Fruits of Obama's much adverstised Arab Spring:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
May 3, 2012

Egypt: Ayman Zawahiri's Brother Leads Jihadi Protest Against Military
According to Egypt’s Al Ahram, “Major Egyptian Islamist parties and groups—including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafist Calling and Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya—have issued calls for a Tahrir Square demonstration on Friday under the banner of ‘Saving the revolution.’ … Several non-Islamist revolutionary groups, meanwhile, have expressed their refusal to participate in the event. These groups include the United Maspero Youth, the Egyptian Brothers Independent group, and the Free Front for Peaceful Change.”

To appreciate this dichotomy—what Islamists are all about and why secularists want no part in Friday’s march—consider the sort of characters spearheading tomorrow's mass protests: among them is none other than Muhammad al-Zawahiri, the elder brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and a seasoned terrorist in his own right. According to Youm 7, Zawahiri appeared yesterday “at the head of hundreds of protesters,” including “dozens of jihadis,” demonstrating in front of Egypt’s Military Council near Cairo. They waved banners that read, “We are a people who do not give in—Victory or Death!,” chanted “Jihad! Jihad! The [Military] Council must leave,” all punctuated with cries of Islam’s primordial war-cry, “Allahu Akbar!”

Sheikh Muhammad Zawahiri also confirmed that his followers of the notorious al-Gama al-Islamiya—the “Islamic Group,” a terrorist organization famous for the 1997 Luxor Massacre, killing over 60 tourists—are going to be participating in this Friday’s “million man” march, stressing that they will not relent until the Military Council hands over all power.

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