Gay Marriage May Have Cost Obama Floridah

I know he has lost lots of voters in VA and N Carolina.

It's a Tad more Complicated than that bud. He Treatment of Israel has gone a long way to pushing Florida toward Romney as well. Not to mention that Florida lives on Tourism, and a Crappy Economy, and High Gas Prices hit them very hard.

I have to give Obama some Credit now, Because he appears to have the Balls to stand by what he believe, However wrong I think he is, Even if it may cost him another Term. How else can you explain him almost constantly taking the Minority Position over the Majority View of the People? In almost every Case.
Florida will go Romney, but not because of Israel. The great majority of Jews are quite satisfied with BHO's support of Israel, as you should be too,
LOL Joe, you have already shown me that you do not have much of a clue. So please stop trying to tell people you don't even know what and who they are. I'm a voter Joe and I vote for who I think will do the better job. As of now the democrats tax and spend government scares me very much. Obama is spending us into a crevasse that will be amazingly difficult to recover from. His divisive policies in my opinion have been and continue to be a disaster and he is hurting our country so badly that it isn't funny. The man disgusts me and I want him out of office as soon as possible. Mitt Romney is the best hope for that.

As far as Obama being a Lawyer that's pretty much a joke or he would not have spent several hundred thousands dollars on hiding his transcripts. The man likely does not want anyone to see what his records were for a reason. He is nothing more then the liar he has shown himself to be as president. He has to go before our country heads down the road to where Spain and Greece are heading.

Wow, so essentially, children, this is why you shouldn't spend 3 hours aday listening to Talk Radio.

You say ridiculous shit like the above like it's absolutely true.

Case in point. Where did Obama "raise" taxes? He cut taxes for the working class and even allowed Bush's tax cuts to continue for another two years.

It is true Joe, you are just unable to see. Hopefully Romney will fix that for you.
What I have been reading is that Obama's base is not real happy with him. A lot of liberal talk in 2008, and a moderate to conservative presidency. The story about Hollywood withholding money and support from Obama apparently came from the LGBTQ community who laid it out. Get behind gay marriage, or LGBTQ will sit this election out.

Obama went for the money. I would imagine he did not like having to tip his hand on LGBTQ marriage. Obama took his stand, and the millions are rolling in. The real question is which does Obama need more LGBTQ or Florida? Looks like Obama chose LGBTQ.

Politically, I think Obama made a wise move. LGBTQ has one political advantage over any other minority group. They are affluent, educated, and organized. They are smart hardball politickers.

I read an article recently in the Los Angeles Times that the LGBTQ are targeting Hispanic American Congressional seats because in 2008 California Mexican Americans voted against gay marriage. Now it is payback time. So, California has LGBTQ Democrats out to unseat Mexican American Democrats who did not deliver for them. LGBTQ are sending checks to key Republicans, including Vietnamese. Apparently, the Mexican American candidates are on their knees for screwing around with LGBTQ marriage. From what I'm reading LGBTQ is not forgiving.

What a year for the Mexican American pro-illegal immigration structure to collapse as Arizona, Mississippi, and Alabama are targeting them. Apparently, the Roman Catholic Church is speechless for a change, they led the anti-LGBTQ effort in 2008!

It looks like Obama is smart, let the Florida LGBTQ and Hispanics fight their war while Obama gets support from both sides.
I think you may be misreading the effect that his coming out of the closet has had and will have. The homosexuals are a large part of his campaign income, they have been, are and will be. But compared to the Latin vote they are not so much in votes counted. Anyway it is and will be interesting to watch it unfold through the election cycle.
Obama went for the money. I would imagine he did not like having to tip his hand on LGBTQ marriage. Obama took his stand, and the millions are rolling in. The real question is which does Obama need more LGBTQ or Florida? Looks like Obama chose LGBTQ.

Politically, I think Obama made a wise move. LGBTQ has one political advantage over any other minority group. They are affluent, educated, and organized. They are smart hardball politickers.

I read an article recently in the Los Angeles Times that the LGBTQ are targeting Hispanic American Congressional seats because in 2008 California Mexican Americans voted against gay marriage. Now it is payback time. So, California has LGBTQ Democrats out to unseat Mexican American Democrats who did not deliver for them. LGBTQ are sending checks to key Republicans, including Vietnamese. Apparently, the Mexican American candidates are on their knees for screwing around with LGBTQ marriage. From what I'm reading LGBTQ is not forgiving.

What a year for the Mexican American pro-illegal immigration structure to collapse as Arizona, Mississippi, and Alabama are targeting them. Apparently, the Roman Catholic Church is speechless for a change, they led the anti-LGBTQ effort in 2008!

It looks like Obama is smart, let the Florida LGBTQ and Hispanics fight their war while Obama gets support from both sides.

There are more straight people, in raw numbers, than gay people that support marriage equality (being that people born gay will always only make up between 6 and 10 percent of any given population, as has been the natural order for some time).

Obama took a huge risk in addressing support for gay marriage. The majority of Americans are, at this time, against gay marriage. I believe this will change in the next ten years, but as of now the risk is huge.

Politics is politics, so I'm sure he encountered some data that led him to vocalize his support (I believe he was always in favor of it but wanted to win the election so kept it under wraps). But what that data was, hell if I know. Now the religious fanatics will become even more unified in their dislike of Obama.

And a far smaller group, including myself, are now rallying behind Obama primarily due to his support of this issue.
Obama went for the money. I would imagine he did not like having to tip his hand on LGBTQ marriage. Obama took his stand, and the millions are rolling in. The real question is which does Obama need more LGBTQ or Florida? Looks like Obama chose LGBTQ.

Politically, I think Obama made a wise move. LGBTQ has one political advantage over any other minority group. They are affluent, educated, and organized. They are smart hardball politickers.

I read an article recently in the Los Angeles Times that the LGBTQ are targeting Hispanic American Congressional seats because in 2008 California Mexican Americans voted against gay marriage. Now it is payback time. So, California has LGBTQ Democrats out to unseat Mexican American Democrats who did not deliver for them. LGBTQ are sending checks to key Republicans, including Vietnamese. Apparently, the Mexican American candidates are on their knees for screwing around with LGBTQ marriage. From what I'm reading LGBTQ is not forgiving.

What a year for the Mexican American pro-illegal immigration structure to collapse as Arizona, Mississippi, and Alabama are targeting them. Apparently, the Roman Catholic Church is speechless for a change, they led the anti-LGBTQ effort in 2008!

It looks like Obama is smart, let the Florida LGBTQ and Hispanics fight their war while Obama gets support from both sides.

There are more straight people, in raw numbers, than gay people that support marriage equality (being that people born gay will always only make up between 6 and 10 percent of any given population, as has been the natural order for some time).

Obama took a huge risk in addressing support for gay marriage. The majority of Americans are, at this time, against gay marriage. I believe this will change in the next ten years, but as of now the risk is huge.

Politics is politics, so I'm sure he encountered some data that led him to vocalize his support (I believe he was always in favor of it but wanted to win the election so kept it under wraps). But what that data was, hell if I know. Now the religious fanatics will become even more unified in their dislike of Obama.

And a far smaller group, including myself, are now rallying behind Obama primarily due to his support of this issue.

Back when he was first elected one of the things I respected about the man was that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman. The same went for my wife as we both saw him say that on television. Now he tossed that aside for attempted political gain and oh yeah, after speaking to his daughters concerning the direction of this National issue. Who in their right mind would base a major national issue on a child's opinion. Good grief! He has lost almost all of the respect that we held for him.
Well Joe, not to be a smart alec but what you think doesn't matter to me. What I think is that Romney can do a much better job then Obama has done and that will be helpful to our country.

But what do you base that on?

Romney's only poltiical office was govenror of Massachusetts. He held it for one term, was the least popular governor in the country (even coming in behind Rod Blagovoich) and his state was ranked 47 out of 50 in job creation. He didn't even try to run for a second term.

And this was during a time when the economy wasn't so bad, his performance was pathetic.

If Past is Prologue, then really, Romney's past doesn't say good things.

Now, he'll talk about the Olympics (where he begged for and got a big government bailout) or Bain (where he ruined a lot of lives) but he isn't talking about the one job that was about as close to the one he is actually running for and was his most recent professional experience.

Here are the actual facts about UE in Massachusetts and compare what Romney did when he worked the Olympics to Obama's feeble attempts.

The unemployment rate in Massachusetts had doubled from January 2001 to January 2003, the year Romney took office, and was continuing to increase at a fast rate. He implemented pro-growth policies and programs. By summer the increase in unemployment had stopped and by fall unemployment was dropping. While Massachusetts was 50th, or nearly the worst in the nation in the increase in unemployment rates the year that just ended when he took office, he got it down to 38th place by the end of his first year in office. The unemployment rate continued to rapidly drop for nearly two years, hit a plateau for about a year and a half, then started dropping again at the end of his term of office (see chart below). The year he left office (2007), the trend in Massachusetts' unemployment rate was 12th in the nation, a big improvement from the 50th place it was in the year he won office.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Massachusetts
(retrieved November 2008)

Mitt Romney - Economic Record as Governor

President Barack Obama said Friday he has "no doubt" that Chicago put together the strongest bid it could to win the 2016 Olympics.

He said he wished he had brought back better news from Friday's voting in Copenhagen, where his personal appeal did not help his adopted hometown win. He said he had called the president of Brazil, which won, to congratulate him.

Obama: Failed Olympics bid... -
Well Joe, not to be a smart alec but what you think doesn't matter to me. What I think is that Romney can do a much better job then Obama has done and that will be helpful to our country.

But what do you base that on?

Romney's only poltiical office was govenror of Massachusetts. He held it for one term, was the least popular governor in the country (even coming in behind Rod Blagovoich) and his state was ranked 47 out of 50 in job creation. He didn't even try to run for a second term.

And this was during a time when the economy wasn't so bad, his performance was pathetic.

If Past is Prologue, then really, Romney's past doesn't say good things.

Now, he'll talk about the Olympics (where he begged for and got a big government bailout) or Bain (where he ruined a lot of lives) but he isn't talking about the one job that was about as close to the one he is actually running for and was his most recent professional experience.

Take a tour of the internet and get a gander at what happened to Illinois' debt/deficit while Obama was state senator in a dem-majority.

They say "Every cloud has its silver lining" Gay marriage puts the genealogists out of business and any future claims by people like Elizabeth Warren.
Can you imagine the discussion when the folks at NOW and NARAL, because of advances in genetic science and reproductive technology, start insisting on castrating all American males at birth, because intact males with an intact, unrestricted supply of testosterone are just too dangerous for women to have around. Female safety being more important than the male's liberty. Reproduction will be at the female's choice from cloned germ cells of the male of her choice. All they'll need is the right "Slick Willie" at the right time.
Safety and Liberty have always had a time honored inverse relationship.
Well Joe, not to be a smart alec but what you think doesn't matter to me. What I think is that Romney can do a much better job then Obama has done and that will be helpful to our country.

But what do you base that on?

Romney's only poltiical office was govenror of Massachusetts. He held it for one term, was the least popular governor in the country (even coming in behind Rod Blagovoich) and his state was ranked 47 out of 50 in job creation. He didn't even try to run for a second term.

And this was during a time when the economy wasn't so bad, his performance was pathetic.

If Past is Prologue, then really, Romney's past doesn't say good things.

Now, he'll talk about the Olympics (where he begged for and got a big government bailout) or Bain (where he ruined a lot of lives) but he isn't talking about the one job that was about as close to the one he is actually running for and was his most recent professional experience.

Take a tour of the internet and get a gander at what happened to Illinois' debt/deficit while Obama was state senator in a dem-majority.


I'm sorry... was Obama the Governor at the time. The period when he was in the state legislature we had Republican governors for all but two of those years.

Also, it wasn't really a very big deficit or debt prior to 2004... In fact, deficits as part of the budget in FY 2003 were only 3% of the total budget in a recession year.
Here are the actual facts about UE in Massachusetts and compare what Romney did when he worked the Olympics to Obama's feeble attempts.

The unemployment rate in Massachusetts had doubled from January 2001 to January 2003, the year Romney took office, and was continuing to increase at a fast rate. He implemented pro-growth policies and programs. By summer the increase in unemployment had stopped and by fall unemployment was dropping. While Massachusetts was 50th, or nearly the worst in the nation in the increase in unemployment rates the year that just ended when he took office, he got it down to 38th place by the end of his first year in office. The unemployment rate continued to rapidly drop for nearly two years, hit a plateau for about a year and a half, then started dropping again at the end of his term of office (see chart below). The year he left office (2007), the trend in Massachusetts' unemployment rate was 12th in the nation, a big improvement from the 50th place it was in the year he won office.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Massachusetts
(retrieved November 2008)

Mitt Romney - Economic Record as Governor


Okay, guy, leaving aside the whole Olympic issue (Where Chicago was a longshot because the US had hosted Olympics in 2002, 1996 and 1984), let's look at Romney the Job Creator.

Once again, Romney doesn't really talk about his time a Governor. Except that he was severely conservative, really. Ignore the Gay marriage and the Socialized Medicine, he was "Severely" Conservative. just ask him.

On his JOb Creation record, you can see why he doesn't want to talk about that...

Back when he was first elected one of the things I respected about the man was that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman. The same went for my wife as we both saw him say that on television. Now he tossed that aside for attempted political gain and oh yeah, after speaking to his daughters concerning the direction of this National issue. Who in their right mind would base a major national issue on a child's opinion. Good grief! He has lost almost all of the respect that we held for him.

If anyone question just how far we've come as a country regarding gay and lesbian equality, it's summed up right here. This guy thinks that President Obama came out in support of marriage equality FOR political gain. :lol:
Back when he was first elected one of the things I respected about the man was that he said that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman. The same went for my wife as we both saw him say that on television. Now he tossed that aside for attempted political gain and oh yeah, after speaking to his daughters concerning the direction of this National issue. Who in their right mind would base a major national issue on a child's opinion. Good grief! He has lost almost all of the respect that we held for him.

If anyone question just how far we've come as a country regarding gay and lesbian equality, it's summed up right here. This guy thinks that President Obama came out in support of marriage equality FOR political gain. :lol:

Well, to be absolutely fair, he did...

Not that there's anything wrong with that, to use the venacular.

But his position was just as much about rallying parts of his base and raising money as it was about a policy change or the right thing to do.

Otherwise he would have come out in 2009 or 2011 when people weren't paying as much attention.

He's sensed a political oppurtunity, and he took it. Nothing wrong with that, but that's what it is. He probalby focus grouped it, did a cost-benefit analysis, and realized he'd gain more than he'd lose.

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