Game Over

The political pendulum swings from one side to the other. It never stays in one place for long. It was to the right for eight years and then swung to the left. It is now self correcting to move more towards the center.

It is not the end of the world but the way our political system works.

My biggest concern is that the right and left can no longer work together to find a middle ground. it is all or nothing for one side or the other. The result is that we end up with nothing

And in most cases, nothing rests well with the GOP.
I have been tellinig you for a few years that the golden age of America is past.

Then pack and leave. Cuba is nice this time of year. America needs people prepared to work, not sit around and whine cuz they didn't get the nanny state they wanted. You want a nanny state, there's the whole of Europe to pick from. I recommend France.

Why would I want to leave? I have maybe a year left.

I sort of enjoy watching people make fools of themselves.

I did come close to moving to NZ a few years ago though.

a year left of what?
There are now NO limits.

You refuse to accept the fact that this is a rule change.

The Bin Ladin family now can get a voice and choice in our elections if they so wish.

You and most Americans can not come anywhere close to the power they now can have.

May I suggest that if you don't like the rules, then find a CONSTITUTIONAL method of dealing with them?
Then pack and leave. Cuba is nice this time of year. America needs people prepared to work, not sit around and whine cuz they didn't get the nanny state they wanted. You want a nanny state, there's the whole of Europe to pick from. I recommend France.

Why would I want to leave? I have maybe a year left.

I sort of enjoy watching people make fools of themselves.

I did come close to moving to NZ a few years ago though.

a year left of what?

I have been tellinig you for a few years that the golden age of America is past.

And I tell you, we havent even seen the golden age yet

I may be on board with UScitizen this time.

According to Professor Alexander Tyler there are eight stages of democracy:
  1. From bondage to spiritual faith
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage.

We are in the complacent/apathetic stage and the current administration is pushing us full speed ahead into dependance.
A CEO will have massive power now.

Unchecked and free to flood the airwaves with whater they see fit during an election.

Who makes sure the CEO is an American?

George Soros had that privilege for years. Funny, you didn't seem to mind back then.

Oh, and by the way, he still does.

Why would I want to leave? I have maybe a year left.

I sort of enjoy watching people make fools of themselves.

I did come close to moving to NZ a few years ago though.

a year left of what?


Then why are you spending it on an internet message board?

If I had about a year to go, I wouldn't be posting here anymore...

No offense to the fine folks here, but this wouldn't be on my priority list of shit to do before I vacate this green/blue orb...
A CEO will have massive power now.

Unchecked and free to flood the airwaves with whater they see fit during an election.

Who makes sure the CEO is an American?

George Soros had that privilege for years. Funny, you didn't seem to mind back then.

Oh, and by the way, he still does.


George Soros (pronounced /ˈsɔroʊs/ or /ˈsɔrəs/,[2] Hungarian IPA: [ˈʃoroʃ]; born August 12, 1930, as Schwartz György) is a Hungarian-American currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and political activist.[
A CEO will have massive power now.

Unchecked and free to flood the airwaves with whater they see fit during an election.

Who makes sure the CEO is an American?

George Soros had that privilege for years. Funny, you didn't seem to mind back then.

Oh, and by the way, he still does.


George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

George Soros (pronounced /ˈsɔroʊs/ or /ˈsɔrəs/,[2] Hungarian IPA: [ˈʃoroʃ]; born August 12, 1930, as Schwartz György) is a Hungarian-American currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and political activist.

Who has told you what to think for at least eight years.

House bite me.

The game has changed and I have never supported anyone but Individuals being able to donate to a candidate or party.

Now are you happy we have foreign entities now able to donate and place their own ads all they wish?
So you are fine with banning 527 donations, union donations, special interest group donations and many many many other forms of collectivist spending in politics in exchange for banning corporations their right to free speech?

I'm not happy with this, but I will be okay if we push through some complete transparency FOIA of campaign finance. Should be done regardless though.
I have been tellinig you for a few years that the golden age of America is past.

And I tell you, we havent even seen the golden age yet

I may be on board with UScitizen this time.

According to Professor Alexander Tyler there are eight stages of democracy:
  1. From bondage to spiritual faith
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage.

We are in the complacent/apathetic stage and the current administration is pushing us full speed ahead into dependance.
I'd say we're seriously in Apathy pushing towards dependence too, but... This is also a reversable process I think. Rome rocked back and forth a few times before it fell IIRC.

That is a good scale though.
This is the thought that has been running through my head for the last 24 hours.

Game Over, this country is soon to be dead.

The great American experiment with democracy is done.
Relax, there is good news.

The people broke up the dictatorship and sent a senator to washington to stop the madness.

It was in all the papers.
This is the thought that has been running through my head for the last 24 hours.

Game Over, this country is soon to be dead.

The great American experiment with democracy is done.
Relax, there is good news.

The people broke up the dictatorship and sent a senator to washington to stop the madness.

It was in all the papers.

Partisan faith is pathetic.

I recall hearing similar stuff in 2000.
All this doom and gloom is quite humorous. The world's not coming to an end and neither is America. George Soros and the Unions can still spend their millions. There will still be Democrats elected to office because there will always be Republicans in office who f up. Say it with me Truthmatters, YES WE CAN!

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