Freed Hostages: Palestinian "Civilians" Participated In Our Kidnapping Every Step of the Way


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Like I said all along...... There are no civilians in Gaza.

Believe what you want but you're not there. If you have the nerve, go to an Israeli site and look at the pictures. I won't give you a link. They.Are.Horrifying.

Like I said all along...... There are no civilians in Gaza.

Believe what you want but you're not there. If you have the nerve, go to an Israeli site and look at the pictures. I won't give you a link. They.Are.Horrifying.

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It's a matter of NURTURE OVER NATURE----homo sapiens do
not murder each other or mutilate each other in nature---they
Come on, if we turn that patch to glass it will reflect the suns rays and help with climate change. :muahaha:
it would destroy the value of the soil there----Gaza was---back in the day---a PROSPEROUS LAND-----it grew the very valuable cotton---
---called GAUZE---aka GAZA----which is an excellent material for
hot weather clothing. That land was RICH----uhm---the Phoenecian greek freaks that floated into the land west of Israel-----had a good
time there-----and even kidnapped Samson of the HAIR in contention for the area. I hate to see good soil damaged---someone told my hubby to pour MOTOR OIL on the ground to
kill weeds-----I GOT HYSTERICAL
I think all of the pro-PaLestinIaN people here owe us an apology for their lies on this issue about “innocent PalusTinIanS”
I think all of the pro-PaLestinIaN people here owe us an apology for their lies on this issue about “innocent PalusTinIanS”
Don't hold your breath----long ago---in terms of this messageboard----ie about a few days after Oct 7---I
predicted that the response to the atrocities of Oct 7
would be WIDE SPREAD DENIAL-----I am no genius---I
was working what I know about Holocaust denial about
which I read EXTENSIVE LITERATURE way back in the 1950s
and 60s -----islamo nazi dogs STILL QUOTE IT and will be
doing the same in reference to actions of Oct. 7 ---
Palestinian children are taught in school that it's their purpose in life to kill Jews. That's what this latest Gaza uprising is all about. If you start sh*t don't complain when sh*t comes back down on you.

It's a matter of NURTURE OVER NATURE----homo sapiens do
not murder each other or mutilate each other in nature---they
That is so much claptrap. The Great Apes, of which we are one, are murderous as can be with the possible exception of orangutans. Chimp society is very cruel. Gorillas are mean as shit. Bonobo females are psycho

Nature is cruel. You are naive.
That is so much claptrap. The Great Apes, of which we are one, are murderous as can be with the possible exception of orangutans. Chimp society is very cruel. Gorillas are mean as shit. Bonobo females are psycho

Nature is cruel. You are naive.
nope----it's my field---I said HOMO SAPIENS----da great apes ain't
SAPIENS ---dey is HOMINIDAES ----but not sapiens. The protection of "co species" members is a matter of evolution---that
led to the survival of the species----it is why "our species" covers
the earth
Like I said all along...... There are no civilians in Gaza.

Believe what you want but you're not there. If you have the nerve, go to an Israeli site and look at the pictures. I won't give you a link. They.Are.Horrifying.

View attachment 889986
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

Typical GOPer ignorance to recite that the other Gazans were being forced to stay because of Hamas. Word from the top goes down into the toilet plumbing
Sad to see how events have mutated so many people here into rather despicable ex members of our species . In my eyes too many have become a very different sort of American and many of these no longer seem a worthwhile part of the human race .

I see signs of the False Flag continuing to spread and therefore violence will escalate .
I shall watch with fascination to see what happens when matters get really nasty and Americans are being body bagged in numbers .

Like most decent people I much prefer matters to be progressed without resorting to violence .
However , there are too many here with violence dripping out of them and I suspect you will tear each other to pieces and then be torn apart by the very people that you effecively taught to detest you as a nation .

A nasty scenario to forecast but now it seems too many of you are blind to what is really happening and to the terrible disaster that you are inciting .
Not lambs but wild pigs to the slaughter
imho .
Sad to see how events have mutated so many people here into rather despicable ex members of our species . In my eyes too many have become a very different sort of American and many of these no longer seem a worthwhile part of the human race .

I see signs of the False Flag continuing to spread and therefore violence will escalate .
I shall watch with fascination to see what happens when matters get really nasty and Americans are being body bagged in numbers .

Like most decent people I much prefer matters to be progressed without resorting to violence .
However , there are too many here with violence dripping out of them and I suspect you will tear each other to pieces and then be torn apart by the very people that you effecively taught to detest you as a nation .

A nasty scenario to forecast but now it seems too many of you are blind to what is really happening and to the terrible disaster that you are inciting .
Not lambs but wild pigs to the slaughter
imho .
so familiar----islamo nazi BS never changes----always boils down to
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

image upload

Against all Jews.

And more...

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

Like I said all along...... There are no civilians in Gaza.

Believe what you want but you're not there. If you have the nerve, go to an Israeli site and look at the pictures. I won't give you a link. They.Are.Horrifying.

View attachment 889986
I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

Shame on the Palestinian civilians if the participated on the kidnapping.....SHAME ON EACH AND


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