Frost/Carnage: Dianetics and the Devil


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does media/consumerism affect the way you think about society fitness?

This civilization-morals yarn was inspired by Jerry Maguire.

Signing off,


Americans were celebrating the upcoming NCAAF season of the Penn State Nittany Lions. Penn State was a storied national college football program with great social prestige until a devastating abuse-scandal rocked the program, compelling managers and administrators to perform a complete organizational overhaul. Now, all eyes were on how Penn State coaches would turn the program around and bring the gloried history of the Nittany Lions back from the cemetery.


As with all human missions, there are challenges. That's why God sent his special angel down to Penn State named Mr. Frost. Mr. Frost was a benevolent warrior-poet angel of heaven who had the ability to control frost and snow and ice. He was a messenger of calmness, tranquillity, and the majesty of Earth's natural seasons (and weather-systems!). Mr. Frost was sent to Penn State to help the fans and American audiences remember why teamwork is more important than controversy. Mr. Frost reminded the Nittany Lions that the grit and labor required to play in the cold weather meant that glory on the field means real spiritual hygiene.


Any time God does something good for mankind, the Devil ascends to Earth from Hell to create controversy and panic. The Devil's message is, after all, that faith is not easy. So the Devil took the form of a demonic anarchy-messenger named Carnage. Carnage hated Mr. Frost and everything he stood for, so Carnage also went to Penn State but only to do mischief. He made it challenging for the Nittany Lions coaching staff to feel 'calm' about new age NCAA problems/controversies such as illegal steroids use by collegiate athletes. Since Mr. Frost was telling Penn State about the virtue of human nature, Carnage was telling Penn State about the darkness of peer-pressure. Carnage wanted the Nittany Lions to worry heavily about the impact of reputation humiliation.


America is a land of commerce and media, so Mr. Frost and Carnage began debating about the value of media consciousness in modern civilization.

FROST: Americans love Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise).
CARNAGE: Media makes for juvenile fantasies (e.g., Fisher-Buttafuoco).
FROST: Scandal does not undermine democracy...
CARNAGE: I doubt the Nittany Lions can completely recover!
FROST: All that is required is faith and hard work.
CARNAGE: You're an idealist.
FROST: I'm merely a counsellor(!).
CARNAGE: Television corrupts the soul --- that's truth.
FROST: What about imagination (e.g., The People's Court)?
CARNAGE: How can marketing/merchandising be inspiring?
FROST: Just think about Toys 'R Us and ESPN --- totems of 'play.'
CARNAGE: Consumerism will destroy objectivity (e.g., Napster).
FROST: People are simply paranoid about networking and design.
CARNAGE: Do you think MTV will be considered an achievement?
FROST: Where there is candy, there is medicine...
CARNAGE: Perhaps we can agree about NCAA video-games.
FROST: Sure! Video-games create hype for social institutions!
CARNAGE: True. That's why I like SimCity, Rampage, and Monopoly.
FROST: Excellent video-games symbolic of civilization-psychology.
CARNAGE: Let's turn consumerism into a playground...


After Mr. Frost and Carnage came to valuable agreements regarding the direction of media, marketing, and merchandising, they began working together with the Nittany Lions to revamp the program and create social optimism towards televised NCAA sports such as college football. Frost/Carnage comprised a dynamic new 'team' and suddenly American celebrities such as Tom Cruise (star of the sports-fantasy film Jerry Maguire) were claiming, "Dianetics/Microsoft will energize trade forever!"



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