Gay marriage advocates, on the wrong track?

okay I posted on this earlier but didn't show up.

I'm a Christian. And an Independent. This issue is a great way for the GOP to lose my vote and that of virtually every Independent I know.
The Extremes are always easy to spot because they are so self-contradicting:
I don't want Big Government BUT
I want a BIG Government telling everyone who they can marry.
It's wrong of the Libs try to try to "Force their morality on us" BUT
I want to do that to them.
Gays are promiscuous and that is bad BUT
I want to deter them from committing to a monogamous relationship.
We have problems. Big problems. The economy, the deficit, unemployment, war....
And this is the issue that people want to waste their time bickering about.

Don't you think it's an issue for gay's who aren't able to marry each other and have to be questions and looked down upon by thousands who do not approve of them together?
It's the gay agenda to persuade everyone that gays are just like normal people. That's it. Everything else is bullshit ginned up to make this pass. Gays are denied nothing. They are not discriminated against at all. It is all bullshit.

I had no idea a gay couple could file a married federal income tax return!

I had no idea a gay spouse could collect Social Security survivor's benefits!
Celebrities voice their opinions and gay marriage is at the heat of the moment. Arnold Schwarzenegger Said “ I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.” While Lady Gaga said “Gay marriage is going to happen.” Both of these celebrities are extremely influential in our society and their viewpoints are completely opposite. How do you think most people respond to this extremely controversial issue? Have you had any personal encounters relating to gay marriage?
Gay marriage advocates, on the wrong track?

Never mind "advocating". How about equal rights for ALL Americans? You know, like it says in the Constitution.

Try as they might, the rw's simply cannot come up with one good reason why gays (blacks, women) should be denied their basic rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
Celebrities voice their opinions and gay marriage is at the heat of the moment. Arnold Schwarzenegger Said “ I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.” While Lady Gaga said “Gay marriage is going to happen.” Both of these celebrities are extremely influential in our society and their viewpoints are completely opposite. How do you think most people respond to this extremely controversial issue? Have you had any personal encounters relating to gay marriage?

a) Its not controversial except to a few radical Peeping Toms.
b) Most people are busy living their own lives and have no need to stop others from living theirs.

I've been to the weddings of gay friends and wish them every happiness. Beyond that, who cares?

I'm sick of Rs wanting bigger and bigger government in order to control every aspect of our personal and private lives.

Get Big Brother out of our bedrooms.

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