Forbes Says: Obamacare Website Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You to Know the Price

Fine... just... keep ignoring reality. That was an admission from the HHS actually. Tell me, how much do we save by raising the debt ceiling, wiseguy?

And frankly, I don't care if you've been in the Navy for 20 years, using your service as a weapon in a debate is dishonorable. When our government collapses under it's own debt, just where will that paycheck come from then?

Really? Telling you how many years I've served and telling you that you're wrong based on my experience from my service is dishonorable?

I guess you're part of the GOP fringe who thinks that paying lip service to the troops (by saying they support the troops) is what makes a good patriot.

However.................if you REALLY want to be a good patriot, you'd serve the military by funding them as well as the vets that are currently cut off due to the shutting down of the government.

Most of you who think that the tea party is right have never served, nor wished to.

You're so full of shit. You do not speak for veterans. I know a hell of a lot of veterans and active duty and I know for a fact that more of them lean right than they do left.

You KNOW that Dems always look to gutting the military first before their beloved welfare programs. Also, Repubs already passed bills fully funding the military and veterans benefits as separate measures and YOUR beloved (D)-bags shot it down. I guess they don't agree that the troops and vets should get paid no matter what. maybe you know a veteran or two. Did you ever consider that the reason many of them lean right rather than left is because YOU lean right and only consider them friends if they have the same views as you?

Yeah..............I know that a lot of military leans right. Why? Because, unlike you, I actually served in the military for 20 years, but trust me, if the government shutdown continues much longer and the veterans are forced to wait for their benefits, they are going to go Dem before they vote Rep again. Happened back in the 90's and it's going to happen again. Too bad the Tea Party had to do this thing only a year away from the elections, because it's going to be a bloodbath for the Tea Party, as well as have several repercussions on the GOP.

Boehner is hoping to keep his seat as well as hoping to keep his place as the Speaker, only problem is, because of his incompetent leadership, as well as letting himself be a pawn instead of a leader, he's losing his Speakership, as well as (I hope) his seat in the House.

I also hope McConnell and Cantor lose as well, because they only obstruct the business of this country.

And Ted Cruz? He should be in hiding, because there may be some veteran (who needs help) who has a specific reason to hate him, and because there are no more Veterans counseling people (who have been furloughed) may come gunning after him.

As far as "gutting" the military? Do we really need to have more than 7 carrier groups? (We currently have 13).

We've cut back on a lot of things that help. I was actually in the U.S. Navy and I don't think we need more than 7. I also know about how much money it costs for just one carrier (like around 1,000,000/day).
Oh, and foodstamps benefits are getting cut, too.

I told you real hunger was coming. It is here.

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