Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary you dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a piece of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks or not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I have not called you STUPID yet. I know you are trying to be tough because you have a big gun. Am I right? There’s no sense of keeping this conversation if you keep this up and I don’t want to waste my time with thuggery conversation. Got that?

That said....... Explain all these massacres using AR15. Don’t blame me....... I have not done anything..... All I want is to stop these massacres.
I’m not confused....... I support background checks because I know it works.

Let me repeat it again. Grassley/Cruz does not support common sense gun laws.

I asked you an honest question. Please answer my question.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I don't have to explain what crazy people do. Go ask them.

What I can explain to any stupid Moon Bat is that the tremendous majority of the gun crimea in this country is done with cheap hand guns among the minority and drug population in Democrat controlled shithole cities with stringent gun control laws. I can also explain to them that background checks are useless and that there is a Bill of Rights that guarantee that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

There are tens of millions AR-15s and other semi auto firearms in this country that are not used in crime. In fact statically (according to the FBI) they account for only a small percentage of firearms deaths. It is statistically insignificant compared to all the other ways in our society where you can die, like just having a swimming pool or a Liberal mother calling up Uber to take her to an abortion clinic.

What the stupid Moon Bats can't explain to me is why, as a law abiding responsible gun owner, why should I have my right to keep and bear arms taken away because some nutcase decides to do something illegal.

As a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and NRA Certified Range officer I have been involved with responsible gun ownership for thousands of people over the years. The NRA is the largest gun safety organization in the world, by the way.

We don't need any new gun control laws. What we need are people to take responsibly for their actions and to stop blaming innate objects for the actions of crazy people, A little additional security at soft targets wouldn't hurt either.

Moon Bats aren't big on the concept of personal responsibility, are they?

Okay. Here we go.
It’s been explained to you many times but you are so STUPID to admit it. I understand you have big guns that is why you talk so tough.

1. Yes there are responsible gun owners but there are also gun nuts lunatics gun owners that you tend to ignore because you are ignorant..... if I’m wrong then explain all these massacres why it’s happening more often.

2. I NEVER said you cannot bear arms. I NEVER said Im taking your guns away. NOBODY said that............... But you are a such sissy and paranoid....... I’m only talking how the hell its so easy to buy guns especially kids and all these massacres.
Right now it’s so crazy that AR15 is being raffled at baseball games.

3. True there are millions of these AR15 in US. And it’s only a very small percentage of AR15 being used.............. Is killing 17 in parkland and 58 in Vegas using AR15 acceptable?

4. Yes background checks I guarantee you 100% it works.......... Because people with criminal records cannot buy legally.

5. Yes we need more gun laws like shutting down those loopholes at gun shows and private sellers. Like common sense gun laws. Make it harder for kids and mentally disturbed individual impossible to buy guns legally. Right now we even have this lousy president EO for mental patients able to buy guns.

6. Swimming pools, mother to abortion etc etc etc........ Those has nothing to do with massacres using AR15. Dude you are confused.

7. Democrats control cities. Really? Parkland was listed as one of the safest cities before the massacres.

8. Additional security. Parkland has armed security guards.

Try again.

Okay. Here we go.

It’s been explained to you many times but you are so STUPID to admit it.

1. My Constitutional right to bear arms and defend my life does not depend on some scumbag misusing the right.

2- Why should gun owners trust that bureaucrats will conduct appropriate background checks - the FBI has been exposed to be as as corrupt as the KGB

3- What makes you believe that the if firearms are totally banned that the blackmarket will not provide them?

Try again.

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.

Correct only a small percentage of AR15 being used in these massacres.

Parkland massacres cost 17 lives + injuries and Las Vegas cost 58 lives with hundreds of injuries some are life time disabilities and not able to function a normal life. Plus other massacres.

My questions are:
1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?
2. What is your suggestion in order to stop these carnage?
3. Are you going to stay there and easier for kids and lunatics able to buy this type of gun?
4. Just don’t do anything and let this go on?
Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent them

Banning the AR won't prevent them

Then explain why all of these massacres used AR15.

Because it happens to be the most popular rifle frame in the country. The fact that there are millions of AR style rifles owned by the public and that less than 2% of all murders are committed with them should tell you that it's not the rifle that's the problem.

Can you explain why most cars have the most popular size tire?

Size of a tire has nothing to do with murdering or massacres.

The 17 people that was just slaughtered is part of that 2%. Is that acceptable?

Neither does the weapon used.

That the most popular rifle in the US is used in crimes is not surprising.

So you ban it then what? Then the second most popular weapon will be used in crimes.

So you ban that then what? Then the third most popular weapon will be used in crimes

You did not answer my question.
You are telling me that........ we just let this go on. Am I wrong?

If we ban AR15? Thank goodness.
Banning the AR won't prevent them

Then explain why all of these massacres used AR15.

Because it happens to be the most popular rifle frame in the country. The fact that there are millions of AR style rifles owned by the public and that less than 2% of all murders are committed with them should tell you that it's not the rifle that's the problem.

Can you explain why most cars have the most popular size tire?

Size of a tire has nothing to do with murdering or massacres.

The 17 people that was just slaughtered is part of that 2%. Is that acceptable?

Neither does the weapon used.

That the most popular rifle in the US is used in crimes is not surprising.

So you ban it then what? Then the second most popular weapon will be used in crimes.

So you ban that then what? Then the third most popular weapon will be used in crimes

You did not answer my question.
You are telling me that........ we just let this go on. Am I wrong?

If we ban AR15? Thank goodness.
This guy nails it...

4. Yes background checks I guarantee you 100% it works.......... Because people with criminal records cannot buy legally.


All of that garbage is silly dribble. I'll just address this one issue for now because that seems to be the one that you are most confused about. How come you stupid Moon Bats are always confused about everything?

Background checks do not work. If they did then there would never be a crime with a gun purchased for a FFL, where a background check is require, would it? In fact that happens all the time you moron. It happened in Florida. The shooter bought a gun and a background check was done and then he committed a crime with the gun. Worthless background check, wasn't it? The shooter had a history of erratic behavior being alerted to the FBI and the Parkland police who visited his home 37 times. You would think that if background checks did work then his name would have come up, wouldn't you?

The same thing with the shooter of the church in Texas. A real loony tune with a significant history of mental problem but yet he passed the NICS background check purchased a fire arm and then went off to murder people. Background checks sure ass hell didn't stop the shooter in Las Vegas or that deranged Trump hating Libtard asshole that shot up the Republican congressmen, did it?.

A background check is absolutely no guarantee that someone will not commit a crime in the future with the gun they have.

Most of the people that get denied are people with violent criminal records that made it into the system and men with constraining orders because of a divorce or something.

Background checks do nothing to stop the thousands of illegal shootings each year in places that do not allow firearms like Chicago. Those shooting are mostly done with stolen or black market firearms.

However, a background check is the filthy ass government giving you permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to you in the Bill of Rights and that is despicable, isn't it? The Bill of Rights does not lay out any qualification for the right to keep and bear arms. It doesn't say you may have a gun if some filthy ass bureaucrat says you can have one, does it? In fact doesn't it say that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? Go look it up if you are confused.

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Right isn't worth the parchment it is written on, is it?

In addition it is an assumption of a person being guilty until being proven innocent, which is against the basic liberties of our country.

You really need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You really look like a fool when you post your confusion.
Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.

Correct only a small percentage of AR15 being used in these massacres.

Parkland massacres cost 17 lives + injuries and Las Vegas cost 58 lives with hundreds of injuries some are life time disabilities and not able to function a normal life. Plus other massacres.

My questions are:
1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?
2. What is your suggestion in order to stop these carnage?
3. Are you going to stay there and easier for kids and lunatics able to buy this type of gun?
4. Just don’t do anything and let this go on?
1 - shit happens, No frivolous gun laws will change it.
2 - Criminal control we don’t have any in this country, we have a open southern border which any fucked up criminals can cross at any time they want. Vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders, violent criminal should be executed - all of them.
3 - Stop, People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school.
4 - Most if not all the shootings are done by Progressives in gun free zones. If you support gun free zones it is your fault for these dead kids - you own that one... chickenshit
[1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?

No, they are illegal. It is unacceptable to kill people. The people that do it should not do it.

By the way, I think it is unacceptable for you filthy ass Moon Bats to kill a million American children each year on demand for the sake of convenience. What the hell is wrong with you that you justify the killing of innocent children?

What are we going to do to stop that massacre of innocent children? Any ideas?
Nine kids died of guns 2017. Is that acceptable?

Also I thought the number is far higher than 7.

Injury Research and Policy Gun Research :: Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

But the 104 death was road accident. Isn’t it?
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Let me get this straight.

You are telling me that people with mental illness can buy guns. Is that right?
Do you realize how easy it is to obtain AR15? Road accident is accident AR15 is made to kill people intentionally.

If you look at the previous several massacres AR15 is the favorites.

Explain this to me why killing 17 kids is acceptable.
who said it was acceptable? I'll thank you to stop putting words in ANYONES mouth but your own.

People are dying at a greater rate on our highways than in our schools. That is not a hard fact to get your head around.

The GUN is a tool, and its purpose is determined by the person using the tool. I have an AR15 and I can say with absolute confidence that it has never killed anyone, let along any kids in a school

Stop punishing the innocent for the deeds of the crazy. It is a simple concept.

You did not answer my questions.

Another question.........
What is your solution in stopping all these carnage using AR15?

People are dying in high ways....... That’s an accident. These massacres using AR15 are done purposely ...... Explain that.

May be you are a law abiding and stable citizens........ How about like these kids that can buy this gun so easily?

Please answer my questions.
1. The solution to stopping the carnage is to start instilling right and wrong in our children. A person who feels deep down in their soul that killing is wrong, won't do this kind of thing.

2. Once again. People dying on the highways ARE DYING. You are trying to use some form of sophistry that their deaths are somehow less horrifying than those who were killed by a gun. I'll not explain that again.

3. They don't get these guns easily. They have to go through a number of checks to get these guns. The guy was 19 years old. That means he is a legal adult and enjoys the rights that all adults enjoy.

4. Last, any solution that punishes the innocent, law-abiding citizen, for the actions of others, is just plain wrong. This is another example of societal decay that something that fundamental needs to be explained.

1. People with the right of mind will agree with you. But there is always people that are born mentally or growing up mentally deranged. To cut that off we should not give access to these guns so easily.
Currently it’s even being raffled at youth baseball games in Missouri.

2. True people are dying in highway but those are accidental........ massacres are intentional using favorite weapon AR15. There’s no way you can make that comparison.

3. Then ban AR15.

4. Is punishing you for not owning an AR15 compared to innocents live being massacred?

4. Yes background checks I guarantee you 100% it works.......... Because people with criminal records cannot buy legally.


All of that garbage is silly dribble. I'll just address this one issue for now because that seems to be the one that you are most confused about. How come you stupid Moon Bats are always confused about everything?

Background checks do not work. If they did then there would never be a crime with a gun purchased for a FFL, where a background check is require, would it? In fact that happens all the time you moron. It happened in Florida. The shooter bought a gun and a background check was done and then he committed a crime with the gun. Worthless background check, wasn't it? The shooter had a history of erratic behavior being alerted to the FBI and the Parkland police who visited his home 37 times. You would think that if background checks did work then his name would have come up, wouldn't you?

The same thing with the shooter of the church in Texas. A real loony tune with a significant history of mental problem but yet he passed the NICS background check purchased a fire arm and then went off to murder people. Background checks sure ass hell didn't stop the shooter in Las Vegas or that deranged Trump hating Libtard asshole that shot up the Republican congressmen, did it?.

A background check is absolutely no guarantee that someone will not commit a crime in the future with the gun they have.

Most of the people that get denied are people with violent criminal records that made it into the system and men with constraining orders because of a divorce or something.

Background checks do nothing to stop the thousands of illegal shootings each year in places that do not allow firearms like Chicago. Those shooting are mostly done with stolen or black market firearms.

However, a background check is the filthy ass government giving you permission to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to you in the Bill of Rights and that is despicable, isn't it? The Bill of Rights does not lay out any qualification for the right to keep and bear arms. It doesn't say you may have a gun if some filthy ass bureaucrat says you can have one, does it? In fact doesn't it say that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? Go look it up if you are confused.

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights then the Bill of Right isn't worth the parchment it is written on, is it?

In addition it is an assumption of a person being guilty until being proven innocent, which is against the basic liberties of our country.

You really need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You really look like a fool when you post your confusion.

Dude I’m not confused. You only pick one of the four items I listed.
How the hell you can tell me that BC doesn’t work when I know people didn’t get one because of BC? You can lie and bullshit however you want I know it works.
Chicago those people buy it from other states maybe if we applied the same restrictions all over we do not have these problems.
[1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?

1. No, they are illegal. It is unacceptable to kill people. The people that do it should not do it.

2. By the way, I think it is unacceptable for you filthy ass Moon Bats to kill a million American children each year on demand for the sake of convenience. What the hell is wrong with you that you justify the killing of innocent children?

What are we going to do to stop that massacre of innocent children? Any ideas?

1. So you admitted that you are stupid.

2. We are talking about people that are massacred. Not abortion. Try not deflect and stick with the issue dumbass.
How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.

Correct only a small percentage of AR15 being used in these massacres.

Parkland massacres cost 17 lives + injuries and Las Vegas cost 58 lives with hundreds of injuries some are life time disabilities and not able to function a normal life. Plus other massacres.

My questions are:
1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?
2. What is your suggestion in order to stop these carnage?
3. Are you going to stay there and easier for kids and lunatics able to buy this type of gun?
4. Just don’t do anything and let this go on?
1 - shit happens, No frivolous gun laws will change it.
2 - Criminal control we don’t have any in this country, we have a open southern border which any fucked up criminals can cross at any time they want. Vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders, violent criminal should be executed - all of them.
3 - Stop, People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school.
4 - Most if not all the shootings are done by Progressives in gun free zones. If you support gun free zones it is your fault for these dead kids - you own that one... chickenshit

1. Those massacres should not happen and the n no way acceptable.
1’2. Open borders has nothing to do with massacres by white Americans killing Americans.
3. Th n explain why these massacres seems to be normal for you.
4. If a deranged individual commit such heinous crimes it doesn’t matter. That high school has armed security guards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Let me get this straight.

You are telling me that people with mental illness can buy guns. Is that right?
Do you realize how easy it is to obtain AR15? Road accident is accident AR15 is made to kill people intentionally.

If you look at the previous several massacres AR15 is the favorites.

Explain this to me why killing 17 kids is acceptable.
who said it was acceptable? I'll thank you to stop putting words in ANYONES mouth but your own.

People are dying at a greater rate on our highways than in our schools. That is not a hard fact to get your head around.

The GUN is a tool, and its purpose is determined by the person using the tool. I have an AR15 and I can say with absolute confidence that it has never killed anyone, let along any kids in a school

Stop punishing the innocent for the deeds of the crazy. It is a simple concept.

You did not answer my questions.

Another question.........
What is your solution in stopping all these carnage using AR15?

People are dying in high ways....... That’s an accident. These massacres using AR15 are done purposely ...... Explain that.

May be you are a law abiding and stable citizens........ How about like these kids that can buy this gun so easily?

Please answer my questions.
1. The solution to stopping the carnage is to start instilling right and wrong in our children. A person who feels deep down in their soul that killing is wrong, won't do this kind of thing.

2. Once again. People dying on the highways ARE DYING. You are trying to use some form of sophistry that their deaths are somehow less horrifying than those who were killed by a gun. I'll not explain that again.

3. They don't get these guns easily. They have to go through a number of checks to get these guns. The guy was 19 years old. That means he is a legal adult and enjoys the rights that all adults enjoy.

4. Last, any solution that punishes the innocent, law-abiding citizen, for the actions of others, is just plain wrong. This is another example of societal decay that something that fundamental needs to be explained.

1. People with the right of mind will agree with you. But there is always people that are born mentally or growing up mentally deranged. To cut that off we should not give access to these guns so easily.
Currently it’s even being raffled at youth baseball games in Missouri.

2. True people are dying in highway but those are accidental........ massacres are intentional using favorite weapon AR15. There’s no way you can make that comparison.

3. Then ban AR15.

4. Is punishing you for not owning an AR15 compared to innocents live being massacred?
For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.

Correct only a small percentage of AR15 being used in these massacres.

Parkland massacres cost 17 lives + injuries and Las Vegas cost 58 lives with hundreds of injuries some are life time disabilities and not able to function a normal life. Plus other massacres.

My questions are:
1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?
2. What is your suggestion in order to stop these carnage?
3. Are you going to stay there and easier for kids and lunatics able to buy this type of gun?
4. Just don’t do anything and let this go on?
1 - shit happens, No frivolous gun laws will change it.
2 - Criminal control we don’t have any in this country, we have a open southern border which any fucked up criminals can cross at any time they want. Vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders, violent criminal should be executed - all of them.
3 - Stop, People kill people not firearms, firearms have no control over people. Most people learn that in grade school.
4 - Most if not all the shootings are done by Progressives in gun free zones. If you support gun free zones it is your fault for these dead kids - you own that one... chickenshit

1. Those massacres should not happen and the n no way acceptable.
1’2. Open borders has nothing to do with massacres by white Americans killing Americans.
3. Th n explain why these massacres seems to be normal for you.
4. If a deranged individual commit such heinous crimes it doesn’t matter. That high school has armed security guards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you know if the place is a gun free zone… A bunch of dead kids
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Let me get this straight.

You are telling me that people with mental illness can buy guns. Is that right?
Do you realize how easy it is to obtain AR15? Road accident is accident AR15 is made to kill people intentionally.

If you look at the previous several massacres AR15 is the favorites.

Explain this to me why killing 17 kids is acceptable.
who said it was acceptable? I'll thank you to stop putting words in ANYONES mouth but your own.

People are dying at a greater rate on our highways than in our schools. That is not a hard fact to get your head around.

The GUN is a tool, and its purpose is determined by the person using the tool. I have an AR15 and I can say with absolute confidence that it has never killed anyone, let along any kids in a school

Stop punishing the innocent for the deeds of the crazy. It is a simple concept.

You did not answer my questions.

Another question.........
What is your solution in stopping all these carnage using AR15?

People are dying in high ways....... That’s an accident. These massacres using AR15 are done purposely ...... Explain that.

May be you are a law abiding and stable citizens........ How about like these kids that can buy this gun so easily?

Please answer my questions.
1. The solution to stopping the carnage is to start instilling right and wrong in our children. A person who feels deep down in their soul that killing is wrong, won't do this kind of thing.

2. Once again. People dying on the highways ARE DYING. You are trying to use some form of sophistry that their deaths are somehow less horrifying than those who were killed by a gun. I'll not explain that again.

3. They don't get these guns easily. They have to go through a number of checks to get these guns. The guy was 19 years old. That means he is a legal adult and enjoys the rights that all adults enjoy.

4. Last, any solution that punishes the innocent, law-abiding citizen, for the actions of others, is just plain wrong. This is another example of societal decay that something that fundamental needs to be explained.

1. People with the right of mind will agree with you. But there is always people that are born mentally or growing up mentally deranged. To cut that off we should not give access to these guns so easily.
Currently it’s even being raffled at youth baseball games in Missouri.

2. True people are dying in highway but those are accidental........ massacres are intentional using favorite weapon AR15. There’s no way you can make that comparison.

3. Then ban AR15.

4. Is punishing you for not owning an AR15 compared to innocents live being massacred?
1. It is not easy to get a gun. The raffle statement is disingenuous as you did not post the terms of the raffle. In every raffle I have been to, you don't get the gun if you don't pass a background check.

2. Answered already

3. No. There is no need and the banning of a semi-automatic rifle that 'looks' scary won't stop someone who wants to kill someone with a rifle.

4. Again, we do not punish those who are innocent. It has been a foundational moral value in this country since its inception. It should NOT have to be stated as it should be part of your upbringing. Do you know why all across this country, the DA never has to argue to a jury that murder is wrong? That is because it is a fundamental concept that is universal. Punishing others for the crimes of some is also one of those foundation moral values. We simply do not do it; because it is wrong.
Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.

Correct only a small percentage of AR15 being used in these massacres.

Parkland massacres cost 17 lives + injuries and Las Vegas cost 58 lives with hundreds of injuries some are life time disabilities and not able to function a normal life. Plus other massacres.

My questions are:
1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?
2. What is your suggestion in order to stop these carnage?
3. Are you going to stay there and easier for kids and lunatics able to buy this type of gun?
4. Just don’t do anything and let this go on?

For the last fucking time
Murder is never acceptable whether it happens en mass or one at a time
And no I don't have any suggestions because I know that no law will stop people hell bent on murder
And criminals will buy any gun they can get their hands on.

What you do not understand is that an AR frame rifle is not more powerful, more deadly or more likely to make anyone commit murder than any other .223 caliber rifle

Saying you want to stop killings by banning the Ar frame is the same as saying you want to stop automobile accidents by banning black cars with tinted windows.
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Let me get this straight.

You are telling me that people with mental illness can buy guns. Is that right?
Do you realize how easy it is to obtain AR15? Road accident is accident AR15 is made to kill people intentionally.

If you look at the previous several massacres AR15 is the favorites.

Explain this to me why killing 17 kids is acceptable.
who said it was acceptable? I'll thank you to stop putting words in ANYONES mouth but your own.

People are dying at a greater rate on our highways than in our schools. That is not a hard fact to get your head around.

The GUN is a tool, and its purpose is determined by the person using the tool. I have an AR15 and I can say with absolute confidence that it has never killed anyone, let along any kids in a school

Stop punishing the innocent for the deeds of the crazy. It is a simple concept.

You did not answer my questions.

Another question.........
What is your solution in stopping all these carnage using AR15?

People are dying in high ways....... That’s an accident. These massacres using AR15 are done purposely ...... Explain that.

May be you are a law abiding and stable citizens........ How about like these kids that can buy this gun so easily?

Please answer my questions.
1. The solution to stopping the carnage is to start instilling right and wrong in our children. A person who feels deep down in their soul that killing is wrong, won't do this kind of thing.

2. Once again. People dying on the highways ARE DYING. You are trying to use some form of sophistry that their deaths are somehow less horrifying than those who were killed by a gun. I'll not explain that again.

3. They don't get these guns easily. They have to go through a number of checks to get these guns. The guy was 19 years old. That means he is a legal adult and enjoys the rights that all adults enjoy.

4. Last, any solution that punishes the innocent, law-abiding citizen, for the actions of others, is just plain wrong. This is another example of societal decay that something that fundamental needs to be explained.

1. People with the right of mind will agree with you. But there is always people that are born mentally or growing up mentally deranged. To cut that off we should not give access to these guns so easily.
Currently it’s even being raffled at youth baseball games in Missouri.

2. True people are dying in highway but those are accidental........ massacres are intentional using favorite weapon AR15. There’s no way you can make that comparison.

3. Then ban AR15.

4. Is punishing you for not owning an AR15 compared to innocents live being massacred?

You are really confused about this aren't you?

1. Why ban AR-15s? According to the FBI statistics very few of them are used in crimes despite there being tens of millions of them in the hands of American citizens. Most gun crimes are committed in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes by minorities and druggies that use cheap and most of the time stolen handguns. Both Heller and McDonald says you can't prevent the people from owing classes of firearms.

2. An AR-15 is not the weapon of choice for the great majority of gun crimes in this country.

3. People are dying because Americans have swimming pools, cars, crime ridden ghettos and abortion clinics among many other things.

4. Banning a class of fire arms like the popular AR-15 punishes tens of millions of law abiding citizens that have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and who do not use the guns for crimes.

5. Don't you believe in innocent until proven guilty? Evidently not.

6. Don't you believe that we should not have to get permission from the government before being afforded our Constitutional rights? Evidently not.
[1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?

1. No, they are illegal. It is unacceptable to kill people. The people that do it should not do it.

2. By the way, I think it is unacceptable for you filthy ass Moon Bats to kill a million American children each year on demand for the sake of convenience. What the hell is wrong with you that you justify the killing of innocent children?

What are we going to do to stop that massacre of innocent children? Any ideas?

1. So you admitted that you are stupid.

2. We are talking about people that are massacred. Not abortion. Try not deflect and stick with the issue dumbass.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

If you are concerned about people being massacred then you will join me in advocating that we close down all the abortion clinics in this country, won't you? Because that is the massacre of a million American children every year.

The people that are getting massacred by guns are the minority population in the Democrat control big city shitholes. The cities with strict gun control laws that never work. Every week in Chicago about the same number of people are murdered there that were killed in Parkland. That is week after week, year after year and you Libtards that run these cities don't do a damn thing about it so don't tell me you are concerned about people getting massacred with guns because you are lying.
[1. Are those massacres and death acceptable?

1. No, they are illegal. It is unacceptable to kill people. The people that do it should not do it.

2. By the way, I think it is unacceptable for you filthy ass Moon Bats to kill a million American children each year on demand for the sake of convenience. What the hell is wrong with you that you justify the killing of innocent children?

What are we going to do to stop that massacre of innocent children? Any ideas?

1. So you admitted that you are stupid.

2. We are talking about people that are massacred. Not abortion. Try not deflect and stick with the issue dumbass.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

If you are concerned about people being massacred then you will join me in advocating that we close down all the abortion clinics in this country, won't you? Because that is the massacre of a million American children every year.

The people that are getting massacred by guns are the minority population in the Democrat control big city shitholes. The cities with strict gun control laws that never work. Every week in Chicago about the same number of people are murdered there that were killed in Parkland. That is week after week, year after year and you Libtards that run these cities don't do a damn thing about it so don't tell me you are concerned about people getting massacred with guns because you are lying.
Chicago had six over this past weekend. amazing eh? nothing on national news.

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