Freethinker is the propagandized term for "atheist" ppl...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
It's a word for those who reject religion.

Specifically, atheists.

Primarily the atheists who prefer the term "freethinker" are those who want to successfully propagandize against religion:

"We strive to advance freethinking resources in a way that is not intolerant or 'in your face' to the majority of minorities we know as the believers or the religious folks."

F.U.N. Eastside Freethinkers & Atheists (Bellevue, WA) - Meetup
Freethinker = Atheist:


We are an organization of non-believers that focuses on:
  • Community Involvement
  • Social Events
  • Education and Information
  • Activism"
"Just like you, we are looking for like-minded people who have left dogma and irrationality behind."
Stockton Area Atheists and Freethinkers | United Coalition of Reason

Oh, look...a site for "freethinking teens"! I'm sure, as armchaos and that retard Dragon has nothing whatever to do with ATHEISM. Because "freethinker" just means *really smart* according to them...

Oh, no..this is too bad:

"We are officially live with our blasphemy challenge! Thanks to everyone who has gotten involved! Do you have the kahunas to show the world how sure you are that the Christian God doesn't exist? Sorry, we've accepted over 1,300 entries of blasphemy, congratulations to everyone who had the guts to show the world how sure they were that the god of the but-bull just couldn't and doesn't exist."
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Yes, I notice that all the time.

You'll note they aren't here affirming their stupidity.
Freethinker is the propagandized term for "atheist" ppl...
It's a word for those who reject religion.

Specifically, atheists.

Primarily the atheists who prefer the term "freethinker" are those who want to successfully propagandize against religion:

"We strive to advance freethinking resources in a way that is not intolerant or 'in your face' to the majority of minorities we know as the believers or the religious folks."

F.U.N. Eastside Freethinkers & Atheists (Bellevue, WA) – Meetup

Americans exercising their First Amendment rights – shocking.

Freethinker = Atheist:

And? This was never at issue; the OP attempts to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists.

Actually, neither term is appropriate, ‘atheist,’ in particular. It implies theism is the norm, which is not the case.

Religion is an invention of man, and man later created god. Religion is therefore the aberration, non-belief the norm.
Homosexuals call themselves Gay.
It's just natural for Atheists to call themselves Free Thinkers, or Bright.

If you're ugly to the core, put on a coat of paint and see if it fools people.
Freethinker is the propagandized term for "atheist" ppl...
It's a word for those who reject religion.

Specifically, atheists.

Primarily the atheists who prefer the term "freethinker" are those who want to successfully propagandize against religion:

"We strive to advance freethinking resources in a way that is not intolerant or 'in your face' to the majority of minorities we know as the believers or the religious folks."

F.U.N. Eastside Freethinkers & Atheists (Bellevue, WA) – Meetup

Americans exercising their First Amendment rights – shocking.

Freethinker = Atheist:

And? This was never at issue; the OP attempts to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists.

Actually, neither term is appropriate, ‘atheist,’ in particular. It implies theism is the norm, which is not the case.

Religion is an invention of man, and man later created god. Religion is therefore the aberration, non-belief the norm.

Oh yawn

The controversy, and the reason I posted this as a thread, is in the thread Dragon started where he pretended that the churches who were claiming freethinkers are slaves of satan were talking about "open minded people"...NOT atheists.

He did not know that freethinker is the accepted term for atheists, particularly atheists who wish to subvert Christianity without appearing to be atheists.

So I explained that to him, then I posted a thread about it, to offset his disengenuous thread.

Armchaos and Dragon both denied that "freethinker" is a common term for "atheist".

And here you are now doing what they also did...pretending the words mean something they do not, in order to hide the agenda. Which is to supplant Christianity with atheism...but sneakily.

What bigoted fascist WOULDN'T want to be called a "freethinker" instead of "bigoted fascist"? It sounds much nicer. But it means the same thing.
I'm a "freethinker."

I'm probably an Atheist, haven't really decided yet. Agnostic for sure...

I do not attempt foist my beliefs upon others, in fact I rarely discuss them with anyone.

I do not condemn others for their beliefs, if you find comfort in religion, good for you.

I do not think I am any smarter than anyone else, at least not until I have interacted with them enough to come to an informed opinion. It's a shame not everyone took that same tack...

Did I mention that I lean to the conservative?

Oh, and the word "kahunas" was used improperly. I think they meant to use the word "cajones."
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Freethinker = Atheist:

Shackled thinker= religious:

See how that works?

Poorly. Is there a shackled thinker JOURNAL? When you search the term do you stumble across website after website that includes the words "shackled thinker" in it's title?

Is it a term that is commonly used to mean "the religious"?

Nope. So it doesn't really compare with "freethinker" which has been used pretty much exclusively to label atheists, by atheists themselves.

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