Fox News: a business first, propaganda machine second, a news source...last


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
To anyone who thinks that Fox News cares about honest reporting and integrity, I feel sorry for you.

I think first and foremost it is a business - a very good one I must admit. Roger Ailes and his lackies know how to pull an audience. They know how to pull in their die hard fans and be the number one in the ratings.

However, they are not #1 because they have integrity or care about factual driven analysis. They are number one for two reasons:

1) They appeal to the rightwing's emotions. See Rightwingers' politics are not driven by factual information and critical thinking. It is driven by emotionally charged, philosophical beliefs. Without stating many facts, puppets like Sean Hannity can simply rant about the "evils of big government and Obama's imperial agenda" and maintain good ratings.. The FN audience eats that shit up. They hate government so it isn't hard to get them watching by simply reaffirming crap they already believe. These viewers don't want to be inconvenienced by facts and analysis that may challenge their pre conceived notions. They just want to hear shit that they already salivate over. Fox caters to this.

2) Eye candy. Now what also pulls in viewers is the ridiculously attractive women and bright colors of the sets. See without really anything substantial going on, viewers are drawn to it. It's really easy on the eyes. It's a brilliant move on Roger's part. The man knows what he's doing.

See the downside of a very popular news network is that plenty of dumb people watch it. Let's be honest: dumb/average intelligent people outnumber smart people thus the huge popularity. Fox News appeals to dumb people like tea baggers who refuse to reason without passionate emotion. It makes for easy viewing.

Now beyond a business Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party. FN's uncompromising and predictable hate bashing of Obama makes this all too obvious. See networks like CNN, ABC, CBS, and even MSNBC will both praise and criticize Obama and attempt - at least some of the time - to offer a balanced analysis on his presidency. Fox on the other hand will deliberately and disengenously criticize anything and everything Obama does or says, much like the Republican Party.

Now I do understand MSNBC isn't much better when it comes to "fair and balanced" news, but even with their agenda their pundits have been know to deviate from their democratic views and speak frankly about Obama. This largely sets it apart from Fox.
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... Now I do understand MSNBC isn't much better when it comes to "fair and balanced" news, but even with their agenda their pundits have been know to deviate from their democratic views and speak frankly about Obama. This largely sets it apart from Fox.

They also don't really bother pursuing #2.
Ah, another lefty scumbag with a Fox rant thread.

If it didn't bother them they wouldn't be bitchin' about it yet again. Ditto for Rush, Hannity, et al.

Are any of the OP points inaccurate?

Funny how the protest is all emotion-based, innit?
hey Billy! We have been saying the same thing about ALL the lib outlets for decades! AND THERE is more than one- dozens!

The propoganda's done a good job on you it seems.

not really- its called facts; they point out the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of the left.

Wow your very own description is describing the network as entirely partisan. You're not very good at this. :cool:

I never said they weren't. But anything to the right of Stalin is far right according to libs and the msm; who have been spoon feeding their good little lib soldiers for decades.
To anyone who thinks that Fox News cares about honest reporting and integrity, I feel sorry for you.

I think first and foremost it is a business - a very good one I must admit. Roger Ailes and his lackies know how to pull an audience. They know how to pull in their die hard fans and be the number one in the ratings.

However, they are not #1 because they have integrity or care about factual driven analysis. They are number one for two reasons:

1) They appeal to the rightwing's emotions. See Rightwingers' politics are not driven by factual information and critical thinking. It is driven by emotionally charged, philosophical beliefs. Without stating many facts, puppets like Sean Hannity can simply rant about the "evils of big government and Obama's imperial agenda" and maintain good ratings.. The FN audience eats that shit up. They hate government so it isn't hard to get them watching by simply reaffirming crap they already believe. These viewers don't want to be inconvenienced by facts and analysis that may challenge their pre conceived notions. They just want to hear shit that they already salivate over. Fox caters to this.

2) Eye candy. Now what also pulls in viewers is the ridiculously attractive women and bright colors of the sets. See without really anything substantial going on, viewers are drawn to it. It's really easy on the eyes. It's a brilliant move on Roger's part. The man knows what he's doing.

See the downside of a very popular news network is that plenty of dumb people watch it. Let's be honest: dumb/average intelligent people outnumber smart people thus the huge popularity. Fox News appeals to dumb people like tea baggers who refuse to reason without passionate emotion. It makes for easy viewing.

Now beyond a business Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party. FN's uncompromising and predictable hate bashing of Obama makes this all too obvious. See networks like CNN, ABC, CBS, and even MSNBC will both praise and criticize Obama and attempt - at least some of the time - to offer a balanced analysis on his presidency. Fox on the other hand will deliberately and disengenously criticize anything and everything Obama does or says, much like the Republican Party.

Now I do understand MSNBC isn't much better when it comes to "fair and balanced" news, but even with their agenda their pundits have been know to deviate from their democratic views and speak frankly about Obama. This largely sets it apart from Fox.

Don't like it?

Don't watch it you fucking Nazi
To anyone who thinks that Fox News cares about honest reporting and integrity, I feel sorry for you.

I think first and foremost it is a business - a very good one I must admit. Roger Ailes and his lackies know how to pull an audience. They know how to pull in their die hard fans and be the number one in the ratings.

However, they are not #1 because they have integrity or care about factual driven analysis. They are number one for two reasons:

1) They appeal to the rightwing's emotions. See Rightwingers' politics are not driven by factual information and critical thinking. It is driven by emotionally charged, philosophical beliefs. Without stating many facts, puppets like Sean Hannity can simply rant about the "evils of big government and Obama's imperial agenda" and maintain good ratings.. The FN audience eats that shit up. They hate government so it isn't hard to get them watching by simply reaffirming crap they already believe. These viewers don't want to be inconvenienced by facts and analysis that may challenge their pre conceived notions. They just want to hear shit that they already salivate over. Fox caters to this.

2) Eye candy. Now what also pulls in viewers is the ridiculously attractive women and bright colors of the sets. See without really anything substantial going on, viewers are drawn to it. It's really easy on the eyes. It's a brilliant move on Roger's part. The man knows what he's doing.

See the downside of a very popular news network is that plenty of dumb people watch it. Let's be honest: dumb/average intelligent people outnumber smart people thus the huge popularity. Fox News appeals to dumb people like tea baggers who refuse to reason without passionate emotion. It makes for easy viewing.

Now beyond a business Fox News is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party. FN's uncompromising and predictable hate bashing of Obama makes this all too obvious. See networks like CNN, ABC, CBS, and even MSNBC will both praise and criticize Obama and attempt - at least some of the time - to offer a balanced analysis on his presidency. Fox on the other hand will deliberately and disengenously criticize anything and everything Obama does or says, much like the Republican Party.

Now I do understand MSNBC isn't much better when it comes to "fair and balanced" news, but even with their agenda their pundits have been know to deviate from their democratic views and speak frankly about Obama. This largely sets it apart from Fox.

Don't like it?

Don't watch it you fucking Nazi

-- see what I mean?
Fox loves the one percent and big business. Why do they show a hatred for the middle class?
Ah, another lefty scumbag with a Fox rant thread.

If it didn't bother them they wouldn't be bitchin' about it yet again. Ditto for Rush, Hannity, et al.

Are any of the OP points inaccurate?

Funny how the protest is all emotion-based, innit?
All of them are.

FoxNews, twice the honesty of the other channels should be their motto.
Fox loves the one percent and big business. Why do they show a hatred for the middle class?

Because there are more dumb/average intelligent people than smart people. Smart people have higher standards. They expect facts to trump emotion and philosophy. Fox News is emotional crap. Shallow crap. Lower intelligent people love that.

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