FOX News sees nothing wrong seperate lunch counters

I want to follow your logic, if there was a sign out that said whites only and that black family didn't see it, what makes you think the people already in that restaurant wouldn't back up that kid.
Stay on point on this one.....

THAT's just IT! They WOULD. THEY went there because of HOW it was.

Why don't you hang at This bar, rather than That?

Why do you EAT at This restaurant rather than That?

Why don't you date the homeless? As opposed to the employed?

Yeah. It's just Like That.
Okay, check THIS out:

I own a liquor store in Backwater, Texas, population, say, 4,000.

Everyone decides to quit drinking.

Are they "discriminating" against me and my business?

I made a pretty good living before this happened.

Do I "deserve" that those folks start PAYING me for NOT wanting what I offer?

Well, guess what? rofl
I was in San Antonio about 8 years ago, in a Mexican neighborhood, visiting in-laws. They sent me down to the local taqueria for some tamales. The place was packed. I was the onliest white boy in there.

I asked for two dozen tamales. The lady behind the counter, who stood before a conveyer belt filled with freshly made tamales looked me square in the eye and said, "We"re out."

Well, if that were a true story then it shoots the shit out of all the clowns around here who say you don't need it to be illegal because businesses won't do it anyway.

You're making your wingnut pals look stupid.

True story.

A sign out front would have saved me some time.
no, you took out HIS name
and left mine

It sux, being new.


DONE! I'm almost Positive!
Yeah, yeah, we suck.

But, uhhh, as a Man, one would think you'd Sort Of enjoy it... :lol::lol:

And all anyway, you ASSHAT,



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The Right to Discriminate? | Media Matters for America

FOX feels businesses should be able to disciminate. HHhhmmmm, it sounds a lot like a Rand Paul platform.

This is the typical bullshit from a liberal who can't help lying with practically every breath he takes. A news analyst was interviewed about his PERSONAL OPINION and actually had his opinion vigorously challenged during that interview -but look at how you deliberately tried to deceive others by LYING and make a totally false claim. And more than one. You said it was FOX NEWS that said there should be a right to discriminate when Fox News said no such thing. I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt of being a really stupid person who actually believed that if someone with a controversial opinion was interviewed, it was somehow an endorsement of that opinion by those carrying out the interview and was going to address that fallacy. But then I saw you didn't stop there and realized it was something else entirely. You went so far as to also claim that FOX NEWS "sees nothing wrong with separate lunch counters" -which also didn't happen and was never said by ANYONE. You only proved what a deceitful, untrustworthy lying ass POS you really are.

And before you try some pathetic defense of your lying bullshit, Stossel was NOT supporting racism, did not favor discrimination and wasn't in favor of anyone who would do that. He was supporting the right of racist assholes and any other kind of asshole to let everyone else know what assholes they really are by advertising that fact. Just like you did in your post!

Everyone is better off when we let the racist and lying POS assholes among us identify themselves and not let them hide behind a law that would shield them from the condemnation and judgment of society, their communities and their neighbors. Which was exactly Stossel's point in the first place.

Try to wrap your HEAD around this one. Stossel and Rand Paul are both LIBERTARIANS -it is why Stossel was chosen to be interviewed since he would be in a position to understand Rand Paul's libertarian views on this issue too. Libertarians have very specific views about what they believe is and is not the proper role of government. Libertarian believe in very small government with LIMITED POWERS and little ability to regulate and interfere in how people choose to live their lives. Libertarians support legalizing street drugs, they support legalizing prostitution, legalized abortion -just about anything anyone wants to do they believe it should be legal to do so. But that does NOT mean a libertarian actually supports DOING those things. They just don't believe government should have the power to tell people they CAN'T do those things and it should be left up to people to decide how to run their own lives -not government. Libertarians believe the racist's community and neighbors exercising their rights and freedoms can do a much more effective job and make a more lasting impression on the racist than a faceless government bureaucracy. But that means the racist must have the right to identify himself as such by advertising his racist discriminatory business practices.

Just like I was able to quickly spot your own lying ass and now I am forever forewarned about what an untrustworthy lying ass POS you are - libertarians believe society itself would be better off if we could just as quickly identify the hardcore racist who would actually refuse to serve someone because of their race and then use our freedoms and rights to convince him to voluntarily change it or drive him out of business. Allowing him to hide behind the law in effect means government saving his business but without forcing him to re-evaluate his racist beliefs and practices that would occur when others use their rights and freedoms as FULLY INFORMED citizens about the businesses we may patronize and their business practices.

What you REALLY object to is the fact someone else who shared Paul's opinion was given a fair shot at explaining the views of a libertarian which are NOT racist or race-based at all - instead of what a liberal would prefer of having someone yelling "RACIST" nonstop in his face and prevent him from speaking at all and simply pretending to give the guy a shot at explaining his views. That tells us ALL that if liberals got their way, we would have a censored press feeding us liberal propaganda 24/7 in order to prevent people from being the most fully informed as possible, hearing the fullest story and most accurate facts possible -and then giving them the right to make up their own minds about what they believe and why. Liberals have a really low opinion of people in general, it is almost a requirement to be a liberal. So the fact you really object to any news outlet giving an honest interview of a libertarian about his views at all is again, quite typical of a lying ass liberal who gave up independent thought a long time ago. Go on Elsie, give us your best moo now.
Can one even imagine a libertarian utopia? All freedoms would depend on the owner or proprietor, and even a simple walk down some street would need clearance. Thankfully it ain't gonna happen even though the Marxists on the right believe this hokum. Fantasy keeps childlike imaginations happy, but life requires just a bit of maturity.

Why I Am Not a Libertarian
Why is libertarianism wrong?
Critiques Of Libertarianism: So You Want To Discuss Libertarianism....
The American Conservative -- Marxism of the Right

"The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do." Eric Hoffer
Oh gosh. I read the title and came to the conclusion that Fox must be okay with the racist organization known as the Congressional Black Caucus. They won't let any whites sit at their lunch counter. I refuse to watch Fox anymore. You can't make me ever watch Fox again. Don't try.
Then why did we need to outlaw slavery? Wouldn't it have been better just to let the free market decide? Eventually wouldn't everyone have simply stopped doing business with slaveowners and put them out of business...
Then why did we need to outlaw slavery? Wouldn't it have been better just to let the free market decide? Eventually wouldn't everyone have simply stopped doing business with slaveowners and put them out of business...
yes, it would have
but, it needed to be ended long before it actually did
just like back in the 60's the civil rights act was needed
not so much today
minds had to be changed
then why do you want to stop a business from displaying their stupidity to the world?

Because I like the thought of being able to sue if they find they are trying to not serve me because I am black or asian or hispanic or gay or whatever. That is why.

For example, I hate the thought that some town in the south is backed by the local sheriff when discriminating against minorities in that town. What if the entire town felt the same way? (I said he south, but it could be anywhere of course) I couldn't get gas, food, hospital service, nothing? Is that ok with you? I want a law that makes that illegal to do it. I want people to go to jail for not being a racist but them practicing discriminatory practices. They can be racists all they want.

If not, we are back in 63. Too many people gave up too much for us to be back to that crap.

Still cant put yourself in another persons shoes yet? Rand is so done. Him and his type are not going to get support from republicans publicly. They will hide (just like you said you hate) and maybe agree with him around their dinner tables ,but not publicly.

How can a minority republican accept this nonsense? Seriously. How?
why would you even want to do business with someone that doesnt want to do business with you?
just move on to the next town if you ever run into such a place

if such a place even still exists

Because as a man, I dont want my child coming home saying they werent welcomed at a business because of race.

Your thinking is what made this legal in 63. Rand wants this country to live back in those times. A lot of people do. I hear it all the time, lets get back to the good ol days.

Fuck that. If this passed, what if i went to a town that totally took this on. I need a hospital, and they have a sign that says WHITES ONLY. Cant you see a problem with this?

Why are we even thinking like this in 2010. Fuck you Rand Paul. Fuck you. I hope you are crashed and burned now. Go back to your whites only country club and stay in your state. You win, I wont ever go to Kentucky. You win.

Minority republicans, how is that hopey changy thing working out for ya?

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