Forgive Student Loan Debt


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Read the image and tell me why you think things are just fine as they are.


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That sign is bullshit.. you're telling me that with interest, a $26,400 loan turned into a $77,977 debt? No fucking way.

With that said, you read the terms, you took the money, you pay it back.
Nope. Paid back faithfully. That's what everybody is going through. You didn't know that, huh.

Paying back 26,000 over 23 years comes down to a very easy schedule. Should be a piece of cake. Unless of course you choose to spend your money on other things first.
If after 23 years you haven't been able to bay back a student loan of 26,000 you are either:
-) very stupid
-) spending your money on all sorts of other things
-) a freeloader
-) all of the above

No way $26k to turns into $78k unless you're fucking up royally.
Either educate yourself, or butt out. Your kneejerk reacting doesn't facilitate discussion.

If one takes out a mortgage one pays back approximately three times what one borrowed does one knot?

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