Forgive Student Loan Debt

I am smart enough to recognize idiotic deflections that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Back to student loans....

very pathetic defelction.

See? You have the gift of gab as well.

You admitted defeat...but never actually used those words.

Ah... The proverbial message board white flag.

It looks good on you. really are naive....and somewhat immature. asked...I gave an answer...and you said you wanted to go back to the original topic and not address my answer.

That, my friend, is admitting defeat.

Good luck to you!
very pathetic defelction.

See? You have the gift of gab as well.

You admitted defeat...but never actually used those words.

Ah... The proverbial message board white flag.

It looks good on you. really are naive....and somewhat immature. asked...I gave an answer...and you said you wanted to go back to the original topic and not address my answer.

That, my friend, is admitting defeat.

Good luck to you!

You're answer was a non answer.

But whatever gets your fragile ego through the night....

You dumb ass thieving fucks need to stop believing this fucking this low life mentality of getting every fucking thing you want for free then dumping your debt on everyone else.

HOW is it fucking fair that I can't take out a loan, start a business, buy porn, stick the money in a bank then demand I get the debt wiped off the fucking books regardless if I succeed as a business or not?????

WHY do we have to pay for people to turn in old cars as for a "TAX CREDIT" so that the debt can be paid by everyone else that does not get a check for 2-7k or a new fuckin car????

WHY do people that took out loans to buy a home when they KNEW they couldn't afford it get tax payer money to help keep them in that house by lowering their payments while people that make their bills still have to pay the high rates they already pay????

Subsidize what you want more of, it's a fucking simple concept and it’s PROVEN on the level of EVOLUTION because it actually involves the very concept of evolution. If you want more people that can't afford homes to buy homes, PAY THEIR FUCKING BILLS WITH TAX PAYER MONEY.... If you want more people going to school for education that gives them NO JOBS when they graduate then PAY THEIR FUCKING BILLS WITH TAX PAYER MONEY. You will get more bullshit degrees that get people NO WORK and leave them with a shit ton of debt!

It's NOT fucking ROCKET SCIENCE, this shit has rang true since the first society was created on planet fucking earth. Import water, food and shelter to a random spot in the desert and watch as a town of animals and insects emerges… take away the imports and watch as the animals and insects fucking DIE…. It’s THAT SIMPLE PEOPLE!

All of this coming from a group of people that DEMAND FAIR! When fair would be to NOT pay off one persons debt with money they STOLE through taxes on another person that DIDN’T take the risk. If you pay of a student’s 50k of debt you better give me 50 fucking thousand free and clear or you have the fucking opposite of FAIR.

You can only expect such dumb fucking threads from people like Rtard.
Read the image and tell me why you think things are just fine as they are.

There is no way she paid faithfully for 25 years & has that kind of balance. She obviously defaulted & the penalties hit her hard as they should. I have a good friend in the same situation. She was over here crying on my couch about it. The thing is I have known here every since she graduated. She has been partying, spending hundreds every couple of weeks on hair & nails, buying nice cars & house instead of paying off her loan. Now it is double. Not my problem.
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Lot more information needed. Sorry but a poster is not evidence of a system gone wrong. I tell that to the tea-partiers and I'll tell it to the young lady in the photo. But at least she spelled her stuff correctly.
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I'm all for forgiving it, but I don't think the universities who robbed these kiddies have any intention of paying it back to them.

Why should we forgive student loans? No one forced them to take the money. If I had to pay off mine, then why should anyone get out of paying them off?
Read the image and tell me why you think things are just fine as they are.

If we can forgive the banks for 750 billion, we can forgive student debt.

Students don't own the government.

The assertion was that TARP loans were forgiven. It is incorrect.

So, since the big powerful banks that own the government have to pay back the loans they took out, then to use NYcarbineer's logic, student loans should also NOT be forgiven.

Thanks for helping to solidify that point.
Is "forgive" just the typical big gov't code word for "tax people different than me to pay for"?

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