Free speech suit aims to end twitters political censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
‘Free Speech’ Suit Aims To End Twitter’s Political Censorship
A group of free-speech lawyers filed the most serious legal challenge yet to Twitter’s censorship policies Tuesday in San Francisco County Superior Court, seeking a ruling preventing Twitter from banning users purely on the basis of their views and political associations.

And end it we should, nothing like bringing down big social media oh yeah that's right money talks and bs walks this would be a simple little ding , ding to them.
I don't know how they could win such a suit, unless Twitter is somehow classified as a utility.

If Twitter and Facebook want to mimic the Regressive Left and control and punish speech at every opportunity, they can, as private sector companies. They're just a reflection of what's going on in our culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right to shut you down, shut you up, or punish you if I can find a way".
I'd say if Twitter wants to limit what people can say they have every right to do so and I have every right to tell them to f- off.
It's a waste of time and money. It would be like someone trying to sue this forum for eating a ban. lol
Censorship is just another great example of how the Democrats are Naziassholes who are afraid of Freedom of Speech.
The precedent they're relying on is a case from the 1970s in which the Supreme Court of California ruled that malls can't kick out solicitors.

Subsequent rulings have, while not overruling the precedent set in Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins, have limited it to the strictest and narrowest interpretation.

I read the complaint. It has no basis in law.

But good luck to the White Nationalist movement - I hope they spend all of their money on this suit.
I didn't see where it said anything about white nationalists only where left wingers labeled the suit bringers as that. Twitter though is just like this forum. The owner or operator or his or agents it can control statements made by people using it.
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Good luck to these people. They defend all of our rights to spread nazi crap.

God bless em'.


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