
Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This sermon is from Michael Boldea Jr. and was posted on his website yesterday. It is a timely message in that while the church is always seeking for "a word" - the latest "prophecy" the truth is they do not really want to know what the LORD is saying because they do not want to do it! What is the LORD saying to the church right now? Repent! Prepare yourselves! Live Holy! Live a life of prayer and warn others to come out of sin - to return to the Lord Jesus Christ and obey the Word of God! Years ago I read some website called Elijah list and all I could see was one false prophet after another! I was astounded that so many Christians would listen to such absolute nonsense! This was years ago but as I recall they were "prophesying" smooth sailing ahead - so to speak - the wealth of the wicked was laid up for the righteous - the big wealth transfer was about to begin! Oh my gosh! The things those people said and with a thus sayeth the LORD in front of it no less! There was no sign of any fear of the LORD in those people! To cover themselves they even tried to redefine what the "fear of the LORD" meant!

With that said, this is the grandson of a true prophet of the LORD named Dumitru Duduman that warned us that America will burn! Almost no one wanted to listen to Dumitru and the message the LORD had given him. Maybe when the Russians strike us the people will be interested in what he had to say... but by then? It will be too late!

Read this clip of the sermon ( continue reading on link below ) and realize that this is the Word the Church in America needs - in fact - it is the Only Word they need!

Hand of Help Ministries

I understand the need or desire to want to know what the Lord is saying, but the Lord has been saying many things, for many years, all of which have gone wholly unheeded.

‘Humble yourselves, repent, turn from your wickedness, and pray!’

‘Yeah, we don’t want to do that, so, what else is the Lord saying?’

‘Prepare yourselves, sanctify yourselves, and steel yourselves for what is to come.’

‘I think we’ll pass on that one too…just tell us what’s going to happen and be specific.’

God has spoken, and He is still speaking, but He is not saying the things the church wants to hear, so the church has chosen to ignore Him altogether.

Even when He is specific, even when God in His love and mercy outlines everything that will unfold, if it doesn’t happen within a hair’s breadth of being uttered, well, then it must have been a false prophecy. We want the quick turnaround. Utter today, fulfill tomorrow, ask no more of us than what we’re already doing for the Kingdom, and we can all go about our business. Never mind the fact that God warns far enough in advance to give people time to repent. Never mind the fact that most true revelation is uttered far enough in advance as to be deemed improbable if not outright impossible at the time it is put forth. We took the initiative and changed the rules on God, and He’d better adhere to our new parameters, otherwise we’ll throw a hissy fit like the spoiled children we are.

So what is the Lord saying?

continue reading on link above............
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When I opened my bible to Jeremiah 51 yesterday I knew the LORD was letting me know that the fulfillment of His Warning is at hand. Once again, Boldea Jr. is confirming what the Holy Spirit is speaking to my own heart. It is right at the door now. How sad to think of all the time people have wasted - putting God off! How sad!
It is you who do not know it because if you did? You'd realize it's goal is to destroy you. The truth is you do not know the power of Jesus Christ but know this: It is far greater than the power of Satan. Satan's power is limited - he has no authority over the Believers in Jesus Christ. Neither do you. It is written to the born again Christians:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. - Luke 10:19

You see that? The one you serve? I have all power over him and the demons of hell too. Authority? You have no idea what true power and authority is. That is the truth. Get thee behind me, Satan.
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This is the truth, Irish Ram. My heart is deeply saddened for her. I do not want to see her end in hell tormented by the demons who are tricking her now into thinking she has learned the secrets of the dark underworld. What the demons have told her are lies - the truth is once she is in hell - the demons will tell her without hesitation that she deserves every bit of her torment because had they been given the opportunity to have been created in the image of God - to have been given salvation through believing upon Jesus Christ and be forgiven of their rebellion against Him in heaven - they would oh so quickly have seized that opportunity! They have openly told those who are in hell that it was their own fault for being there! The testimony of John Bunyan visions of heaven and hell tells of these things. They have openly told those now in hell - the way it is - because for those people? It is too late!

It isn't too late for her! She could turn around! Satan does not own her soul because he isn't the owner of anything. I do not care what kind of pact with hell she made. It isn't too late for her. Satan was defeated at the cross 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ. She could still be saved! STILL.

She thinks Satan has superior power over Gods' power! She thinks the powers she obtained from these demons - astral projection - etc - are some sign that her powers are greater than that of Jesus Christ and His servants! She is seriously mistaken about this! I had told her before I would fast and pray for her and that is precisely what I plan to do in this month of October - I am believing God for a miracle for her because she needs one! She needs a miracle from Jesus! The good news is Satan cannot read her mind. The demons cannot read her mind. If she would like to receive Jesus Christ - she should read threads on religion forum about Jesus Christ - the Gospel of John - the sermons by various Preachers preaching the truth - the demons will not know why she is reading but she will. Perhaps as she opens her mind and heart to the truth the LORD will look upon her with mercy and show up mightily to reveal His love. The LORD is mighty to save. Mighty to save. That is the truth.

If the demons are telling her not to watch the John Buynan testimony video and other such videos - she should ask herself what is it that the demons do not want me to find out about? That alone should be a huge warning to her that she is being deceived for an evil purpose.

Think how wonderful it would be to see her come to Jesus Christ before Oct. 31st / Nov 1st? Wouldn't that be wonderful? Oh! I believe God to do something wonderful on this board for the month of October and may her salvation be a part of it! Mankind is lost without salvation through Jesus Christ!
Our nation is now facing fulfillment of all that has been prophesied over it by Dumitru Duduman many years ago - also dreams and visions that were given to Brother Michael Boldea Jr. years ago - these things are at the door. Something he said about how the LORD will tell us something many years before it comes to pass made me think about something I shared today. I will post it here so that others can see it. I have to go find the thread I posted it on.
Here it is, Irish Ram. I wrote this to Teddyearp today on another thread but as I never told any of ya'll about this ( other than the people here who knew me before - they know about the LORD telling me this as I told them about it over 10 years ago ) but for those of you I met here this is what happened.

Here is the truth, Teddyearp - I have believed Obama indicated the end from the day George Bush Jr. left office. I have something to tell you all. Today is a good day to tell it as it is 10/10 and 10 is the number for judgment. It is a right day to let this be known.
I told the Jews and pro Israel people back over ten years ago (many are here today) that the LORD had told me something concerning George Bush Jr's election before he was elected. The night of George Bush Jr.'s election I was driving home by myself. (I lived in Florida at the time)

My husband was out voting. Our neighborhood was nearby a voting poll station that had been set up and there were cars lined down the streets parked. I had never registered to vote and had never voted in my life. I kept to myself and had a very shut in life with the LORD. I still do to this very day although I talk with you people and write on the religion forum. So back then I never owned a computer and had no dealings with the outside world really. As I was driving home I said to the LORD, I had no idea that this election was such a big deal, Lord! I'm amazed at all these cars! Wow! ( I didn't watch television at all back then either - I was totally against even permitting a TV to be used in our home and my husband had to adjust to that) After I married him he put his television in a closet of the house.

So getting back to my story - when I told the LORD that he responded and said, George Bush will be the next president. I said, Okay. That was it. You see, what was that to me? I didn't even know what a democrat or a republican was! Mind you, this disturbed my husbands family greatly because they were very politically involved people!

So when I arrived home - a short time after my husband returns home from voting and I told him, the LORD says George Bush will be the next president. He said to me, We'll find out soon enough! The votes will be counted tonight and they will tell us. We were newly married at the time and my husband didn't quite understand my relationship with the LORD and that when He told me something? It happened. No if's about it.

So I said, alright. He said, I can take the television out of the closet and we can watch the votes come in if you'd like. I said, alright. Go ahead. I'm thinking this is going to be a lesson for my new husband so why not? Let's see how he reacts. So we are watching the votes come in and suddenly my husband says Gore won Florida. The election is over. He won. I said, what are you talking about? He said, they just reported Gore won Florida! That means Gore won! Whoever wins Fla. wins. He won the election. I said to my husband, then there has been some mistake. Because George Bush won and that is not possible. My husband was a little put off and said, let's wait and we'll see. He turned off the television and we left the room. That was the end of the discussion.

Some days - perhaps weeks later - he turned on an update and it said Gore is losing by 300 votes. The LORD reminded me of Gideon's defeat of the Midianites with 300 men and told me that Gore was not striving against a man but against Him. I told my husband and then he unplugged the TV and put it away for good I believe. (my husband says he does not remember if he put the TV in the closet at that point or not - so please note that as I wish to be as accurate as possible when telling what happened )

So around this time - while recount was happening - I was working at a very lavish home hanging wallpaper for one of my decorators. I am smoothing the paper on the walls and there is an elderly woman lying in her bed - she is terminal - she has servants waiting on her and she rings a bell when she wishes for them to come to her - this woman has lived quite a life - there is a photograph of her in front of her private jet - she is dressed to the nines - she has enjoyed a very lavish life - the home is quite spectacular - I am in the master bath which is larger then some people's master living room - so she has this television that is very huge - like the size of a television you see at restaurants that stands on the floor - and from the television is a blaring news report about the recount! They are recounting the votes in Florida (where I was at - I used to live there) and they are talking about this recount - it is a very heated debate about this recount - and as I am overhearing this - I say to the LORD, Lord? You are so good to me that you share your secrets with me! I do not have to wonder about these things like everyone else does. (because how good is the LORD to be such a wonderful friend to me like that? Truly I am the most blessed woman in the world!)

So I wasn't expecting Him to say anything to me - but He did! He spoke this very clearly to me. He said to me,
I started this country with a man named George and I am going to end it with a man named George.

That is what He said to me. I was stunned - I didn't say anything at first but then I asked him if I could tell anyone what he told me and he didn't say anything. He didn't say a word after that.

So as He didn't respond - I didn't tell anyone immediately but later I told my bible study teacher who was a spiritual confidante' and they told me they believed I had heard from the LORD. So some time later- I think it was about a week or two - I was at the breakfast table with my husband and I told him I have something I must tell you - as the recount was still going on! I told him what the Lord had told me while I was at my job - that he said, I started this country with a man named George and I am going to end it with a man named George.

My husband said, The country is doing great! I see no sign of this. Perhaps God meant another George. I told him this is not possible as the LORD would not trick me. He knew how simple I was ( not stupid but simplistic in my thinking) and He would not do that! My husband had no explanation - I told a few of his family members who were in great fear George Bush Jr. would not win - and later they saw I was right and he won. Then months later 9/11 happened and some people began to take notice and asked me if I thought that was the end of America and the LORD told me no, that was the beginning of the end.

That is all the LORD has told me about it and I didn't tell any of you about it because I endured much mockery over it in the past. I do not like that so sometimes I say things like I sure hope I'm wrong - but truly that isn't possible - I repent, sorry, ya'll.

Back when I told the people over 10 years ago some were kind and said nothing, some said well, I just think you're wrong, and then others claiming it was impossible that the LORD would let me know such a thing but I must tell you the LORD does do this - he shares his secrets with His Servants. He has always shared His secrets with His servants and in fact He won't do a thing until He does share it.

As for Obama becoming president - he isn't legitimate - obviously many have learned this concerning his mysterious background, no legitimate birth certificate, where are his former girlfriends, guy friends - school mates and such? It is all some sort of cover up and truly I do not care because what is that to me? I am the LORD's servant. I follow Jesus. I trust Jesus. Whatever happens to this nation - I pray for the people. That is all I can do. Is pray for the people. The LORD has kept His Word. Some believe this will turn around but I know differently and the stress of knowing that used to trouble me at times but these days it does not trouble me any more.

God is a just God. We know that the wicked are a sword in the Lord's hand. Psalm 17 tells us this. Trust in the LORD and live for Him, live holy, do what is right, the very best that you can and you won't have anything to worry about. Amen? Amen.
Me too Jere. Christ looks at nonbelievers as sheep without a shepherd. Ash has mistaken the wolf for the shepherd, and that never ends well for the sheep. She's a little girl that needs light in her life.

Yes, she does. Someone has to care about what happens to her! God knows Satan doesn't! She does need to know that there are Christians who love her and care about what happens to her because it could be the very thing that tips her decision to come to Jesus! I pray it is!

Speaking of the Shepherd and the Sheep! Do I have a treat for you! I am going to try and get it together tonight. I want to do a thread that is based off of the idea for W. Kellys' book about a Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23. It is amazing the revelation I was able to get after learning about his experience as a shepherd of sheep! What a great teacher he is! I highly recommend his book to all Christians! I will post the exact title of it so you can look it up, Irish Ram. Amazing story... while reading the book a friend came to visit me and hands me her i phone with a photo of a clay trough with water in it and it looks like Jerusalem. She said do you know what that is? I said a trough? She said, no. A cup. That is a cup! That is the cup King David spoke about when he wrote in Psalm 23 My cup runneth over! I looked at that photograph and said, what?!?! I told her you won't believe this but............ God has me reading a book about Psalm 23 right now!!!

Suddenly it dawned on me that David truly did write every single word of Psalm 23 from the viewpoint of a shepherd! I told my husband to read the book - then the LORD starts speaking to him about how Samuel came to anoint David as King over Israel - where was David? Out tending the sheep! ha! It's just too wonderful how God put Psalm 23 together. Truly the LORD is our shepherd!
Ash, I'm curious, do you believe if you follow your father, Satan, that he will reward you when you die, by actually making you an actual goddess? How do you envision your future with the "prince of darkness"?

What in the Cosmos are you talking about?

I worship God and only God. My supreme Allegience is to God, before all other beings in the Multiverse.

The Master(s) of Creation and the Master(s) of Destruction, the most powerful being(s) in existence.

Perhaps I involve Demons and Angels, Gods and Goddesses, and Devas and Daevas and Djinn in my Sacred Path. Perhaps I can equally appreciate the powers of Above and Below. Perhaps I can find Angels in Hell and Demons in Heaven. Perhaps I can feel the Sun at Night, and the Moon during the Day.

But balance is my way.

I worship only YHWH.

Oh! Irish Ram! About the post I wrote to Teddyearp today! Before I posted it I called my husband to come in as I wanted to read him what I had written first and see if he thought the LORD would have me to share that with the board - in my spirit I was getting yes, post it - but I still wanted to ask him - so rather than tell him what I wrote - I read to him what Teddyearp wrote! My husband responds with......you should tell him what the LORD told you years ago about George Bush. I said, you mean before he became President? He said, Yes. I said, are you sure about that? He said, yes. Tell him.

I said, here is what I wrote..then I read him what you are reading on post #10 ..... he said, you already wrote about it?! I said, yes, I just wanted to confirm that the LORD wanted me to tell the people on USMB about it before I posted it. He said, well I was your confirmation! I said, that's right!

Is God amazing or what? I love how He does things! He is just the most amazing, wonderful God! I got a wonderful message from someone today that lifted my spirit and I thought God could not possibly be any kinder to me than He is. He is so kind to me! I'm amazed at His thoughtfulness. He is such a personal loving God. I thank God for who He is. There is no one like Jesus. None compare to Him. He's the best.
so is the bible all we need? It do we need to listen to these men you've called prophets as well? And what scriptures have they revealed?
Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18 among others, Avatar.

Speaking of dreams, visions, words from the LORD which are of course established throughout the book of Acts in the New Testament and in the Old - See book of Joel - I am once again thinking about the Mormon woman who had committed suicide back in 1976 or thereabouts - and the LORD did speak to her and showed her of things to come upon the earth and told her to go back and warn the people - she did do this and went to many churches, various places warning of what the LORD had shown her. I cannot remember her name now but she became a Christian out of that experience. What I am trying to remember is her name - do you remember it? She gave great details of having seen the twin towers fall - she saw terrorist attacks - car bombings and she spoke of a plague in which people had boils or blisters on their skin - she was given a vision of all of these things in the end times when I read her testimony years ago I did believe the LORD had shown her of those things. Do you recall the woman's name by any chance? Her testimony was reported back in the 70's and early 80's.
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Well, I vaguely remember her testimony but people were talking about it some time after 9/11 as she had seen a time of great distress upon America and then America was destroyed. I suppose it does not matter as I cannot even recall her name. The truth is that God did send Dumitru Duduman to America to warn America to repent - to turn from her sins - and America has not listened, Avatar. I will find the video of Dumitru Duduman and you can see it for yourself. There are also some testimonies from Michael Boldea Jr. that are excellent. Both men are true servants of the Lord Jesus Christ and I have never doubted either of their testimonies! Not for a moment! I find that it must be the LORD as 99.8% of what I have seen of so - called prophets is utter nonsense and I thank God I have never been one of those people seeking after a Word from God! I am well able to hear the Holy Spirit myself. I do not need Boldea Jr. to tell me although what he does say confirms in my spirit what the LORD is showing me. That America's time is up. It is right now. It's right now. I hope you are ready - that you are living holy unto the LORD and have given your heart to Jesus Christ and that there is nothing between you and the LORD that has not been dealt with. We must all be ready to give an account for ourselves - even tonight. That is how it is.
Here is the video part 1 - this organization is playing a video in 5 parts of Dumitru Duduman's testimony and what the LORD had given him to tell America. The Helping Hands ministry is not affiliated with the Prophecy Club - they are the media source who invited them to speak and gave the reporting of the testimony via videos -

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