For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Oops. Hate when that happens.


Zionists: "We will take house after house" from Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Palestine was never a country. There is no Palestinian ethnicity.

Who was the Head of State in Palestine in 1947? Where did they send their tax payments? Did Palestine have an army? A currency? Is there a Palestinian language or dialect? In all cases, No.

There was no Palestine.

This is not to say that there were not people there who had valid claims to their land and property, but it was never a country.

It was analogous to Appalachia in the U.S. An undefined region.
Oops. Hate when that happens.

View attachment 857092

Zionists: "We will take house after house" from Palestinians in Jerusalem.

It was a Region. It comprised the ancient homeland of the Jews, including TransJordan.

Which is why the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) was made of Gaza, all you see on the map and TransJordan.

The British stole 78% and gave it to Arabs who had not live there. The Hashemites. This clan attacked and ethnically cleansed TransJordan of all the Jews in 1925.

Get history right. Get the facts right.
Oops. Hate when that happens.

View attachment 857092

Zionists: "We will take house after house" from Palestinians in Jerusalem.

When Britain took over that area in 1917 they called it "Mandatory Palestine". Up until that time it had not been called "Palestine" for centuries. And in 1917 the Arab population did not call themselves "Palestinians."

". . .In the second half of the 19th century, the longstanding yearning of Jews in the Diaspora to return to the territory of their ancestors culminated in the nationalistic movement called Zionism.

The Zionist cause was driven by steeply rising hatred toward Jews in Europe and Russia. Immigrating Jews encountered a predominantly Arab populace, who also considered it their ancestral homeland.

At that time, the land comprised three administrative regions of the Ottoman empire, none of which was called “Palestine.”

In 1917, the land came under British rule. In 1923, “Mandatory Palestine,” which also included the current state of Jordan, was created. Its Arab inhabitants saw themselves primarily not as “Palestinians” in the sense of a nation, but instead as Arabs living in Palestine (or rather, “Greater Syria”). . ."
Reality check: How can any AMERICAN say that the "Palestinians" have to honor a promise made by "G-d" twenty-five hundred years ago?

No self awareness?
why did you only go back to 1947??

how far do you think we should go back??

and you used national porographic as a source?? you should have just used a hamas source,,

Does not matter how far back you go.
Historically there really is no valid "Israel".
When the Hebrew tribes invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, they called the area around Jerusalem Israel, but only for about 150 years, and it was invalid because they were evil invaders who massacred the native Canaanites, for no valid reason.
And mass genocide makes a country invalid, not valid.

The Romans created a fake Israel again around 100 BC. but it only lasted until around 60 AD and the Jewish revolt was suppressed by the Romans.

There has never been an Israel really until the UN made it up on 1948.
And that was a huge mistake because the UN did nothing to defend the rights of the Arabs who owned land in the newly created Israel, and did nothing when Israel violated the 1948 partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank.

There really is no excuse for that obvious theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

Sorry Munk but the Israelites have been there for 4000 years.

Here's a map of the territory showing the region circa 800 BC.

View attachment 857112

The kingdoms of Judah and Israel were both controlled by the Israelis. And the Philistines were not the Palestinians.

The Hebrew tribes who invaded the Land of Canaan and massacred the natives, only lasted for about 150 years before being utterly defeated and destroyed by the Assyrians, around 850 BC.
It is easy to draw fake maps from fairy tales, but Israel had zero historic impact.
Reality check: How can any AMERICAN say that the "Palestinians" have to honor a promise made by "G-d" twenty-five hundred years ago?

No self awareness?
I don’t think they have to, nor do they have to accept the fact they lost the war in 1948.

They can continue to fight, but we should get out of Israel way if they want to defend themselves again
It was a Region. It comprised the ancient homeland of the Jews, including TransJordan.

Which is why the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) was made of Gaza, all you see on the map and TransJordan.

The British stole 78% and gave it to Arabs who had not live there. The Hashemites. This clan attacked and ethnically cleansed TransJordan of all the Jews in 1925.

Get history right. Get the facts right.

That is totally wrong.

The British never stole Palestine, never owned it at all, and did not give it to anyone.
The Palestinians have been there for 10,000 years, as the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Nabateans, etc.

The British Mandate for Palestine was the independence of Palestine in recognition for the help the Palestinians gave Lawrence of Arabia.

The Hashemites got Jordan, not Palestine.
There were no Jews in Jordan at all in 1920, and fewer than 5% of the population of Palestine in 1920.
No Jews were attacked from 1920 to 1948.
The riots like at Hebron, were from armed Zionists murdering Arabs for what he was charging for strawberries.

The truth is all the violence was by Zionists, who blew up the King David Hotel to murder the British peacekeepers, gunned down Folke Bernadotte to get rid of the UN peacekeepers, and once all the peacekeepers were gone, started massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Yes the area was called Mandatory Palestine from 1920-1948 when it was controlled by the UK. Nobody disputes that

The word "mandatory" means that the British has a mandate or obligation, in order to help Palestine create a government, military, etc., so they could be independent.
It does not imply England had any ownership, control, or rule in any way.

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