Fusion Energy Will Change Everything

As Reiny Days pointed out, the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) had not investigating fusion energy research though it may well have discovered helpful information. Reiny is wrong when he says that proton-proton collisions don't cause fusion but given that the particles produced by the impacts of individual protons freely fly apart, it is nothing like what is going on in a fusion reactor.
uh, what I was speaking of was never built so your comment is simply ignorant rambling.

I did not state that the super conducting collider produced fusion.

The Democrats shutting down the Collider shows the partisanship and anti-science stance of the democratic party.

Research into the physics of atoms, which a collider is used for, is fundamental in the research of fusion.
What the fuck are you babbling about? The wind turbines south of Chicago are doing just fine and 400 billion kWh were produced in the US by wind and solar technology last year. And, of course, they are still expanding while coal, oil and gas are shrinking.
You’re not serious
uh, what I was speaking of was never built so your comment is simply ignorant rambling.

I did not state that the super conducting collider produced fusion.

The Democrats shutting down the Collider shows the partisanship and anti-science stance of the democratic party.

Research into the physics of atoms, which a collider is used for, is fundamental in the research of fusion.
Construction of the SSC was well underway, so its design and thus the general direction of the research it would be conducting had already been established. I am only saying that its primary role was not investigating fusion energy. You stated that the SSC or other proton-proton colliding accelerators would NOT produce fusion and I am telling you that they do but since their is no containment, the results are quite different.
I showed you an article detailing the several reasons Congress voted to defund the project. There is no evidence that the Democratic Party is the least bit anti-science. There is evidence that the conservatives of the Republican Party, once famous for being hawks, favored unchecked weapons research and development that some might see as a greater affection towards science. But they'd be wrong.
And, of course, they are still expanding while coal, oil and gas are shrinking.
Through government mandate, not through market forces.

Bad things happen when government tries to manage and control markets.
Construction of the SSC was well underway, so its design and thus the general direction of the research it would be conducting had already been established. I am only saying that its primary role was not investigating fusion energy. You stated that the SSC or other proton-proton colliding accelerators would NOT produce fusion and I am telling you that they do but since their is no containment, the results are quite different.
I showed you an article detailing the several reasons Congress voted to defund the project. There is no evidence that the Democratic Party is the least bit anti-science. There is evidence that the conservatives of the Republican Party, once famous for being hawks, favored unchecked weapons research and development that some might see as a greater affection towards science. But they'd be wrong.
And, of course, I dont need the political excuses you find in articles stating why a political party is or is not cupable or partisan.

There is much evidence, the super collider being a glaring example of the democratic party being anti-science.

And again, somehow you either forget who said what, or you intentionally lie about what people say, that you disagree with.

I never said colliders, do not produce fusion.

I stated the research is critical to understanding the physics of an atom which is directly related to fusion.
So what are they used for? Neither fission or fusion.

Research about particles and physics. Research that is applicable to everything.

Particle accelerators? ... they're used to accelerate particles ... slam bare nakked protons into a sheet of Calcuim-40 and look at the splatter ... yes, there will be products of fusion, there will be products of fission but mostly we'll get sub-atomic particles like quarks and pi epsilon meta-halfnoids ... or some such ...

Fission reactors will have hundreds of the most powerful production lasers all pointed at a single cubic nanometer full of Deuterium ... all this new research says is they got back the energy they used for the lasers ... plus a tiny titty bit more ... my question is where are they getting the Deuterium, that stuff is expensive ...

Fusion power is real today ... just not controlled ... look into the bomb bays of any B-2 Air Force Bomber ...
The recent buzzword is fusion. This isn't the first time it has been around. Technology as savior is a favorite news recycle, and fusion is a regular.
Through government mandate, not through market forces.

Bad things happen when government tries to manage and control markets.

Where are you getting electric service for your home? ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... the government tells you who and it's strictly illegal to seek it from any other source ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

You want six sets of utility poles and six sets of overhead wires and six sets of drops nailed to your house ... and then all six companies will sit down behind closed doors and SET PRICES to guaranty profits ... BIG profits ... capitalism at it's finest ...
There would be nothing to fear from government by the people for the people. The U.S. has government by the people who control the markets and the government.
Particle accelerators? ... they're used to accelerate particles ... slam bare nakked protons into a sheet of Calcuim-40 and look at the splatter ... yes, there will be products of fusion, there will be products of fission but mostly we'll get sub-atomic particles like quarks and pi epsilon meta-halfnoids ... or some such ...

Fission reactors will have hundreds of the most powerful production lasers all pointed at a single cubic nanometer full of Deuterium ... all this new research says is they got back the energy they used for the lasers ... plus a tiny titty bit more ... my question is where are they getting the Deuterium, that stuff is expensive ...

Fusion power is real today ... just not controlled ... look into the bomb bays of any B-2 Air Force Bomber ...
Very nice, vaguish description of?????

I am not sure if you think you are educating or correcting me.

Protons? No electrons? Just research or are they mostly used to manufacture.

Everything I have said is accurate, and yes most particle accelerators are not used fir research.

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