I say just stick to "Civil Unions" it works and doesn't gray the lines between what is marriage and what is a
romp-sack relationship.

2. Ok...and? your point?

3. Having kids worsens this condition.

4. They should never be allowed to live in such an environment. period.

the sick idea of "Gay Parents" only began to get a foothold in the marriage debate after the Father figure had been totally demonized and belittled as a deadbeat dad who lusts after infidelity. Otherwise, Gays trying to become parents would have no traction whatsoever.

It's all the empty nest feminist gay women that are lonely who trailblazed this bullshit concept. nothing more.

1. Why does it matter what gay people call their relationships? You don't have to accept their definition. Catholics and protestants have different views of concepts such as saints or communion, that does not mean one group gets to ban the other from using the same language.

As for the idea of gay parents, why not? If you can have a single mother, or if you can be raised by a sibling, why not be raised by two loving people of the same sex? Why not let people decide for themselves rather than big government? Would you rather the children be aborted or left without parents?

I would rather have two loving mothers or two loving fathers than none at all. What a child needs is a loving family. Homosexuals are perfectly capable of providing that.

The difference is no Catholic has the right to demand that everyone else acknowledge their saints.
1. People were having babies long before the instrument of marriage. and since the inception of the idea of marriage, it was based on a sacred bond between a male and female in the eyes of God. So basically, Gays shouldn't want to even have the tag of "marriage" since most of the ones I talk to don't even believe in God.

So I say just stick to "Civil Unions" it works and doesn't gray the lines between what is marriage and what is a
romp-sack relationship.

2. Ok...and? your point?

3. Having kids worsens this condition.

4. They should never be allowed to live in such an environment. period.

the sick idea of "Gay Parents" only began to get a foothold in the marriage debate after the Father figure had been totally demonized and belittled as a deadbeat dad who lusts after infidelity. Otherwise, Gays trying to become parents would have no traction whatsoever.

It's all the empty nest feminist gay women that are lonely who trailblazed this bullshit concept. nothing more.

1. Why does it matter what gay people call their relationships? You don't have to accept their definition. Catholics and protestants have different views of concepts such as saints or communion, that does not mean one group gets to ban the other from using the same language.

As for the idea of gay parents, why not? If you can have a single mother, or if you can be raised by a sibling, why not be raised by two loving people of the same sex? Why not let people decide for themselves rather than big government? Would you rather the children be aborted or left without parents?

I would rather have two loving mothers or two loving fathers than none at all. What a child needs is a loving family. Homosexuals are perfectly capable of providing that.

The difference is no Catholic has the right to demand that everyone else acknowledge their saints.
And no homosexual married couple has the right to demand that the Catholic Church accept their marriage as valid. This isn't about forcing people believe gay marriage is marriage. This is about allowing people to do so. Nobody should force a Catholic priest to marry a gay couple.

Just another reason to abolish the marriage license altogether. This shouldn't be an issue that is put up to a vote. Marriage is a completely private matter.
If Gay people only understood that it was something inherently and immorally wrong about same sex marriage, they would understand why so many people are against it's destructive and detrimental aspects. .

The problem is, Gay people are just hard headed assholes(pun intended) that could give a rat's ass about the opposing debate against Gay marriage. that's not important to them. Fuck fact finding. That debate flies over their heads.

What Gays want is a total unwavering acknowledgement of their lifestyle and they want it written into the Law so as they continue down this road their consciences will be cleared and their guilt heaped upon the Law of the land and not their own idea of morality.

Because once they get it into Law, THAT will be the crux of their argument from that point on, "It's the Law, It's Legal", not "I do it because I like my asshole ripped apart every Saturday night by John and Tom"

Their whole agenda is to eleviate the guilt. Not to just get "married".
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If Gay people only understood that it was something inherently and immorally wrong about same sex marriage, they would understand why so many people are against it's destructive and detrimental aspects. .

The problem is, Gay people are just hard headed assholes(pun intended) that could give a rat's ass about the opposing debate against Gay marriage. that's not important to them. Fuck fact finding. That debate flies over their heads.

What Gays want is a total unwavering acknowledgement of their lifestyle and they want it written into the Law so as they continue down this road their consciences will be cleared and their guilt heaped upon the Law of the land and not their own idea of morality.

Because once they get it into Law, THAT will be the crux of their argument from that point on, "It's the Law", not "I do it because I like my asshole ripped apart every Saturday night by John and Tom"

Their whole agenda is to eleviate the guilt. Not just get "married".
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle anymore than blonde hair is a lifestyle.
If Gay people only understood that it was something inherently and immorally wrong about same sex marriage, they would understand why so many people are against it's destructive and detrimental aspects. .

The problem is, Gay people are just hard headed assholes(pun intended) that could give a rat's ass about the opposing debate against Gay marriage. that's not important to them. Fuck fact finding. That debate flies over their heads.

What Gays want is a total unwavering acknowledgement of their lifestyle and they want it written into the Law so as they continue down this road their consciences will be cleared and their guilt heaped upon the Law of the land and not their own idea of morality.

Because once they get it into Law, THAT will be the crux of their argument from that point on, "It's the Law", not "I do it because I like my asshole ripped apart every Saturday night by John and Tom"

Their whole agenda is to eleviate the guilt. Not just get "married".
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle anymore than blonde hair is a lifestyle.

^This is the ignorance I'm talking about.

Homosexuality is just as much of a lifestyle and running, swimming, parasailing. you CHOOSE to do it.

It's not genetic since there is no such thing as a gay gene. So it must be a personal choice lifestyle. Because if it was genetic, we would all be gay.

Gay people that say "I came out the closet" made a choice. or why would they need to say that?
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If Gay people only understood that it was something inherently and immorally wrong about same sex marriage, they would understand why so many people are against it's destructive and detrimental aspects. .

The problem is, Gay people are just hard headed assholes(pun intended) that could give a rat's ass about the opposing debate against Gay marriage. that's not important to them. Fuck fact finding. That debate flies over their heads.

What Gays want is a total unwavering acknowledgement of their lifestyle and they want it written into the Law so as they continue down this road their consciences will be cleared and their guilt heaped upon the Law of the land and not their own idea of morality.

Because once they get it into Law, THAT will be the crux of their argument from that point on, "It's the Law", not "I do it because I like my asshole ripped apart every Saturday night by John and Tom"

Their whole agenda is to eleviate the guilt. Not just get "married".
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle anymore than blonde hair is a lifestyle.

^This is the ignorance I'm talking about.

Homosexuality is just as much of a lifestyle and running, swimming, parasailing. you CHOOSE to do it.

It's not genetic since there is no such thing as a gay gene. So it must be a personal choice lifestyle. Becuase if it was genetic, we would all be gay.

Gay people that say "I came out the closet" made a choice. or why would they need to say that?

Red hair is genetic but we all don't have red hair, do we?

You're correct when you say that gays who come out of the closet made a choice ... a choice to tell everyone they are gay (although since what they do behind closed doors is no one's business I don't know why they feel the need to 'announce' their sexuality to the world; the world really doesn't care) not a choice to be gay.
If Gay people only understood that it was something inherently and immorally wrong about same sex marriage, they would understand why so many people are against it's destructive and detrimental aspects. .

The problem is, Gay people are just hard headed assholes(pun intended) that could give a rat's ass about the opposing debate against Gay marriage. that's not important to them. Fuck fact finding. That debate flies over their heads.

What Gays want is a total unwavering acknowledgement of their lifestyle and they want it written into the Law so as they continue down this road their consciences will be cleared and their guilt heaped upon the Law of the land and not their own idea of morality.

Because once they get it into Law, THAT will be the crux of their argument from that point on, "It's the Law", not "I do it because I like my asshole ripped apart every Saturday night by John and Tom"

Their whole agenda is to eleviate the guilt. Not just get "married".
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle anymore than blonde hair is a lifestyle.

^This is the ignorance I'm talking about.

Homosexuality is just as much of a lifestyle and running, swimming, parasailing. you CHOOSE to do it.

It's not genetic since there is no such thing as a gay gene. So it must be a personal choice lifestyle. Because if it was genetic, we would all be gay.

Gay people that say "I came out the closet" made a choice. or why would they need to say that?
When did you choose to be heterosexual? The answer is never. Homosexuals cannot control their same sex attraction anymore than heterosexuals can control their opposite sex attraction.

Who says one gene has to determine one's sexuality? Furthermore, the fact that one has not been discovered does not mean one does not exist. That is an appeal to ignorance, which is a completely fallacious argument. The notion that if it were genetic then everyone would be gay is even more absurd. Blue eyes are genetic. Do we all have blue eyes? No. Does that mean blue eyes are a person choice? No.

Gay people do make a choice--they choose honesty over dishonesty. They don't choose their feelings, they choose to be honest about them. I consider a life of honesty to be a far more moral and socially beneficial choice than a life of lying, deceit, and pretend.
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Civil marriage is a statutory contract whose only legitimate purpose is the protection and welfare of children. (The government has no legitimate interest in relations between consenting adults.) As such, civil marriage should not be:
a. a civil rights issue;
b. a religious issue; or
c. a tradition issue.

The biggest social problem in our country is the breakdown of the nuclear family, as evidenced by increasing divorce and illegitimacy rates. Any changes to marriage and/or family laws should be considered in this context. I am not opposed to gay marriage per se. However, I am concerned that it will further undermine the concept of civil marriage in this country unless it is accompanied by other changes to our laws which promote marriage.

Therefore, I propose that we expand the definition of civil marriage to include gay couples, but limit the tax benefits to married couples (or widows/widowers) with children under 18. Despite the politically correct defense of Murphy Brown, children growing up in single parent/fractured homes are statistically much more likely to have personal problems and become a drag on society.

Despite good intentions, or current policy of supporting/rewarding this situation only makes the problem worse. Our policy should be that, if you want children, get married first and stay married (at least until they turn 18). Furthermore, No Fault divorce should not be available to people with children under 18, and those who do divorce should not get further tax preferences for future children.

This may sound judgmental, but what other solutions exist?

This is the perfect solution. I've been telling people this for years. It's a simple fix in the tax code and what is called a language change. It would fully seperate church from state. Now if we can get our politicians to pick up on this and put the partisan crap aside, this would become a dead "issue." Strong work.

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