*Funny Thing Happened When We Were In NYC*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!

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Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


It takes three hands to drive in Manhattan, one on the steering wheel, one on the ready (with the middle finger extended) and one on the horn. Next time try to drive from NJ into Manhattan through the tunnel at rush hour in the rain. An incredible experience.
Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


Well, I don't call Muslims ragheads but cabbies in NY are rude and that is a fact of life up there. I remember a friend of mine telling me a story about a couple of Muslim guys at the car auction in Ocoee, Fla. It is a Manheim auction and there are thousands of cars that get auctioned there - you have to have a car dealers license to get in and buy. I pay him to buy my cars for me and I can drive for free and then flip them for a profit a year out. Anyhow, he was getting a car for me - I had already looked at the car through the gate and he bid on it and when he was trying to get through at end of auction 2 muslims blocked him from getting through.

He knocked on their window and said, move your car - I need to get through. They got out and left the car there while going into office. He had to wait. Then they were told to pull the car up by office and come back in. They did. My buddy is friends with the office guys and they knew the Muslims had parked the car they were purchasing to block traffic. He then watched as they bought the car inside and he watched as someone else walked over to the car the Muslims bought and keyed it from one end to the other. Both sides. DEEP! The entire car needed a repaint the value was shot out and the Muslims had already bought the car so it was too late for them to do anything about it. The guy at Manheim said they were pissed!!!

Now I've heard of losing money the minute you drive a new car off off the Lot but losing money before you leave the parking lot of a Manheim Auction? That is a first! Those guys didn't keep their jobs as buyers. That is for sure. A real bad luck story.

- Jeri
Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


1. Did you signal before you cut into the left lane?
2. Did you cross over a solid white line?
3. What the heck is a "rag head"?

Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


1. Did you signal before you cut into the left lane?
2. Did you cross over a solid white line?
3. What the heck is a "rag head"?


None of that matters because his is a "big and powerful car".

And the rag heads better not get in his way.
Sorry bout that,

1. It wasn't a solid line I crossed to get there, and I was in the left lane all the while.
2. This fucker was trying to drive my car for me, pushing me through the green arrow as he called it so he could follow me.
3. Problem is maybe if I had gunned it I perhaps could have made it like some mad man, with throwing all caution to the wind, as if there wasn't all this people jay walking and at every corner wanting to jay walk and all.
4. No this rag head was in a hurry, and he wanted me out of his way, fuck him!

So....You were driving in NYC and someone blew their horn at you

Worthy of a thread
Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


It takes three hands to drive in Manhattan, one on the steering wheel, one on the ready (with the middle finger extended) and one on the horn. Next time try to drive from NJ into Manhattan through the tunnel at rush hour in the rain. An incredible experience.

I have no intention of driving in Manhattan. Not unless I'm driving a uparmored HumV with some sort of crew-served belt-fed clear the right-of-way weapon mounted in the turret.
So....You were driving in NYC and someone blew their horn at you

Worthy of a thread

Confirmation bias demands every instance of "rag heads" acting badly must be publicly reported.

What's the difference between a "Rag-Head" and a White Supremest?

The rag......and the language.

They're both pretty much the same. Funny how you libs always fall in on the side of bigots just because they're from another country.
Hey Cheesy, did it look like this:

I don't agree with calling them ragheads but if they are not accustomed with how things are done in the South? ( like being polite and moving when you are asked ) Then I say they need to be "educated" on the matter.

Whatever it takes.

I don't agree with calling them ragheads but if they are not accustomed with how things are done in the South? ( like being polite and moving when you are asked ) Then I say they need to be "educated" on the matter.

Whatever it takes.


Except this allegedly happened in NYC...
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I am driving my car, its big and powerful car, and as I was driving up Broadway down near China Town, which is near the Trade Center, about to swing over and take a left, and as it turned out, I wasn't going quite fast enough for the fucking rag head driving behind me, so he laid on his horn as if I had just cut him off or something, it seems (in his mind), the green light was green enough for use both to make the *green arrow* as he called it, which I will relate later in this thread, so he blasted me with his horn as if he had just been rudely cut off or something, and all, and as I pulled up to the line and stopped I lowered my window, stuck my head out and looked back at him, and I yelled at this rag head, " YEAH WHAT?!!!" he yelled back at me, "Green Arrow" then I yelled back to him in an angry voice, "Drive *YOUR* car*!!!!!! the light changed and he ignored me all together, I think he must of shit his rag diaper when I stuck my head out and YELLED, "YEAH WHAT"!!!! :badgrin:
2. We went on and lol about it ,...!!!!!
3. I knew he was a rag head because he had that little half moon idol thing on his back window, with the palm tree dingle berry thingy. lol!!!!


1. Did you signal before you cut into the left lane?
2. Did you cross over a solid white line?
3. What the heck is a "rag head"?


None of that matters because his is a "big and powerful car".

And the rag heads better not get in his way.

1. The *raghead* was behind me duff-ass!

Sorry bout that,

1. I tell you *ragheads* are all up in New York, every corner, makes me fucking sick!
2. Good luck New Yorkers!
3. I'm going back to Texas!
4. And fuck you *ragheads*!!!


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