Fred Thompson Is Right Matt Drudge Election Stearing*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Fred Thompson has come forward and said the truth, Matt Drudge is in fact trying to steer this election.
2. I have been doing a study on Drudge Retort: Red Meat for Yellow Dogs for some time, we see many many attacks on Gingrich and next to nothing but praise articals for Romney, its obvious, I was wondering if anyone would say anything, and no one has till now, so thats why I am going to have to throw down on drudge now.
3. LINK:Thompson: Mitt campaign has 'Drudge in their back pocket' -

"Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) on Sunday attacked Mitt Romney for "unseemliness and overkill" in his aggressive campaign against Newt Gingrich, the candidate Thompson has endorsed.

Romney's "modus operandi, basically, is to play Mr. Nice Guy until somebody gets close to him," Thompson said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "And then he unleashes his attack machine. And that's what happened in Iowa and it's what's happening in Florida.Thompson said that a story in Sunday's New York Times depicts "Romney's staff ... patting themselves on the back, talking about how mean and down they are. How they've got Matt Drudge in their back pocket. And how Romney is in on all of it."

For months, Drudge has been running a steady stream of pro-Romney and anti-Gingrich stories on his website,

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As if anyone listens to Matt Drudge or is persuaded by his idiotic headlines.
Matt Drudge has reporting what the MSM doesn't want to since the Lewinski scandal. Fuck Fred Thompson.

It's my opinion that Matt Drudge is pro Ron Paul anyway.
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Sorry bout that,

As if anyone listens to Matt Drudge or is persuaded by his idiotic headlines.

1. If Matt boy is trying to steer an election, and so, he is to be found *AT FAULT*.
2. No better than what Dan Rather tried some years ago.
3. Matt has indeed made a huge mistake, and now will have to take heat for it. :badgrin:

Get some perspective lefties. The liberal media has been steering elections for a hundred years. Dan Rather should be in federal prison for offering forged documents to try to influence a presidential election and the left thought it was business as usual. Rather set the bar for criminal behavior. Anything else is just politics.
Get some perspective lefties. The liberal media has been steering elections for a hundred years. Dan Rather should be in federal prison for offering forged documents to try to influence a presidential election and the left thought it was business as usual. Rather set the bar for criminal behavior. Anything else is just politics.
Yep like for the fales reporting out of the wars?

The little girl that want down firing her gun, which was found to not have been fired?
The sports boy that got shot by freindly fire? Not what we were told.
And the tales of Sadams Capture?

Yep that darned liberal media...

btw it is "steering".
Sorry bout that,

1. Fred Thompson has come forward and said the truth, Matt Drudge is in fact trying to stear this election.
2. I have been doing a study on Drudge Retort: Red Meat for Yellow Dogs for some time, we see many many attacks on Gingrich and next to nothing but praise articals for Romney, its obvious, I was wondering if anyone would say anything, and no one has till now, so thats why I am going to have to throw down on drudge now.
3. LINK:Thompson: Mitt campaign has 'Drudge in their back pocket' -

"Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) on Sunday attacked Mitt Romney for "unseemliness and overkill" in his aggressive campaign against Newt Gingrich, the candidate Thompson has endorsed.

Romney's "modus operandi, basically, is to play Mr. Nice Guy until somebody gets close to him," Thompson said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "And then he unleashes his attack machine. And that's what happened in Iowa and it's what's happening in Florida.Thompson said that a story in Sunday's New York Times depicts "Romney's staff ... patting themselves on the back, talking about how mean and down they are. How they've got Matt Drudge in their back pocket. And how Romney is in on all of it."

For months, Drudge has been running a steady stream of pro-Romney and anti-Gingrich stories on his website,


Wow, sounds just like Fox News.
Sorry bout that,

Get some perspective lefties. The liberal media has been steering elections for a hundred years. Dan Rather should be in federal prison for offering forged documents to try to influence a presidential election and the left thought it was business as usual. Rather set the bar for criminal behavior. Anything else is just politics.
Yep like for the fales reporting out of the wars?

The little girl that want down firing her gun, which was found to not have been fired?
The sports boy that got shot by freindly fire? Not what we were told.
And the tales of Sadams Capture?

Yep that darned liberal media...

btw it is "steering".

1. I was in a hurry ****.
2. Gotta get that story out ya know,...:badgrin:
3. Another **** *Speil Nazi*.......:badgrin:

Ha! Drudge has this story on his front page with links to older DrudgeReport stories that show Newt beating Romney in polls. If Drudge were really in Mittens' back packet then why would he run those stories?

Cause it's bullshit that's why.

Are the tin foil hats on the left just stupid or do they think Fox is out to get them? I'm old enough to remember when Walter Cronkite was declared "the most trusted man in America" because the media said he was the most trusted man and there was no other message except the liberal message. Lefties long for the good old days when they didn't have to argue about politics and defend democrat policies. Those days are over libs, get used to it and read a book for a change instead of Soros blogs.
Are the tin foil hats on the left just stupid or do they think Fox is out to get them? I'm old enough to remember when Walter Cronkite was declared "the most trusted man in America" because the media said he was the most trusted man and there was no other message except the liberal message. Lefties long for the good old days when they didn't have to argue about politics and defend democrat policies. Those days are over libs, get used to it and read a book for a change instead of Soros blogs.

What BOOKS would you recommend?
Sorry bout that,

Get some perspective lefties. The liberal media has been steering elections for a hundred years. Dan Rather should be in federal prison for offering forged documents to try to influence a presidential election and the left thought it was business as usual. Rather set the bar for criminal behavior. Anything else is just politics.
Yep like for the fales reporting out of the wars?

The little girl that want down firing her gun, which was found to not have been fired?
The sports boy that got shot by freindly fire? Not what we were told.
And the tales of Sadams Capture?

Yep that darned liberal media...

btw it is "steering".

1. I'll take "What is Liberals Run Media in America" for $500 Alex"?
2. Get off the dope uscitizen, you lowly *Speil Nazi*. :badgrin:


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