Fox: Deliberate Misinformation

Promises...why they are broken.

Leadership dictates not following slogans and promises made before the facts on the ground change.

Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

sure you do, just not very often.
Promises...why they are broken.

Leadership dictates not following slogans and promises made before the facts on the ground change.

Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

Don't even get me going on..

"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"
"Mission accomplished"
"They will treat us as liberators"
I plainly wrote..."I heard..." and "Is that true?"

maybe you are not partisan, but you have expressed partisan views. It's sort of like being against the war but supporting the troops. now pay more attention. Just because your old is no guarantee of wisdom or reason.

Dont blame my age...I am 51.
Blame the drugs of my mother was right!

Like what I say to my wiofe when she asks me if her pants make her ass look big.
"Dont blame the pants" I tell her.

What you heard is untrue. Not most economists beleived that. Some did, yes, not most by any means.

From a business ownership standpoint, I believe otherwise. From a basic economics logic standpoint, I can not see why an economist would have believed it.....but they are all theorists...and from both sides, ideology is always inserted into hypotheses.

As for my partisan views...I am a fiscal conservative and very strong on my fiscal conservative it comes across as partisan.....but I most certainly did not vote for Bush the second time around.....and as I said, I would have voted for Hillary as I saw her as the most honest of all in the race...even though I was not pleased with all of her social and fiscal views...but at least I believed her.

The day Obama said he lied about public financing as he believed he would lose if he kept his proimise was the day I lost ALL interest in him.

McCain? I liked him...but not as my p[resident. Something seemed a bit disingenuous about him. Was never able to put my finger on it, but I trust my judgement of character...something was off with him....and the Palin choice turned me off...not becuase ofr all of the "left bashing" that was out there....simply becuase I needed to see some more girth in my candidates....and she lacked girth.
I wonder what the dominant economist view is. Do you know?

A business owner's standpoint? Most business owners don't know their ass from their elbow. How many new businesses fail? How many old ones?

If you needed girth in a candidate...Obama had girth as a candidate (as time went on...not in the beginning), but not as a nationally experienced politician.

No, I do not know what the domionant economist view is.....but as for "views" they are most certainly guided by ideology. so I do not really care aqbout their opinions.

As for many business failing......that is based on poor planning. For example, most service firms open up and spend all kinds of start up money on marketing for clients..


Instead, you should spend your time and money creating a differential in the marketplace for yourself.....solidify your product (in other words, enusre your service is wortth the price)....and THEN get out there.

Most get out there and then find out one of two things...they suck at what they do or they are no better than their competitioon who is already well situated.

As for I said...the minute he lied about public financing, he was off my list.
As for girth...what did he have? Words....charisma, speech writers and words.

Record? Highly partrisan voting record. 95% party lines...5% present...0% accross the aisle.
Experience? No executive experience at all and no business ownership experience.
Realtionships? Seemed he had no worthy relationships with anyone other than far left business people and some "out of the ordinary" public figures.

SO I am not sure what you saw as girth....can you give me some examples of what you refer to as girth?
Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

sure you do, just not very often.
not fair!

but, tff lol

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Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

Don't even get me going on..

"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"
"Mission accomplished"
"They will treat us as liberators"

Thus why I told you that this board was not for simple minds such as yours.
You didnt listen.
Your gooid luck!
I wonder what the dominant economist view is. Do you know?

A business owner's standpoint? Most business owners don't know their ass from their elbow. How many new businesses fail? How many old ones?

If you needed girth in a candidate...Obama had girth as a candidate (as time went on...not in the beginning), but not as a nationally experienced politician.

No, I do not know what the domionant economist view is.....but as for "views" they are most certainly guided by ideology. so I do not really care aqbout their opinions.
If this is so, why did you storm out of a thread because of what you thought was...

never mind.

As for many business failing......that is based on poor planning. For example, most service firms open up and spend all kinds of start up money on marketing for clients..


Instead, you should spend your time and money creating a differential in the marketplace for yourself.....solidify your product (in other words, enusre your service is wortth the price)....and THEN get out there.

Most get out there and then find out one of two things...they suck at what they do or they are no better than their competitioon who is already well situated.
you've made my point quite well. thank you

As for I said...the minute he lied about public financing, he was off my list.
As for girth...what did he have? Words....charisma, speech writers and words.

Record? Highly partrisan voting record. 95% party lines...5% present...0% accross the aisle.
Experience? No executive experience at all and no business ownership experience.
Realtionships? Seemed he had no worthy relationships with anyone other than far left business people and some "out of the ordinary" public figures.

SO I am not sure what you saw as girth....can you give me some examples of what you refer to as girth?

Girth as a candidate...he ran an awesome campaign. I was unimpressed with his credentials from the get go.

I was on the floor during his convention speech in Boston in 2004. I was one of the few who walked out shaking their heads wondering what smoke was blown up the collective ass. I've written about it too many times.
Promises...why they are broken.

Leadership dictates not following slogans and promises made before the facts on the ground change.

Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

No. This isn't about George Herbert Walker Bush. It's not even about taxes. It's about simple, ethics-based promises, made by Barack Obama as a candidate. It's your contention that circumstances have changed in such a way that as a matter of "leadership", he shouldn't have made good on those promises. So... what is it that's changed in terms of "transparency", in terms of lobbyists, and in terms of backroom deals for congressmen and special interests?
Oh... there are reasons why Barack Obama doesn't bother keeping his word? Some "change on the ground" that requires murky backroom deals, lobbyist waivers, and in-your-face partisanship? :eusa_eh:

Do tell. We're all ears.

Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

No. This isn't about George Herbert Walker Bush. It's not even about taxes. It's about simple, ethics-based promises, made by Barack Obama as a candidate. It's your contention that circumstances have changed in such a way that as a matter of "leadership", he shouldn't have made good on those promises. So... what is it that's changed in terms of "transparency", in terms of lobbyists, and in terms of backroom deals for congressmen and special interests?
It's about leadership. Ethics? YOu have lots of nerve even using that term.

I wonder what the dominant economist view is. Do you know?

A business owner's standpoint? Most business owners don't know their ass from their elbow. How many new businesses fail? How many old ones?

If you needed girth in a candidate...Obama had girth as a candidate (as time went on...not in the beginning), but not as a nationally experienced politician.

No, I do not know what the domionant economist view is.....but as for "views" they are most certainly guided by ideology. so I do not really care aqbout their opinions.
If this is so, why did you storm out of a thread because of what you thought was...

never mind.

As for many business failing......that is based on poor planning. For example, most service firms open up and spend all kinds of start up money on marketing for clients..


Instead, you should spend your time and money creating a differential in the marketplace for yourself.....solidify your product (in other words, enusre your service is wortth the price)....and THEN get out there.

Most get out there and then find out one of two things...they suck at what they do or they are no better than their competitioon who is already well situated.
you've made my point quite well. thank you

As for I said...the minute he lied about public financing, he was off my list.
As for girth...what did he have? Words....charisma, speech writers and words.

Record? Highly partrisan voting record. 95% party lines...5% present...0% accross the aisle.
Experience? No executive experience at all and no business ownership experience.
Realtionships? Seemed he had no worthy relationships with anyone other than far left business people and some "out of the ordinary" public figures.

SO I am not sure what you saw as girth....can you give me some examples of what you refer to as girth?

Girth as a candidate...he ran an awesome campaign. I was unimpressed with his credentials from the get go.

I was on the floor during his convention speech in Boston in 2004. I was one of the few who walked out shaking their heads wondering what smoke was blown up the collective ass. I've written about it too many times.

Yes, Axelrod ran an awsome campaign. Not Obama. Obama was the puppet just as any candiodate is a puppet of the CM......but I can see through that and something tells me so can you.

I saw through the Palin hooplah right away. Attractive, successful, yet not what we needed in the number 2. I did not need the left to go after her as they diud to lose interest in her....but I still give her credit as a governor..and a pretty succeesful one...something the left just can not seem to give her. I wonder why that is...:)eusa_whistle:)

I ran out earlier as I misread what you said...I read it that you took that "economist" thing as fact...and I do not respond to those that cite opinion or theory as fact and then ask me to comment on "why"...

I simply misread it and admitted it already.

What did you mean when you said I furtrher proved your point?
Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

No. This isn't about George Herbert Walker Bush. It's not even about taxes. It's about simple, ethics-based promises, made by Barack Obama as a candidate. It's your contention that circumstances have changed in such a way that as a matter of "leadership", he shouldn't have made good on those promises. So... what is it that's changed in terms of "transparency", in terms of lobbyists, and in terms of backroom deals for congressmen and special interests?
It's about leadership. Ethics? YOu have lots of nerve even using that term.


Yeah. That's what I thought. You can't back up your assertion. :lol:

Your guy LIED. He said whatever he thought people wanted to hear in order to get elected. "Politics as usual"... and then some.
Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

Don't even get me going on..

"The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"
"Mission accomplished"
"They will treat us as liberators"

Thus why I told you that this board was not for simple minds such as yours.
You didnt listen.
Your gooid luck!

How many of Obama's lies started wars?
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

They already went to court to defend their right to lie
This is nothing. A much more serious issue is this White House's close relationship with GE. How much Bailout/Stimulus $$ did this White House give to GE? GE owns NBC and other Media Outlets. NBC really has become the biggest White House Boot-Lickers in the Media. This shady relationship needs to be investigated immediately. This issue is far more serious then what is supposedly going on at Fox News. You can always just not watch if you don't like Fox News. However giving Billions in Tax Dollars to a Media Outlet to do the White House's bidding is something that shouldn't be ignored. Just don't hear Liberal wingnuts complaining about this far more serious issue. Investigate GE right now!
Last edited:
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

We all KNOW that the poor misunderstood Republicans had nothing at all to do with the health care bills difficulties....

Not as much as all the Dems who wanted to insert their own special interests
How many of Obama's lies started wars?

Give him time. Isn't that you libs always say?... "He needs more time". :lol:

Anyway... I've got to say... THIS is real progress, man. Admitting it is the first step. It's like a 12-step kool-aid withdrawal program. You'll be clean before you know it. :clap2:
INVESTIGATE GE RIGHT NOW!! No Corporation that owns Media Outlets should have ever been allowed to receive Bailout/Stimulus money. This shady White House/GE relationship needs to be investigated. GE + NBC = Biggest White House Butt-Sniffers in the Media.

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