Fraud: CNN Uses Video Footage Of Faked Palestinian 'Injuries'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
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"The BBC, which has been an enemy of Israel for years, even going so far as to quote as an authority noted Israel hater Richard Falk, who has compared Israelis to Nazis, has now been caught cutting a video showing a “victim” of the Israeli attack on Gaza being carried out, seriously wounded.
One problem. In the same video thirty seconds later, the same man is standing on his own two feet.
It’s a miracle!"
BBC Lies About Gaza Victim
They learned it from other Muslims. In one of the countries we were using warp-specific targeting to zero in on troublemakers shelling from locations with children around that only hits and destroys the target, some guy wearing a dirty turban was dragging the same childs dead body around to 30 locations over a 3-day stretch to show how vicious American troops were.

There's a lot of fraud goes on over there and rich idiots sending $10,000 checks to families with dead babies etc. who make the news clips. The guy made a haul toting that dead kid around. It was all over the news 8 or 9 years ago. :rolleyes:

You can't believe what you think you're seeing on tv news anymore.
Obama's press corps:

"Last night on CNN's 360 with Anderson Cooper, video footage was broadcast that purported to show injuries and victims of Israeli military operations in Gaza. The footage was exposed as fraudulent here on Breitbart News yesterday.. The footage was exposed as fraudulent here on Breitbart News yesterday..
Fraud: CNN Uses Video Footage Of Faked Palestinian 'Injuries'

I didn't see another thread on this.

While I think that Anderson Cooper is a shitty journalist and has very little (if any) integrity when it comes to reporting the news, I've just one question...............

Breitbart? Really? That's your verification source?

I'll take it over CNN & BBC any day of the week.
Obama's press corps:

"Last night on CNN's 360 with Anderson Cooper, video footage was broadcast that purported to show injuries and victims of Israeli military operations in Gaza. The footage was exposed as fraudulent here on Breitbart News yesterday.. The footage was exposed as fraudulent here on Breitbart News yesterday..
Fraud: CNN Uses Video Footage Of Faked Palestinian 'Injuries'

I didn't see another thread on this.
Pallywood: A History | Augean Stables



The term “Pallywood” refers to the staging of scenes by Palestinian journalists in order to present the Palestinians as hapless victims of Israeli aggression. They are able to succeed in this endeavor in large part due to the credulity and eagerness of the Western press to present these images, which reinforce the image of the Palestinian David struggling valiantly against the overpowering Israeli Goliath. Pallywood has led to astonishing lapses in Western journalistic standards in which badly staged scenes regularly appear on the news as “real events.” This page attempts to outline how such lapses could have come about, producing the current situation.




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"After the video caused international outrage, it was proven that "no Muhammad al-Dura was ever shot."
"Huston explains that these videos end up being used by western media because they rely on "stringers" to get video of events in the region, leaving them open to fakes and propaganda.
"But," he wrote, "all these western news agencies know this is happening and they continue to use it.""

Report: CNN used footage of fake Palestinian casualty in coverage - National Policy & Issues |
Just what do you suppose all those 'horrified bystanders' are looking at to the right, out of frame?

Were they waiting for cues from the director?

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