Fossils from the day the dinosaurs died

at least I have a working knowledge of what I'm talking about
See, this is how I know you are a lying litle troll, saying things he knows are bullshit, just to get attention and to hijack threads.

Why anyone responds to you, other than to call out your obvious, idiotic trolling, is beyond me.
Last edited:
at least I have a working knowledge of what I'm talking about
See, this is how I lnow you are a lying litle troll, saying things he knows are bullshit, just to get attention and to hijack threads.

Why anyone responds to you, other than to call out your obvious, idiotic trolling, is beyond me.

so once again no substance followed by personal attacks with dumb insults,,,

now if you have something that proves me wrong please share them,,,
at least I have a working knowledge of what I'm talking about
See, this is how I lnow you are a lying litle troll, saying things he knows are bullshit, just to get attention and to hijack threads.

Why anyone responds to you, other than to call out your obvious, idiotic trolling, is beyond me.

so once again no substance followed by personal attacks with dumb insults,,,

now if you have something that proves me wrong please share them,,,

There are entire works of science that prove you wrong. You won’t find them at your madrassah.
You claim isotope dating is based on an 'assumption' that you will not or can not name. Since you specify the presumed assumption was you are basically denying the facts. Then you accuse me of doing exactly what you yourself are doing, reciting what others have told you. It is you who insult my intelligence.

Nobody is going to watch a video you never watched and don't understand, and then spoonfeed it back to you.
I watched it (not that I posted it) and it is not at all hard to understand (though I'm sure a Uniformatarian would have to disagree or cut his own throat). Remember Mount St. Helen. Things are seldom what they seem --- skim milk masquerades as cream...

I watched and was saddened by the half-truths it contained The Mt St. Helen dating was an excellent example of this. The decay of K is given as 1.25 billion years. This means that half the K will decay in 1.25 billion years. How much of the K will decay in 10 years? I can tell you, so little will decay that it will be impossible to accurately measure it. The youngest material dated with this method is 20,000 years so no honest scientist would use this method on such young material.

You honestly don't seem to grasp the implications? Say a volcanic eruption happens 6000 years ago. How exactly is anyone (like me or yourself) going to know it didn't happen 1.2 billion years ago...................? You are going to date the materials under the assumption that the strata, rocks, etc., are millions or 100's of thousands of years old. THERE IS NO ONE AROUND TO TELL YOU WHEN THE ERUPTION HAPPENED or the STRATA WAS LED. Your assumption inevitably is that any of the material you find is ancient unless you are informed otherwise. OKAY, GOD has informed me through HIS word that (in all due respect) that the world is most likely only thousands of years old. I believe HE is right and your assumptions are in error because no one is alive to determine when any ancient evens actually occurred; however, you are aware of the Mt. Saint Helen event ---- but what if you were not?

Sounds like how a few hundred years ago the Church was arresting people because they believed God through HIS word implied that the universe and the Sun revolve around the Earth. Maybe check on how that turned out as more and more evidence showed that interpretation of the Bible to not be true.

It is interesting how people pick and choose what from the OT is ok and what is not. The rules for selling your children into sexual slavery.... not really followed to this day or approved by Christians. "But dangit, he didn't like Gays, and I like that part so that's the one I'll really push instead".

Maybe God used Evolution to eventually create man, and maybe humans view of time was skewed. Or maybe God is a special needs God, and the Bible claiming he is omnipresent is a joke when he created beings with useless organs and parts.
Or maybe God is a special needs God, and the Bible claiming he is omnipresent is a joke when he created beings with useless organs and parts.
Lots of maybes. Maybe what we call God is only the god of this planet/solar system/universe and every other planet/solar system/universe has it's own god. Maybe what we call God was created by an even greater God but not given complete information so his claim to the only god is just his ignorance of the greater God. Speculations maybe, but they can't be proven wrong and they would explain some things.

your mistake is believe what youre told without looking for yourself

and youve done nothing but throw insults
You claim isotope dating is based on an 'assumption' that you will not or can not name. Since you specify the presumed assumption was you are basically denying the facts. Then you accuse me of doing exactly what you yourself are doing, reciting what others have told you. It is you who insult my intelligence.

Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.
Last edited:

your mistake is believe what youre told without looking for yourself

and youve done nothing but throw insults
You claim isotope dating is based on an 'assumption' that you will not or can not name. Since you specify the presumed assumption was you are basically denying the facts. Then you accuse me of doing exactly what you yourself are doing, reciting what others have told you. It is you who insult my intelligence.

Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.

if its known then why dont we have proof???
You claim isotope dating is based on an 'assumption' that you will not or can not name. Since you specify the presumed assumption was you are basically denying the facts. Then you accuse me of doing exactly what you yourself are doing, reciting what others have told you. It is you who insult my intelligence.

Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.

if its known then why dont we have proof???

We do. Your ignorance is of your own making.
You claim isotope dating is based on an 'assumption' that you will not or can not name. Since you specify the presumed assumption was you are basically denying the facts. Then you accuse me of doing exactly what you yourself are doing, reciting what others have told you. It is you who insult my intelligence.

Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.

if its known then why dont we have proof???

Of what? Evolution? We do in the fossil record. We do with anatomical vestiges. We do with evolution occuring in front of our eyes in some cases even.

The question is why do people pop up youtube pages trying to say things that are debunked and not true and why do people believe them over actual facts used to support that scientific theory?

My guess is because people are willing to lie and ignore truth if that allows them to believe something they wish could be true instead. Simple minds are much more easily controlled when someone can tell them what they want to hear with a video, rather than actually educating themselves and learning something even if it goes against what they wish was true.

Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.

if its known then why dont we have proof???

Of what? Evolution? We do in the fossil record. We do with anatomical vestiges. We do with evolution occuring in front of our eyes in some cases even.

The question is why do people pop up youtube pages trying to say things that are debunked and not true and why do people believe them over actual facts used to support that scientific theory?

My guess is because people are willing to lie and ignore truth if that allows them to believe something they wish could be true instead.

we already established since the fossil record is based on the geo column its flawed since the ggeo column is flawed,,,

and the vestiges are not what are claimed which has been proven repeatedly,,,

and no facts for evo have been given,,
just speculation based on assumption,,,
Hell Creek Formation yields fossils from the day the dinosaurs died.

Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into a shallow sea near Mexico. The impact carved out a 90-mile-wide crater and flung mountains of earth into space. Earthbound debris fell to the planet in droplets of molten rock and glass.

Ancient fish caught glass blobs in their gills as they swam, gape-mouthed, beneath the strange rain. Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within the first minutes or hours after the asteroid hit, according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists.

there is no way known to man to accurately date that far back

Yes there is. We've got thousands of years of human impact in written history which has dated strata in the earth and been compared to more traditional carbon dating methods and proven their correlation. Glacier pacing based on how deep they cut and what they leave behind... Tree rings have been able to create a direct record heading back approximately 14000 years which guess what happened when compared to a carbon dating test of the same thing? A comparison of dates that confirmed each other multiple ways over and over.

The question is why would you believe someone like Dr Hovind? His work has been debunked from MULTIPLE angles by many scientific studies. He literally tied Evolution to Communism... and the IRS (when he didn't want to pay taxes).

Why decide not to believe the scientific evidence and instead believe the guy who says ""Not many folks realize it, but Obamacare Law HR3200, that NOBODY read before they voted for it, requires that everyone get an implanted micro-chip by March 23, 2013." and that "George W Bush is a Satanist".

No thanks. The guy with the tin foil hat is NOT where I am going to go for a science lecture when he can't even defend his own debunked claims.

But simple minds want simple answers that they like.
Hell Creek Formation yields fossils from the day the dinosaurs died.

Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into a shallow sea near Mexico. The impact carved out a 90-mile-wide crater and flung mountains of earth into space. Earthbound debris fell to the planet in droplets of molten rock and glass.

Ancient fish caught glass blobs in their gills as they swam, gape-mouthed, beneath the strange rain. Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within the first minutes or hours after the asteroid hit, according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists.

there is no way known to man to accurately date that far back

Yes there is. We've got thousands of years of human impact in written history which has dated strata in the earth and been compared to more traditional carbon dating methods and proven their correlation. Glacier pacing based on how deep they cut and what they leave behind... Tree rings have been able to create a direct record heading back approximately 14000 years which guess what happened when compared to a carbon dating test of the same thing? A comparison of dates that confirmed each other multiple ways over and over.

The question is why would you believe someone like Dr Hovind? His work has been debunked from MULTIPLE angles by many scientific studies. He literally tied Evolution to Communism... and the IRS (when he didn't want to pay taxes).

Why decide not to believe the scientific evidence and instead believe the guy who says ""Not many folks realize it, but Obamacare Law HR3200, that NOBODY read before they voted for it, requires that everyone get an implanted micro-chip by March 23, 2013." and that "George W Bush is a Satanist".

No thanks. The guy with the tin foil hat is NOT where I am going to go for a science lecture when he can't even defend his own debunked claims.

But simple minds want simple answers that they like.

the simple minds thing is true since evos think we came from a rock

now whos wearing the tin foil hat
we already established since the fossil record is based on the geo column its flawed since the ggeo column is flawed,,,QUOTE]
Wrong. Your understanding of the geo column is flawed but the science behind it is not. You can choose to ignore what is in front of you but can't rationally claim that the fossil record is flawed.
Hell Creek Formation yields fossils from the day the dinosaurs died.

Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into a shallow sea near Mexico. The impact carved out a 90-mile-wide crater and flung mountains of earth into space. Earthbound debris fell to the planet in droplets of molten rock and glass.

Ancient fish caught glass blobs in their gills as they swam, gape-mouthed, beneath the strange rain. Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within the first minutes or hours after the asteroid hit, according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists.

there is no way known to man to accurately date that far back

Yes there is. We've got thousands of years of human impact in written history which has dated strata in the earth and been compared to more traditional carbon dating methods and proven their correlation. Glacier pacing based on how deep they cut and what they leave behind... Tree rings have been able to create a direct record heading back approximately 14000 years which guess what happened when compared to a carbon dating test of the same thing? A comparison of dates that confirmed each other multiple ways over and over.

The question is why would you believe someone like Dr Hovind? His work has been debunked from MULTIPLE angles by many scientific studies. He literally tied Evolution to Communism... and the IRS (when he didn't want to pay taxes).

Why decide not to believe the scientific evidence and instead believe the guy who says ""Not many folks realize it, but Obamacare Law HR3200, that NOBODY read before they voted for it, requires that everyone get an implanted micro-chip by March 23, 2013." and that "George W Bush is a Satanist".

No thanks. The guy with the tin foil hat is NOT where I am going to go for a science lecture when he can't even defend his own debunked claims.

But simple minds want simple answers that they like.

the simple minds thing is true since evos think we came from a rock

now whos wearing the tin foil hat

This is from the guy literally opposing facts in order to buy into the person who believes "A drop of water can cover the entire planet if spread thinly enough"

lol. No. Just no.
we already established since the fossil record is based on the geo column its flawed since the ggeo column is flawed,,,QUOTE]
Wrong. Your understanding of the geo column is flawed but the science behind it is not. You can choose to ignore what is in front of you but can't rationally claim that the fossil record is flawed.
I just did,,,and there is no science behind it just speculation based on assumption,,,
Hell Creek Formation yields fossils from the day the dinosaurs died.

Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into a shallow sea near Mexico. The impact carved out a 90-mile-wide crater and flung mountains of earth into space. Earthbound debris fell to the planet in droplets of molten rock and glass.

Ancient fish caught glass blobs in their gills as they swam, gape-mouthed, beneath the strange rain. Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within the first minutes or hours after the asteroid hit, according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists.

there is no way known to man to accurately date that far back

Yes there is. We've got thousands of years of human impact in written history which has dated strata in the earth and been compared to more traditional carbon dating methods and proven their correlation. Glacier pacing based on how deep they cut and what they leave behind... Tree rings have been able to create a direct record heading back approximately 14000 years which guess what happened when compared to a carbon dating test of the same thing? A comparison of dates that confirmed each other multiple ways over and over.

The question is why would you believe someone like Dr Hovind? His work has been debunked from MULTIPLE angles by many scientific studies. He literally tied Evolution to Communism... and the IRS (when he didn't want to pay taxes).

Why decide not to believe the scientific evidence and instead believe the guy who says ""Not many folks realize it, but Obamacare Law HR3200, that NOBODY read before they voted for it, requires that everyone get an implanted micro-chip by March 23, 2013." and that "George W Bush is a Satanist".

No thanks. The guy with the tin foil hat is NOT where I am going to go for a science lecture when he can't even defend his own debunked claims.

But simple minds want simple answers that they like.

the simple minds thing is true since evos think we came from a rock

now whos wearing the tin foil hat

This is from the guy literally opposing facts in order to buy into the person who believes "A drop of water can cover the entire planet if spread thinly enough"

lol. No. Just no.

no facts have been given and I made no such claim,,,
Thank you. Was that so hard? The video was weak on science but at least you tried.

When you walk down the street do you worry that you'll fly up into the air? No, you 'assume' gravity will not suddenly cease since, in your experience, it never has. You're welcome to doubt your eyes and believe something different but that is not how science works.

its called the law of gravity and theory of evolution,,

big difference

Wait... Einsteins General theory of Relativity which superseded Newton's Theory is a Law?

Are you just ignorant on the topics of what you speak?

Or are you choosing to intentionally lie to support your claim?

If you need to lie to support your claim, you are doing the opposite and actually debunking it yourself when you have to resort to using lies.

If you don't have even a basic grasp of the subject and are making your claims out of ignorance I think you should first choose to educate yourself on the subject before posting here.

And yes, it's a scientific theory. We aren't debating anymore that Evolution is real or it happens. We just don't have all the answers to exactly how it works yet in every single circumstance. Sure we have this great line of proof of how humans came from an ape ancestor. But we may not have that same great fossil record for an eel to pinpoint exactly where and when it evolved. We know humans evolved but maybe are unsure what function the appendix once was used for. Thus it's a scientific theory, evolution exists and is real, but not a law since we don't have 100% of the answers for everything about how it works.

But we've repeatedly tested and verified evolution in the real world, in accordance with the scientific method using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Evolution is a SCIENTIFIC Theory.. Just like the scientific theory that living things are made of cells. Is some scientist going to come up someday and say "nope humans don't have cells, we are made up of small robots". Of course not, but that cell theory may be adjusted to how they are created or work together as more is learned.

There's a theory that says germs (pathogens) can lead to disease. Does that mean in 10 years they will discover that HIV isn't from a virus but rather the temperature of your blood? Of course not, but we still have more to learn on exactly how they work.

We might discover more about how atoms work, but that doesn't make Atomic Theory something that is wrong. We might discover a new tectonic plate under the earth which we thought was part of a different plate. It doesn't mean the theory of plate tectonics isn't real, and that instead the Earth is made up of a ball of cheese.

You do understand the basics of what a scientific theory is and how different that is from the use of the word theory in every day life don't you?

Just like evolution, while Einsteins theory on gravity is a scientific theory and not a law, what will happen if you jump off a building is known. That humans and other animals evolved from predecessors is known.

if its known then why dont we have proof???

Of what? Evolution? We do in the fossil record. We do with anatomical vestiges. We do with evolution occuring in front of our eyes in some cases even.

The question is why do people pop up youtube pages trying to say things that are debunked and not true and why do people believe them over actual facts used to support that scientific theory?

My guess is because people are willing to lie and ignore truth if that allows them to believe something they wish could be true instead.

we already established since the fossil record is based on the geo column its flawed since the ggeo column is flawed,,,

and the vestiges are not what are claimed which has been proven repeatedly,,,

and no facts for evo have been given,,
just speculation based on assumption,,,

While fun guys on youtube have CLAIMED without evidence and science that it is flawed, that is incorrect.

Sorry. I get it. Simple minds want simple answers. If someone makes a claim that's all you need, forget the evidence and reality. That's your choice.
Hell Creek Formation yields fossils from the day the dinosaurs died.

Fossils show worldwide catastrophe on the day the dinosaurs died

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed into a shallow sea near Mexico. The impact carved out a 90-mile-wide crater and flung mountains of earth into space. Earthbound debris fell to the planet in droplets of molten rock and glass.

Ancient fish caught glass blobs in their gills as they swam, gape-mouthed, beneath the strange rain. Large, sloshing waves threw animals onto dry land, then more waves buried them in silt. Scientists working in North Dakota recently dug up fossils of these fish: They died within the first minutes or hours after the asteroid hit, according to a paper published Friday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a discovery that has sparked tremendous excitement among paleontologists.

there is no way known to man to accurately date that far back

Yes there is. We've got thousands of years of human impact in written history which has dated strata in the earth and been compared to more traditional carbon dating methods and proven their correlation. Glacier pacing based on how deep they cut and what they leave behind... Tree rings have been able to create a direct record heading back approximately 14000 years which guess what happened when compared to a carbon dating test of the same thing? A comparison of dates that confirmed each other multiple ways over and over.

The question is why would you believe someone like Dr Hovind? His work has been debunked from MULTIPLE angles by many scientific studies. He literally tied Evolution to Communism... and the IRS (when he didn't want to pay taxes).

Why decide not to believe the scientific evidence and instead believe the guy who says ""Not many folks realize it, but Obamacare Law HR3200, that NOBODY read before they voted for it, requires that everyone get an implanted micro-chip by March 23, 2013." and that "George W Bush is a Satanist".

No thanks. The guy with the tin foil hat is NOT where I am going to go for a science lecture when he can't even defend his own debunked claims.

But simple minds want simple answers that they like.

the simple minds thing is true since evos think we came from a rock

now whos wearing the tin foil hat

This is from the guy literally opposing facts in order to buy into the person who believes "A drop of water can cover the entire planet if spread thinly enough"

lol. No. Just no.

no facts have been given and I made no such claim,,,

Just because you shove your head in the dirt and ignore reality, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Facts have been given. Thousands of times on this subject. You just CHOOSE to remain ignorant.

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