Fuehrer judge napolitano.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I feel asleep with the television on and awoke to an old Nazi movie. I thought. But it was Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano spewing anti-government rhetoric and calling the poor working class as “takers.” What did Hitler call the Jews? “Takers” with too much power. This was the scariest thing I’ve heard since the Jews were led to slaughter. The tone of Napolitano’s voice was the same as Hitler’s and the anti-government and anti-working class America was the same. The T-Party was the beginning of the movement and it was called “main stream american” even though it was 99% white. Hitler begin his reign of power with banning what? Unions.

America if we don’t fight now, we lose our freedom and the future for our children. If we lose control of our lives they will take control. They want less government control and more control by them. They want to exterminate the poor working class to powerless. There is no different between state government and federal government. One is just bigger then the other and more powerful. Exactly. They want to exterminate the poor working class of people by banning the union and taking control out of the hands of Americans.”

Jesus said pay whatever taxes is called for and set in place Superior Authorities and told us to obey them because he saw a need for it even then. Rom. 13;1,2. Matt 17; 24-27. When America got bigger then a few old white men, it created the need for bigger government and more government control. We cannot allow them to take us back three hundred years when a few old white men ruled. This is 2011 and not 1776 and our needs are different.

“Take back America” is the same rhetoric as “Take back Germany from the Jews.“ They were “getting too big” and “having too much control.”


Most dangerous men in America came out of the tea party?
Unless you can provide evidence that Napolitano is in some way connected to the mass murder of any minority group, your comparison is not only stupid, it is offensive to the millions of victims of the actual Nazis.
A. I'm surprised you watch Fox News.


B. The judge and DHS Secretary Napolitano are brothers.
Unless you can provide evidence that Napolitano is in some way connected to the mass murder of any minority group, your comparison is not only stupid, it is offensive to the millions of victims of the actual Nazis.

What you apparently cannot quite get your head wrapped around is the definition of FASCISM.

AS Hitler is the most famous FASCIST, you mistakenly believe that his regime is the ONLY definition of fascism.

It isn't.

Neither Mussolini (founder of modern Fascism) nor Franco, (longest cdntinuously ruling FASCIST dicator on earth) advocated killing people based on RACE.

But the one thing they ALL AGREED ON, was the respression of UNIONS.

Without fail, the first thing FACISTS DEMAND is an end to unions.

Look at those who loathe unions, Cali.

Those people ascribe to the number one demand that FASCISTS demand of their society,.

A society where workers have NO RIGHTS.

The TP has fascistic elements in it without DOUBT.

Do these people know that what they advocate is the FIRST condition that fascism demands to thrive?

I doubt it.

These people aren't fascistic ideologues, they are clueless know-nothings who want to live in a plutocracy lead by corporations at the expense of working classes.

Nevertheless, what they want is the same conditions that FASCISM needs to exist
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America if we don’t fight now, we lose our freedom and the future for our children. If we lose control of our lives they will take control.
Very dramatic..... :eusa_boohoo:

If there's any freedom, or future, lost, it was given-away....decades-ago....to Madison Avenue....those folks who are always telling you what you need to buy, next. They own your ass.

When politicians look at an electorate that's more devoted to QVC, NASCAR, "Dancing With The Stars", FAUX Noise (and, other such marketing-scams), rather-than the actual workings of Democracy, why wouldn't they be expected to be included in that list? Look at Michele Bachmann.

If politicians (actually) wanted full-participation of the electorate, they'd have to do it American-style. Election Day would be a two-day event (Saturday & Sunday).....and, everyone would get a $50 gift-card, when they exited their local polling-place.​
Unless you can provide evidence that Napolitano is in some way connected to the mass murder of any minority group, your comparison is not only stupid, it is offensive to the millions of victims of the actual Nazis.

What you apparently cannot quite get your head wrapped around is the definition of FASCISM.

AS Hitler is the most famous FASCIST, you mistakenly believe that his regime is the ONLY definition of fascism.

It isn't.

Neither Mussolini (founder of modern Fascism) nor Franco, (longest cdntinuously ruling FASCIST dicator on earth) advocated killing people based on RACE.

But the one thing they ALL AGREED ON, was the respression of UNIONS.

Without fail, the first thing FACISTS DEMAND is an end to unions.

Look at those who loathe unions, Cali.

Those people ascribe to the number one demand that FASCISTS demand of their society,.

A society where workers have NO RIGHTS.

The TP has fascistic elements in it without DOUBT.

Do these people know that what they advocate is the FIRST condition that fascism demands to thrive?

I doubt it.

These people aren't fascistic ideologues, they are clueless know-nothings who want to live in a plutocracy lead by corporations at the expense of working classes.

Nevertheless, what they want is the same conditions that FASCISM needs to exist

Fascism is just a different brand of Totalitarian Rule than Yours. There is no substitute for Individual Liberty, and a Truly Free Market. Union's Especially in Government, are damaging to our Republic. You have displaced the Middle Class with over burdened Taxation. Now you want to keep your Privilege at the expense of the working poor. Your Burden hurts the cash flow as much as Corporate Monopoly. Grow up. Eat your own bread, and be satisfied by it. Live within your means.
Unless you can provide evidence that Napolitano is in some way connected to the mass murder of any minority group, your comparison is not only stupid, it is offensive to the millions of victims of the actual Nazis.

What you apparently cannot quite get your head wrapped around is the definition of FASCISM.

AS Hitler is the most famous FASCIST, you mistakenly believe that his regime is the ONLY definition of fascism.

It isn't.

Neither Mussolini (founder of modern Fascism) nor Franco, (longest cdntinuously ruling FASCIST dicator on earth) advocated killing people based on RACE.

But the one thing they ALL AGREED ON, was the respression of UNIONS.

Without fail, the first thing FACISTS DEMAND is an end to unions.

Look at those who loathe unions, Cali.

Those people ascribe to the number one demand that FASCISTS demand of their society,.

A society where workers have NO RIGHTS.

The TP has fascistic elements in it without DOUBT.

Do these people know that what they advocate is the FIRST condition that fascism demands to thrive?

I doubt it.

These people aren't fascistic ideologues, they are clueless know-nothings who want to live in a plutocracy lead by corporations at the expense of working classes.

Nevertheless, what they want is the same conditions that FASCISM needs to exist

Fascism is just a different brand of Totalitarian Rule than Yours. There is no substitute for Individual Liberty, and a Truly Free Market. Union's Especially in Government, are damaging to our Republic. You have displaced the Middle Class with over burdened Taxation. Now you want to keep your Privilege at the expense of the working poor. Your Burden hurts the cash flow as much as Corporate Monopoly. Grow up. Eat your own bread, and be satisfied by it. Live within your means.

interesting. i've found editec to be pretty much anti-government on every level. he's far from a totalitarian. and excusing facism by making false claims that something else is equally totalitarian is an attempt to excuse vileness... same as the loons who claim it's somehow racism to call racists what they are.

you also seem to be blurring socio-political theorum with economic theory. i know that's a facile way to demonize everything we don't agree with, but it isn't accurate.

that said, only nazis are nazis and people really need to stop doing that. it ruins whatever argument they might have.
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I feel asleep with the television on and awoke to an old Nazi movie. I thought. But it was Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano spewing anti-government rhetoric and calling the poor working class as “takers.” What did Hitler call the Jews? “Takers” with too much power. This was the scariest thing I’ve heard since the Jews were led to slaughter. The tone of Napolitano’s voice was the same as Hitler’s and the anti-government and anti-working class America was the same. The T-Party was the beginning of the movement and it was called “main stream american” even though it was 99% white. Hitler begin his reign of power with banning what? Unions.

America if we don’t fight now, we lose our freedom and the future for our children. If we lose control of our lives they will take control. They want less government control and more control by them. They want to exterminate the poor working class to powerless. There is no different between state government and federal government. One is just bigger then the other and more powerful. Exactly. They want to exterminate the poor working class of people by banning the union and taking control out of the hands of Americans.”

Jesus said pay whatever taxes is called for and set in place Superior Authorities and told us to obey them because he saw a need for it even then. Rom. 13;1,2. Matt 17; 24-27. When America got bigger then a few old white men, it created the need for bigger government and more government control. We cannot allow them to take us back three hundred years when a few old white men ruled. This is 2011 and not 1776 and our needs are different.

“Take back America” is the same rhetoric as “Take back Germany from the Jews.“ They were “getting too big” and “having too much control.”


Most dangerous men in America came out of the tea party?

There is so many things wrong here in this statement where to even begin?
1st - Less Government is not anti govenment.
2nd - Takers can not ever be in power. When you are given money it is never enough, it enslaves you. It also robs you of your pride and dignity.
3rd - Taking away some of the over reaching Union Bosses control is not taking away the Unions. Trying to get the rich to pay more in taxes never works. They are rich they can live anywhere in the world they please. In other words they will not be living in the U.S. and there goes the money they were paying in taxes.
4th - Socialisam is the cause of the middle class decline. You can't expect the middle class to pay for everything includeing unions health care and their pensions while paying for theirs too. It's called double dipping.
5th - The working class poor have never been in power nor will they ever be in power. That's why Marxisim never worked.
6th - There is a big differecne between the Federal Government and State Government.
When we get back power to State Governmnet instead of Federal, The peoples votes will control the State Government.
7th - Giveing people the right to choose is giving the people their power back.
8th - Socialsiam is what has caused Government to get bigger.
9th - It never was just a few old white men that ruled this country, it was the people who ruled this country. When taxes were collected it was done fairly - example, when they wanted to collect taxes for the churches, those that did not believe in Jesus (like Jews and Muslums), were exempt from paying those taxes.
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Something I've noticed, now if you are for a SMALLER less INTRUSIVE GUBERMENT in our lives, you are ANTI-GUBERMENT.

how sick is that
Something I've noticed, now if you are for a SMALLER less INTRUSIVE GUBERMENT in our lives, you are ANTI-GUBERMENT.

how sick is that

because you loons aren't for "smaller", "less intrusive" government. you just hate anything that helps people and love anything that intrudes in other people's bodies and controls their "morality". this idea that you support 'small government' is a joke.
Something I've noticed, now if you are for a SMALLER less INTRUSIVE GUBERMENT in our lives, you are ANTI-GUBERMENT.

how sick is that

because you loons aren't for "smaller", "less intrusive" government. you just hate anything that helps people and love anything that intrudes in other people's bodies and controls their "morality". this idea that you support 'small government' is a joke.

Hate anything that helps people? Then how come we are the most giving to help others? We are number 1 when it comes to helping others in the U.S.A. and around the world.
Without morality everyone turns into selfish animals.

I feel asleep with the television on and awoke to an old Nazi movie. I thought. But it was Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano spewing anti-government rhetoric and calling the poor working class as “takers.” What did Hitler call the Jews? “Takers” with too much power. This was the scariest thing I’ve heard since the Jews were led to slaughter. The tone of Napolitano’s voice was the same as Hitler’s and the anti-government and anti-working class America was the same. The T-Party was the beginning of the movement and it was called “main stream american” even though it was 99% white. Hitler begin his reign of power with banning what? Unions.

America if we don’t fight now, we lose our freedom and the future for our children. If we lose control of our lives they will take control. They want less government control and more control by them. They want to exterminate the poor working class to powerless. There is no different between state government and federal government. One is just bigger then the other and more powerful. Exactly. They want to exterminate the poor working class of people by banning the union and taking control out of the hands of Americans.”

Jesus said pay whatever taxes is called for and set in place Superior Authorities and told us to obey them because he saw a need for it even then. Rom. 13;1,2. Matt 17; 24-27. When America got bigger then a few old white men, it created the need for bigger government and more government control. We cannot allow them to take us back three hundred years when a few old white men ruled. This is 2011 and not 1776 and our needs are different.

“Take back America” is the same rhetoric as “Take back Germany from the Jews.“ They were “getting too big” and “having too much control.”


Most dangerous men in America came out of the tea party?
You just do not like it that Napolitano makes more sense than the dimwits.

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