Fox News no longer friend of the disgusting Homophobe??

You can't use the teachings of Christ to defend your sin.

You can't use the teachings of Christ to violate the Constitution.
The teachings of Christ trump the Constitution or any mans law if mans law is detrimental to mankind.

America is a secular government. You are free to practice your religion, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. You are welcome to create a Christian caliphate if you want. You can create a few Youtube videos, and behead the unbelievers.
I wish you would tell Muslims that same thing. Not free to behead .

Are you saying that your beliefs match up closer to those of ISIS than those of our founders? We already knew that.
Can you imagine having nothing else to worry over but what goes on at News station?
What would Steph do if a gay couple moved next door?
I had a couple lesbians live one door up. Nice people, even drank beer with them a couple of times. No problem between us. Like my pastor says, hate the sin not the person, but all liberals can do is hate.
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.

“Do you want the sky to fall because because two people that are living next door to you?” Olson asked. “Court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community, and to be treated equally does no damage to heterosexual marriage. And what court after court after court has said [is] that children living in a same-sex relationship do as well or better that people in other communities.”

After Perkins went back to his “boundaries” talking point that marriage equality was a slippery slope, Fox News host Chris Wallace demanded to know what he was trying to suggest.

“What are you suggesting?” Wallace asked. “That there’s going to be polygamy, that people are going to be marrying their pets?”

“I didn’t say that,” Perkins replied defensively.

“Alright, you and your wife live happily in this house,” Wallace said. “There’s a same-sex couple living here. What’s the damage to you?”

“Let’s talk about the wedding vendors that have been put out of business,” Perkins said.

“I’m not talking about that,” Wallace interrupted. “That’s a different issue. I’m asking you, what’s the impact on you and your family to have these people living next to you.”

Perkins insisted that his children would be “taught values and morals against what I teach as a parent at home.”

Olson pointed out that there was no evidence that heterosexual couples were getting divorced because LGBT people had the right to marry.
What's the damage to you if your neighbor is a wife abuser? cannot tell the difference between two consenting adults who marry......and someone who physically beats another?

What's the difference if the beating was between two consenting adults?

Why can't the OP distinguish between a host and a guest.

Acceptance of same sex marriage poisons the well. It creates an atmosphere of perversion in which homosexuality and consensual beatings are acceptable behavior.

And your "evidence" is "it just does"?
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.

“Do you want the sky to fall because because two people that are living next door to you?” Olson asked. “Court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community, and to be treated equally does no damage to heterosexual marriage. And what court after court after court has said [is] that children living in a same-sex relationship do as well or better that people in other communities.”

After Perkins went back to his “boundaries” talking point that marriage equality was a slippery slope, Fox News host Chris Wallace demanded to know what he was trying to suggest.

“What are you suggesting?” Wallace asked. “That there’s going to be polygamy, that people are going to be marrying their pets?”

“I didn’t say that,” Perkins replied defensively.

“Alright, you and your wife live happily in this house,” Wallace said. “There’s a same-sex couple living here. What’s the damage to you?”

“Let’s talk about the wedding vendors that have been put out of business,” Perkins said.

“I’m not talking about that,” Wallace interrupted. “That’s a different issue. I’m asking you, what’s the impact on you and your family to have these people living next to you.”

Perkins insisted that his children would be “taught values and morals against what I teach as a parent at home.”

Olson pointed out that there was no evidence that heterosexual couples were getting divorced because LGBT people had the right to marry.
What's the damage to you if your neighbor is a wife abuser?

Your neighbor is committing a crime by abusing his spouse so you have a duty to call the police or you become an accomplice to the crime.

Now explain the connection between that crime and a married gay couple next door.
Wait what? So, now the Democrats who bashed Fox News are now defending them? Oh the irony.

The OP only appears to be agreeing with the persons from Foxnews who may have changed their attitude/opinion.

What's wrong with that exactly?


Right over the knee jerker, phobe RW's heads.

They'd be a lot happier if they just accepted and embraced their own sexuality.
All of this could be avoided if the Peeping Toms on the right would just mind their own business.
Abuse does not have to rise to the level of crime..(.just as homo relations don't have to rise to the level of undying love)...and even if it does you don't know because you are not sticking your nose in their business.
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.

“Do you want the sky to fall because because two people that are living next door to you?” Olson asked. “Court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community, and to be treated equally does no damage to heterosexual marriage. And what court after court after court has said [is] that children living in a same-sex relationship do as well or better that people in other communities.”

After Perkins went back to his “boundaries” talking point that marriage equality was a slippery slope, Fox News host Chris Wallace demanded to know what he was trying to suggest.

“What are you suggesting?” Wallace asked. “That there’s going to be polygamy, that people are going to be marrying their pets?”

“I didn’t say that,” Perkins replied defensively.

“Alright, you and your wife live happily in this house,” Wallace said. “There’s a same-sex couple living here. What’s the damage to you?”

“Let’s talk about the wedding vendors that have been put out of business,” Perkins said.

“I’m not talking about that,” Wallace interrupted. “That’s a different issue. I’m asking you, what’s the impact on you and your family to have these people living next to you.”

Perkins insisted that his children would be “taught values and morals against what I teach as a parent at home.”

Olson pointed out that there was no evidence that heterosexual couples were getting divorced because LGBT people had the right to marry.
What's the damage to you if your neighbor is a wife abuser? cannot tell the difference between two consenting adults who marry......and someone who physically beats another?

What's the difference if the beating was between two consenting adults?

Why can't the OP distinguish between a host and a guest.

Acceptance of same sex marriage poisons the well. It creates an atmosphere of perversion in which homosexuality and consensual beatings are acceptable behavior.
It's not a "beating" if they are's called S & M....and a lot of people, straight and gay, do the privacy of their own home. Could you point out where legal marriage is denied to straight couples if they are into S & M?
Maybe we need a S&M category of Holy Matrimony? Just two peeps who enjoy beating each other....yeah, that's the ticket!
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.
What's the damage to you if your neighbor is a wife abuser? cannot tell the difference between two consenting adults who marry......and someone who physically beats another?

What's the difference if the beating was between two consenting adults?

Why can't the OP distinguish between a host and a guest.

Acceptance of same sex marriage poisons the well. It creates an atmosphere of perversion in which homosexuality and consensual beatings are acceptable behavior.
It's not a "beating" if they are's called S & M....and a lot of people, straight and gay, do the privacy of their own home. Could you point out where legal marriage is denied to straight couples if they are into S & M?
Maybe we need a S&M category of Holy Matrimony? Just two peeps who enjoy beating each other....yeah, that's the ticket!

If between consenting adults its none of your business.

Stop meddling and MYOB.
Faux was not the first, but imo cbs and nbc don't play the victim card so much ... in fact their audience segment requires they NOT do so. There's a audience amongst African americans where "reparations" gains favor because they perceive society as being hostile to them. In the 70s, there was an audience for people wanting to buy "steal this book" and Zinn's view of history. Ayn Rand cries of victimhood, and perhaps it is harder to build a business from the ground up because of restrictions on venture capital post-recession and govt regulation, including obamacare, but crying about the poor 1% share of taxes ..... cry me a freaking river, LOL

CBS and NBC don't want people to focus on the patriot act or whether their insurers are accessing every website visited or every electronic commerce purchase made. Randian Paul is using that as his college tour stump speech.
  • Lust – to have an intense desire or need: “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
  • Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking: “for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags” (Proverbs 23:21).
  • Greed - excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more” (Ephesians 4:19).
  • Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous: “The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway” (Proverbs 15:19).
  • Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1)
  • Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage: “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2).
  • Pride - quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).
Pick one for yourself mr christian. LOL:blowup:

A fudge packer that claims he is a Christian is lying to himself. ..... :cool:
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.

“Do you want the sky to fall because because two people that are living next door to you?” Olson asked. “Court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community, and to be treated equally does no damage to heterosexual marriage. And what court after court after court has said [is] that children living in a same-sex relationship do as well or better that people in other communities.”

After Perkins went back to his “boundaries” talking point that marriage equality was a slippery slope, Fox News host Chris Wallace demanded to know what he was trying to suggest.

“What are you suggesting?” Wallace asked. “That there’s going to be polygamy, that people are going to be marrying their pets?”

“I didn’t say that,” Perkins replied defensively.

“Alright, you and your wife live happily in this house,” Wallace said. “There’s a same-sex couple living here. What’s the damage to you?”

“Let’s talk about the wedding vendors that have been put out of business,” Perkins said.

“I’m not talking about that,” Wallace interrupted. “That’s a different issue. I’m asking you, what’s the impact on you and your family to have these people living next to you.”

Perkins insisted that his children would be “taught values and morals against what I teach as a parent at home.”

Olson pointed out that there was no evidence that heterosexual couples were getting divorced because LGBT people had the right to marry.

2 words for you - eat shit.
I understand that even if that is an odd sexual proclivity of are still allowed to marry. :D
Fox News host grills Tony Perkins: ‘What’s the damage to you’ if your neighbors are gay married?

Has Faux News decided they can no longer defend the "rights' of sick homophobic asshole calling themselves "Christians".

These so-called "Christians" that still embrace hateful homophobic viewpoints really know NOTHING of Christ and his teachings.

“Do you want the sky to fall because because two people that are living next door to you?” Olson asked. “Court after court has said that allowing people of the same sex to marry the person that they love and be a part of our community, and to be treated equally does no damage to heterosexual marriage. And what court after court after court has said [is] that children living in a same-sex relationship do as well or better that people in other communities.”

After Perkins went back to his “boundaries” talking point that marriage equality was a slippery slope, Fox News host Chris Wallace demanded to know what he was trying to suggest.

“What are you suggesting?” Wallace asked. “That there’s going to be polygamy, that people are going to be marrying their pets?”

“I didn’t say that,” Perkins replied defensively.

“Alright, you and your wife live happily in this house,” Wallace said. “There’s a same-sex couple living here. What’s the damage to you?”

“Let’s talk about the wedding vendors that have been put out of business,” Perkins said.

“I’m not talking about that,” Wallace interrupted. “That’s a different issue. I’m asking you, what’s the impact on you and your family to have these people living next to you.”

Perkins insisted that his children would be “taught values and morals against what I teach as a parent at home.”

Olson pointed out that there was no evidence that heterosexual couples were getting divorced because LGBT people had the right to marry.

2 words for you - eat shit.
I understand that even if that is an odd sexual proclivity of are still allowed to marry. :D

Yes, but it would be an improvement in the gene pool if he didn't procreate. :D
It is Christians being discriminated against. Gay is no more than a sexual prference.
Being gay is a sexual preference about as much as being black is a color preference.
Well ask bodey about that, she said she did not become gay until after she joined the navy, seems to me she made a choice.
I see you still try to get by by lying all the time. What I said is that I never had my first gay sexual encounter until I had been in the Navy. But I am not surprised you keep track of what I say....just try to get it right.......if you possibly can, Bootlicker.
You can't use the teachings of Christ to defend your sin.

You can't use the teachings of Christ to violate the Constitution.
The teachings of Christ trump the Constitution or any mans law if mans law is detrimental to mankind.

America is a secular government. You are free to practice your religion, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. You are welcome to create a Christian caliphate if you want. You can create a few Youtube videos, and behead the unbelievers.
I wish you would tell Muslims that same thing. Not free to behead .

Are you saying that your beliefs match up closer to those of ISIS than those of our founders? We already knew that.
He's not the only one...look at my sig....we've got Bootlicker who wants Sharia law here in the U.S.
Maybe we need a S&M category of Holy Matrimony? Just two peeps who enjoy beating each other....yeah, that's the ticket!
What makes you think there aren't Christian couples who aren't into S&M?

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