Gas in Michigan now $4.249 a Gallon!! Why??

Pretty ironic isn't it? The short answer is that the administration wants high energy prices to punish Americans and force free people to accept junk science like global warming, which is just an extortion racket, and government control over every concept of free enterprise.
Michigan's gas prices are skyrocketing...and I haven't heard a good reason why yet! We're higher than Alaska and Hawaii...or any other state! I heard it's because we're at the end of the pipeline from the gulf....bullshit! Maine is further and they were still under $4 the last I checked. Has anyone here heard the truth of what's going on?

Its all a conspiracy to fuck you over.
Michigan's gas prices are skyrocketing...and I haven't heard a good reason why yet! We're higher than Alaska and Hawaii...or any other state! I heard it's because we're at the end of the pipeline from the gulf....bullshit! Maine is further and they were still under $4 the last I checked. Has anyone here heard the truth of what's going on?

Simple, 'cause the economy is on a rebound and the cartel thought by raising prices they might garner some support for a failing Republican Party.

Well of course, it could never be because we have a failure in the WH that doesn't give a shit and won't lift a finger to even TRY to do anything about it.
I didn't vote for the communist!

You are now paying for not being able to convince enough of your friends of the consequences of your collective action. Bummer, but it's your state. The consequences of our collective decision last year has hit many people, in different ways.

Mitigate as best you can.
Joly crap! People still live in Michigan?

Lol! Ya, lived here all my life :) It's a beautiful state!

It is beautiful. Just drove from Holland up the entire western side of the LP, back to Traverse City, across Macinac to the Soo, and then west to Duluth on a relaxing roadtrip. Enjoy living there, buy a hybrid, stop worrying about gas prices so much.
Joly crap! People still live in Michigan?

Lol! Ya, lived here all my life :) It's a beautiful state!

It is beautiful. Just drove from Holland up the entire western side of the LP, back to Traverse City, across Macinac to the Soo, and then west to Duluth on a relaxing roadtrip. Enjoy living there, buy a hybrid, stop worrying about gas prices so much.

That's a nice trip...have done it too! :)

And because of circumstances beyond my control (mostly past large medical bills), I would never get the financing to own one of those cars, and I couldn't afford the payments anyway. So I'm stuck, like many others in the same situation, with paying for gas. Wish it wasn't that way, but not much I could do about it. So please stop trying to make it sound like such an easy way to solve the problem.......for many of us it isn't an option.
And because of circumstances beyond my control (mostly past large medical bills), I would never get the financing to own one of those cars, and I couldn't afford the payments anyway. So I'm stuck, like many others in the same situation, with paying for gas. Wish it wasn't that way, but not much I could do about it. So please stop trying to make it sound like such an easy way to solve the problem.......for many of us it isn't an option.

There are many options, and generally complaint doesn't count towards choosing any of them. Make a plan and work it, if you can't handle a new car payment, fine, watch for used. if you can't handle used, fine, bicycle. Walk. Bum a ride from friends.Take a cab. If there is one thing Americans do, and they shouldn't because it makes us all look like we deserve the nanny state we have been building for 40 years now, is whine like stuck pigs over nothing but some change or another. Don't like high gas prices? There is a simple, direct solution. Use less. Case closed.

If you are smart, something Americans get less and less credit for the more they whine, is you do this thing called PLANNING. For example, when you were forced in the government indoctrination centers to read those things called "history books", you should have noted that this has happened before. Certainly those of us who lived through it haven't forgotten, but even the young can learn by putting down the ipad, pick up a book, and learn something. History teaches us all sorts of things, and we need to learn it lest we repeat it. I certainly learned from history, two things of importance related to resources. Humans will always need them, so a career related to them might not be a bad idea, and knowing they will get more expensive, make damn sure your finances aren't impacted any more than you can handle when prices change.

Make a plan and work it.
Only 89 cents in 9 years. In 5 years it's gone up over $3.00! Something's wrong with this!

Those numbers are misleading. Gas was well over $3 a gallon during the summer of 2008. They were in the $2 range late in 2008 because of the bottom falling out of the economy.

You have a link?

I's mine: (which was from 2012)

The average price for one gallon of unleaded gasoline has increased nearly every month since Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009. At that time, when George W. Bush was leaving office, the price was $1.78 per gallon. Today, three years and one month later, the average price is $3.64.
Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 | CNS News

Look at the five year chart.

Historical Gas Price Charts -

Gas was more expensive this time in 2008 than it is today.

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