Freedom Flotilla 3 sails to Gaza

How many people have a camera( i.e. cellphone) in their pocket?

You are grasping at straws.

Today, many. In 2005? They were just starting to add cameras to cell phones.

Epic Fail again.

Epic fail again.

Almost 300 Million Cameraphones Sold In 2005: Gartner

This year, almost 40% of all phones sold will also include cameras, Gartner says, as compared to 14% of the total just a year ago.

Almost 300 Million Cameraphones Sold In 2005 Gartner - InformationWeek

Israel is the only country in the world for doing exactly what any other country in the world would do. Go try and break a naval blockade somewhere else and see what happens. Your ship will get sunk.

(toastman's post modified, I assume this what he meant, if not it is what I mean) Israel is the only country in the world being criticized . . .[sic]

And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

But did not do strip searches of the passengers who had SD cards hidden in body cavities and underwear, These were released by anti Jewish sites but quickly took down when they showed the terrorists firing guns at the RIBS, throwing grenades at them. Then arming themselves with long metal poles and lethal looking machetes and scimitars to kill the marines boarding the vessel legally under maritme law. So you talk a lot of Nazi Jew hatred SHIT
How many people have a camera( i.e. cellphone) in their pocket?

You are grasping at straws.

Today, many. In 2005? They were just starting to add cameras to cell phones.

Epic Fail again.

Epic fail again.

Almost 300 Million Cameraphones Sold In 2005: Gartner

This year, almost 40% of all phones sold will also include cameras, Gartner says, as compared to 14% of the total just a year ago.

Almost 300 Million Cameraphones Sold In 2005 Gartner - InformationWeek

And where did the most get sold then freddy boy, I bet it wasn't inTurkey or Palestine.

And 99% will have been low quality still cameras only with the price of memory modules in 2005
And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.

AND what does that prove. International maritime law applies to international waters and it says smuggling is illegal and the vessel can be boarded by any armed forces.
Why should they be scared of the Turkish bullshit being exposed?
Turkish? Go back to sleep.

There were people from 35 different countries on the flotilla.

Who gives a shit? They are all a bunch of single IQ morons trying to get media attention. The dumb asses get themselves killed. And of course they claimed it was some sort of victory.

I would love to see these idiots try to break a naval blockade in any other country, or drive into territorial waters of another country without following orders.
They were in international waters.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in Rangoon, Tinmore? Too busy to read Maritime laws and just make guesses and blather out BS?
I believe that you cannot block ships that are religious, medical, or philanthropic.

Unless they are suspected of smuggling contraband goods
Turkish warships will escort aid vessels to Gaza: Erdogan

"From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla," Erdogan said.

A declaration of war that will result in the Turkish vessels being sank
Israel is the only country in the world for doing exactly what any other country in the world would do. Go try and break a naval blockade somewhere else and see what happens. Your ship will get sunk.

(toastman's post modified, I assume this what he meant, if not it is what I mean) Israel is the only country in the world being criticized . . .[sic]

And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

But did not do strip searches of the passengers who had SD cards hidden in body cavities and underwear, These were released by anti Jewish sites but quickly took down when they showed the terrorists firing guns at the RIBS, throwing grenades at them. Then arming themselves with long metal poles and lethal looking machetes and scimitars to kill the marines boarding the vessel legally under maritme law. So you talk a lot of Nazi Jew hatred SHIT
You lie fatima, post a valid link to "show the tourists firing guns at the RIBS, throwing grenades at them"
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range
Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of those killed, obtained by the Guardian, revealed they were peppered with 9mm bullets, many fired at close range.

Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.

The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.

The findings emerged as more survivors gave their accounts of the raids. Ismail Patel, the chairman of Leicester-based pro-Palestinian group Friends of al-Aqsa, who returned to Britain today, told how he witnessed some of the fatal shootings and claimed that Israel had operated a "shoot to kill policy".

He calculated that during the bloodiest part of the assault, Israeli commandos shot one person every minute. One man was fatally shot in the back of the head just two feet in front him and another was shot once between the eyes. He added that as well as the fatally wounded, 48 others were suffering from gunshot wounds and six activists remained missing, suggesting the death toll may increase.
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range World news The Guardian

Turkish warships will escort aid vessels to Gaza: Erdogan

"From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla," Erdogan said.

A declaration of war that will result in the Turkish vessels being sank

You underestimate the Turkish military.

Warrior - Military History Forums Video News - Scout Front Page

No you underestimate International law and the UN if Turkey sets out in a belligerent manner. Expect the US and EU to station warships in the Med and of the coast of turkey.
Israel is the only country in the world for doing exactly what any other country in the world would do. Go try and break a naval blockade somewhere else and see what happens. Your ship will get sunk.

(toastman's post modified, I assume this what he meant, if not it is what I mean) Israel is the only country in the world being criticized . . .[sic]

And yeah, it was nothing but a publicity stunt. As toastman says, "Go and try and " do this to Mexico, China, Iran, China, Russia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the US, Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, and ANY other country with ocean access and tell me how that will work out for you. What a bunch of idiots!

Oh yeah, parting shot. Osama what's his name said that on Freedom Flotilla One, there were (according to the video posted by PFTinmore in the OP of this thread) 700 cameras on those ships. Hmmm, hard to believe. I guess perhaps almost every single person had a camera? Check it:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Counts 668 people on the boats it has passenger counts for. And Osama what's his name says that all of the pictures have not been seen or released????? Come fucking on!!!! These days with youtube and photobucket and every other sort of way to put your pics out there????

Israel stole all cameras, cell phones, and computers. They don't want anything to leak out that would counter their bullshit.

But did not do strip searches of the passengers who had SD cards hidden in body cavities and underwear, These were released by anti Jewish sites but quickly took down when they showed the terrorists firing guns at the RIBS, throwing grenades at them. Then arming themselves with long metal poles and lethal looking machetes and scimitars to kill the marines boarding the vessel legally under maritme law. So you talk a lot of Nazi Jew hatred SHIT
You lie fatima, post a valid link to "show the tourists firing guns at the RIBS, throwing grenades at them"

There were no tourists on the Mavi Marmara just self seeking journalists and terrorists.

Mavi Marmara Passengers Attack IDF Before Soldiers Board Ship - YouTube

Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship - YouTube

Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara Raw Footage - YouTube
watch at 36 minutes when you hear the pop of paintball guns, then see an activist drop a stun grenade on the deck, then another grenade at 36:25. at 36:35 you see the paint ball guns very clearly and then hear another stun grenade. 36:50 another grenade from the activists, closely followed by another amid shouts of allahu ahkbar. 37:25 you see a terrorist come running along the deck holding a grenade which he throws at the IDF RIBS. Then from 38 minutes you see the blood of the captured Israeli soldier and the mistreatment of him that tipped the balance and had the IDF use live rounds and not paint balls.

This is activists smuggled footage and tells the true story of who was aggressive and spoiling for a fight
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range
Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of those killed, obtained by the Guardian, revealed they were peppered with 9mm bullets, many fired at close range.

Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.

The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.

The findings emerged as more survivors gave their accounts of the raids. Ismail Patel, the chairman of Leicester-based pro-Palestinian group Friends of al-Aqsa, who returned to Britain today, told how he witnessed some of the fatal shootings and claimed that Israel had operated a "shoot to kill policy".

He calculated that during the bloodiest part of the assault, Israeli commandos shot one person every minute. One man was fatally shot in the back of the head just two feet in front him and another was shot once between the eyes. He added that as well as the fatally wounded, 48 others were suffering from gunshot wounds and six activists remained missing, suggesting the death toll may increase.
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range World news The Guardian

Here is the actual footage taken by an activist and smuggled out
Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara Raw Footage - YouTube
Turkish warships will escort aid vessels to Gaza: Erdogan

"From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla," Erdogan said.

A declaration of war that will result in the Turkish vessels being sank

You underestimate the Turkish military.

Warrior - Military History Forums Video News - Scout Front Page

No you underestimate International law and the UN if Turkey sets out in a belligerent manner. Expect the US and EU to station warships in the Med and of the coast of turkey.

Doubtful, Turkey is a member of NATO, If Turkey is attacked on the high seas while protecting shipping I suspect Article 5 of the Treaty would be invoked.

Article 5. The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security."
Turkish warships will escort aid vessels to Gaza: Erdogan

"From now on, we will not let these ships to be attacked by Israel, as what happened with the Freedom Flotilla," Erdogan said.

A declaration of war that will result in the Turkish vessels being sank

You underestimate the Turkish military.

Warrior - Military History Forums Video News - Scout Front Page

No you underestimate International law and the UN if Turkey sets out in a belligerent manner. Expect the US and EU to station warships in the Med and of the coast of turkey.

Doubtful, Turkey is a member of NATO, If Turkey is attacked on the high seas while protecting shipping I suspect Article 5 of the Treaty would be invoked.

Article 5. The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security."
This is not about members attacking one another. Besides, Turkey won't break the law unless they want to be sunk.
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range
Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of those killed, obtained by the Guardian, revealed they were peppered with 9mm bullets, many fired at close range.

Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.

The results revealed that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic medicine.

The findings emerged as more survivors gave their accounts of the raids. Ismail Patel, the chairman of Leicester-based pro-Palestinian group Friends of al-Aqsa, who returned to Britain today, told how he witnessed some of the fatal shootings and claimed that Israel had operated a "shoot to kill policy".

He calculated that during the bloodiest part of the assault, Israeli commandos shot one person every minute. One man was fatally shot in the back of the head just two feet in front him and another was shot once between the eyes. He added that as well as the fatally wounded, 48 others were suffering from gunshot wounds and six activists remained missing, suggesting the death toll may increase.
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range World news The Guardian
They probably shouldn't have attacked the Israeli soldiers and tried to kill them then,huh?

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