Gasoline down $1.93 a gallon today...thanks President Trump.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Went to Springfield today...gas was down from $2.22 two weeks ago to $1.93 a gallon for regular.

Thanks President Trump... #rightwinger
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Went to Springfield today...gas was down from $2.22 two weeks ago to $1.93 a gallon for regular.

Thanks President Trump... #rightwinger

Gasoline prices can shoot up quickly at any sign of disturbance in supply, or anything else the oil companies ant to blame it on, but they never drop that quickly for short term reasons. Trump didn't cause this drop in price. He hasn't been around long enough to do that.
Went to Springfield today...gas was down from $2.22 two weeks ago to $1.93 a gallon for regular.

Thanks President Trump... #rightwinger

Gasoline prices can shoot up quickly at any sign of disturbance in supply, or anything else the oil companies ant to blame it on, but they never drop that quickly for short term reasons. Trump didn't cause this drop in price. He hasn't been around long enough to do that.

It's a joke thread, which is based on a previous joke thread, which was based on what the right-wing Echobubble was actually trying to sell. And that was the idea that "gas prices rose under O'bama therefore he caused it".
Went to Springfield today...gas was down from $2.22 two weeks ago to $1.93 a gallon for regular.

Thanks President Trump... #rightwinger

Gasoline prices can shoot up quickly at any sign of disturbance in supply, or anything else the oil companies ant to blame it on, but they never drop that quickly for short term reasons. Trump didn't cause this drop in price. He hasn't been around long enough to do that.

It's a joke thread, which is based on a previous joke thread, which was based on what the right-wing Echobubble was actually trying to sell. And that was the idea that "gas prices rose under O'bama therefore he caused it".

Well that's pretty much why we annexed the middle east, we think we're entitled to rule over the planet's resources and are quite prepared to use force if necessary.
I noticed that today when I filled up. I paid $2.15... down from $2.34 last week.

Thank you, President Trump! :2up:
How the heck did I end up in introduce yourself? I'll get it moved ASAP.

What you mean is IN SPITE of petulant, former President Barack Hussein Obama wishes. You do admit it do you not?

Which of these promises did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama actually keep?

Went to Springfield today...gas was down from $2.22 two weeks ago to $1.93 a gallon for regular.

Thanks President Trump... #rightwinger

Gasoline prices can shoot up quickly at any sign of disturbance in supply, or anything else the oil companies ant to blame it on, but they never drop that quickly for short term reasons. Trump didn't cause this drop in price. He hasn't been around long enough to do that.

It's a joke thread, which is based on a previous joke thread, which was based on what the right-wing Echobubble was actually trying to sell. And that was the idea that "gas prices rose under O'bama therefore he caused it".

Well that's pretty much why we annexed the middle east, we think we're entitled to rule over the planet's resources and are quite prepared to use force if necessary.

Since you raised the question. Specifically which nation would you prefer "rule" over the planet's resources and, also specifically, how are we ruling over all those resources?

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