Kinesthetic Capitalism: The Body Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism 'model' inspired by The Toxic Avenger (Marvel Comics).

Signing off,



A modern city is a beacon for traffic and commerce and capitalism as well! All good things flow into the city (as a great philosopher once said!). The city is therefore a template of the modern mind and perhaps (arguably) of the mind itself. We see all the vibrance and vigor of blood and sweat and tears in the palpable ant-like 'music' of the modern city. So where do violence and anarchy originate?


Leonardo da Vinci's seminal portrait of the elegant and profoundly efficient symmetry of the human physique/body known as The Vitruvian Man represents the vitality of analytical thinking towards even the most otherwise mystical of topics --- in this case, the evolutionary manifestation of an environmentally-desirable physique (or body form!). Da Vinci gave us a sense of wonder towards this great human body symmetry and how the body resembles (theoretically) a machine! We know of the sweat in our scalp when we worry about Wall Street, the blood in our nose when we have an anxiety-attack about the labors of Washington, D.C., and the tears we shed when we endure horrors like 9/11. There is symmetry and terrorism.


A comic book anti-hero known as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) is a wily and agile sharp-mouthed and quick-witted vigilante/mercenary (real name: Wade Wilson) who tackles all kinds of vile minions of the modern city --- the filth and the fury! Deadpool symbolizes a human paranoia about violence and anarchy and contemplates (whimsically and adventurously) where exactly all this violence originates. Deadpool just might comment, "Capitalism and hence the modern (American) city is a 'kinesthetic experience' inviting us to link congestion with hysteria!" Terrorists often express dissatisfaction with our Planet Hollywood and Hard Rock Café modern civilization. Deadpool's mission is therefore to sort out the madness from the poetry.


Artworks by the iconic female painter Georgia O'Keefe revealed a very sublime if eccentric human perception of the pervasiveness of fertility in various realms of nature and form. O'Keefe's feminism-friendly paintings revealed a sensitivity towards the female reproductive 'system' and equated fertility with organic imagination. O'Keefe arguably provided humanity with a 'complement' to Leonardo's The Vitruvian Man. Where da Vinci expressed the 'geometry' of physique, O'Keefe offered 'figurines' of 'body-softness' (and therefore femininity itself!). Leonardo might have asked, "Why do humans fight with each other?" while O'Keefe might have pondered, "Why do men rape women?"


An action-packed comic book (vigilantism/superheroism) themed/adapted modern American film such as Richard Lester's Superman III (a story about the world's favorite superhero --- Superman --- vying with his own poison-enhanced fragmented body and soul and a terrible giant evil super-computer to save life itself) presents images/ideas regarding diabolical intelligence, dangerous technology, weary minds, and tortured souls. In one sequence, the evil super-computer 'transforms' an escaping woman into a cybernetic minion which Superman must completely destroy! Such a film clearly reveals our modern worry that the activities of civilization (e.g., capitalism) create all manner of 'organic asymmetries.' Does terrorism, anarchy, and violence intrude in our heavenly world of teamwork and productivity by introducing the poisonous contemplation of self-destruction? Perhaps...


A human body has many electrical signals and blood-circulation channels/pathways. There is a heartbeat and a monitoring brain (central nervous system). There are tickle-spots and a funny-bone, which if stimulated, induce uncontrollable 'natural' humorous convulsions. If the brain short-circuits, the body may go into a seizure. The hair on the human head represents humanness, the hair of a man's beard represents intelligence, the hair on the arms and legs represents human recognition. The eyes help us see the world, and the ears help us listen to it. We're intrigued by smells and textures. Capitalism functions in the same 'systematic' sensitive manner. There are pores, cartilage, bloodsports, and industrialization 'ribs.' It is therefore rather dangerous to strike at this 'systematic sensitivity' with turbulent acts of violence/terrorism. So is Wall Street like the 'veins' of civilized behavior?




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