Game of Thrones producers can go f**k themselves

I don’t know how any one can watch a show where men listened to women in the Stone Age lol thoses biatches would have gotten smacked up talking back like they do. When does reality set in

You guys get that this is fiction, right? It's not even set on Earth.
I don’t watch the show. So peeked at it and women are in charge lol yea ok
I don’t know how any one can watch a show where men listened to women in the Stone Age lol thoses biatches would have gotten smacked up talking back like they do. When does reality set in
A few more strong Middle Ages women:
Clotilde 475-545

Clotilde married Clovis, the king of the Franks who ruled northern France. She helped to convert her husband to Christianity.

Theodora c. 497-548

She was empress of the Byzantine Empire. She was a powerful and influential woman.

Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia 543-613

Brunhilda, also called Brunhilde was a Frankish queen. She was born in Toledo in Spain about 543. In 567 she became queen of Austrasia, a kingdom in northwest Europe. She was a powerful woman.

Berta or Bertha 539-612

In the 6th century AD England was divided into small kingdoms and the English were pagans. However Berta was a Christian and she married the king of Kent. It was partly due to her influence that Kent was converted to Christianity.

Hilda of Whitby 614-680

Hilda was an influential woman in the Saxon church who founded the abbey at Whitby. In 664 she hosted the Synod of Whitby, an important church meeting.


In the Middle Ages books were often beautifully decorated. This art was called illumination. Ende was a famous illuminator.

Aethelflaed c. 868-918

Aethelflaed ruled Mercia (central England) from 911 to 918. She was called the Lady of the Mercians.

Matilda of Tuscany 1046-1115

She was a powerful woman ruler

Comnena 1083-1153

She was a princess of the Byzantine Empire. She was also a noted historian.

Hildegard 1088-1179

Hildegard was a theologian and writer. She also wrote about natural history and the medicinal use of plants. She also wrote music and a play.

Gruoch 1007-1060

She was the real Lady Macbeth

Trota of Salerno c. 1100

Trota of Salerno was a famous doctor. (Salerno in Italy was famous for its medical school. Women were allowed to study there).

Matilda 1102-1167

She was queen of England 1135-1154. (Although there was another claimant to the throne and they fought a long civil war).

Marie de France 1160-1215

Marie was a famous French poet. Little is known about her life although she was highly regarded.

Eleanor of Aquitaine c 1122-1204

She was an influential woman in 12th century Europe

Teresa of Portugal 1181-1250

She was a devout woman who founded a monastery

Clare of Assisi 1194-1253

A follower of Francis of Assisi Clare founded the order known as the poor Clares

Guda 12th century

Guda was a famous book illuminator

Rebecca de Guarna c. 1200

Rebecca was a famous woman doctor

Isabella of England 1214-1241

She was empress of Germany 1235-1241

Marguerite de Provence 1221-1295

She was queen of France

Eleanor of Castile 1241-1290

She was queen of England 1254-1290

Claricia 13th Century

Claricia was another famous book illuminator

Rose de Burford ?-1329

She was married to a wool and spice merchant. She helped her husband with the business and took it over when he died.

Lady Agnes Randolph aka Black Agnes 1312-1369

She defended a castle

Jeanne de Clisson 1300-1359

She was a famous French woman pirate

Jadwiga c 1373-1399

She was queen of Poland

Alice Perrers 1340-1400

She was the mistress of the English King Edward III

Julian of Norwich 1342-1416

Despite the masculine name Julian was a woman. She was a famous mystic and writer. Julian wrote about the 'motherhood' of God.

Margaret of Denmark 1353-1412

She was queen of Denmark

Dorotea Bucca 1360-1436

She was a famous physician. Dorotea was professor of Medicine at the University of Bologna.

Christine de Pisan 1364-1432

Christine was another famous writer

Margery Kempe 1373-c. 1439

Margery was an English mystic. The story of her life became a famous book The Book of Margery Kempe.

Joan of Arc 1412-1431

Joan inspired French soldiers to fight against the English

Jane Shore c. 1445-1527

She was the mistress of the English King Edward IV

Isabella of Castile 1451-1504

She married Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469 and when his father died in 1479 the two kingdoms were united

Laura Cereta 1469-1499

She was a great Italian writer

Anne Neville 1456-1485

She was the wife of Richard III and Queen of England 1483-1485
Are you a fairy?
So peeked at it and women are in charge lol yea ok

Go tell Boudica to get back in the kitchen ... see how that works out for you.

I don’t know how any one can watch a show where men listened to women in the Stone Age lol thoses biatches would have gotten smacked up talking back like they do. When does reality set in

Umm, you have bought into a false concept of history. The women of the noble families were never bitch slapped - that could cause a war or rebellion.

Have you ever heard of any of the following women?

Ten Medieval Warrior Women -

1. Joan of Arc

While her military career only lasted slightly longer than a year, Joan of Arc is one of the most well-known figures from the Middle Ages. A teenaged-peasant from north-east France, Joan began receiving visions from saints telling her to drive the English forces out of her country. In 1429, she was able to convince the French ruler Charles VII to give her an army to relieve the besieged city of Orleans, which Joan was able to do just after a few days. For the next few months Joan was able to lead French forces to several victories against the English, allowing Charles to be crowned at Reims. Her military career had a setback when she was unable to retake the city of Paris, and in May of 1430 she was captured during a small skirmish. A year later she would be tried and executed for heresy. Since then she has become a national symbol of France and canonized as a saint.

2. Matilda of Canossa

Known as ‘The Great Countess’, Matilda has perhaps the best record of any female military commander in the Middle Ages. As the Countess of Tuscany, she was a major force in Italy for over 40 years. As a supporter of the Papacy Matilda’s main opponent was Emperor Henry IV, and she commanded numerous campaigns against him. One of the writers from the time said of her:

Brave and ever watchful, she often tormented the perverse
Mightily she undertook terribly violent battles with the king
For she endured steadfastly through thirty years
Fighting day and night to quell the tempests of the kingdom.

3. Isabella of Castile

Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile made an effective team when it came to military matters. While Ferdinand did most of the commanding on the field, she oversaw the military administration. If necessary she would make an appearance among her troops – such as during the latter stages of a siege when she would arrive in full armour and rally her troops. At times she even took personal command of armies in the field and led successful sieges.

4. Caterina Sforza

The Countess of Forli once said “if I must lose because I am a woman, I want to lose like a man.” A bold Italian noblewoman, Caterina was heavily involved in the papal politics of the late 15th century. Although her defence against a Venetian attack earned her the nickname ‘The Tiger of Forli’, in 1499 Pope Alexander VI sent his son Cesare Borgia to conquer her lands. Although she led a stout defence of Forli, she was eventually captured and taken back to Rome as a trophy.

5. Lagertha

The Danish history Saxo Grammaticus included an account of how Ragnar Lodbrok went to war with the King of Sweden. During the battle a woman named Lagertha distinguished herself. Saxo Grammaticus relates that she was “a skilled Amazon, who, though a maiden, had the courage of a man, and fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All-marveled at her matchless deeds, for her locks flying down her back betrayed that she was a woman.” Ragnar was so impressed with her prowess that he married her, and in later tales she also fought in his battles. While some historians doubt the historical accuracy of this tale, there are are several accounts from the Viking Age of shieldmaidens and women warriors.

6. Khawlah bint al-Azwar

The sister of one of the leading Muslim commanders during the early Islamic conquests of the Middle East in the 7th century, on a few occasions she took up arms herself during battles, including leading a troop of women against the Byzantine army at the Battle of Yarmuk in 636.

7. Sichelgaita of Salerno

The wife of the Norman leader Robert Guiscard, Sichelgaita is best known for her role in rallying the fleeing Norman soldiers at the Battle of Dyrrachium in 1081. According to the Byzantine chronicler Anna Comnena, she confronted her fellow soldiers and urged them to stop fleeing. “As they continued to run, she grasped a long spear and charged at full gallop against them. It brought them to their senses and they went back to fight.” Another chronicler adds that she was wounded by an arrow during the battle, but the Normans were able to defeat the Byzantines. A further look at her career finds that she took part in and commanded sieges and was more involved in her husband’s military activities than was previously known.

8. Jeanne Hachette

In 1472 Charles the Bold led his Burgundian soldiers against the French town of Beauvais. When they made an attack against the town’s walls, the citizens of Beauvais, including the women fought them off in hand-to-hand combat. One lady, Jeanne Laisne, grabbed a small axe and fought off the Burgundian standard-bearer, which rallied the defenders. She was renamed Jeanne Hachette by her fellow citizens in honour of the victory.

9. Isabel of Conches

The Anglo-Norman historian Orderic Vitalis noted a feud between Isabel of Conches, wife of Ralph of Tosny and Helwise, Countess of Evreux, in the 1090s. He writes “Both the ladies who stirred up such bitter wars were persuasive, high-spirited, and beautiful; they dominated their husbands an oppressed their vassals, whom they terrorized in various ways. But they were very different in character. Helwise on the one hand was clever and persuasive, but cruel and grasping; whereas Isabel was generous, daring, and gay, and therefore lovable and estimable to those around her. In war she rode armed as a knight among the knights; and she showed no less courage among the knights in hauberks and sergeants-at-arms than did the maid Camilla, the pride of Italy, among the troops of Turnus. She deserved comparison with Lampeto and Marpesia, Hippolyta and Penthesilea and the other warlike Amazon queens…”

10. Joanna of Flanders

Joanna was known for her defence of the town of Hennebont in Brittany, against Charles, Count of Blois. After he had captured and imprisoned Joanna’s husband, he marched against the town in 1342. Joanna led the defence of the town. The chronicler Jean le Bel writes that “the brave countess was armed and armored and rode on a large horse from street to street, rallying everyone and summoning them to join the defense. She had asked the women of the town, the nobles as well as the others, to bring stones to the walls and to throw these on the attackers, as well as pots filled with lime.” The key moment of the siege was when she led 300 men out of Hennebont and burned down the enemy camp. She gained the nickname ‘Fiery Joanna’ for this feat. Joanna was able to hold off the besiegers until English troops arrived and forced the Count of Blois to retreat
I love all your fairy tails

They're not fairy tales, doofus.
I don’t know how any one can watch a show where men listened to women in the Stone Age lol thoses biatches would have gotten smacked up talking back like they do. When does reality set in

Umm, you have bought into a false concept of history. The women of the noble families were never bitch slapped - that could cause a war or rebellion.

Have you ever heard of any of the following women?

Ten Medieval Warrior Women -

1. Joan of Arc

While her military career only lasted slightly longer than a year, Joan of Arc is one of the most well-known figures from the Middle Ages. A teenaged-peasant from north-east France, Joan began receiving visions from saints telling her to drive the English forces out of her country. In 1429, she was able to convince the French ruler Charles VII to give her an army to relieve the besieged city of Orleans, which Joan was able to do just after a few days. For the next few months Joan was able to lead French forces to several victories against the English, allowing Charles to be crowned at Reims. Her military career had a setback when she was unable to retake the city of Paris, and in May of 1430 she was captured during a small skirmish. A year later she would be tried and executed for heresy. Since then she has become a national symbol of France and canonized as a saint.

2. Matilda of Canossa

Known as ‘The Great Countess’, Matilda has perhaps the best record of any female military commander in the Middle Ages. As the Countess of Tuscany, she was a major force in Italy for over 40 years. As a supporter of the Papacy Matilda’s main opponent was Emperor Henry IV, and she commanded numerous campaigns against him. One of the writers from the time said of her:

Brave and ever watchful, she often tormented the perverse
Mightily she undertook terribly violent battles with the king
For she endured steadfastly through thirty years
Fighting day and night to quell the tempests of the kingdom.

3. Isabella of Castile

Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile made an effective team when it came to military matters. While Ferdinand did most of the commanding on the field, she oversaw the military administration. If necessary she would make an appearance among her troops – such as during the latter stages of a siege when she would arrive in full armour and rally her troops. At times she even took personal command of armies in the field and led successful sieges.

4. Caterina Sforza

The Countess of Forli once said “if I must lose because I am a woman, I want to lose like a man.” A bold Italian noblewoman, Caterina was heavily involved in the papal politics of the late 15th century. Although her defence against a Venetian attack earned her the nickname ‘The Tiger of Forli’, in 1499 Pope Alexander VI sent his son Cesare Borgia to conquer her lands. Although she led a stout defence of Forli, she was eventually captured and taken back to Rome as a trophy.

5. Lagertha

The Danish history Saxo Grammaticus included an account of how Ragnar Lodbrok went to war with the King of Sweden. During the battle a woman named Lagertha distinguished herself. Saxo Grammaticus relates that she was “a skilled Amazon, who, though a maiden, had the courage of a man, and fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All-marveled at her matchless deeds, for her locks flying down her back betrayed that she was a woman.” Ragnar was so impressed with her prowess that he married her, and in later tales she also fought in his battles. While some historians doubt the historical accuracy of this tale, there are are several accounts from the Viking Age of shieldmaidens and women warriors.

6. Khawlah bint al-Azwar

The sister of one of the leading Muslim commanders during the early Islamic conquests of the Middle East in the 7th century, on a few occasions she took up arms herself during battles, including leading a troop of women against the Byzantine army at the Battle of Yarmuk in 636.

7. Sichelgaita of Salerno

The wife of the Norman leader Robert Guiscard, Sichelgaita is best known for her role in rallying the fleeing Norman soldiers at the Battle of Dyrrachium in 1081. According to the Byzantine chronicler Anna Comnena, she confronted her fellow soldiers and urged them to stop fleeing. “As they continued to run, she grasped a long spear and charged at full gallop against them. It brought them to their senses and they went back to fight.” Another chronicler adds that she was wounded by an arrow during the battle, but the Normans were able to defeat the Byzantines. A further look at her career finds that she took part in and commanded sieges and was more involved in her husband’s military activities than was previously known.

8. Jeanne Hachette

In 1472 Charles the Bold led his Burgundian soldiers against the French town of Beauvais. When they made an attack against the town’s walls, the citizens of Beauvais, including the women fought them off in hand-to-hand combat. One lady, Jeanne Laisne, grabbed a small axe and fought off the Burgundian standard-bearer, which rallied the defenders. She was renamed Jeanne Hachette by her fellow citizens in honour of the victory.

9. Isabel of Conches

The Anglo-Norman historian Orderic Vitalis noted a feud between Isabel of Conches, wife of Ralph of Tosny and Helwise, Countess of Evreux, in the 1090s. He writes “Both the ladies who stirred up such bitter wars were persuasive, high-spirited, and beautiful; they dominated their husbands an oppressed their vassals, whom they terrorized in various ways. But they were very different in character. Helwise on the one hand was clever and persuasive, but cruel and grasping; whereas Isabel was generous, daring, and gay, and therefore lovable and estimable to those around her. In war she rode armed as a knight among the knights; and she showed no less courage among the knights in hauberks and sergeants-at-arms than did the maid Camilla, the pride of Italy, among the troops of Turnus. She deserved comparison with Lampeto and Marpesia, Hippolyta and Penthesilea and the other warlike Amazon queens…”

10. Joanna of Flanders

Joanna was known for her defence of the town of Hennebont in Brittany, against Charles, Count of Blois. After he had captured and imprisoned Joanna’s husband, he marched against the town in 1342. Joanna led the defence of the town. The chronicler Jean le Bel writes that “the brave countess was armed and armored and rode on a large horse from street to street, rallying everyone and summoning them to join the defense. She had asked the women of the town, the nobles as well as the others, to bring stones to the walls and to throw these on the attackers, as well as pots filled with lime.” The key moment of the siege was when she led 300 men out of Hennebont and burned down the enemy camp. She gained the nickname ‘Fiery Joanna’ for this feat. Joanna was able to hold off the besiegers until English troops arrived and forced the Count of Blois to retreat
I love all your fairy tails

They're not fairy tales, doofus.
Wake up bro
Last edited:
And the winner the end of the day it's still all fake and the actor that plays Arya is likely fucking her brains out in reality.
'Game of Thrones': Maisie Williams discusses Arya's surprise Gendry scene

So after YEARS of watching this young lady grow up from the age of about 11 they see fit to give her a sex scene with nudity? Really?
I'm sure the majority of the public look at her as I do, like a daughter, but apparently the producers wanted to see some tits and ass...

Disgusting and uncalled for as far as the story/plot went.
Get over totally fits the thinking she's gonna die tomorrow.
Why am I not surprised that the board dyke enjoyed seeing the little girl we watched grow up naked?
Not completely naked....a little butt crack and side boob action

Tactfully done
'Game of Thrones': Maisie Williams discusses Arya's surprise Gendry scene

So after YEARS of watching this young lady grow up from the age of about 11 they see fit to give her a sex scene with nudity? Really?
I'm sure the majority of the public look at her as I do, like a daughter, but apparently the producers wanted to see some tits and ass...

Disgusting and uncalled for as far as the story/plot went.
Get over totally fits the thinking she's gonna die tomorrow.
Why am I not surprised that the board dyke enjoyed seeing the little girl we watched grow up naked?
Not completely naked....a little butt crack and side boob action

Tactfully done
Thanks, I thought maybe I fell asleep because I could not remember seeing the nude scene discribed in some of these posts.
'Game of Thrones': Maisie Williams discusses Arya's surprise Gendry scene

So after YEARS of watching this young lady grow up from the age of about 11 they see fit to give her a sex scene with nudity? Really?
I'm sure the majority of the public look at her as I do, like a daughter, but apparently the producers wanted to see some tits and ass...

Disgusting and uncalled for as far as the story/plot went.

Young ladies grow up, even faceless ones.
Her older sister was married at 14.

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