Free all the hatred for Fox News

Shut Fox News Down?

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I don't know what their problem is.. we can't have even one news outlet that actually does their job? They all have to be mouthpieces for the DNC?
Fox is like the only cheerleader on the team that doesn't put out.
Greg Gutfeld.
Telling the truth when the democrats won't.
Why would a liberal vote to shut down FOX news?

Although we don't much care for the very Conservative Saudi Arabia..they have as much right to spew their propaganda do the Aussies..
How many liberals will vote to shut them down? Poll to follow!

'Very little broadcast on Fox is news; it is mostly editorial comment disguised as news. The Daily Show and The Colbert Report present the news more honestly and effectively than does Roger Aile's Commentators; Colbert and Stewart do so with satirical elegance, Fox and Friends, et al, are mean spirited and take themselves seriously.

So Willow, did Sarah get canned?
What liberals fail to face is that Conservatives are separating from them. We have our own news stations, our own radio stations, our own community groups. If liberals don't like it, there's an alternative, they can turn on Al Jazzera.
I'm not a Liberal... But the idea of having nothing but Liberals covering (what they view as) the News is even more disturbing. Liberal News channels are not News channels... They're propaganda outlets for Democrats. Goebbels would be proud.
Where is propaganda media being covered only by liberals. The GOP and conservatives' propaganda are well served by Fox News and talk radio. Nothing is going to change that.
It is sad to think that freedom of the press and ability to express one's personal opinion is such a threat. I guess if you're a progressive socialist it fits the bill. Seems to be a former president named Wilson attempted the same thing back in the day.

How is it a "threat"? Just because some wacko poll goes up (which is by the numbers a shutout) the zero position suddenly springs to life out of nothing? Where's a "threat"?

How 'bout this one:
"Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?" That's always fun.
Oh btw, have you stopped beating your wife?

Apparently the Fox Noise suggestive chyron method works in message board polls too. Rhetorical fast food for the gullible.
Please oh please, don't even think about shutting down FUX.

And, we really must get ditzy $arah back on the air.

Yeah, you fucktards would never even dream of such a thing. Civic Action: Unfair and Unbalanced

{It’s time for the FCC to take action. The law requires that the FCC consider the “character” of media owners when deciding whether to grant, deny or revoke a broadcast license.

Tell the FCC: Enforce the law. Revoke the broadcast licenses held by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. Click here to automatically sign the petition.}

Yep, the anti-liberty left would never try to crush free speech.. No more that Michael Jackson would give young boys "Jesus Juice.."
Please oh please, don't even think about shutting down FUX.

And, we really must get ditzy $arah back on the air.

Yeah, you fucktards would never even dream of such a thing. Civic Action: Unfair and Unbalanced

{It’s time for the FCC to take action. The law requires that the FCC consider the “character” of media owners when deciding whether to grant, deny or revoke a broadcast license.

Tell the FCC: Enforce the law. Revoke the broadcast licenses held by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. Click here to automatically sign the petition.}
Fox News Boycott | FNC truth, lies and advertisers exposed!

Yep, the anti-liberty left would never try to crush free speech.. No more that Michael Jackson would give young boys "Jesus Juice.."

Uh, Brainiac... Fox News Channel doesn't have a broadcast license. It's on cable. You pointed that out yourself, right here.


No wonder Fox Noise is losing viewers. The logical meltdowns here are better entertainment. :eusa_clap:
Say, how's the poll doing?

Hey hey, Willow Tray!
How many "liberals" you count today?
Uh, Brainiac... Fox News Channel doesn't have a broadcast license. It's on cable. You pointed that out yourself, right here.


No wonder Fox Noise is losing viewers. The logical meltdowns here are better entertainment. :eusa_clap:

No one ever accused you leftists of being smart, just of opposing liberty.

All I oppose is dumbfuckity. I just pointed out that you put your foot in your own mouth. Getting it out is your job.
Uncensored deliberately did that, since he is a DNC operative here to make the radical reactionary right looks 'thoopid. He does a great job.
All I oppose is dumbfuckity.

You misspelled "represent."

I'm just sayin...

I just pointed out that you put your foot in your own mouth. Getting it out is your job.

No fucktard, my posting links to leftist calls to pull a FCC license from Fox doesn't put anything in my mouth.

That your fellow leftist are so stupid that they don't grasp that FNC needs no broadcast license only strengthens my point that you folk are mentally retarded.

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