Former KY Official Who Denied Gay Couples Marriage Licences Faces $350,000.00 Payment.

It's not my problem.
Apparently it's your problem.
If you think that extreme punishment for political reasons is warranted, then you're nothing but a fascist.
Those people clearly went after her because of her religion which is against the constitution.
She should have quit her job after gay marriage became legal in Kentucky.
Really. How do you KNOW that. Define "harmed". How do you feel when your rights are denied????

You're having shit fits because Trump's name is being taken off the ballot. Imagine what you'll do when he loses again.

How have you been harmed if you can't vote for Trump, A$$hat???
Ironic that you would mention rights being denied, then support the removal of Trump from the ballots. Spoken like the fascist you are. Horse lips.
Ironic that you would mention rights being denied, then support the removal of Trump from the ballots. Spoken like the fascist you are. Horse lips.

Funny how YOU wanted to "Lock her up" on no evidence, but howl like a toddler if anyone so much as suggests Trump is openly dishonest and criminal, and needs to be spend the rest of his life in jail, it's "unfair". Despite the terrabyte of evidence Jack Smith is sitting on.

Trump removed himself from the ballot when he refused participate in the peaceful transfer of power. He knew what he was doing was wrong and illegal and he did it anyway.

Trump tried to retain power illegally and sent a mob to the Capital to stop the certification. Then he did NOTHING for more than 3.5 hours while people were savagely beaten and killed.

That's why Trump won't be on the ballot next year.
She was sued for discrimination in the conduct of her duties and the court in that state agreed. People don't go to jail in lawsuits.
You were thinking she was a criminal, too?
At the time of the events being litigate there was no law that barred discrimination against homosexuals. There still isn't, to the best of my knowledge.
lol, I get downvoted for laying out some truth. No comment? It exactly what happened…lois
Lerner was given a pass for her scandal and allowed to retire from the IRS. These kinds of things seem to always just work out for lefty’s.
Imagine begging the "state" for a license to get married. You don't need one. If you believe that you have already been fooled.
Hey, if LGBTQ+ wants to be legally obligated and have to pay a lawyer to get a divorce, more power too them.

The excuse they used to base this off of is a fallacy. During COVID my brother wasn't allowed to see his wife in the hospital. A piece of paper isn't going to grant you visitation rights once the Deep State kicks in full-force.
Funny how YOU wanted to "Lock her up" on no evidence, but howl like a toddler if anyone so much as suggests Trump is openly dishonest and criminal, and needs to be spend the rest of his life in jail, it's "unfair". Despite the terrabyte of evidence Jack Smith is sitting on.

Trump removed himself from the ballot when he refused participate in the peaceful transfer of power. He knew what he was doing was wrong and illegal and he did it anyway.

Trump tried to retain power illegally and sent a mob to the Capital to stop the certification. Then he did NOTHING for more than 3.5 hours while people were savagely beaten and killed.

That's why Trump won't be on the ballot next year.
Trump will be on every ballot and you will melt like the wicked witch.
Good luck collecting from an unemployed person. My daughter‘s ex is a class a jerk, but I wanted him to do well so he had money to give to his daughter.

I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to hire this dumb bitch ever again. Anyone dumb enough to get married five times doesn’t have the brains. God gave a goose.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

I quit after two. I much happier and healthier and I have more money in the bank.
At the time of the events being litigate there was no law that barred discrimination against homosexuals. There still isn't, to the best of my knowledge.

There was a Supreme Court decision which is now American law. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't law.

What kind of "dog in the manager" attitude is it when you don't want something, but refuse to allow others to have it because you don't want it. Gay marriage has no impact on non-gays.

The level of hate and disrespect for other Americans shown in your response, is why your nation is having a moral crisis. You cannot live up to your Constitution so you're prepared to dump it.
how dare that bitch think she can believe something outside the group think,,,
Kim Davis violated the law. End of story.

This is Kim Davis, with her fifth husband. Straight off the set of Hee Haw.

You remember Kim. She wouldn't let gays come between her and the Bible.

She's Canadian from what I understand.
She loves living in a police state.

Canada has 33,000 people in jail. Given that our population is approximately 1/10th of that of the USA, that's the equivalent of 330,000 versus the 1.9 MILLION people in jail right now in the USA.

The USA has more people in jail than Russia and China combined, both of which countries are card carrying "police states".

And your solution to every social problem you have is to lock up more people. You're complaining that Democrats refuse to lock up shoplifters. Why don't you solve the social problems that create the poverty and crime you decry????

Locking people up isn't working.
At the time of the events being litigate there was no law that barred discrimination against homosexuals. There still isn't, to the best of my knowledge.
The two of you can get together and file your complaints with the court. The court does not appear to see it your way, but maybe you can raise money to mount an appeal, or donate it yourselves.
If you feel strongly about it, you would probably help that woman more, simply sending her money to help pay the judgement against her.
It's up to you how you spend your money and time.
Gee and Lois Lerner..who targeted conservative groups got off Scott free…and was allowed to retire…with a pension.

Funny how that works if you are on the left…

Davis failed to obey the law. She imposed her personally held religious belief on people coming into her office to request a marriage licence. Davis had no right under the law to deny Gay couples a marriage licence. As an elected public official her duty to obey the law and enforce the law, NOT to impose her personal religious beliefs on others.

Lener (correct spelling) was a Civil Servant, she NOT elected. Nor was she imposing her personal religious beliefs on others. Your argument has no basis of fact. The two are NOT the same.
I'm unsure whether davis was assessed more damages, besides what both men were awarded in damages. This may be just more of the costs of litigation being assessed against her.

She made this a media case, rather than just trying to find a way to let the men exercise their right to "marry," while still accommodating her wish to not do something she found contrary to her beliefs. She made her public statement, and she can pay for it.

And I have no idea if you can discharge any of this in bankruptcy.
Really. How do you KNOW that. Define "harmed". How do you feel when your rights are denied????

You're having shit fits because Trump's name is being taken off the ballot. Imagine what you'll do when he loses again.

How have you been harmed if you can't vote for Trump, A$$hat???

Just to remind the MAGA impaired.

The Federal Government DOES NOT MANAGE the elections held in the 50-States. Each state is responsible for managing and overseeing that state's election.

The Federal Government DOES NOT DECIDE WHAT CANDIDATE MAY OR MAY NOT BE ON A STATES BALLOT. It up to the state to decide which candidate can and/or cannot appear on that states ballot.

Each state has the to decide for itself who goes on their ballot.

This is a States Rights issue. ReNaziKlans are all about States Rights when it to their benefit. Pure hypocrisy in action.

Let the State decide, that is what you people are suppose to be about.
I'm unsure whether davis was assessed more damages, besides what both men were awarded in damages. This may be just more of the costs of litigation being assessed against her.

She made this a media case, rather than just trying to find a way to let the men exercise their right to "marry," while still accommodating her wish to not do something she found contrary to her beliefs. She made her public statement, and she can pay for it.

And I have no idea if you can discharge any of this in bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is NOT going to help Ghouli.
Bankruptcy is NOT going to help Ghouli.
I'm not a bankruptcy lawyer. But generally damages awarded due to actual damages to another person aren't discharged. At least that's what I recall.

But this story may be really about attnys fees and litigation costs. Maybe not. The kentucky newspaper has a paywall of sorts, and I'm not interested in news from Kentucky, generally. lol

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