France's top court:UNCONSTITUTIONAL to levy 75% tax on rich

35% is the lowest the rich have paid in our history, and our economy has worked better when they pay more.

The top Rate was 93% in the 1950's.. and that was a golden age of America.

Sorry, just because you are scared of death and need to tell yourself a fairy story about a nice man who will make you happy for all eternity, doesn't not make you more evolved than a monkey.

You are just putting more thought into your death fears...
Like I said, mindless animals all believe in their own particular existence, and nothing much more. The primate will steal from his fellow primate in order to further is own comfort, but for all the mimicking of self awareness, they basically are no better than a badger who lives moment to moment, caring little for more than where its next meal is coming from.

The tax rate has nothing to do with the economy except in how it can and does affect investment in growth. Otherwise, taxation is nothing more than the provision for cowards against a big bad world where they fear they truly are on their own.

Most services that people depend upon are provide locally, with local taxation and the only real service a national tax provides for is defense against those who would take our liberty and resources.

Never once is a thought given to the misspent taxation of the citizens by the politician, but much is made about increasing taxes to the very entity that has proven, time and again, that it is not a responsible user of the taxpayers funds.

Yet the primates and fools continue to call for more of what they clearly cannot manage.

I am not impressed.

Do shut up about needing a god to have basic morals. It is a moronic view point to have.

I could argue you have the thought process of a child who thinks some magical man lives up in the sky who decreed you his morals otherwsie you would be lost to lesser beings.

Its fucking stupid.

Ah only taxation is worth its weight for defense and nothing more. There is your sacred cow. Time and time again you have been proven wrong about taxation. Congress can tax people, and Scotus ( with the Obamacare ruling) agrees with this.

Sorry, I just got back from church....what did I miss?
35% is the lowest the rich have paid in our history, and our economy has worked better when they pay more.

The top Rate was 93% in the 1950's.. and that was a golden age of America.

Sorry, just because you are scared of death and need to tell yourself a fairy story about a nice man who will make you happy for all eternity, doesn't not make you more evolved than a monkey.

You are just putting more thought into your death fears...
Like I said, mindless animals all believe in their own particular existence, and nothing much more. The primate will steal from his fellow primate in order to further is own comfort, but for all the mimicking of self awareness, they basically are no better than a badger who lives moment to moment, caring little for more than where its next meal is coming from.

The tax rate has nothing to do with the economy except in how it can and does affect investment in growth. Otherwise, taxation is nothing more than the provision for cowards against a big bad world where they fear they truly are on their own.

Most services that people depend upon are provide locally, with local taxation and the only real service a national tax provides for is defense against those who would take our liberty and resources.

Never once is a thought given to the misspent taxation of the citizens by the politician, but much is made about increasing taxes to the very entity that has proven, time and again, that it is not a responsible user of the taxpayers funds.

Yet the primates and fools continue to call for more of what they clearly cannot manage.

I am not impressed.

Do shut up about needing a god to have basic morals. It is a moronic view point to have.

I could argue you have the thought process of a child who thinks some magical man lives up in the sky who decreed you his morals otherwsie you would be lost to lesser beings.

Its fucking stupid.

Ah only taxation is worth its weight for defense and nothing more. There is your sacred cow. Time and time again you have been proven wrong about taxation. Congress can tax people, and Scotus ( with the Obamacare ruling) agrees with this.

Obamacare tax? Are you talking about how John Roberts legislated a new tax from the bench?
i find it amusing one would run to the french as an example for a tax topic. Sure its all well and good when you need to use them for a point, but when its brought up their Healthcare costs less and is better. In return we see " fuck the french , this is america!"

Yes 75% is way to high a tax rate, and really nobody is really advocating for it honestly. Bar one or two people, who will have zero impact on this debate.

Obama and company wanted to raise it back to the clinton era rates of 39% or a hike of 3%.
Which is hardly unreasonable, but you people are going to be absolutist in your thinking and won't budge. This is part of the reason you lost, and part of the reason Boner is having such trouble in the house. The retarded part of house refuses to compromise on anything and thus nothing will be done.

I welcome the cliff, because don't forget, America blames the right for our fiscal mess.
You guys keep on thinking short term. Its doing wonders!
OH my God, somewhere a Rich person might be paying his fair share!!!!

We can't have that!

75% is paying a fair share?? lol

sure it is.... to everyone not paying a cent in federal taxes and collecting the entitlements they will get.

I pay taxes AND get "entitlements" aka SS and Medicare. Which I pay a monthly premium for Medicare. And still pay some into SS.
Like I said, mindless animals all believe in their own particular existence, and nothing much more. The primate will steal from his fellow primate in order to further is own comfort, but for all the mimicking of self awareness, they basically are no better than a badger who lives moment to moment, caring little for more than where its next meal is coming from.

The tax rate has nothing to do with the economy except in how it can and does affect investment in growth. Otherwise, taxation is nothing more than the provision for cowards against a big bad world where they fear they truly are on their own.

Most services that people depend upon are provide locally, with local taxation and the only real service a national tax provides for is defense against those who would take our liberty and resources.

Never once is a thought given to the misspent taxation of the citizens by the politician, but much is made about increasing taxes to the very entity that has proven, time and again, that it is not a responsible user of the taxpayers funds.

Yet the primates and fools continue to call for more of what they clearly cannot manage.

I am not impressed.

Do shut up about needing a god to have basic morals. It is a moronic view point to have.

I could argue you have the thought process of a child who thinks some magical man lives up in the sky who decreed you his morals otherwsie you would be lost to lesser beings.

Its fucking stupid.

Ah only taxation is worth its weight for defense and nothing more. There is your sacred cow. Time and time again you have been proven wrong about taxation. Congress can tax people, and Scotus ( with the Obamacare ruling) agrees with this.

Sorry, I just got back from church....what did I miss?

the rapture occured a while ago.
Like I said, mindless animals all believe in their own particular existence, and nothing much more. The primate will steal from his fellow primate in order to further is own comfort, but for all the mimicking of self awareness, they basically are no better than a badger who lives moment to moment, caring little for more than where its next meal is coming from.

The tax rate has nothing to do with the economy except in how it can and does affect investment in growth. Otherwise, taxation is nothing more than the provision for cowards against a big bad world where they fear they truly are on their own.

Most services that people depend upon are provide locally, with local taxation and the only real service a national tax provides for is defense against those who would take our liberty and resources.

Never once is a thought given to the misspent taxation of the citizens by the politician, but much is made about increasing taxes to the very entity that has proven, time and again, that it is not a responsible user of the taxpayers funds.

Yet the primates and fools continue to call for more of what they clearly cannot manage.

I am not impressed.

Do shut up about needing a god to have basic morals. It is a moronic view point to have.

I could argue you have the thought process of a child who thinks some magical man lives up in the sky who decreed you his morals otherwsie you would be lost to lesser beings.

Its fucking stupid.

Ah only taxation is worth its weight for defense and nothing more. There is your sacred cow. Time and time again you have been proven wrong about taxation. Congress can tax people, and Scotus ( with the Obamacare ruling) agrees with this.

Obamacare tax? Are you talking about how John Roberts legislated a new tax from the bench?

you mean how he said it was a tax and therefore in congress's right to levy it?
Yes that one. You can disagree with the choice all you want, its not going to change things.
Remember its in the constitution that Congress handles the taxes ;)
Like I said, mindless animals all believe in their own particular existence, and nothing much more. The primate will steal from his fellow primate in order to further is own comfort, but for all the mimicking of self awareness, they basically are no better than a badger who lives moment to moment, caring little for more than where its next meal is coming from.

The tax rate has nothing to do with the economy except in how it can and does affect investment in growth. Otherwise, taxation is nothing more than the provision for cowards against a big bad world where they fear they truly are on their own.

Most services that people depend upon are provide locally, with local taxation and the only real service a national tax provides for is defense against those who would take our liberty and resources.

Never once is a thought given to the misspent taxation of the citizens by the politician, but much is made about increasing taxes to the very entity that has proven, time and again, that it is not a responsible user of the taxpayers funds.

Yet the primates and fools continue to call for more of what they clearly cannot manage.

I am not impressed.

Do shut up about needing a god to have basic morals. It is a moronic view point to have.

I could argue you have the thought process of a child who thinks some magical man lives up in the sky who decreed you his morals otherwsie you would be lost to lesser beings.

Its fucking stupid.

Ah only taxation is worth its weight for defense and nothing more. There is your sacred cow. Time and time again you have been proven wrong about taxation. Congress can tax people, and Scotus ( with the Obamacare ruling) agrees with this.

Sorry, I just got back from church....what did I miss?

did jesus come down yet? I'm still waiting for the end of the world, but after 4 or 5 times you kind of loose faith in it happening.....

Oh noes i can feel my morals slipping!! Quick call darkwind!
Proof of a small mind...No need to rebut this post it speaks for itself:cool:

So you think it's more important that Mitt have a dancing horse than it is to make sure Granny isn't eating Dog Food in her golden years?


Petty, childish, stupidity, not worth my time. That choice only exists in your mind

:eusa_shhh:True. Its what is called being 'BRAINWASHED'. And sometimes ones like that I have a belief its being 'BRAINDEAD'.
Joe just doesn't make enough and wants the government to suppliment his income.
If I remember correctly he once posted that he does believe in the socialists philosophy.
Nobody is going to change his mind, big government reigns in his view. He thinks 93% income tax for the wealthest is a good thing. He like big government spending, and he doesn't believe in the second amendment.....go figure.

How can any sane individual actually believe it's ok for a government to come and steal 93% of an individuals income???!

:eusa_clap:You know your right. Only thing is theres nobody in the left that is sane anymore. They have all been brainwashed. Their nitwit leader got them.
French Court Says 75% Tax Rate on Rich Is Unconstitutional - Bloomberg

Even the French are getting a taste of the failed policies of Socialism, to include their courts which will not allow the insane Socialists of that country to rob the wealthy blind. The really telling thing is that although a multitude of business has fled France over the tax inequality, soaking the rich-- these same blind politicians don't care.. Jobs don't matter, only stealing money from the rich to fund their pet projects. Just as here in the United States, you could tax the rich 100% of their income and it would only help to fund the government for 3 months and NOT MAKE ONE single dent in the debt.

Since when do you respect the French you right wing hypocrite.

^^Leftist entering the thread with name calling.. Who knew?! According to NoNuke, one must be in love with France and all french political discourse in order to have an opinion. The mindset of a liberal is a frightening thing to behold.

:DWell what can we do? Thats all the left know how to do.
French Court Says 75% Tax Rate on Rich Is Unconstitutional - Bloomberg

Even the French are getting a taste of the failed policies of Socialism, to include their courts which will not allow the insane Socialists of that country to rob the wealthy blind. The really telling thing is that although a multitude of business has fled France over the tax inequality, soaking the rich-- these same blind politicians don't care.. Jobs don't matter, only stealing money from the rich to fund their pet projects. Just as here in the United States, you could tax the rich 100% of their income and it would only help to fund the government for 3 months and NOT MAKE ONE single dent in the debt.

How do you construct a tax system then, where there are no jobs and no workers, but only asset owners and the unemployed?

The rich has mobility on their side. They can always cut their losses and move on to another country. But the government still has the problem of having to feed the unemployed masses.

Where will that money come from?

I hate being taxed and I especially hate the double-taxing saving clauses. But ... I wonder where the bread money comes from when jobs are all cornered away?
Let's say I own a telemarketing call center where everyone gets paid fair with benefits, they are all happy. Through no extra effort by the employees, profit one year reaches $1,000,000 due to a temporary deal I have struck with a vendor. How is that stealing?

Good question.

For those playing along at home, in my straight job, I'm a buyer. In the last 4 1/2 years, I've found half a million in savings on purchases, from doing little things like replacing white boxes with brown boxes, (which are cheaper) to getting a deal on a CNC machine thta saved 50K.

My salary and benefits did not equal anywhere near 500K for that time period.

It was used to cover other parts of the business that lost money hand over fist.

That doesn't answer my question.

How am I stealing by realizing gains from risks I took while still taking care of my employees?

When I meet an employer who does that, I'll let you know...
Again... "But...but...but... some liberals are rich."

Yes. Yes, they are, and they should pay their fair share, too. :D

That didn't answer my question of who decides what is "their fair share and how much would that fair share be?"

a fair share is .... everyone paying the same % of income.

Well, first, the poor ARE paying their fair share. You guys keep acting like the income tax was the ONLY tax, which it is not. The poor get socked by sales taxes, property taxes, licenses, fees, and so on. Not to mention SS and Medicare, which are direct flat taxes that are capped for the upper income brackets.

Again, what we did before the moron Reagan worked just fine.
Please define 'socialism' and give us concrete, objective examples our government is socialistic.

Socialism is government control of the economy. Examples of socialism are the following.

Public schools.
public universities
social security
virtually any government program
government regulations.

Wow, you are making SOcialism sound pretty awesome. All those things are wonderful.

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