Voter manipulation. Russia or MSM?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.

Current Russian officials usually spoil all deals they touch. If they really did influence in US elections, I think, they tried to help to Hillary... At least, it's not a secret, Clintons have a tight relations with Russian oligarchs to perform deals in oil and gas sector. I think, Hillary is very smart to initiate hype about Russian hackers before Trump would know, who really tried to use Russian hacker's help in US elections...
Russia likely recognized Hillary as a corrupt politician that could be more easily compromised than Trump. They also likely knew that she and Bill were more greedy and likely to manipulate the powers of their position to line their own pockets, regardless of the need to betray and fleece the American taxpayers to do so. I doubt they favored a Trump victory.

The news media has long showed bias in Presidential elections. From long ago, newspapers have made it a habit to 'endorse' one candidate or another in all elections, be they local, state. or national. Since the advent of television, the media has gained a platform for instant communication with the public. With the tremendous profits of broadcast television, buying and selling of entire news corporations and networks, out came what we know today as the Main Stream Media...a small group of primarily liberal owners of the near totality of the news system. Up until the coming of the internet and subsequent establishment of social media, the average person had no way of effectively counter-punching the MSM except by way of letters to the editor, which the media could choose to publish or not.

In my opinion, the MSM has exponentially greater control over what is exposed to the American public than does Russia and has exercised that control quite obviously in favor of liberalism and the Democrat Party. It is not at all surprising that in order to maximize their thought control over the American voters, the MSM has created FAKE NEWS. In defense of their own dishonesty, MSM brands Donald Trump's legitimate fight against FAKE NEWS as an attack on freedom of the press. Additionally MSM uses selective coverage of newsworthy events to stack the deck in favor of their political bias.

One should not have expected the influence of the MSM to be directed toward anything other than getting Hillary elected. The Russians didn't do anything in comparison.
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.

Russia likely recognized Hillary as a corrupt politician that could be more easily compromised than Trump. They also likely knew that she and Bill were more greedy and likely to manipulate the powers of their position to line their own pockets, regardless of the need to betray and fleece the American taxpayers to do so. I doubt they favored a Trump victory.

The news media has long showed bias in Presidential elections. From long ago, newspapers have made it a habit to 'endorse' one candidate or another in all elections, be they local, state. or national. Since the advent of television, the media has gained a platform for instant communication with the public. With the tremendous profits of broadcast television, buying and selling of entire news corporations and networks, out came what we know today as the Main Stream Media...a small group of primarily liberal owners of the near totality of the news system. Up until the coming of the internet and subsequent establishment of social media, the average person had no way of effectively counter-punching the MSM except by way of letters to the editor, which the media could choose to publish or not.

In my opinion, the MSM has exponentially greater control over what is exposed to the American public than does Russia and has exercised that control quite obviously in favor of liberalism and the Democrat Party. It is not at all surprising that in order to maximize their thought control over the American voters, the MSM has created FAKE NEWS. In defense of their own dishonesty, MSM brands Donald Trump's legitimate fight against FAKE NEWS as an attack on freedom of the press. Additionally MSM uses selective coverage of newsworthy events to stack the deck in favor of their political bias.

One should not have expected the influence of the MSM to be directed toward anything other than getting Hillary elected. The Russians didn't do anything in comparison.

The thing we all forget is-----------> How was Trump handled by media during the primaries? Until the end of those primaries, they had him everywhere because he was good for ratings, and in most pundits view------>he was the easiest for Hillary to beat.

But the truth is, we all can tell we are in trouble by this---------> What news agency investigative reporter, broke the fact that the Trump team was spied on? ANSWER: NYT! (yes, it was the New York Times, believe it or not!) CNN also had a hand in revealing it.

But what happened when it was pointed out that THEY said it? They tried to backtrack, lol.

In other words......................when they did their job as news agencies, they denied they did! They called the people quoting their pieces as crackpots, and needing a rubber room.

If that isn't bias, I don't know what go to the length of denouncing your own news pieces, to protect one side or the other!
Putin has a clear preference for international partners in the mould of Berlusconi & Schroder. both were "Western leaders whose business interests made them more likely to deal with Russia"...Trump is definitely in that category!
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.

The Press always attacks the Republicans and spins everything positive for the Democrats.
The root reason for this bias is the Left's cultural hatred for mainstream society, Midwesterners, Southerners, devout Christians, suburbanites, wasp, rich people, the middle class....etc.
You can also observe the Left’s loathing in Movies and TV shows.
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.

The Press always attacks the Republicans and spins everything positive for the Democrats.
The root reason for this bias is the Left's cultural hatred for mainstream society, Midwesterners, Southerners, devout Christians, suburbanites, wasp, rich people, the middle class....etc.
You can also observe the Left’s loathing in Movies and TV shows.

What a retard...:lolly:

I feel sorry for you if you really believe that.
With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Because Trump is a repulsive, misogynistic, racist troll who insults people on a daily basis?

The media doesn't have to make Trump unlikable, the shitshow of his presidency does that.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Sorry, how do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

His military leaders advised him to turn Iraq and Syria over the Russians and Iranians? Maybe we need to see if they are on the Russian Payroll, too?

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

If Hillary had taken office, she'd be legitimate and wouldn't find new ways to disgrace the office every day like Trump does.
All this talk about how Russia "may" have influenced our election. But did anybody consider how MSM does the same?

We have an economy that hasn't been seen in this country since Clinton. People are bringing home more pay. They are getting raises and bonuses. Stock market doing great, consumer and corporate confidence at it's highest levels in years. Lowest unemployment rate in the past few decades.

With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Unless Russia is hacking our polls, the only possible explanation is the MSM. The MSM controls the minds of many Americans; much more than Russia could possibly dream of. How do they do it?

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Trump's right: His media coverage is mostly negative

Funny. I didn't include one link by Fox.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

Don't worry about Russia influencing anything. Worry about our very own American media.

It is impossible to successfully deny that the MSM is in the tank for the D Party. Some so called experts even think the MSM DIRECTS and CONTROLS the D party. This certainly appears likely. Anyone who has researched this topic knows the MSM has actively supported D party candidates for decades.

Why is this so? Well it might be that the ruling class much prefers the D party. We know members of the ruling class own most of the MSM. Think about the Bezos Post, for example. We know that most extremely wealthy individuals who are politically active (the ruling class), throw their support behind the D Party. The D Party is the party of the Ruling Class.

The thing is the R party has no intention of eliminating the influence of the ruling class. They merely want to replace the D party as the party of the ruling class.

After all, it is all about the money.
With all this and more, Trump's approval rating is only in the 50% range, and less by other measures. So how is this possible?

Because Trump is a repulsive, misogynistic, racist troll who insults people on a daily basis?

The media doesn't have to make Trump unlikable, the shitshow of his presidency does that.

ISIS moved in and took control over parts of Iraq after DumBama pulled our troops out. It was after a war that cost us thousands of American and Iraqi lives, not to mention those who are permanently disabled for the remainder of their lives. The media take? It was Bush's war and he made the decision for Obama to pull our troops out.

Sorry, how do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?

Trump took over, listened and acted on the advice of his military leaders, and cleaned the terrorists out of Iraq. What did the media report? Nothing as far as I remember. They were too busy talking about his wife's shoes.

His military leaders advised him to turn Iraq and Syria over the Russians and Iranians? Maybe we need to see if they are on the Russian Payroll, too?

If Hillary was elected and had half of Trump's accomplishments, the media would be non-stop. They would have shown Iraqi citizens waiving American flags for months. A daily report on the improving economy. Interviews with business leaders and economists talking about a woman who was Making America Great again. With Trump.......nothing.

If Hillary had taken office, she'd be legitimate and wouldn't find new ways to disgrace the office every day like Trump does.
Here is an example of a person completely controlled by the ruling class, but doesn't know it.
It was the comic books sold down at the piggly wiggly store that manipulated voters...OMG you guys ..

Well at least you have come as far as admitting Russia was involved, so that is a big step.


Russia was involved. Where do you think Steele got his information for the dossier that Hillary bought and used?

You should listen to Limbaugh more often. When the MSM gets a keyword or phrase they like to use, every single outlet uses it like robots. Rush compiles them and plays it for his audience. Maybe when I get home from work I'll try to find a couple.

If the MSM would use fair reporting, or be biased in Trump's favor, his approval rate would be 75% or better today. Russia never had that kind of power, and the MSM is more dangerous when it comes to election outcome.
You should listen to Limbaugh more often. When the MSM gets a keyword or phrase they like to use, every single outlet uses it like robots. Rush compiles them and plays it for his audience. Maybe when I get home from work I'll try to find a couple.

If the MSM would use fair reporting, or be biased in Trump's favor, his approval rate would be 75% or better today. Russia never had that kind of power, and the MSM is more dangerous when it comes to election outcome.

Actually, quite the contrary, if the Media does anything, it tries to normalize Trump.

We have a crazy person in the White House, and everyone is trying to pretend this is normal because getting him out would be too much trouble.
Here is an example of a person completely controlled by the ruling class, but doesn't know it.

Yawn, guy. Trump is a clown and you guys know it.

It's just you all can't bring yourself to admit how bad you fucked up.

As usual, you have it backwards. Hillary is much worse than a clown, and we would have really fucked up had she been elected.

She like you, is owned and controlled by the ruling class. Only she gets rich from it and you get nothing.

I will never understand why poor saps like you, support the ruling class. It goes against common sense and common decency.
As usual, you have it backwards. Hillary is much worse than a clown, and we would have really fucked up had she been elected.

She like you, is owned and controlled by the ruling class. Only she gets rich from it and you get nothing.

I will never understand why poor saps like you, support the ruling class. It goes against common sense and common decency.

I wonder why crazy people like you think there is a vast 'ruling class' conspiring to keep you down.

Probably the only way you can explain why you are such losers.

Trump is still a clown, though.
As usual, you have it backwards. Hillary is much worse than a clown, and we would have really fucked up had she been elected.

She like you, is owned and controlled by the ruling class. Only she gets rich from it and you get nothing.

I will never understand why poor saps like you, support the ruling class. It goes against common sense and common decency.

I wonder why crazy people like you think there is a vast 'ruling class' conspiring to keep you down.

Probably the only way you can explain why you are such losers.

Trump is still a clown, though.
Trump IS a clown...we agree on that. Hillary is a criminal. We don't agree on that, which makes you a sap.
Trump IS a clown...we agree on that. Hillary is a criminal. We don't agree on that, which makes you a sap.

well, yeah, you see,

When you spend 25 years investigating her for criminal conduct and spend 100 million dollars or more trying to prove she broke a law, and the worst thing you can come up with was 'She got emails on the wrong email account, which may not even be a crime", your claim that she's a "criminal" falls a bit hollow.

Now, she was an awful candidate, she ran two terrible campaigns, and she wouldn't be where she is if she wasn't married to who she was married to.
Trump IS a clown...we agree on that. Hillary is a criminal. We don't agree on that, which makes you a sap.

well, yeah, you see,

When you spend 25 years investigating her for criminal conduct and spend 100 million dollars or more trying to prove she broke a law, and the worst thing you can come up with was 'She got emails on the wrong email account, which may not even be a crime", your claim that she's a "criminal" falls a bit hollow.

Now, she was an awful candidate, she ran two terrible campaigns, and she wouldn't be where she is if she wasn't married to who she was married to.

Even after all that, which we can agree on, you STILL voted Cankles.

I think you need to re-think your position.

As bad as Trump is, he is still a thousand times better than your criminal.
It was the comic books sold down at the piggly wiggly store that manipulated voters...OMG you guys ..

Well at least you have come as far as admitting Russia was involved, so that is a big step.


Russia was involved. Where do you think Steele got his information for the dossier that Hillary bought and used?

You should listen to Limbaugh more often. When the MSM gets a keyword or phrase they like to use, every single outlet uses it like robots. Rush compiles them and plays it for his audience. Maybe when I get home from work I'll try to find a couple.

If the MSM would use fair reporting, or be biased in Trump's favor, his approval rate would be 75% or better today. Russia never had that kind of power, and the MSM is more dangerous when it comes to election outcome.

Well.Fair. I will agree with you there... but keep in mind that whenever Obama made a speech I used to love turning on FoX to watch them rip it apart and twist it..

Let alone Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, The Blaze, hating on Obama 24/7

All of these news people cause drama to keep you watching..


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