Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago

I'm sure the minions of the Tater administration are sitting down with the NFL as we speak to make sure the player's vaccine status is covered-up or at least for the NFL to play-down any mention of "the jab".

In turn marching orders will be given by the NFL to all teams and sports media outlets to do the same.
Sure Q Boy. They’re the holding those secret meetings in the basement of Comet Pizza
Yes, that's him.

It's horrible what these criminals are doing to people with the poison vaccine! :confused:

Actually yes.

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Your chart show almost 120 total athlete deaths in the entire year of 2006. My chart shows 138 athlete deaths in only one month of march 2022.

Now explain that.

1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection - Real Science

But getting back to the point. You think the blob produced a poison.
No, I don't, but he is without doubt guilty of following the science that is responsible for the poison you refer to...for that there should be a commission investigating him...
...and if he is guilty of being lead around by the nose by that science he deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life...
...that goes for all public officials who may have followed it...
...and there should be a death penalty for those who insisted on injecting the "poison" you are referring to.
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Your chart show almost 120 total athlete deaths in the entire year of 2006. My chart shows 138 athlete deaths in only one month of march 2022.

Now explain that.

His chart is just for the US, yours is for the whole world
Thanks, I didn't know @Coyote was a "he."

Just a name on the screen. No idea what sex they are.

These charts are for the whole world too. Did you miss those?

Nope, I have seen those a dozen times.

Still waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me why that study did not use the data from 2004 to 2020. Makes no sense to compare death rates and leave out the most recent years. It is almost as if those years left out would debunk their own claims.
Just a name on the screen. No idea what sex they are.

Nope, I have seen those a dozen times.

Still waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me why that study did not use the data from 2004 to 2020. Makes no sense to compare death rates and leave out the most recent years. It is almost as if those years left out would debunk their own claims.

That thought already crossed my mind. Her chart was published in 2009, so I just found some more recent data.
There are dozens of threads a week on this forum claiming a death was due to the vaccine.

Yeah, most NFL players are. It is a hard game on the body. NFL players have a higher incident of heart issues than the general public or even other sports.

I have made the claim that there has been no data to show the numbers are higher. That is what I have claimed.

And it is a fact.

There are dozens of comments questioning whether the covid shots could have played a role in what happened, there's most likely more of a statistical chance of that being the case, than the one in a million chance of commotio cordis. But yet here you are, absolutely certain it was the later, and giving no thought whatsoever to the former.

No data? People have shown data and peer reviewed studies in threads that you participated in and you ignored the data or called it bogus, so that is hardly a 'fact'.
Just a name on the screen. No idea what sex they are.

Nope, I have seen those a dozen times.

Still waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me why that study did not use the data from 2004 to 2020. Makes no sense to compare death rates and leave out the most recent years. It is almost as if those years left out would debunk their own claims.

Case in point... it doesn't matter what you're presented with, if it doesn't support your position, then it's bogus.
Case in point... it doesn't matter what you're presented with, if it doesn't support your position, then it's bogus.

Well then, explain to me why they left out the data from 2004 to 2020? Can you think of a good reason for them to do that?
Well then, explain to me why they left out the data from 2004 to 2020? Can you think of a good reason for them to do that?

Why don't you research it and let us know, until then what you're saying is nothing but speculation.

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