From one of Buffalos own


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Not sure if anybody from Buffalo has commented yet. But I wanted to comment on the issue as a Buffalonian. Born and bred in the great city of Buffalo. Well Buffalo was a big-time steel city back in the World War II era. We had 50,000 steel workers pumping out the steel that the great American men and our allies used in World War II. We were and still are a very proud city.

The recent storm in Buffalo has killed at least 25 people. This is something we are not used to though as for example some of the tornado or hurricane affected cities in the south have felt. We have certainly been hit with snow storms but blizzards like this are certainly once in a lifetime. I was not old enough for the blizzard of 77 I was not even alive but I will always remember this blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. A few days ago I was by a Rite Aid pharmacy on my way out I nearly got blown away by the storm. I never felt wind like that a massive gust of wind during a snowstorm a very unique thing….

…And that wind gust was nothing compared my what fellow citizens of Buffalo felt in the next few days…. on Friday and Saturday fellow Americans, fellow Christians fellow humans died in the freezing weather. On December 23 and December 24 and due to the blizzard here in Buffalo .. ..Over 25 people died Either of a heart attack or by freezing to death.. Young old all ages. One story was brutal a young woman with so much hope and determination died in the blizzard . She actually had videos showing her struggle throughout the whole ordeal. Anndel Taylor was 22 , she a young beautiful woman and she was a great American. A hard worker here she was working and stuck in traffic. And she died because the 911 services could not get to her. It was a shocking thing I never thought I would hear that the 911 services would be shut down in Buffalo but that’s actually what happened here in Buffalo New York and parts of Erie county. We imagine the site of firefighters going into burning buildings so that is something I do not understand. Certainly I trust the authorities but I don’t understand that order to shut down the emergency services.

Now that being said it should be noted that there were a number of brave firefighters and police officers who attempted to get to Anndell and other Americans that were freezing to death…. but they got stuck on the way. So there was an effort. But at some point an an order was given fri night and there was no available 911 services in a number of areas in Buffalo.

Anndel Taylor was among many people in buffalo who perished in their car. An untimely death may God be with them. May God bless their families. In going forward questions will be asked as to how the city of Buffalo well known for its ability to handle storms…. saw this episode where in two days at least 25 people either froze to death or had a heart attack due to the blizzard And due to authorities being unable to reach them.

We have 100 military police officers from the National Guard coming in to help handle traffic. There’s still people who are violating driving bands. There’s cars all over the place abandon cars that is to say. Trucks SUVs cars of all sizes that are abandoned all over the city, the inner cities. Right now the suburbs aren’t too bad but the city is south of Buffalo and much of the inner cities having it real hard. Seems like it’s always the working class people getting hit hard with these things …people like Anndell Taylor Who was a working class American.

My feelings as of now are two ways. One I feel very upset I feel like some authority figure drop the ball somewhere and that is why we have 25 deaths. Another part of me saying this was a brutal weather event. And that there were many people many police officers and firefighters who went out of their way probably many of them will disobeyed order some higher commands to try to rescue people. Obviously that is heroic that is the spirit of Buffalo. But One question os could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo for example that is probably the biggest issue of all, so could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo to handle this issue? Also if we had a more hands-on government we could have I suppose done more to prevent people from getting on the roads..unless they could prove that they were essential workers. Because a lot of the problems were related to the fact that cars were stuck all over the roads and the plows and the emergency services could not get through them.
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Not sure if anybody from Buffalo has commented yet. But I wanted to comment on the issue as a Buffalonian. Born and bred in the great city of Buffalo. Well Buffalo was a big-time steel city back in the World War II era. We had 50,000 steel workers pumping out the steel that the great American men and our allies used in World War II. We were and still are a very proud city.

The recent storm in Buffalo has killed at least 25 people. This is something we are not used to though as for example some of the tornado or hurricane affected cities in the south have felt. We have certainly been hit with snow storms but blizzards like this are certainly once in a lifetime. I was not old enough for the blizzard of 77 I was not even alive but I will always remember this blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. A few days ago I was by a Rite Aid pharmacy on my way out I nearly got blown away by the storm. I never felt wind like that a massive gust of wind during a snowstorm a very unique thing.

And that was nothing that my fellow citizens of Buffalo fouls in the next few days on Friday and Saturday fellow Americans, fellow Christians fellow humans died in the freezing weather. Over 25 people died Either of a heart attack or by freezing to death.. Young old all ages. One story was brutal a young woman with so much hope and determination died in the blizzard . She actually had videos showing her struggle throughout the whole ordeal. Anndel Taylor was 22 a young beautiful woman and she was a great American. A hard worker here she was working and stuck in traffic. And she died because the 911 services could not get to her. It was a shocking thing I never thought I would hear that the 911 services will be shut down in Buffalo but that’s actually what happened here in Buffalo New York and persevering county. We imagine the site of firefighters going into burning building so that is something I do not understand. Certainly I trust the authorities but I don’t understand that order to shut down the emergency services.

Now that being said it should be noted that they were a number of brave firefighters and police officers who attempted to get to Mrs. Brown but they got stuck on the way. So there was an effort. But at some point an an order was given and there was no available 911 services in a number of areas in Buffalo.

Anndel Taylor was among many people in buffalo who perished in their car. An untimely death may God be with them. May God bless their families. In going forward questions will be asked as to how the city of Buffalo well known for its ability to handle storms…. saw this episode where in two days at least 25 people either froze to death or had a heart attack due to the blizzard And due to authorities being unable to reach them.

We have 100 military police officers from the National Guard coming in to help handle traffic. There’s still people who are violating driving bands. There’s cars all over the place abandon cars that is to say. Trucks SUVs cars of all sizes that are abandoned all over the city, the inner cities. Right now the suburbs aren’t too bad but the city is south of Buffalo and much of the inner cities having it real hard. Seems like it’s always the working class people getting hit hard with these things …people like Anndell Taylor Who was a working class American.

My feelings as of now are two ways. One I feel very upset I feel like some authority figure drop the ball somewhere and that is why we have 25 deaths. Another part of me saying this was a brutal weather event. And that there were many people many police officers and firefighters who went out of their way probably many of them will disobeyed order some higher commands to try to rescue people. Obviously that is heroic that is the spirit of Buffalo. But One question os could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo for example that is probably the biggest issue of all, so could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo to handle this issue? Also if we had a more hands-on government we could have I suppose done more to prevent people from getting on the roads and less they could prove that they were essential workers. Because a lot of this problems were related to the fact that cars were stuck all over the roads and the plows and the emergency services could not get through them.

Sounds like a Katrina replay. I would expect people of Buffalo knew what was headed their way and they should have taken preemptive steps. Like not getting out in your car when the storm hits.
Like NOLA’ns who didn’t know to get to higher ground with a five-day hurricane warning.
Can’t recall situation where we’ve had to have 100 military police maintain traffic here in Buffalo. Ever in my lifetime.

It’s a massive cleanup situation here.


“I do not want to die out here alone”: WNYers fear dying alone days after blizzard begins​

Sounds like a Katrina replay. I would expect people of Buffalo knew what was headed their way and they should have taken preemptive steps. Like not getting out in your car when the storm hits.
Like NOLA’ns who didn’t know to get to higher ground with a five-day hurricane warning.
WTF. I was listening to the news last night and they had a story on the Buffalo situation. They spoke of a "ban on driving." I thought, "when did the government decide they could tell people they could not move around as they desired? How did this nation ever get settled?" More to the point--what happened to common sense. When nasty weather comes, you hunker down.
WTF. I was listening to the news last night and they had a story on the Buffalo situation. They spoke of a "ban on driving." I thought, "when did the government decide they could tell people they could not move around as they desired? How did this nation ever get settled?" More to the point--what happened to common sense. When nasty weather comes, you hunker down.
Some people become conditioned to how they should live. Like Covid vaccine extremists and Katrina sloth. Can only do what they’re told.
Not sure if anybody from Buffalo has commented yet. But I wanted to comment on the issue as a Buffalonian. Born and bred in the great city of Buffalo. Well Buffalo was a big-time steel city back in the World War II era. We had 50,000 steel workers pumping out the steel that the great American men and our allies used in World War II. We were and still are a very proud city.

The recent storm in Buffalo has killed at least 25 people. This is something we are not used to though as for example some of the tornado or hurricane affected cities in the south have felt. We have certainly been hit with snow storms but blizzards like this are certainly once in a lifetime. I was not old enough for the blizzard of 77 I was not even alive but I will always remember this blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. A few days ago I was by a Rite Aid pharmacy on my way out I nearly got blown away by the storm. I never felt wind like that a massive gust of wind during a snowstorm a very unique thing….

…And that wind gust was nothing compared my what fellow citizens of Buffalo felt in the next few days…. on Friday and Saturday fellow Americans, fellow Christians fellow humans died in the freezing weather. On December 23 and December 24 and due to the blizzard here in Buffalo .. ..Over 25 people died Either of a heart attack or by freezing to death.. Young old all ages. One story was brutal a young woman with so much hope and determination died in the blizzard . She actually had videos showing her struggle throughout the whole ordeal. Anndel Taylor was 22 , she a young beautiful woman and she was a great American. A hard worker here she was working and stuck in traffic. And she died because the 911 services could not get to her. It was a shocking thing I never thought I would hear that the 911 services would be shut down in Buffalo but that’s actually what happened here in Buffalo New York and parts of Erie county. We imagine the site of firefighters going into burning buildings so that is something I do not understand. Certainly I trust the authorities but I don’t understand that order to shut down the emergency services.

Now that being said it should be noted that there were a number of brave firefighters and police officers who attempted to get to Anndell and other Americans that were freezing to death…. but they got stuck on the way. So there was an effort. But at some point an an order was given fri night and there was no available 911 services in a number of areas in Buffalo.

Anndel Taylor was among many people in buffalo who perished in their car. An untimely death may God be with them. May God bless their families. In going forward questions will be asked as to how the city of Buffalo well known for its ability to handle storms…. saw this episode where in two days at least 25 people either froze to death or had a heart attack due to the blizzard And due to authorities being unable to reach them.

We have 100 military police officers from the National Guard coming in to help handle traffic. There’s still people who are violating driving bands. There’s cars all over the place abandon cars that is to say. Trucks SUVs cars of all sizes that are abandoned all over the city, the inner cities. Right now the suburbs aren’t too bad but the city is south of Buffalo and much of the inner cities having it real hard. Seems like it’s always the working class people getting hit hard with these things …people like Anndell Taylor Who was a working class American.

My feelings as of now are two ways. One I feel very upset I feel like some authority figure drop the ball somewhere and that is why we have 25 deaths. Another part of me saying this was a brutal weather event. And that there were many people many police officers and firefighters who went out of their way probably many of them will disobeyed order some higher commands to try to rescue people. Obviously that is heroic that is the spirit of Buffalo. But One question os could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo for example that is probably the biggest issue of all, so could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo to handle this issue? Also if we had a more hands-on government we could have I suppose done more to prevent people from getting on the roads..unless they could prove that they were essential workers. Because a lot of the problems were related to the fact that cars were stuck all over the roads and the plows and the emergency services could not get through them.

You have a low IQ Democrat Negro Mayor. You will always have incompetent leadership when Democrats are in charge, especially the ones elected because of they are Negroes.

You have dumbass people that don't understand or care that it was dangerous to go out and who were not prepared. It is not like they didn't have warning. Everybody in the nation knew about this a week in advance.

Now those shitheads are looting. Shame!

However, at the end of the day Mother Nature is a bitch when she wants to be.
THIS Is America and this is not right. THIS doesn't happen in this country.

Stores looted, people freezing, suffering from injuries with no help available. INSTEAD of sending billions to Ukraine HOW ABOUT HELPING AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!! BiteMe is vacationing someplace warm today. oh yeah. St. Croix. the bastard.
One thing about Buffalo is the people have always been united. Whether it was during World War II when we were building the steel to fight the third Reich or even in the more recent times about a year ago when we had a pro Hitler person showed up at Tops friendly markets killing 10 Black people ….but failing to divide the people of Buffalo.

I wonder to myself if this storm happened back in the 1940s when I believe the US government was more powerful more effective …. Would we have had less of a death total? Now I’m not blaming individual leaders I just have questions and I imagine the family members of the dead have many questions. It’s only normal.

Smith says her apartment was freezing after it lost power on Friday afternoon. She says the hallways in her building were warmer than the apartments, so everyone gathered with blankets to ride out the storm there.

Driving bans lifted for most of Erie County, but not Buffalo
“We need help when something like this happens, they should be better prepared. You tell us not to leave, we don’t leave and then we die in our houses and in our apartment. They just need to be more prepared for something like this,” Smith added.

The Smith family made it out on Sunday afternoon. They walked one block to Main Street in Buffalo to seek help, but even that was extremely challenging.

“It was the hardest walk I ever did in my life. I collapsed at the end. I could not walk, I could not breathe,” Smith continued.

Cassandra Garmon is a pharmacy technician at Buffalo General Hospital. She left work in the early afternoon Friday trying to get home to her 13-year-old and four-year-old daughters. Her car got stuck on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo and she was there for almost 18 hours

At one point in time I’m like I do not want to die out here alone in the cold around the holidays. My kids are at home by themselves like it was it was a lot,” Garmon said.

She was finally rescued by snowmobile after she posted on Facebook, describing her situation. Garmon was taken to a nearby shelter, which she says also didn’t have electricity. After another post on social media, a good samaritan answered her call for help and brought her home to her daughters in Cheektowaga.

“That was the biggest relief I’ve ever felt in my life. When he told me I’m outside. I’m like, yes. Oh my goodness, I can finally get home to my kids,” Garmon added.

When she got home, her daughters were overwhelmed with joy.

“[Her oldest daughter] She hugged me so tight that she literally like squeeze the air out of me,” Garmon said.

One thing to keep in mind here is there was a genuine concern that people had when they lost their power. They were concerned about freezing so some of those folks who were stuck in traffic may have actually left their home because there was no power they were in a perilous situation.…. that’s vital information to understand in the context of a blizzard. So it’s not the same as say being in a warm weather city where you actually might have the time to leave because of the blizzard because of also the fact that some of these folks were working class individuals they may not even have ever had automobiles…. they were in a perilous situation.

So yes it is a genuine thing to ask call the city of Buffalo have had better weather equipment. And what was the deal with the fact that in some areas of Buffalo the emergency services were unavailable. So how is it that on 911 September 11 we had heroic Americans go into a burning building. But yet here we are is blizzard here in Buffalo and we have a number of areas in the city where 911 services cannot even get to residence where actually the county supervisor was telling people “don’t even call 911 we can’t get you if we’re in a certain area..”

The bright spots of this brutal devastating storm was for example from the story about if you had these working class Americans from all backgrounds all colors all religions who are huddling together in apartment hallways because it was warmer there than it was in there freezing apartment. And we gotta do better here in America we have these tiny communist style apartment complexes all over the place we need more homes we more family houses come on now.
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You have a low IQ Democrat Negro Mayor. You will always have incompetent leadership when Democrats are in charge, especially the ones elected because of they are Negroes.

You have dumbass people that don't understand or care that it was dangerous to go out and who were not prepared. It is not like they didn't have warning. Everybody in the nation knew about this a week in advance.

Now those shitheads are looting. Shame!

However, at the end of the day Mother Nature is a bitch when she wants to be.
I have shaking hands with the mayor of Buffalo twice. I don’t agree everything the guy does but he is a good man. That said I do agree with you that the looting was disgraceful of course. But let’s not lower ourselves to those peoples levels my good brother let’s not use the language they use.

That being said today I spoke with a snowplow driver. A man who once had 30 drivers under his belt. He knows about the snow plow business and he had to rescue a bunch of drunk people yesterday…so yes those types of people were irresponsible to go out to be drinking. There’s alcoholics who were looking for their fix and that’s an issue that goes both ways you know maybe the government should do better with that. We need better government programs to help with the drug and alcohol abuse in our country.

But as for essential workers. As for working class people like the woman that was discussed above who were trapped in the storm. It’s fair to say it’s Christian for us to feel for them. Of course it’s Christian to feel for anyone. But of course when you have working class people who are trapped in the storm. People who are trying to put in the extra hours to put food on the table for their children now this is a situation that demands men and Americans do something about it. And for the men who went out of their way to try to rescue people and who did rescue people over the blizzard may God rise them to the highest position…..

The fair questions were made. Could the city of Buffalo had been better prepared for this. Could we have had better snow equipment?

There also may have been some confusion as to during the blizzard …whether or not the city was saying that essential workers could drive or not. So that’s another fair thing to bring up. And here is a very important thing when you were in a situation in a cold city when there’s a blizzard going on you could have the power go out at your place and now all of a sudden you’re freezing at your apartment. That is what makes the blizzard situation different from being in a warm weather place where you might be given days in advance of a hurricane warning or something like that.

So here we are in Buffalo you have a situation where people are doing what they’re told her staying hunker down and they’re small apartments. Across the city. Again why do we have this in America why don’t we have more homes why do we have so many communist style Apartments in this great country? you feel want I’m saying brother.?

So anyway during the blizzard we have working class people being told to stay in their homes …they stay in their homes but they’re freezing so they go out to try to drive to a warmer place they’re even told of heating stations around the city(this was reported numerous times on the local news about warming stations that people can go to) of Buffalo to go to some people may have gotten their cars to go to the heating stations and they may have gotten stuck on the way and frozen to death. So this is a situation that is going to be looked into for sure.
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I lived in Buffalo in the 70s and went through the Blizzard of 77
I don’t think it was as bad as the two blizzards they have had this year.

What amazed me was the resilience of the Buffalo people and how unfazed they were by storms that would cripple other communities. Schools rarely closed and the people would dig themselves out and go about their day.
I have shaking hands with the mayor of Buffalo twice. I don’t agree everything the guy does but he is a good man. That said I do agree with you that the looting was disgraceful of course. But let’s not lower ourselves to those peoples levels my good brother let’s not use the language they use.

That being said today I spoke with a snowplow driver. A man who once had 30 drivers under his belt. He knows about the snow plow business and he had to rescue a bunch of drunk people yesterday…so yes those types of people were irresponsible to go out to be drinking. There’s alcoholics who were looking for their fix and that’s an issue that goes both ways you know maybe the government should do better with that. We need better government programs to help with the drug and alcohol abuse in our country.

But as for essential workers. As for working class people like the woman that was discussed above who were trapped in the storm. It’s fair to say it’s Christian for us to feel for them. Of course it’s Christian to feel for anyone. But of course when you have working class people who are trapped in the storm. People who are trying to put in the extra hours to put food on the table for their children now this is a situation that demands men and Americans do something about it. And for the men who went out of their way to try to rescue people and who did rescue people over the blizzard may God rise them to the highest position…..

The fair questions were made. Could the city of Buffalo had been better prepared for this. Could we have had better snow equipment?

There also may have been some confusion as to during the blizzard …whether or not the city was saying that essential workers could drive or not. So that’s another fair thing to bring up. And here is a very important thing when you were in a situation in a cold city when there’s a blizzard going on you could have the power go out at your place and now all of a sudden you’re freezing at your apartment. That is what makes the blizzard situation different from being in a warm weather place where you might be given days in advance of a hurricane warning or something like that.

So here we are in Buffalo you have a situation where people are doing what they’re told her staying hunker down and they’re small apartments. Across the city. Again why do we have this in America why don’t we have more homes why do we have so many communist style Apartments in this great country? you feel want I’m saying brother.?

So anyway during the blizzard we have working class people being told to stay in their homes …they stay in their homes but they’re freezing so they go out to try to drive to a warmer place they’re even told of heating stations around the city(this was reported numerous times on the local news about warming stations that people can go to) of Buffalo to go to some people may have gotten their cars to go to the heating stations and they may have gotten stuck on the way and frozen to death. So this is a situation that is going to be looked into for sure.
I would never shake hands with a dumbass Democrat politician, especially a low IQ Negro.

Or a big screen.....Happy Kwanzaa!

It seems this looting was taking place in the dying hours of the storm.… there’s no way people could’ve been out there looting with the major 50 to 70 mile an hour winds they would’ve been dead…
At the peak of the blizzard within five minutes the frostbite was setting in And even the most physically fit person could become disoriented if outside for longer than five minutes walking around.

Looting is certainly immoral and that issue must be confronted. I guarantee you there’s been many cases already of homeowners who have confronted those types of people we’re just not hearing about it.


Picture above is someone known as the gumball gangster apparently he looted a gumball machine from some store. I imagine those things might go for some money at auction houses maybe?

Man goes to loot store but everything is gone but gum ball machine

So man takes gum ball machine

Once at home with gum ball machine, man does not have enough change to get any gum out of gum ball machine after dragging it 5 miles through a raging blizzard.

But that is why democrats are sent to New York to live, they are retards.
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Not sure if anybody from Buffalo has commented yet. But I wanted to comment on the issue as a Buffalonian. Born and bred in the great city of Buffalo. Well Buffalo was a big-time steel city back in the World War II era. We had 50,000 steel workers pumping out the steel that the great American men and our allies used in World War II. We were and still are a very proud city.

The recent storm in Buffalo has killed at least 25 people. This is something we are not used to though as for example some of the tornado or hurricane affected cities in the south have felt. We have certainly been hit with snow storms but blizzards like this are certainly once in a lifetime. I was not old enough for the blizzard of 77 I was not even alive but I will always remember this blizzard of 2022 in Buffalo. A few days ago I was by a Rite Aid pharmacy on my way out I nearly got blown away by the storm. I never felt wind like that a massive gust of wind during a snowstorm a very unique thing….

…And that wind gust was nothing compared my what fellow citizens of Buffalo felt in the next few days…. on Friday and Saturday fellow Americans, fellow Christians fellow humans died in the freezing weather. On December 23 and December 24 and due to the blizzard here in Buffalo .. ..Over 25 people died Either of a heart attack or by freezing to death.. Young old all ages. One story was brutal a young woman with so much hope and determination died in the blizzard . She actually had videos showing her struggle throughout the whole ordeal. Anndel Taylor was 22 , she a young beautiful woman and she was a great American. A hard worker here she was working and stuck in traffic. And she died because the 911 services could not get to her. It was a shocking thing I never thought I would hear that the 911 services would be shut down in Buffalo but that’s actually what happened here in Buffalo New York and parts of Erie county. We imagine the site of firefighters going into burning buildings so that is something I do not understand. Certainly I trust the authorities but I don’t understand that order to shut down the emergency services.

Now that being said it should be noted that there were a number of brave firefighters and police officers who attempted to get to Anndell and other Americans that were freezing to death…. but they got stuck on the way. So there was an effort. But at some point an an order was given fri night and there was no available 911 services in a number of areas in Buffalo.

Anndel Taylor was among many people in buffalo who perished in their car. An untimely death may God be with them. May God bless their families. In going forward questions will be asked as to how the city of Buffalo well known for its ability to handle storms…. saw this episode where in two days at least 25 people either froze to death or had a heart attack due to the blizzard And due to authorities being unable to reach them.

We have 100 military police officers from the National Guard coming in to help handle traffic. There’s still people who are violating driving bands. There’s cars all over the place abandon cars that is to say. Trucks SUVs cars of all sizes that are abandoned all over the city, the inner cities. Right now the suburbs aren’t too bad but the city is south of Buffalo and much of the inner cities having it real hard. Seems like it’s always the working class people getting hit hard with these things …people like Anndell Taylor Who was a working class American.

My feelings as of now are two ways. One I feel very upset I feel like some authority figure drop the ball somewhere and that is why we have 25 deaths. Another part of me saying this was a brutal weather event. And that there were many people many police officers and firefighters who went out of their way probably many of them will disobeyed order some higher commands to try to rescue people. Obviously that is heroic that is the spirit of Buffalo. But One question os could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo for example that is probably the biggest issue of all, so could we have had better snow equipment here in Buffalo to handle this issue? Also if we had a more hands-on government we could have I suppose done more to prevent people from getting on the roads..unless they could prove that they were essential workers. Because a lot of the problems were related to the fact that cars were stuck all over the roads and the plows and the emergency services could not get through them.

move the hell out of that frozen wasteland......the global warming is making it warmer tho...right
Over 100 individual snowmobile owners were out in the storm rescuing people, carrying medical personnel. Helping people get to hospitals. Perhaps the city might spend less on social services and more on snowmobiles.

Humanity is collectively an ignorant pus. Don't tell them they can't go out. This is a free country. They just cry when they get stuck. When your car gets stuck it means that emergency services cannot get past you. So some other slob freezes to death. When emergency services says they won't be available, don't cry when they aren't available.

Looters are out in the worst of disasters. They are stealing at the height of hurricanes. In California they beat firefighters to burning buildings and steal between the flames. Shoot looters on sight.

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