Former Army Private Sentenced to 45 Years in Neo-Nazi Plot to Kill Soldiers


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Wow..some weird ones out there--they calling this guy neo-nazi..but I'm pretty sure he's just another hardcore accelerationist.

A former U.S. Army private was sentenced on Friday to 45 years in prison after he pleaded guilty last year to charges that he had shared sensitive information with a Satanist neo-Nazi group in a plot to kill members of his own unit while they were serving overseas, federal prosecutors said.
The former soldier, Ethan Phelan Melzer, 24, of Louisville, Ky., was a member of the Order of the Nine Angles, or 09A, a “white supremacist, neo-Nazi, Satanist, and jihadist group that promotes extreme violence to accelerate and cause the demise of Western civilization,” prosecutors wrote in court documents.
The group, which expresses admiration for both Hitler and Osama bin Laden, instructs its followers to fulfill “sinister” objectives, including “insight roles,” in which they attempt to infiltrate various organizations, including the military and street gangs, to gain training and experience in violent tactics, prosecutors said.
Mr. Melzer enlisted in the Army in 2018 and “infiltrated its ranks as part of an insight role to further his goals as an O9A adherent,” prosecutors said in a statement.
In 2019, he was deployed to Italy as a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. While there, he subscribed to encrypted online forums, where he downloaded videos of jihadist attacks on U.S. troops and consumed far-right, neo-Nazi and other white supremacist propaganda, prosecutors said.
In May 2020, the Army informed Mr. Melzer that he would be reassigned to a unit scheduled for another foreign deployment, guarding an isolated and sensitive military base in Turkey.
After learning of the deployment and attending briefings about the transfer, Mr. Melzer began to pass sensitive and classified information about the deployment to O9A members of a Telegram channel known as “RapeWaffen Division,” prosecutors wrote in court documents.
Mr. Melzer shared the precise location of the military base, the number of soldiers who would be guarding the installation and how they would be armed, prosecutors said. He provided the information to facilitate what he called a “mascal,” or mass casualty attack on his platoon, prosecutors said.
He believed that such a direct attack on the American military would provoke the United States into a foreign war, “all in service of a depraved, white supremacist organization bent on sadistic violence and destroying civilized society,” prosecutors wrote in court documents.
On May 23, 2020, five days before Mr. Melzer was scheduled to deploy to Turkey, several of his initial communications about the planned attack were forwarded to an O9A chat group on Telegram that included a confidential F.B.I. source, prosecutors said.
Mr. Melzer later identified the person who had forwarded his messages as a former Canadian paratrooper, prosecutors said. But federal investigators believe he was actually a minor living in Canada and posing as a former paratrooper.
By May 26, 2020, the confidential F.B.I. source had exposed Mr. Melzer’s scheme to law enforcement officials, and his platoon’s scheduled deployment was postponed to protect it and to allow officials to investigate the plot, prosecutors said.
During that investigation, the confidential F.B.I. source asked Mr. Melzer what made him think he could get away with harming the U.S. military. Mr. Melzer replied, “because I fly under the radar,” act normally around other people “and don’t talk about my personal life or beliefs with anyone,” prosecutors said.

Military investigators took Mr. Melzer into custody on May 30, 2020, as his platoon was getting ready to board buses to an airport in Italy en route to Turkey. In Mr. Melzer’s bag, which was packed for deployment, were O9A books as well what appeared to be a burner phone that Mr. Melzer had referenced in his Telegram chats, prosecutors wrote.
Nazi, Satanist and Jihadist... quite a combo,...

Ain't satanism and jihad like two different things though? Or does satanism have it's own version of Jihad?
A confused mish-mash of philosophy for sure...which is why my take is just anarcho-accelerationism--but the guy is too dumb to know what he's actually espousing~
As the world gets more and more unstable and unpredictable -- especially from the American point of view -- I think we're going to see more and more cases like this.

Left and Right will try to say, "They're yours!" but they're really out of the political spectrum altogether, although they may draw elements from the beliefs of both sides into their 'ideology'.

We had a precursor of this about fifty years ago. At the tail end of the 60's/ early 70's radicalization, a group of naive white Leftists was attracted to a semi-literate Black criminal, an escaped convict, who formed them into a group called the 'Symbionese Liberation Army'. They mixed Leftist political demands with mysticism -- their symbol was a seven-headed cobra. They caused caused several deaths before their group was finally destroyed.
[ Symbionese Liberation Army - Wikipedia ]

Patriots who undertake serious, organized preparation for the events which may be coming will have to be alert for 'sincere' nutcases who are essentially a-political crazies, attracted to some of the activities patriots will be engaging in. Along with police informers, these people should be shown the door. ('Boogaloo Bois' are an example. Pure poison.)

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