FOX TN NEWS RATED # 1 For Truth by Americans.

You just can't get these right wingnuts to understand the GOP is 90% white. They are one giant group, the largest group, so it stands to reason the network that leads them gets the highest rating.

But how smart are they when they refuse to believe these guys own Fox:

Awww, Muslims are all so close to Murdoch and the Bushes.
That squishing sound is nothing to be alarmed of. Just liberals hearts being broken.

How exactly were our hearts broken? Not only is it easily explainable as to the reason for these results, but multiple studies (see about three posts above me) support the fact that Fox News is actually less trustworthy than the other sources.
You just can't get these right wingnuts to understand the GOP is 90% white. They are one giant group, the largest group, so it stands to reason the network that leads them gets the highest rating.

But how smart are they when they refuse to believe these guys own Fox:


Glad I'm in the 10% of OTW (Other Than White) who watches FOX. Thanks for giving us Negroes a little credit........

You also could have linked something if it was real... you also could have posted in a normal font rather than a HAIR ON FIRE SCREAMING UPPER CASE, but then what Fox Noise sells is emotion so that part's understandable.

Sour grapes.

Gynscpy is just so drunk he can't find the caps button. Seriously check his posts earlier in the day.

That sort of poll doesn't count the people who don't watch Foxnews because they know it's a rightwing propaganda outlet.

What do you think their opinion of Fox's honesty is?

Conveniently no link....

FOX probably is rated number one by the zombies that watch it 24/7. They have no opinion on anything that FOX has not told them to have an opinion on.

Farleigh Dickinson University undergraduate school is ranked as one of the worst in the country - ranked #585 on a Forbes ranking of 650 U.S. colleges.

The Study in question was conducted as a telephone survey. Only 8 questions were asked, and there was a structural bias issue. The survey was compiled by Left Leaning Liberals , and the insinuation is that it was compiled and edited with malice of forethought.

The survey was the product of a deliberate socio-fascist campaign to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity,which is essential for for any scientific study - which includes statistical analysis.

Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. The people who conducted this survey were not objective in the least - in fact their surveys allways turn out with the results they set out to achieve - that is in support of their political persuasion .

Sorry Gal, nice try but the Farleigh Dickinson University survey has no credibility and carries no weight.

Riiiight. So it must be pure coincidence that this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing.

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

I'm sure these are just coincidences though. Law of averages. :thup:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

ONE>]The first survey you quoted dealt with Climate Change and viewers acceptance of Global Warming.

An analysis of 2008 survey data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults finds a negative association between Fox News viewership and acceptance of global warming, even after controlling for numerous potential confounding factors

TWO> The second Survey contained multiple Loaded Questions . The answers that the organization conducting the survey deemed correct were allways answers that a Liberal would accept - andin many cases their versions of the correct answer was questionable and highly opiniuonated . It was the equivalent of asking who was the better President - Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton designating Clinton as the wrong choice and publishing the survey results to depict Liberals as poorly informed

most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses
most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit
the economy is getting worse
most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring
the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts
their own income taxes have gone up
the auto bailout only occurred under Obama
when TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it
and that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States

These were all questions that a right leaning John Q.Public would tend to answer in a manner that would not be in agreement with the "Correct Answer"

Three> The third link you provided is not even a survey - it's an Asian Pop Music site - so I'll just assume you either made an error .

Four The Fourth Link you provided is probably credible , although it is from a socio-fascist university it postulates that Fox continued to Spread Rumors about the NYC ground zero Mosque -I didn't read it - just the headline - but I'll grant this one might be on target.

Five > THe Fifth link you provided is a Dead Link from NBC News ??? That's 2 out of 5 so far wassup wit dat ?

Six The sixth Link you provided is from The Kaiser Family Foundation . The Kaiser Family Foundation is hardly non-partisan they have been advocating socialized medicine for many years - and have a vested interest in the outcomeof the survey results - so I'll simply toss their "survey" where it belongs - in the Trash.

Seven This is merely a rehashing of the same information from Link # 1 - Wassup wit dat Bro !?

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

And FDU can continue to do all the follow ups they want , so long as leftists are writing the script - they will allways get the fantasy results they set out to achieve.

You're definitely on the high end of the bell curve when it comes to intelligence of liberal posters on this Forum - Now if you could only fight off that leftist conditioning thats been drilled into you - My guess is you're College Educated - probably by a bunch of Academia Nuts - Wake Up Pogo Stick - they Lied !
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That squishing sound is nothing to be alarmed of. Just liberals hearts being broken.

How exactly were our hearts broken? Not only is it easily explainable as to the reason for these results, but multiple studies (see about three posts above me) support the fact that Fox News is actually less trustworthy than the other sources.

Almost as many liberals and Democrats identify Fox as their most trusted news source as MSNBC; with liberals, it’s presumably in the margin of error.
...MSNBC is a fringe choice in all demographics, and comes in next to last even among its target demos of Democrats and liberals.
The least-trusted name in news is ? « Hot Air

it's a sin to lie. :cuckoo:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes

Farleigh Dickinson University undergraduate school is ranked as one of the worst in the country - ranked #585 on a Forbes ranking of 650 U.S. colleges.

The Study in question was conducted as a telephone survey. Only 8 questions were asked, and there was a structural bias issue. The survey was compiled by Left Leaning Liberals , and the insinuation is that it was compiled and edited with malice of forethought.

The survey was the product of a deliberate socio-fascist campaign to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity,which is essential for for any scientific study - which includes statistical analysis.

Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. The people who conducted this survey were not objective in the least - in fact their surveys allways turn out with the results they set out to achieve - that is in support of their political persuasion .

Sorry Gal, nice try but the Farleigh Dickinson University survey has no credibility and carries no weight.
The (cough) survey was like the polling results Ed Schultz on MSNBC gets every evening. Or Sadam's election results: 110% voted for him once.
Turn Off Fox

Bad News for America

Fox News and it's continued mission to call itself "news" when in fact 98% of its programming is opinion at best is bad for anyone seeking to find truthful reporting that conforms to the rigorous standards of journalism. Not just bad for America, who has had the misfortune of hearing its opinions and felt the effects of its influence on the uninformed at the voting booth, but especially for those living in countries like Iraq who have felt very real consequences of public support fostered by the network resulting in US military actions that would otherwise have been very publicly rejected.

Is Fox News bad for America? |
with all the time, effort and money the left throws in to destroy fox news it looks like they continue to fail in their quest

Farleigh Dickinson University undergraduate school is ranked as one of the worst in the country - ranked #585 on a Forbes ranking of 650 U.S. colleges.

The Study in question was conducted as a telephone survey. Only 8 questions were asked, and there was a structural bias issue. The survey was compiled by Left Leaning Liberals , and the insinuation is that it was compiled and edited with malice of forethought.

The survey was the product of a deliberate socio-fascist campaign to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity,which is essential for for any scientific study - which includes statistical analysis.

Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. The people who conducted this survey were not objective in the least - in fact their surveys allways turn out with the results they set out to achieve - that is in support of their political persuasion .

Sorry Gal, nice try but the Farleigh Dickinson University survey has no credibility and carries no weight.

Riiiight. So it must be pure coincidence that this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing.

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

I'm sure these are just coincidences though. Law of averages. :thup:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

What the FOX Rumor Mill sells is GOSSIP!.

Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they're trying to relay to you.
- John Lydon

No...maybe top cable news...but not even close to the top three networks CBS, NBC, and ABC.

"Most Trusted" PERIOD! Maybe not the most watched, because it doesn't come in the basic package, or even the one up from basic. You have to pay more to get it and most ignorant Democrats are satisfied with MTV and a few movie channels.

Here: Fox News Is America?s Most Trusted News Source [Poll]

And this is after being attacked by the Obama Regime for the last seven years and the Democrat Party Machine since Fox came into existence.

P.S.: PERIOD includes broadcast networks
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Could it be that the drumbeat of trash-talk from the regime is what's driving FOX News popularity? People quickly understand that anything Obama and his comrades fear is an island of truth on a sea of lies.
Farleigh Dickinson University undergraduate school is ranked as one of the worst in the country - ranked #585 on a Forbes ranking of 650 U.S. colleges.

The Study in question was conducted as a telephone survey. Only 8 questions were asked, and there was a structural bias issue. The survey was compiled by Left Leaning Liberals , and the insinuation is that it was compiled and edited with malice of forethought.

The survey was the product of a deliberate socio-fascist campaign to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity,which is essential for for any scientific study - which includes statistical analysis.

Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. The people who conducted this survey were not objective in the least - in fact their surveys allways turn out with the results they set out to achieve - that is in support of their political persuasion .

Sorry Gal, nice try but the Farleigh Dickinson University survey has no credibility and carries no weight.

Riiiight. So it must be pure coincidence that this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing and this survey found the same thing, and this survey found the same thing.

Oh and Fairleigh Dickinson followed up that regional study noted above with a bigger one that used a national scope. It found the same thing too.

I'm sure these are just coincidences though. Law of averages. :thup:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

What the FOX Rumor Mill sells is GOSSIP!.

Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they're trying to relay to you.
- John Lydon

Okay if you say so :lol:

Obviously what Fox Noise sells is not information (and that doesn't sell anyway). What Fox sells is emotion. That's why loyalists like you get emotionally defensive about a fricking TV channel. Because they have their hooks in you.

What Fox Sells is an alternative to the decades of Leftist Brainwashing being hammerred into the American Psyche by Socio-Fascism . The Socio-FascistElite ,and their usefulidiots, folks such as yourself rabidly foam at the mouth and vomit out Pea soup whenever Fox is mentioned - and that's why I defend it and will continue to do so. It's time Big Brother got a boot up his ass instead of the ass kissing and bootlickering from useful idiots who run around calling themselves "Liberals"


How's it Feel being a useful Idiot ? You don't like it when the vomits aimed at you -do ya ?
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