From older Americans-Long live democracy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, used germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.
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As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, use germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.

the drop in American IQ promulgated by colleges?

Spoken like a true magical thinking uneducated bitter old white man
Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.
Perhaps things would be going in a different direction if both your messenger and your messaging had been better.

People often make decisions based on contrasts. When they looked at what was currently offered by the Right, they rejected it.

Blaming the media or education isn't good enough. Intelligent, responsible people don't just claim victimhood; they will look in the mirror and challenge themselves to do better.
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As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, use germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.

the drop in American IQ promulgated by colleges?

Spoken like a true magical thinking uneducated bitter old white man

How is that not a feasible concept? College curriculum has been watered down and dumbed down, thanks to political-correctness, social justice-seeking Marxism, diversity, and Affirmative Action.

When you take the lowest common denominator in this country, promise them a "educational equality", mix them in with the smarter and harder-working students, the results are always going to be the same:

A bunch of uneducated dumb-asses with a participation trophy, a piece of paper to hang on the wall, and a belief that everyone else "owes" them something.

You're a perfect example.
I'm nearly 60 but if I live to be 120 I will never be as old in my mind as you are. I have accepted that I will have no place and no say in the world that continues after I die. The "twilight years" are too precious to spend them being bitter and angry. Come to terms with your eventual mortality before it's too late to enjoy anything ever again.
As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, used germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.

I saw what happened. A pretender to the throne came in, dazzled you with his false promises of understanding your grievances and promising to restore the racial hierarchy, returning the country you nostalgically remember growing up to your rightful birthright. And then, to your dismay, he turned out to not only be like just about every other politician making promises, but an incompetent, gaslighting fraud who had not even the slightest grasp of policy and how government is supposed to work. So, in your anguish, you decided to find scapegoats and distractions, because your grief was so fresh. You felt so betrayed, you looked around for anyone and anything to blame for your grief other than the persons directly responsible for it, 1) The pretender you supported. 2) Yourself.

At some point, every country, every society, every economy must evolve or it stagnates and descends into chaos or straight up dies. The time of your generation is coming to an end. That's just life. As another poster pointed out, it does no good to waste time on bemoaning the process of evolution. All you can do is adapt and move on. The republic will survive. Most Americans will move on and be happy we have competent individuals back running our government.
I'm nearly 60 but if I live to be 120 I will never be as old in my mind as you are. I have accepted that I will have no place and no say in the world that continues after I die. The "twilight years" are too precious to spend them being bitter and angry. Come to terms with your eventual mortality before it's too late to enjoy anything ever again.

You are correct. It's much more fun making other people bitter and angry.

I find it astonishing that anyone could think that handing more and more power to a government, any government, is progress and evolution.

If anything, it is regression and deevolution.
As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, use germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.

the drop in American IQ promulgated by colleges?

Spoken like a true magical thinking uneducated bitter old white man

The OP is correct.

The Universities have been taken over by bat shit crazy Marxists. Idiots that don't have a clue what the real world is like and they have been brain washing the students.

How can you get an education going to a school where they teach that Socialism is a better economic model than Capitalism? Really?

Liberalism is a sick disease that will destroy a nation and the Universities are churning out that shit.
I find it astonishing that anyone could think that handing more and more power to a government, any government, is progress and evolution.

If anything, it is regression and deevolution.
We’re way passed that my friend. The US government has unlimited power and has for sometime. It violates the constitution millions of times a day, yet few speak of it. Now, a good percentage of our population are conditioned to do as they are told by Uncle and his communication department, the MSM. Should Biden dictate all must wear masks, get the vaccine, and stay home or face fines and prison time, millions will obey without complaint.
As we age our worlds become smaller. Most of us have family but that is quickly becoming regarded as a threat to a government that first sold us out to the People’s Republic of China pharmaceutically and then used intelligence agencies to concoct Russian propaganda against a renegade president that angered the billion-strong communist hive mind.

The People’s Republic runs a tight ship. It has near total control of its population, a dream arrangement that strikes envy into the hearts of US politicians, academics, and corporate taskmasters that see American democracy as having run its course. The people here are no smarter than the faceless masses of China and giving them the power of the vote is an affront to globalizing elitist leadership. So, the greater good was to swindle them of that undeserved power with what can only be described as third-world election fraud on steroids.

It will be hard to prove that China, the main benefactor in the coup, used germ warfare as a comprehensive insurance policy to devastate the economic and industrial might of the World’s greatest democracy especially when the American Fourth Estate has devolved into propaganda ministries joining the Red Horde invading us by invitation.

Nonetheless we older Americans have avoided the drop in national IQ promulgated by American colleges and universities. At the very least we can see what is actually happening. We know that figurehead selected to occupy the White House did not get 80 million votes. We also realize that if this puppet takes the oath of office the bombings of distant civilizations will resume to enrich the political aristocracy fomenting the same brand of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

We can be certain that if Joe Biden puts his on the Bible in January, Taiwan and Hong Kong will fall like dominoes. We are old. All we had was our vote. You saw what happened. If democracy is going to survive it is up to younger generations to take up the fight not just for American democracy but for democracy itself.

Our government, our educational apparatus and our press is now in league with our enemies. We call on you to save democracy for yourselves. Otherwise democracy will be just a word sitting in the dusty archived pages of future history books-if anyone can read them that is.
It's not democracy you mourn, it's your feeling of being in control. You like whatever it is that Trump represents and can't imagine a country where people don't agree with you and share your values. It is a changing America you can't accept. Democracy is leading that change so the reality is you don't want democracy in this country.

Sorry old man, get out of the way.
At some point, every country, every society, every economy must evolve or it stagnates and descends into chaos or straight up dies.


Yeah, I think we have just a bit more fortitude than the Romans did. :)
We'll survive and move on.

Yup. Those Romans were a bunch of pussies. They just didn't have the fortitude or the guts needed to last any more than a thousand years. We'll show them.

At some point, every country, every society, every economy must evolve or it stagnates and descends into chaos or straight up dies.


Yeah, I think we have just a bit more fortitude than the Romans did. :)
We'll survive and move on.

Yup. Those Romans were a bunch of pussies. They just didn't have the fortitude or the guts needed to last any more than a thousand years. We'll show them.

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Whatever. You spend your time living in the past. The rest of us are going to evolve and move on.
I find it astonishing that anyone could think that handing more and more power to a government, any government, is progress and evolution.

If anything, it is regression and deevolution.
We’re way passed that my friend. The US government has unlimited power and has for sometime. It violates the constitution millions of times a day, yet few speak of it. Now, a good percentage of our population are conditioned to do as they are told by Uncle and his communication department, the MSM. Should Biden dictate all must wear masks, get the vaccine, and stay home or face fines and prison time, millions will obey without complaint.
You must be one of those who never paid attention to politics until fairly recently.
Here is an example of 'evolving'.

Hard to believe, but look it up on the Congressional website for HR 748 from 116th Congress.
American population: 330,483,530
Stimulus bill: $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion)
Dividing the cost by everyAmerican is $6,051.74
The government could have given every person over $6,000, but instead will give $1,200 to each adult under a certain income.
Wanna know where the missing 96% of your tax dollars went?
Here you go. . .
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147
$10,000 per person for student loan bailout
$100,000,000 to Nasa, because, who knows why.
$20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not
$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts - because of it
$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough
$435,000,000 for mental health support
$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Democrats
$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it
$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs
$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it's on page 136
$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg 148
$13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121
$ 9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg 134
$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg 162. This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat.
($100,000,000 is chump change.)
$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it's direct payments for workers. Pg 164
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg 165
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg 167
$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused)
Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress
$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169
$3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg 172
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg 175
$2,500,000 Office of Housing
What DOES ALL of this have to do with the Virus????

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